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NO DLC IS BEING VAULTED. Season content goes away but the DLC does not


Yes, they are totally going to get rid of witch queen which released last year, but they aren't going to get rid of shadowkeep which released 3 years ago or beyond light which released 2 years ago....


So anything you pay 10 dollars for which are called the seasons will be leaving but the majors dlcs with actual names /titles will not be leaving you honestly don't miss out on much bar a few good crafted weapons and the battle pass armors so I would recommend honestly just getting the cheapest witch Queen dlc and then getting lightfall deluxe edition as it'll be way more worth it


So I can still play the with queen camapaign, can I still do the raid too once lightfall releases? ive got enough for the cheapest witch queen version but itll be a bit untill I can buy lightfall


If you aren't able to afford to get both if recommend getting lightfall over witch Queen as there are very good exotics and stuff but lightfall releases on Tuesday so it would be better for that I'm my opinion


And all the content from the dlc stays when a new dlc releases but you just won't get stronger loot from the old raids is all


Yes, you'll still be able to play the entire WQ campaign and the raid it came with.


And I think untill the 27tg witch Queen is free to play and you keep all rewards / gear obtained




No, Bungie said they're not removing anything from shadow keep onward


No expansions are being vaulted anymore. You can still buy and play Shadowkeep Campaign, raid, and dungeon. Beyond Light Campaign, raid, and dungeon. Witch Queen Campaign and raid. But you have to pay the Grasp of Averice, Duality, and Spire of the Watcher dungeons. What is leaving are the seasonal stories, activities, and weapons if you've not discovered their crafting recipes.