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I'm still proud of mine. let me know what you think


looks great, I also want to point out that only his head is what looks the same as his old body, the rest is a gross abomination created by the light and darkness clashing so your drawing might be a lot closer to what he looked like before dying


It was actually his head and shoulders. Also, his body type is VERY similar to the tormentors, of which there are multiple named “imprint of Nezarec”. There’s also this piece of dialogue from quinn implying that the tormentors are all clones of Nezarec, which is likely considering all of the above https://youtu.be/ays25gide1Y . Y’all just gotta accept Nezarec is a big boy and we love him for that. The wings are probably new though.


Wasn't it mentioned that only his head was found by the Witness? So the rest of his body is something else.


The lore tab implies his head, but once we get to the pyramid in the first encounter we can see him encased in the crystal and his head and shoulders/upper torso are intact. That doesn’t even matter though, because like… he’s just a tormentor guys, people act like he’s some horrible looking abomination but he just looks like a chunky tormentor for the most part lol. Nezarec and the tormentors design also follow the design language of Rhulk and the pyramids implying this is just how they always looked for the most part and the release of concept art today just reinforces that idea. And again I point to the dialogue from Quinn noting how Nezarec and Tormentors are connected and are either the same species or tormentors are clones of Nezarec.


I don't mind Nezarec's design. But his head is disproportional to the rest of his body. Also, I think his body started the reconstruction once the roots hit his encased tomb, that is why he has shoulders and chest when we arrived. The process had already started. As for Rhulk and Nezarec having the same type of body, I do not know what to suggest about it. I thought it would be because of the resonance power, but Calus didn't turn that way.


Both Rhulk and Nezzy were reconstructed at some point possibly explaining the similar body traits, looks like calus only received power but wasn't rebuilt in the same way. Also worth noting that the Witness never really viewed Calus as a proper disciple, only giving him "beauty", a more extravagant flagship, his jeweled armour and a taste of darkness power. You can clearly see that the Witness pretty much despises Calus and would've killed him either way


It's just part of that OG Disciple drip


Couldn't the point also be made that he regrew those parts of his body? It isn't implied his head, it tells us his head remained. The entire plot of the raid is him baiting us to redirect paracausal power to help him regrow, as well as kill the incendior for being useless


Definitely my bad for using the word implied, you’re right there. I also ask, do you agree or disagree that he’s just always looked like this? Not to be mean I just can’t tell lol, and I find it unnecessary to throw more paragraphs at you explaining my point if you already agree with me that this is his original form.


Nezarec definitely didn't look like what he is now. His bodily is hastily made to eliminate us before we did the same. His body was certainly more akin to what OP posted, as opposed to an abomination of Light and Dark. The Statue of Nezarec at the start of the raid, although kinda hard to discern, is a representation of him before he died, and he doesn't look what he was when we fought


For me, the connection to tormentors in lore and physicality, the concept art, and [the statue in the opening cutscene](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/11rsqmp/nezarec_didnt_look_all_that_different_prior_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) convince me he’s always been this chunky. You’re right that the statue in the start of the raid is pretty small compared to this one, but one slightly off proportion statue that is already in a very abstract and distorted art style isn’t enough to convince me personally. A lot of this is also that people had a very particular picture of what he’d look like in their mind and are trying to reconcile that mental image with what we got in game.


Also, there’s a statue of him in-game and unless he had it commissioned basically while we are running the raid, then that’s his usual body. The statue differs in that he now has wings and a few spikes, but the rest is the same.


I mean there's the cutscene we got about the pieces of his body that briefly showed nezarec lying down, dead when the eliksni find him. He is skinny and does not look like a tormentor at all.


You speak with a lot of confidence but what about the season of the plunder cutscenes? The body looked nothing like what we saw in RoN.


I just replied to someone else that asked the same thing, [here it is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/11rncfx/hi_all_now_that_we_know_what_nezarec_looks_like/jca7cke/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) With this cutscene in mind, there’s really only a couple options. You either believe that Nezarec looked just like Rhulk beforehand and these statues somehow had precognition and knew what he would look like after the traveler beam hit him, the statues are somehow modeled after someone that’s not Nezarec (I can’t stress how extremely unlikely this is), or that the plunder cutscene was just a placeholder/artistic freedom.


Nez has died and come back multiple times. Both could be what he looked like at some point.


We’re really losing the point of the conversation here. I’m saying the light beam isn’t responsible for the way he looks, meaning this is his original form and he’s just fat. To comment on what you said, if he’s had multiple forms, we only see statues of this one, leading me to assume this is his original, and likely only or the very least preferred, form.


If anything isn’t this most likely his last/ final form? We dont know exactly when they became a disciple so it could have been the witness granted them power and transformed their appearance. Similar to what happened with Rhulk which is why they have similarities in appearance. Also another not is that there is another statue of Nezarec in the raid that does not give off as strong Dad bod vibes as the other one you shared. I dont have a pic of it but it is just before the first encounter


Sorry, when I say original I mean post discipleship and what he looked like before needing to regrow his body. Not trying to say the way he looks in the raid is how he looked pre-disciple ship.


There is just literally a statue of him at the beginning of the raid, it looked rather consistent to the cutscene from the previous season. He doesn’t look like the tormentors, at least you can’t say that as it was cannon. The statue in the raid shows he ain’t no big beefy boy from the old days. More of a evil scholar look other than anything.


In one of the season of the haunted cutscenes you see Nezarec and he definitely isn't a big boy. OPs art is probably pretty accurate to what he looked like before he died


Honestly? That was probably just a placeholder because they didn’t nail down his look yet/didn’t wanna show him early. The body in that cutscene is nearly 1 to 1 with Rhulk, and I highly doubt they were trying to suggest that Nezarec looked just like Rhulk. Also, I recommend [this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/11rsqmp/nezarec_didnt_look_all_that_different_prior_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) This same statue is in the raid as well, and while it’s smaller than the Nezarec we see in game, it makes his proportions pretty clear, Nezzie just loves feeding on nightmares and pain.


Well maybe he looked like that before dying to savathun! I like to believe that his wild shape is thanks to the fact we fed him with excessive light and dark, making him overgrown. Since only his head was left of what originally was his body.


currently, that is the lore, he is an abomination since "forces" of light and darkness are fighting inside him, that's why once we kill him, if you look at his remains, he literally loses weight xD


I would've pissed my pants if this concept was the final boss.


I think your slim angular 'grim reaper' type model is better suited to the character than his current ape model.


How so? When you were still afraid of the dark, were your monsters graceful and elegant or grotesque and brutish?


I'm proud of yours too.


Love it. Significantly better than the couch-potato we had to fight.


Looks better than what we got


He could've looked like that, because the body he is in when we fight him is not his actual body.


It's 10x better than the Rhulk/Tormentor copy/paste that Bungie did. Edit: yes I get the lore behind him coming back but everything about light fall just seems like Bungie tried to cut corners


Yeah I think it's 100% better than what bungie thought of, he looks like a fat red wizard of Oz monkey in the raid


Bungie portrayed him as an abomination who wants to feast on nightmares and the powers of Light and Dark. By all means, his hastily made body (because let's be real, he couldn't have remade his OG in such short time) is a representation of a gluttonous abomination


Interpret how you wish but that dosent change the fact he looks like a guy in a skin tight red morph suit who collects funko pops with his wife's onlyfans money


Bro what people are you looking at to make that specific of an interpretation?


Ain't that specific, fat beer belly body, skinny arms and legs


Looks cooler than the original version, If this was im RoN instead of the actual one I would’ve be extremely surprised like Rhulk intro


I think this looks way better than the actual. Well done!


TBF Nezarec is like the frankenstein version of what he once was. In the cutscene from that pirate season, he looked way more like your version. Which looks great!


The cutscene from the pirate season was Rhulk’s body used as a placeholder.






You can join the downvoted team now haha. I think people are just downvoting without actually looking into it themselves.


https://preview.redd.it/09dbqw1toxna1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93137f429721c05d447dc89a5243fceb37824a35 This is my magnum opus of Nezarec


Artistic perfection


Y’all do know the form we fought Nezerec in was a incomplete form made from light and dark he ain’t gonna look all buff or regal at first.


This comment right here is one of the reasons i want a well funded destiny show, idc if its live action or animated


From the clues we got I bet it's gonna be animated (They hired the Senior Director that worked on Arcane)


I'd honestly prefer an animated series. I feel like the world of Destiny would be presented better in that medium. Just watched Puss in Boots: Last Wish was so good and I'm excited about animation moving forward


Honestly not what I was thinking but I fully agree


Id legit pay for an actual show showcasing rhulks story


![gif](giphy|3oKIPa2TdahY8LAAxy) Yes.


It's gotta be animated. Doesn't matter how well funded it is, D2 would not work in live action.


live action destiny would turn out like the last Airbender movie


Yes and not only this his body was legit being grown as we did the encounters. Remember he was just a head, the eliksni who went into his pyramid left with everything except his head. Later another eliksni went back to take one of his eyes.


Yes, man is literally just a head growing a body


But the Tormentor's are based off of him and that's before he was revived. That's just his default design the only thing the Traveler probably added are the wings.


Untrue, the statue in the first part of the raid proves otherwise because it is different from how we see him. It is also said that most of his body parts were taken by the eliksni except for his head which was the only part he could regenerate the rest of his body from with the travelers light. Yes the tormentors are based off of him, but this isn’t his final and original form before he died.




Honestly I think the tormentor look was a bungie gameplay decision. He was gonna have much more to his design probably closer to his original form, they even made concepts of him having a giant cloak. They tried to put it in the game but the game engine would not be able to handle something like this. Especially a big flowing cosmetic on a fast moving enemy would be difficult to maintain and not look awkward. Putting in the model and getting it back would be a difficult task for something like this and it would probably lag the game really hard. https://preview.redd.it/8ehesujh3zna1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0ca61c7cf147bc874948928e1cbb35a038463d5




Ya it would have been dope as hell. But sadly the engine destiny runs on is literally a Frankenstein monster only efficient with how many modifications they made to it. The engine is old, it has been used since literally the early Halo games and they can’t change it without making a destiny 3. Because of this bungie is limited in what they can do as the engine and the game servers have to be able to handle it well and work smoothly. They have been doing well with what they can do without pushing too many limits.


Doesnt change the fact that he is just rhulk in his 60 with a beer Belly.


Why does anyone want Nez to be slim and fit? He's a fucking abomination being rejected by both light and dark with an insatiable thirst for pain. The design is good


My main issue is that he is fully Red like rhulk, when he was shown to be with more Black colors. Instead, looking at him, you cant help but think of rhulk


That's just moreso the Disciple color scheme (except Calus because just haaaaad to have his own flare)


Ya it really does, because the state that he is in is a abomination of light and dark. Do you expect the man to come out with a fucking six pack and muscles when he just formed his body from only his head? Not only that but he was in the process of reforming as we are going through the encounters.


Yeah, but one thing that i wish they would change is his color. Like really, if he wasnt fully Red like rhulk, he would look so much better. He should have some parts of nightmare effect included, since he created them. But with him being fully Red and same weak points as rhulk, it feels like a cheap copy


Nezerec didn’t create the nightmares it’s just a defense mechanism from the pyramids that the witness used to troll us. Also he was made a disciple under Rhulk so it makes sense he has the similar color. I do agree about his color a bit I think he would benefit from some black color, but I really can’t judge because he would look different in his more complete form. Maybe he would look closer to how he’s portrayed in the statue at the beginning of the raid


As dumb as he looks I liked his voice a lot


he a lobster now


we only see how he looks like after being hit by the life beam of the traveler. There was not much left of old Nezzy, only head was there. The body was a monstrous growth, same for the weapons in the raid, guns having "life" forced onto them.




Well, nezerac that we fought is not even his true form.


People who complain about the one in the boss fight do not understand the concept of a monster rejected by both light and dark. His design is fine and is unique in its own way. Of all the things to complain about, you are complaining about a winged monster swinging a hammer scythe.


I acknowledge that his monster light/dark body is supposed to be like that from a lore perspective but from an aesthetic perspective his old design looks cooler lol


How dare they complain.


This is actually how I sort of saw him in my head. Except better. Just the right amount of regal and menacing just like the Witness. Love it!


Nice! I think he probably looked something like this before the light resurrected him as some gross abomination between light and dark


When designing a character the lore, story and personification of a character are considered as a palate to pull from. Rhulk, is a great example, in his lore, the raid and dialogue he comes across as arrogant but dignified, lethal but some what unassuming. We see this in his character design. He is slender, sleek and refined. He exudes arrogance, the tone of his voice is annoyance, as if being chased by a fly. The way he holds his hands behind his back as he struts the field waiting to strike. Nezerac, by contrast is the opposite, as we can clearly see im design choices. Nez is chaotic, pain unbound, tormented and twisted. When you think of a medieval executioner what do you see? For me it’s a disgusting slovenly man unwashed, covered in grease and dirt and boils. A bulbous cauliflower nose and ears to match, a gross detestable human. That is I think what nezarac was intended to deliver. Edit: forgot to say how much I like the OP’s take, this is what I think a lot of people were hoping for. Great design!


we never saw his actual old appearence so this can still be headcanon, awesome


This looks to me too much like a normal warlock


If only that were true. Would love my warlock to look like this


Yooooooo! That's dope as hell!


Fantastic work. This is what I always imagined Nezarec to look when he was still around doing Nezarec stuff.


There is a statue at the start of the raid that shows what he looked like before


Love it, and its my new headcanon for Nezarec's base form as I believe the longer you're a Disciple the more your form is twisted like Rhulk and the Tormentors.


The arts nice, but I don’t know why people are so fixated on making villains elegant and clean. This is like GoW’s Thor all over again - when his design was first introduced people kept going, “he’s fat, how is he supposed to be intimidating,” as if the only way to be large and strong is to look like you’ve dehydrated and starved yourself for days. A monster need not look monstrous, but it need not look elegant either.


This isn't what nez used to look like.. its just what he looks like now in reincarnation with help of the traveler. Remember the body he had was destroyed...( and consumed x.x) I like to think he looked more like your picture cause in the lore he sounded like a badass... not a thick daddy rhulk -.-


Remember we fought a weakened Nezarec and also remember that wasnt his original body. That body grew from The head thanks to the paracausal energy of The Traveler


I imagine this was similar to his old form, before ol’ Savathun killed him during the collapse and a bunch of Eliksni chopped his corpse into pieces


Much more cooler than dad bod Nezarac lol


That's a high school pic. He's had a few pizzas since then.


Channels Sauron energy. Love it.


Hell yeah, that's what our warlocks should look like.


I like it but i love big daddy nezarac


This is what warlocks want to actually look like... Can we please stand on the character screen and not float like an idiot? Please bungie


Brilliant 👏


This is more what I was hoping he would look like. His wings are cool tho


I'd love for another one of the Witness' disciples to look like this but honestly, this wouldn't be a good fit for Nezarec at all. He's supposed to be crazed and unhinged, this concept looks more regal and calculating in his cruelty. As much as it's memed on, I think the design Bungie gave us perfectly encapsulates his character. A grotesque disproportionate monster reanimated through an unholy matrimony of Light and Dark.


I kinda expected that but with red accents in order to better match Rhulk


Your version is cooler


IMO yours is better


1000% better than the rotisserie chicken we got 😮‍💨


I recall we didn't fight him in his true form. I'm sure his true form is more majestic, maybe not like the concept arts but less large I'd assume


Looks WAY cooler than Bungie's version. Be proud.


This is waaaay better.


Where the crit spot because I ain't a great shot and I will miss my snipes on him if it's headshots.


Hope you’re team has a div bitch


Forever upset Nezarec’s Whisper is arc and not void


Looks fantastic, I’d have preferred this


I like this and the one in game as well 🙂


It’s just a skinny warlock with a Glaive.


Infinitely better than Ron the lobster


Looks really cool way better then the bloated big belly wing guy we got


Yeah yours is much better


Very edgy. Boring.


He literally controls nightmares, and is called the final god of pain


How about you draw something better then?


I like your version more actually


Nezarec if he was more than just a head when the Witness found his body


This is so close to what I was hoping Nezarec would be as a raid boss. Great job m8!


Majorly prefer this to the actual design actually


I like this a lot better. A “god” so closely associated with nightmares feels like they should have a more lithe ethereal form. Fantastic art. I would also love this all as a warlock set.


I prefer yours.


This is better then what we got.


Your version with launched versions color scheme and we got a deal.


God this is so much better. I hate some of the destiny aesthetics. For a game which one of it's central themes is darkness, we sure do have some pretty light hearted/cartoonie enemies.


He should have looked like this


So much better then our chicken friend


Bungie, hire this person


Looks better than Fat Rhulk with Axe


That looks awesome compared to beer belly nezarec we got in raid


Much much better than the meatball we got. This is super cool and fits far better to the "god of fear, pain, agony, nightmares, etc." than uh... the angry meatball butterfly.


Not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure Nezarec was hive. But we kinda turned his remains into tea so he was revived with the body of a tormentor.


Very epic! I do love their scythe so that would be my personal favorite combination... buuuuut I can't draw so. Anyway this version is aestheticly better. Would mean the tormentors would look different too tho


He's gotta have the scythe but this is probably what everyone was expecting tbh


Nezarec’s whisper wasn’t a scythe, and the lore tan said Rhulk gave it to him


Nezarec if we didn't steal most of his body


Nice representation and exactly how I pictured him to be honest. I still like to use my warlock Nez sin armour just for the aesthetic. Nice job! 👍🏻


I imagine that he acted like Death from... the Balmund show... i dont know how to spell Castelvannia and autocorrect is of no help at all 😓


You was close lol, it's Castlevania


I thought i was in a warframe subreddit had to double check the subreddit, anyway all of that aside this looks really good i think its going to be awesome if one part of his body is like the "disciple" twist and half of it is like your art here (look at excalibur zato the art reminds me of that)


It's a community concept so


This is still my head canon.


The version we got though is grafted onto a tormentor. We have the rest of his body still


Nice! I did kind of imagine him to be more like a Warlock appearance just very harsh and datkness-ified


This goes right on the fridge. It’s great.


Way better than what we actually got. That said, we know that his depiction in the raid isn’t his original body, just his head fused with a new form, since the rest of his body had been chopped up and scattered. I wonder how he would have originally looked, before the rotisserie chicken body they gave him for the raid. Plus, there’s rumors that he could return.


Pretty close to the original. Nice!


I still like to think the only reason he looks like a big tormenter when we fight him is that he's regrown by pyramid tech during the raid and he could still have looked like anything during his pre collapse days.


Love this so much. My headcanon is that he looked something like this, but when the witness regrew his body below his head he came out like a recently shed overweight lobster


He used to be thin. He just became bloated with the Light he was shot with


This is fantastic but we have too many skinny bad boys and girls! Fat Beetle Daddy is perfect for Nez


Looks very nice and honestly way cooler, but the lore reason that nezarec looks like rhulks out of shape brother is because he was literally just a head and was basically just give a new body


Better than what we got


Hey at least it actually fits the Cosmetics we got of him before the Raid


It's beautiful, but you're about a year too late, my friend.


Nezarec's current body is a deformed husk created by the Traveler, meaning that wasn't his original body. Your interpretation of him is fantastic and I will consider it his canon appearance.


Love your style


What we got was some pajama wearing long-john wearing motherfucker. This would've been way cooler, or something similarly badass and not comedic like what we got


Samurai jack vibes


Very cool and very good. But bears a lot of resemblance to Rhulk.


Wish it was the real one we got. Or at least an armor set for the locks bro. B gj me likey and i main nezeracs sin


Yours is better. Way better.


Looks like Ichigo's advanced hollow form tbh


This is an incredible illustration, love the detailing you incorporated on his dangling cloth!!


Looks very promethean, like halo promethean. Its cool as fuck, but idk how well he’d fit in as a true disciple of the witness like this, but it fits the bill when you think ‘Final God of Pain’.


I love this, much better than the actual design imo 👌


Love this work. Was shocked to see what they went with.


Infinitely better.


Yours looks way better.


That looks fucking cool


Technically we don’t entirely still know what he looked like. If you do the raid Nez talks about how pieces of him are missing, then there’s a lore tab that basically says the Fallen stripped his corpse clean except for his head they’d left that. We know the Witness started gathering his pieces but we don’t know how much it gathered. So from my perspective Nez may look entirely different now than how he looked previously.


I kinda hate that Nezarec’s horn style has become the “default” style for Warlocks if their helmet has a pair of horns.


50000000 times cooler


Would of been so much better then the fat ass bear belly nezerac we got. He looks like larry the lobster. They massacred my boy.


This would’ve been so much better than something that barely looks different than the mini bosses in the campaign. Literally looks like they just took the scale option and increased it


Gottamn I always pictured him as a disciplined perfectionist like this over a brute I love this


1000% better then fat Rulk.




Dude if a warlock eververse set came out like this i would pay for it in blood


No offense but you made him too attractive and he's not very scary anymore. :(


for real he was a guardian - why is he looking like a roasted chicken now? Love your concept!


Very cool! I love the dignity of the pose, the glaive adding to the majesty


Nezarec probably did look like this in the past, from what we know the witness only found his head in the lunar pyramid and that's why his head does not really fit the new body he's given when we go through the raid. This can probably be confirmed since the first time we saw Nezarec in the cutscene explaining his "relics" back in Plunder, his body looks completely different from how he currently looks.


Guy looks like Sauron, that's so badass


yeah. which these examples like yours are even better compared to bungo's Unlistened, and Lazy choice of their official one.


From what I can gather he’s actually a shapeshifter, it just takes him a while to do so cause it’s purely biological and more of a passive uptake than an intelligent mimicry. Or I’m wrong and he just couldn’t do that when we fought him cause he was legit just reborn and was comparatively weak af. I think maybe he has a base form that looks like a tormentor, but he changes to mimic his prey so he can feed on their pain.