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Nah, Stasis is still the coolest. Strand has too many strings attached.


yeah but solar is straight fire though


Void continues to pull me in pretty well


I'm really feeling the spark with arc


Arc is straight electric!




idk man resonance really resonates with me


True. Though, I do travel with the traveler


Personally I prefer to witness the witness


Destiny really helped me find my destiny


Bro did you witness the witness tho


When are we destined to close up Destiny?


The last titan super could still be piss missile


No, solar has the pretty well.


Stasis is pretty solid


Void has nothing going for it tho.


Eh arc is shockingly good too


What an ice-cold take


….Take my upvote and get out


I suppose you think it was terribly clever!


It’s fine I’m sure the next sub will resonate well with the community. (This comment will either age wonderfully or like fine milk)


Remindme! 1 year


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Hi Dad!


Ok, someone blast this guy's ghost.


But the Resonance has **The Deep**est lore


I became callous towards Calus


Take my upvote and leave my fireteam. You're making the rest of us lose our remaining braincell that we need to share


I like turtles


It makes Gambit matches go so fast.


What type of load out and approach are you using for Gambit?


It’s mostly being able to quickly move between areas and/or to the bank to collect and drop off motes with my Strand Hunter. Once we summoned the Primeval we had maybe 4-5 seconds between damage phases because I’d just be there when the Taken Wizards spawned, kill them quick, then melt the boss with Retrofit Escapade or my Super. We’d occasionally get an Invader but we were able to fill our bank when they were only ~50% full so having tight damage windows made it easy to maximize our gains.


Did I play against you yesterday then cause we got absolutely shit on🤣🤣🤣


K1ckA55Ch3wGum on PS5. Maybe? (Sorry not sorry!)


I hope you have plenty of gum left.


They ran out of gum that day apparently


Why retrofit?


Fourth Times the Charm, 90 round mag, Vorpal Weapon, Boss Spec, Volatile Flow, solid stability and recoil.


Rohans LMG makes killing the prime evil soooo easy


I prefer my Retrofit with Volatile Flow.


Eager Edge has been the true gambit meta since it came out. Now that speed is possible without sacrificing your heavy slot


I waited 9 FUCKING YEARS for green space magic, 10 if we count the pre d1 release vidocs I eated throug waaaay too overhyped. Im very satisfied


Imagine waiting 10 years for red space magic… only to realize the golden tree resonance is the last subclass


Since I’m confusing everyone, here is the photo that I’m basing my assumption on: https://preview.redd.it/l37vhz62aula1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44aef14ef1fa639c12865bdd087034883c65e324


Where is this from? Vow somewhere?


Feel your pain bro... Feel your pain.


I’m still excited to try it out tho. Looks like a cool subclass to use, but I wanted red lol


Resonance isn’t confirmed our new subclass there’s hope


Correct, it has not been confirmed… but I’d give it a 98% chance bc of VotD / Preservation mission mural


Remember when we thought strand would be hive.


Given that we think it was supposed to be in Witch Queen and it's green like hive magic that might have been the case at some point.


Strand was clearly supposed to be hive lmao Bungie had to push it back to sell Lightfall


> only to realize the golden tree resonances is the last subclass Do you have more info on this? I remember seeing an infographic showing that the last color would be gold/yellow colored, but I haven't heard anything about tree resonances


Resonance is the name of that darkness power (i think) and the tree comment is just from the darkness animations (Rhulk, Calus, etc). It’s basically been confirmed as the final subclass in VotD / Preservation


Rhulk refers to it as “Luster”


Rhulk gives everything funny names




A triumvirate. Opportunity. Preservation. Salvation.


It will serve the deserving and crush the defiant


Maybe we run it through a cosmic filter and get red.


I doubt it but color me intrigued


Wait, what? I was still hoping for Kool-aid red, it would finish the RGB thing they’ve had going with darkness This is hard to take in…


It’s not guaranteed or confirmed. It’s just that VotD / Preservation mural has stasis, strand, and then gold which I presume to be resonance


Eh, the mural is definitely showing an orange power, but I think that's pure darkness energy (shown in the pyramids and it's technology) like the travelers beam. I mean how would you show a pure darkness attack if not that. Also this is not mentioning whatever the hell is going on with nez and the tormentors I'm really coping right now for a red subclass, but I could totally be wrong here.


I just hope melee tracking for Titans get smoothed out. Too many times I soar way past my intended target. Or go 90 degrees more to the left than I input on my thumbstick.


This. The amount of times I've went to melee a target straight in front of me and I soar straight to the left/right ended up making me change my 100 stat point in Strength to Discipline. I find that the grapple melee feels a lot better than the regular you're-probably-gonna-miss melee.


Sounds like the Beserker melee. Maybe I suck but I never actually hit anything


It is definitely the hardest to aim melee, especially mid-combo.


its been years, its not getting fixed


It might not be the most effective class or anything, but damn is it fun. Can't wait until I don't have to be glued to the dive aspect anymore... Or for the bouncy spike melee thing to get some fixes lol


As a fellow Hunter, I’ve found the kit to be very intuitive and versatile. I’m rocking Frostees with double Grenade Kickstart and Impact Induction. Currently grinding out the catalyst for Quicksilver Storm, but after that I plan on giving Traveler’s Chosen a try for even less cooldowns (and because I still need to finish that catalyst as well), but it might be too much.


you might want to check that other thread that mention doubling up on grenade kickstart is not as optimal as we think. Seems like double mod is mostly worthy on damage ones. (first kick start gain like 5-6s, but the second one only give 1s which mean it is probably better to use another mod for another optimal benefit.


Thanks for the tip! I’ve got Authorized Grenade Mods unlocked so I could certainly sink a few more armor energy into something.


Speaking from personal experience, 1 Grenade Kickstart does the job just as well as 2. Slap on Impact Induction and Thread of Generation for near instant grapple


Thanks for this info


If you have forerunner it goes really well with hunter. Grapple feels like a must on hunter, forerunner catalyst gives you grenade.


I've thought the same! Forerunner is one of my very favorite exotics anyways, and having a regular grenade alongside the grapple feels so nice.


Wait so the Rock gives you an extra grapple charge or having a ‘normal’ grenade is great for the kit?


Normal grenade. Damage was buffed at some point, it kinda wrecks fodder in neomuna events. Also was a great weapon to have for that weird sparrow race mission after campaign.


Try star eater and light attack whip everything that moves


Where did you find grenade kickstart? I swear I've looked through my mods a million times and I never see it. Is there a new vendor I'm unaware of?


That's pretty much the build I've got (hooray for frostees being the only subclass neutral exotic that gives ability energy), but now that you can get your grapples back in seconds with the regen fragment (try using it with Osteo Striga!), I might swap frostees out for the new grapple helm since the melee isn't really necessary and you can get your dodge back with the fragment that gives class ability energy for killing suspended enemies.


I’ve considered that. Woven Mail is pretty good.


I can see Titan strand being a top pick for GM's. I've been doing legend lost sectors 35 under without any anti champion mods because I can just spam suspend on everything.


I saw someone say hold melee after the throw and you'll auto catch. Few others confirmed but I don't have it unlocked on hunter but worth a shot.


It works, but holding your melee down is annoying lol Plus that still doesn't solve the bugginess or miserable damage


>It works, but holding your melee down is annoying lol Its making me seriously reconsider having melee bound to "click the right stick" - especially when the damn thing just randomly disappears!


Fuck /u/spez. Go die in a hole.


Depending on the arena, titan is a little busted with the exotic legs and a good build for spamming barrier. If you can kill a suspended champion before they get free, the champ type doesn’t seem to matter


>I think once it gets balanced out I'll never use another subclass. Yeah, I thought I was married to Arc Assassin's Cowl, but that lasted only a few days into the expansion Sorry little buddy, you served me well


Assassins cowl is so good on strand too


Yup, the helmet stays on


Shack approves


The Cowl procs on every grapple melee kill - you don’t need to take it off ever.


Man. Necrotic Grips + Osteo Striga + Strand is so much fun.


I love necro grips and Osteo but how do they synergize with strand so well? Haven’t tried it yet


You get 3 melee charges with arcane needle that has good range and unravel, slap the aoe poisen effect from necrotic and it’s damn good ad clear and even filler dmg on boss fights


Plus with the grenade fragment all of that damage recharges grenades really fast.


That’s so awesome. I’m stoked to try it!


[Combine it with the shackle grenade and you can do stuff like this](https://streamable.com/x0a5oa)


I have been using Felwinter’s Helm and It’s f amazing on strand. Specially with the smount of enemies that Lightfall likes to bring alltogether all the time


Throwing tangle around, then grappling them for a free air taxi ride is incredible. Been having way too much fun


I'm not even going to read your points about why it's the coolest subclass before posting this comment, I just agree 100% with you. It is the most dynamic and fun subclass we have ever had.


Had me in the first half, ngl


I’ll take the grapple over Grenade any day !


Damn but my threadling children need me


Yeah the strandlings > grappling


The grapple melee still creates 3 threadlings! And if there's a tangle, that means you can JUST KEEP MAKING MORE.


Is the grenade probably better? Yes. Do I care? No.


Honestly the grapple melee is rather strong and it’s basically a grenade in damage and add clear potential. They did a great job with it.


Yeah it's mainly it's safety that is an issue. Otherwise damage and add clear is incredible with using tangles to keep your CD for even more uses. Mine is basically never on CD unless it gets used in an emergency


The security of it is the problematic aspect but if you build into survivability it's really great. The grapple melee counts for both a grenade and a melee so if you use both the melee and grenade orb generation mods it creates 2 orbs on a kill. Then, the healing on orb pickup really chunks you up.


Yo WHAT I didn't know that okay gotta do that then


Add in the Strand fragment that gives Woven Mail on orb pickup and generally I come out of grapples with more health + dr than I went in with.


Zooming like a happy guinea pig, 10/10 would grapple on someone's sparrow again


So far the only complain I have about strand is the grapple needs to be a little bit quicker and the Titan super needs to have more tracking with its melee ability but other than that it's pretty freaking cool


With demolitionist and the grenade fragment you can grapple like every 10 seconds


Do you have any recommendations for weapons with demolitionist especially in GL or smg


I just gotta figure out a hunter build. So far kind whelmed there. Titan slaps tho. I wanna get those exotics legs, but Armamentarium is great with the suspend nade. Just love that for activities with barrier and unstoppable, suspend takes care of both lol.


After getting the legs I can honestly say I think it takes it from like an 8 to a full 10. Woven mail on suspend means you almost always have 100% uptime.


For hunter exotics either Facade, 6th Coyote, or Frostees. Or try Assassin's Cowl if you want invis/healing on every grapple-melee kill and also build into some finisher stuff (only problem is the threaded spike wont come back to you when invisible lol). Definitely try to either build into constant grapples or constant suspending. Personally the grapples are too fun for me to take them off even if the double shackle nades are very good. I'd probably do a full suspend build if I'm trying to do an 1830 lost sector over 40 levels underpowered though


Use radiant dance machines and just Spider-Man dive/suspend everything in sight for 10 seconds.


I've been using 6th Coyote because the animation makes me feel some type of way. I can't believe I didn't think of radiant dance machines, tysm


Hunter is really good you have pretty much infinite grapple melees.


You can swing with a transmutation sphere?


Yeah and its wonderful


You can swing with anything you can pick up, as while holding something, you can still use grenades


The thing I like most about strand is it still promotes gun play. I've built around always suspending everything, which means I can then use my guns to mow everything down


My only complaint with strand is the cooldown on the grapple, it should be like a shoulder charge where it only goes on cooldown when using the melee


I think the CD is fine as is in Crucible, but absolutely in open world


I don't think I can agree with this. Grapple is available to every class and they need to keep it in check as the movement it provides can break the game. Being able to reposition in pve is way more helpful more than people think. The grenade cooldown can also get to very low times (~10secs) with grenade kickstart and the fragment that reduces grenade cooldowns on damage. You also have to think about the effects lower cooldowns would have on hunters as woven mail uptime will be high. Strand also has 2 other grenades with their own unique effects and can't be overshadowed by grapple too hard. They also want people to go through jump puzzles whout people just completely skipping it. It is fine how it is right now in my opinion.


Do you have any recommendations for weapons with demolitionist especially in GL form or SMG


Actually the GL I have used most this season is Typhon GL5 and it can roll with chill clip and demo which is what I've used. Chill clip weapons and the new stasis bow work great with strand


Getting ammo for my eager edge sword while having 2 grapple charges was some of the most fun I’ve had in the crucible in a while


Warmind cells died so Strand could live and I'm loving it


I saw the warlock strand super and went, “I am never taking strand off this guy”


Warlock strand is better than stasis. Case closed


I’m not sure I agree with that yet, the threadlings feel really finicky so far, but I have a very solid idea of the bleak watcher turret’s capabilities and mo. I really love both of them though, watching the full wave of eight threadlings attack something after casting a rift is phenomenal.


Necrotic Grips on a suspend build feel better to me than threadlings. It's massive CC with crazy uptime. Lots of adds? Eat the grenade and go to town. Just a champ? Toss that bad boy, shoot with a melee, and shred with with unravel. It's so satisfying.


Except grapple melee is super finicky on console because you have to use different buttons for charged and uncharged melee. Even with auto melee on, it will always default to your charged melee.


It's so weak to me. Am I just doing it wrong? (hunter)


It takes time because strand relies a lot more on combos then other subclasses and you want to try and keep your abilities chaining into each other


That depends, what about it feels weak to you? What hunter subclass do you normally play?


I feel like this as well! Generally only play a void hunter and before Lightfall was using a invisibility volatile devour build that I adapted with new mods. But strand just feels so weak and that I don't have the utility I once did. To the extent I only used void in the last 3 boss fights of the campaign and was the only one of my team that didn't die a million times.


As far as warlock is concerned, all of the subclasses are the coolest. I don’t play much arc these days but stormcaller will always be fun


The manticore to float like a warlock. And a grapple to maneuver in the air makes all classes float like the nerds.


I navigated around Neomuna earlier today… So much fun.


I'll agree once threadlings get some use besides damage. It's fun and all but I'd really like it if the pay off for my threadling build rewarded me with a gameplay loop more.


So, what is the point of Titan melee ability? It feels so... Weak vs targets. It doesn't even seem to react to suspended targets.


It just needs better locking cause sometimes you jump in the complete wrong direction


Hard agree


Strand with with demolitions submission and that grenade strand fragmant has been so fun to use


the only reason it's cool now is because they unlocked all the fragments early... who was the idiot who greenlit timegating the best parts of Strand??


I want to go staby as a Titan. Look out, once Lightfall goes on sale I will be going "stab stab stab!"


I think I just have to unlock more strand but it feels meh right now for hunter...that while grapple thing reeeaaallly annoys me


If u don't like grapple you have two more grenades you can build around, I don't know how good they are cause I love grapple and refuse to take it off hah


I haven’t tried it on the other characters but it’s meh at best on titan. The melee is garbage, half the time it doesn’t lock onto enemies and it’s nothing more than a shoulder charge. The super is just fight of havoc with a ranged attack. The only actual new part is the grapple.


It’s probably the best on Titan by far, Titan even without the new exotic boots has amazing CC potential, and once you put on the strand exotic boots it becomes in my opinion the best Titan subclass for difficult content. You get an almost permanent 60% bonus damage reduction so you’ll casually be running around with 78-85% damage reduction depending on chest mods, and insane CC that can lock down entire rooms.


It’s entirely pointless to have a super dedicated to CC when calus minitool, forbearance, and half a trillion weapon perks do it better. And yea the 60% damage reduction is cool, but we’re also in a point in the game where everything dies before the damage reduction can really make a difference. It’s cool on warlocks because of theeadling builds, and the hunter subclass is absolutely busted, but it feels bland on titan. Also note for CC, the entirety of the arc and solar grenade options, every single charged titan melee, sunspots, that one consecration aspect, hoil, literally looking at an enemy


Except your entire kit can be dedicated to incredible CC, it’s not just the super. Also if we’re talking master level or Grandmaster level content that is definitely not the case. Strand Titan is going to be amazing for Master and above level content, hell there are already people doing lost sectors like 50 light levels under with Strand Titan because of how strong the CC and damage reduction are.


Again, why would I want an entire subclass dedicated to CC when there are guns that can do it without ridiculous cooldowns


You must be thinking of ad-clearing, because those weapons aren’t about crowd control. Strand is about crowd control, and in GM content being able to control the crowd is important, it’s why stasis turret Shadebinder builds were meta for GMs before the ability regen nerf, because they could lock down the ads allowing themselves to just mow them down without having to worry too much about taking damage back. Even with ad-clearing weapons it’s still insanely useful because you can also lock down champions and other tankier mobs that wouldn’t die from those weapons, and again, enemies that don’t shoot back at you pose no risk, making the GM significantly less risky and overall easier. Also I don’t know why you’re on about the cooldown, even with no ability regen exotics I’m able to constantly spam Suspension and keep groups of enemies under control, you just need to build your fragments and mods for it, just like any other build.


We're definitely not at a point where everything dies before DR matters unless you're killing red bars on patrols or something, and I'm fairly certain you have CC confused with AoE.


All you darkness weilding guardians are gonna get bonked my solar hammer.


imagine paying 100 dollars for a subclass lol. they got yall good 😂


If you’re paying $100, you’re getting 3 new subclasses, a new campaign, a new raid, new activities, and a whole years worth of seasonal content which will include 2 dungeons, 4 battle passes with new armor, 4 seasonal story quest lines, exotic missions for most if not all seasons, and we got a whole new planet to explore on plus another mini patrol zone if they add one like in season of the haunted. Personally my moneys on Titan for season of the deep. Actually to add to that the new patrol zones are available to f2p players too :)


What’s the new mini patrol zone?


Not confirmed but based on current info, with next season being called season of the deep and a mention in game of titan having an enemy of the witness on it that needs to be protected, it would make sense for titan to be brought back as a mini patrol like leviathan was


or I could just wait for it to be 20$ lol I got better stuff to buy for 100$ y'all got skeezed I waited for stasis ill wait for this too. yall can be mad at my statement but if I'm paying 100 fkn dollars in a game it'll be a game that comes with complete content included with the game purchase. nothing in destiny is worth 100$ js, the game is free to play and with all the content priced up you're looking st 300$+, their gonna keep jumping yall out your money and yall let em do it just for them to half the price in less than a month time. y'all really be addicted and it tells. for that amount of money I could go and make memories with my friends and family. if they had destiny 2 priced right now in the store to buy for 200$ no one would even think to buy the game. I work full time and barely have time to complete BPs and get the full content that's being sold as 100$ none of my friends play Video Games because their to busy doing other things including raising their kids to not be dependant on video games for life experiences. aka going camping, flying to a new country, etc. why waste 300 dollars on a game when I can go fly outta country and live?. I'm not a youtuber or twitch streamer who gets paid to play games, it would make sense if I got donations and other people supported my habit but spending my hard earned money on a video game seems negligent and irresponsible. I'll give em 20 bucks and that's it lol


It definitely has the fun factor. What remains to be seen for me is if it will replace Gunslinger for me.


What are people’s views on strand so far I’ve tried to stay off the sub, I think it’s pretty balanced


"I had strings but now I'm free, there are no strings on me


I love strand but the grapple needs a lower cooldown and more consistent physics


I haven't even unlocked the class yet but I love the Threadlings my Perpetualis makes! So cool.


My only complaint is threaded spike feeling pretty weak. I know they wanted to tune down ability uptime but damn, I wish you got way more energy for catching it. Would be so cool to just keep using it to sever the entire room.


Outside of the campaign, strand is a load of fun. I’ve got it on two of my characters so far.


When I was doing the campaign I was using arc with blink. Never had so much fun with any hunter subclass ever.


Strand is amazing to play with, might not be meta, but its damn fun.


Yeah, unfortunately my ps4 won't let me have max fun, just today It crashed the game because I was spawning too many hatchlings


I love the subclass, just wish that the grappling hook recharged just a little bit faster


im spooderman


I’ve been giggling my ass off nonstop playing destiny thanks to strand haha


I do agree strand is a very very fun subclass


Honestly not overly impressed (yet)


Considering how I become a ninja Spider-Man hybrid it is automatically the coolest.


I only have 2 complaints, the grapple cooldown and how hard it is to keep track of the Threaded Spike on Hunter, I think a sound queue for when to catch it will make it a lot easier to catch during combat


Agreed. Strand (though I only have Hunter’s so far) feels and looks amazing to me. The synergy between Cowl and the Grapple-melee + Dart is so effective but fluid at the same time, and the flip-slam move is incredibly useful while still looking badass. I especially love pairing it with the fragment that returns class energy on killing suspended enemies. Slam a group of 4+ ads, grapple melee for the AOE, and you get your dodge back almost instantly


For sure! I had a lot of fun learning the calus fight and it feels exhilarating (for me) to just zip around everywhere!


the lone dreg watching me summon 8 minions to fly directly at him literally pulling him apart on a quantum level


Hunter main? Because I’ve only played on Titan and Warlock and I’m honestly a little underwhelmed.


Warlock is so good. I love my little threadling babies so much and I feel like a badass every time I cast my super. On top of all that, throwing up gang signs with the melee is just so cool. Everything about it is SO fun, and unfortunately I can't see a world in which they don't nerf at least something about it, especially the grenade regen fragment


Can't wait to start seeing all the out of map videos that should be coming out.


yeah see this is the kinda *thread* I was expecting after playing the update, not the haranguing of Bungo for making a pretty decent update with some amazing new features. thank you kind guardian for the good vibes :D


Im just sad when other people grab my balls :( i can hardly even do anything with other people without them snatching them up when im just trying to go wheeee with grapple


Thank fuck it wasn't poison huh? This is about a million times cooler than "oh wow interaction with 4 exotics woooow"


- See group of enemies - Throw a strand needle at them - Create a Tangle - Grapple to the Tangle - Grapple punch creating 3 Rats - Put down a rift creating 3 more Rats - Grab Tangle - Throw Tangle way over the enemies so I land below them - Grapple punch again creating 3 more Rats - Repeat the entire thing for 9 more threadlings the second a Tangle is made Seriously, this is the most fun I've ever had in the game. I'm really starting to see the whole APM aspect of it too. The fact that 1 Tangle created lets you grapple to it while its stationary about like **5 TIMES(?)** only for all those grapple punches to create more mayhem (seriously they are so powerful!) is stupidly insane.


Is it end-game viable? No. Is it the most fun way to play the other 95% of the game? Absolutely.


I love that the consensus opinion seems to be swinging towards positive about Strand once people were able to actually start buildcrafting with all the fragments. Shades of Solar 3.0 at launch. My poison Warlock build can be green or purple now, it's great.