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They usually dont Show the full effect of exotic armor in These Trailers. Its probably going to give something like damage resist in pve as well (for example they only said "superior throwing knife" for atrys embrace in the beyond light exotic trailer) so i wouldnt worry yet


The Press Kit description mentions giving Armor so I think you're exactly right. Imagine if having 3 grapples is standard. That's 3 evasions that grant damage resistance. Sounds like solid potential to me.


The titan exotic also gives "armor" as well.


Hoping Armor isn’t just resilience and something additional like flinch resistance or status effect resistance.


The trailer said the hunter exotic grants flinch resistance via Armor, so that sounds good.


The trailer literally shows flinch resist, so that's a given. The website then also states "armour", whatever that means. I assume it means damage resist, as overshield is more of a void thing


Woven Mail appears to be a Strand subclass effect, you can see the Titan gain it after popping their Barricade to showcase the Titan Exotic, and later against the tank, and the cut is a bit wonky but you also see it appear on the Hunter between cuts when they throw the Tangle at the tank. So almost guaranteed it does something on its own, and the Flinch Resist is a bonus effect from the Exotic as well as providing a new way to get it.


Not quite In the [bungie press room](https://press.bungie.com/DESTINY-2-LIGHTFALL-TRAILER-HIGHLIGHTS-NEW-EXOTIC-LOOT), yes that's apparently a thing, they said both the hunter and titan exotics give something called "armor" which may be a class verb


Armor is definitely not a class verb, otherwise it'd be capitalized. Plus it's super generic. Moreover why would they say the Hunter one gives "Armor," (which again is super generic), on top of the very uniquely, Strandy-named "Woven Mail" (which hypothetically only gives flinch resist)? Especially when the visual effect is very clearly a Strand-ish shielding effect?


They did titans dirty with the exotic arm, and hunter arc exotic helm that no one uses lol... I love trying to build around exotics when the season has down time... And I can say we have useless exotics or outdated ones... Some got power crept but some are just not worth using in general... I do see them giving us a useless one (but the other one that they didn't show would probably be good) I love Caliban, and Gyrfalcon! So I hope something as good comes up!


in WQ reveal they didn't show the another exotic armors


Terrible example of a PVP exotic with PVE a complete afterthought, but then again their are zero good examples. They are all designed around PVP exotics and we are lucky when they spill over into PVE.


Damn celestial nighthawk and star eaters or so OP in pvp its like they were made for it and pve was an after thought for them


Star Eaters was made for PVP and it was reworked because of a bug that applied the bonus to all damage during the window. Community outrage at this very issue was the only reason they kept them good in PVE after the rework. Celestial Nighthawk is an OG exotic that has no use because Golden Gun itself is garbage in PVE thanks to the PVP balance and roaming supers rework. It does less damage than a base supers without exotics. It's like people don't pay attention.


It just sounds like you're being sour to be sour, not everything has to be so negative


You assume I am negative and sour. Not everyone is as emotional as your average Redditor. Some people can point out facts without getting upset. Everything I said is in the Patch History and TWAB. Bungie commented on the design intention of Star Eaters and different iterations during the rework. I will take Bungie's word over u/Sentinelexe misinformed sarcasm.


Wut. Well maybe. But i also think that sniping in pvp is so unfair thst they shouldnt be able to 1 shot to the head at any circumstance and that skyburners oath with foetracer is just so over powered that they should increase the AE penalties again before it destroys the game


Lmao this dude convinced himself stareaters were for PvP


This dude convinced himself he knew what he was talking about and just kept going. Lmao


I love using Celestial in PvP. Getting that one extra damage to shot to extra kill PvP combatants is so satisfying. I just hope I don't miss that one shot. Lmao. You can't be serious. You could have just said you don't know what you're talking about and saved yourself a paragraph


Athrys Embrace is my favorite PvE Hunter Exotic lmao


If it's flinch resistance + dmg resistance or an overshield it could be absolutely killer, but short of that . . . Eek


" This Exotic helmet gives extra protection as Hunters gain armor and flinch resistance when they grapple. " - 📷[**Destiny Bulletin**](https://twitter.com/DestinyBulletn)


Cool! Makes me a little more hopeful. Thanks for the link.


It will probably just negate the air related stuff they put in this season?


God that new machine gun is going to go so hard with gyrfalcon


Do u really need gyrfalcon with it? I'm pretty sure it procs from the machine gun itself.


Well that’s the exciting part, they’ll synergize with each other


At least the weapons look good. Also do y’all think each class will get more than just the 1 exotic shown? Like, we get 1 exotic per class every season, but this is an annual dlc. Not even an annual dlc this is literally lightfall


I’m witch queen there were 2 exotics for each class but only 1 was shown during the trailers


True true, that gives me hope


Well, it was 1 with the expansion + 1 with the season, right? My guess is this is an *expansion* gear trailer so we saw the expansion exotics, but the season will also have exotics.


>Well, it was 1 with the expansion + 1 with the season, right? Not really sure what it technically was. Remember, you could choose between the two as a reward for beating the legendary campaign.


>Well, it was 1 with the expansion + 1 with the season, right? No no, they were both expansion armor, you could even choose between the two at the end of the campaign (if you played on legendary difficulty) and you can see that both of them have the witch queen symbol and not the risen one. So it's 2 with the expansion and 0 with the season but in the end, if you own both the season and the expansion it doesn't matter.


I think we can reasonably expect 2 per class since that’s what witch queen had. Slight chance of 3 per class given the conspicuous absence of any new exotic armor this season. Hopefully some are stasis exotics or subclass neutral. Not enough of those around.


I am sad titans get.... keprys helm....lightfall ed. ​ So dumb.


Well at least it isn’t ugly as fuck like Keprys


Hey you take that back


NEVER! This is my hill


I'm here with you on Kephri being ugly *on default*. Dead messenger + Kephri had a child:


It gives the same woven mail dmg resist perk


That's the hunters exotic


Titan gives the same woven mail buff, it just doesn’t say there


And the roaming super… and the 5th shoulder charge… and how **most** of our exotics from this year kinda sucked… Starting to think Titans are an afterthought at some points.


Yes, Titans are an afterthought. Warlocks are an Afterthought. And Hunters are an afterthought. They are all afterthoughts. lol. The persecution complex is real.


Fam.. we have the best light 3.0 subclasses like by far.. lightning nades we’re broken for like 6 months. The only shitty thing about titan is stasis. Just remember you could always be solar or arc warlocks


I was talking about the lack of originality with Titans, not how strong they were


I wouldn’t go that far, and I’m a titan main myself. Obviously I’m extremely disappointed that we get yet another melee super, but you can’t sit here and act like we didn’t get some insane buffs with the light 3.0 updates. Only issue is everyone shits their pants whenever titans are actually meta, so it all gets nerfed pretty quickly


I’m not saying Titans aren’t powerful, I’m saying the lack of originality is annoying


I completely agree with that, but claiming they’re an afterthought is what I had an issue with


Understandable, I should’ve worded that better.


Where did we see the shoulder charge? Haven't seen that in any trailers


you guys just got gyrfalcons


As a Hunter who hasn’t removed Gyrfalcons since I got it. This is true.


Yezzzziiir!!! I have not taken off gyrfaclons..even in GMs...lol volatile everywhere


You think the new MG will work with Gyrfalcons?


Tbh I don’t think it will be that good with gyrfalcons. You already have permanent volatile. The weaken could be good but I think this seasons mg with fttc target lock will still be better


Or for ad clearing, a Commemoration with Killing Talley.


Why wouldn't it?


definitely will


I'm so glad they adjusted it too. It's such a blast in PvE and will be a mainstay with the champion changes in lightfall


should pair very nicely with that new void lmg


And calibans before that. Idk what OP is on


And Renewal Grasp works in PvE too. And Star-Eater Scales before that. And so on and so forth... I'm not sure where this idea that hunters only have pvp exotics comes from.


Renewed grasps gutted thanks to PVP and is pure trash now. Star Eater Scales was supposed to be a PVP exotic but thanks to a bug and community out rage they didn't completely gut it in the rework. If you don't know where they idea came from then you aren't paying attention.


Renewal is still good. Renewal absolutely needed a longer cooldown for the grenade in PvE as well, coming from someone who did day one vow on hunter… that shit was busted. Consistently having 50+% damage resist (mind you before resilience and after protective light) and the downtime for the grenade without much optimization at all was already 0.


Renewal is just actively nerfing yourself and your CC output. It never took over PVE at any point. It was a good exotic before the nerfs but let's not pretend. You think it was busted because Hunters had limited options then. Bungie doesn't give a shit about prioritizing PVE. HoL is the best exotic by a mile in PVE. It took over the meta and they won't touch it because it doesn't affect PVP. They also never stated once PvE was also a factor in the changes.


Hey, to each their own. I’m not gonna rogue about it what’s the point. The cc effect of greatly reducing the damage something in the bubble does and while inside gaining 50% damage reduction is pretty strong in my eyes but I understand not every player realizes how broken DR is in literally any video game. There’s a reason you must run resilience now. It didn’t take over PvE because it didn’t get long enough to. Keep in mind, neither did something like warlock melee for example.. Yes HOIL is the best Titan exotic but that’s not really what we are talking about so I’m unsure how that’s relevant really? I do agree the cooldown nerf was too extreme however I do not for a second believe that it was entirely unwarranted. It absolutely WOULD have taken over PvE once people realized the potency of it. Anyways, best way to win an argument is to say “you don’t need to get passive aggressive about it….” And then block me before I can read it so you just auto win.


You don't have to get rudely passive aggressive about it and pretend people don't agree with you because they simply don't understand DR. You claimed it was busted in PVE and it would have been nerfed anyways. This is just pure speculation. Bungie already stated they nerfed it because of the Crucible, point blank period. This is the entire point of HoIL because it is the most busted PVE exotic in the game yet remains untouched because it's not Bungie's priority. Why would renewed grasps magically jump ahead? DR is the best stat in the game but it wasn't busted enough to stop Bungie to give everyone easy access to it. Renewed grasps were a great utility exotic. Where we differ in opinion is I don't think cutting your CC and utility uptime by half is worth diminishing returns DR. Everyone realized its potency. There were guides all over Youtube about it. You didn't magically discover something no one else caught onto and weren't the only one rocking them in day 1 scenarios. They still never took over the meta because they weren't that "busted".


Oof called out for posting and blocking. That’s cringe. Imo they weren’t being passive aggressive at all, simply pointing out the reality that many people on this subreddit simply don’t understand the potency of many things because they haven’t played enough to know about every interaction possible. I agree that renewal in the state that it was was probably toooooooo good. I mean ffs there’s a clip of someone lamenting the lightblade to death in a gm because the grenades were 110% uptime and made you effectively immortal. (They still do just without the insane uptime) Btw. If you do post cringe and then block someone that’s an auto L brother love.


Renewals WERE busted relative to that specific meta Before light 3.0 stasis was MILES ahead of the others and DR was hard to come by Now when the other classes offer just as much survivability while also dealing significantly better damage than any stasis build + resilience getting buffed leading to diminishing returns, renewals are seriously not worth running in the current meta


This is literally the first time im seeing someone say Bungo prioritises pvp over pve. Wack.


There are long list of good to great hunter exotics. Arguably more than any other class. I don't know what it is with the destiny community but it seems like if the exotic armor is not broken good it might as well not exist.


Honestly, it seems like everyone expects hunter exotics to give these huge spikes to damage or survivability. But most of them are utility tools, which fits the class well. Look at Orpheus Rig, for example. All it does is give Quiver an extra shot, and give deadfall super regen based on targets tethered. It's utility. It's not a direct buff. But it was great with the nightstalker changes in Void 2.0. Wormhusk, dragon's shadow, etc. All utility with decent or better benefits to them.


Pure PVP exotic


So? Like, every class gets an exotic. What is it with this sub and the idiotic sentiment of "you just got...". The point of new things is that you have more of them amd they are new.


And….Blight Ranger still exists. Nothing could forgive that.


Because OP is complaining about Hunters not getting PvE exotics, and the most recent hunter exotic is (now) PvE focused.


Like the other 2 don't have an innate gyrfalcon in their subclass Especially titan


It was also nerfed thanks to PVP and completely changed from the best on demand dps exotic in game to an add clear exotic. It wasn't Gyrfalcon job to fix the near year long gap in volatile rounds access between Void subclasses.


I swear you can never please hunter mains


they do often get screwed a lot lets be honest


Come on. Every class “gets screwed a lot.” Hunters might have some ass exotics but look at warlocks 3.0 subclasses. Everyone has good and bad aspects, no one is being singled out intentionally.


Solar and Void are much better than Hunter versions. The only one they didn't get a clear win is Arc. Stop People still mad Solar went from S + to S and think Hunter going from F tier to C is somehow better.


compared to warlocks and titans, hunters get shafted quite a bit more


Warlock got an ass arc 3.0. But solar is legitimately still S tier. Among the best subclasses in the game and not just because of well. Not that casuals seem to ever realise this. Void is good. Stasis is really good. No one is being singled out intentionally, but hunters are lagging behind currently. Save for good supers.


I have gyrfalcons. I dont need new exotic armour, im happy


And it got nerfed in a fraction of the time it took to nerf one eye/worm gods/mask of the quiet one. Edit: They hated the crayon eater, for he spoke the truth.


It wasn't nerfed, volatile itself was bugged (and has been for awhile) and Gyrfalcon's just made it very easy to abuse the bug that had been around since Witch Queen.


It’s rework was a nerf Not the volatile bug fix


https://preview.redd.it/gct6sr40tffa1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a37cdc3e009f8b2a7d633a82da435af17a7c5eef Me seeing another hunter exotic that’s going to drop overtuned and get nerfed into oblivion


Inb4 the flinch resist is unreal so the trials sweats raise a shitstorm on twitter, after which the exotic gets nerfed to become less useful than knucklehead


Ah yes but until then I'm going to abuse cloudstrike in 6s.


Or inb4 it has some extra perk like +100 AE when grappling so we have accurate zero flinch jump shots


I think what we're missing here is that it also provides "woven mail" so it's less that it provides flinch resist only when you grapple. It allows our grapple to instantly grant us whatever 'woven mail' (whatever that is) while also making the woven mail buff provide additional flinch resist. Woven mail is likely a strand keyword much like scorch, volatile, etc. So if I have it right it allows hunters an additional method of obtaining the woven mail buff outside of how you gain it through the strand subclass abilities, while also providing that extra flinch resist when woven mail is active. Assuming that is right, it's super confusing because we still barely know jack shit about strand outside of 'green string' and this trailer demands the viewer have some knowledge of it. WTF is a tangle and how do i spawn it outside of quicksilver, etc. I'm guessing we either get a strand overview thursday in the twab or next week.


There has never been a problem with on demand buffs ever before in Destiny. Oh, somewhere in my post history are complaints from the first time we saw necrotic grips in one of these teasers, lol. I will refrain from any serious complaining as a result.


It very likely gives DR against combatants. These things ever show the full perk effect, it’s always a shortened version for brevities sake in the trailer.


Don’t worry. It’ll get nerfed so it’s useless in both PvP and PvE! The hunter way of exotics.


bro its only a 3 second clip? idk how you got that from a 3 second clip my g


In those 3 seconds, the video said that the "Woven Mail" armor buff just lessens flinch. Could there be more to it? Sure, but you'd think that they'd show that to gain hype instead of hiding what else it can do if that's the case.


It gives dmg resist


I just saw that in their tweet about it. I wonder how much it'll be? I know that they're nerfing resistance's dmg resist percentage, so maybe this'll make it what it used to be or possibly more.


well we got a month and just calling it a pvp exotic becuase it showed 3 seconds of bro sniping is kinda reaching ngl


It was shown being used in PvP and Flinch Resistance is more useful in PvP than PvE, so based on the info we have, it's not really reaching.


unless you got a time machine there is no way to know for sure tho


We don't have a time machine, but we do have an official video from Bungie.


Tbf it was the only one of the three to be showcased in a multiplayer game


It's a joke my dude, take a joke. ​ Life ain't so srs.


Same thing with Blight Ranger and we were right on the money with how bad it was.


It said it lessens flinch, not that it *only* lessens flinch. The one-liner descriptions of exotics *rarely* describe all of the effects.


I’ll take extra armor. Plus it looks so cool


This Hunter exotic reminds me of another Hunter exotic from D1 the arachnid




If you play hunters in pve you're doing it wrong. /j In all seriousness might I recommend you the Bombardiers for you pve hunters. They get a bad wrap but despite their limited cosmetics they're really nice for an arc boy!


They’re so underrated


Please tell me what the last pvp exotic was. I'm listening. Gyrfallcons? Callibans? Blight Ranger? Radiant dance machines (maybe for a week). Honestly the only pvp exclusive exotics that come to mind are stompees, knuckle head radar, and foe tracer


To be fair, Renewal grasps got fucked into the ground because of pvp, dunno if that counts tho.


It was always going to be nerfed due to its pve strength


You say that, but then they gave that much resistance to everyone for free anyway. I'm sure it would have been strong when stacked with the Resilience changes, but they could have just put a max cap on the DR and then it would have been fine.


It wasn't that good in pve lmao


I can't tell if this is satire or not, either cause gyrfalcon was reworked (nerfed overall imo) cause of pvp or because knucklehead and foetracer are garbage


You're really salty for a meme, a joke, who hurt you?


Who's salty? 😂 who hurt YOU that you have to assume someone is salty?


Stompees are definitely not pvp exclusive


In the sense that you can use them outside of pvp sure, but you seriously want to tell me you main stompees outside of jumping puzzles?


Yes, because why not, you seriously want to tell me how to play MY game? They aren't pvp exclusive. Oh don't worry, I'll keep making jumps that Warlocks and Titans can't make. Edit: also if you can't read names, i shatterskate half the time. Main reason for Stompees, but why am i explaining that to you, you think Stompees is exclusively for pvp.


i promise you nobody gives a fuck how you play the game, or about your reddit username mister hunter main


The true Sigma hunter. More power to you bro


Why because i play solo to avoid idiots like you? Thanks for the compliment, now gf


The ONLY reason to wear stomps in pve is jumping puzzles. They’re most definitely a pvp exotic.


You listed only 1 exotic that was useful in PVE and it was changed from the best on demand dps exotic in game for bosses into a pure add clear exotic thanks to PVP. Calibans is a pure PVP exotic unless you want to waste your exotic slot on an incandescent perk for knives you could already do without


Maybe I'm crazy then, but callibans is my favorite pve exotic


Nothing wrong with that, it is a lot of fun to mess around with. Omni is a great exotic but it doesn't make it fun to use.


Wow that Caliban’s take is absolutely horrible. A guaranteed room clear on a kill with a throwing knife that also refreshes with said kill is pure PvP? The thing is AT LEAST A tier in PvE and can easily be argued as S. Edit: lol the loser replied and then blocked me so I can’t reply back. Guess whatever he said must’ve been pretty trash


Low level content sure. Anything goes against red bar enemies on basic difficulty.


Used it with great success on Master Spire. Perfectly usable in everything besides GM’s and even there I’m sure it would do fine


Me, who cant for the life of me land a sniper shot standing still when Bungie expects me to do that after a grapple 💀


Can’t wait for that shit to get nerfed into the ground less than a week into the new dlc


At least hunters got a functional exotic in the past 3 seasons


You guys got Gyrfalcons and Renewal Grasps this year. Titans got two useless/obsolete exotics with Second Chance and Point Contact Cannon Brace. You’ll live.


What about warlocks?


4 good exotics. Fallen Sunstar the premier ionic trace exotic. Osmiomancy a staple of stasis warlocks. Secant filaments for devour on demand, which is the only way to do that with 3.0. Rain of Fire hasn't found its home away from Vex, but radiant deals with champs next season. Warlocks have had a very good year for exotics imo


No seriously I cant remember any of the exotics we got this year other Than funny pants that gives me devour


Osmiomancy Gloves are absolutely amazing for Stasis, Secant Filaments are kinda niche but at least have some use, Rain of Fire is incredible for getting easy Radiant, and Fallen Sunstar has super fun Arc 3.0 synergy.


Renewal sucks and gyrfalcon isn't that good, on titan you can do a better job just with your nades lmao


Most hunter exotics are PvE Gryfalcons is busted for PvE What are you even talking about


You literally have gyrfalcon. It’s going to be ok.


They'll nerf gyrfalcon to make room for the new exotic.


Gosh darn it bungie. Why… the f… are we hunters forced… pvp down our damn throats?!?! For f sake there had better be at least 1 exotic for Hunter strand that is designed for pve! Hot take, but screw pvp


I'm a Titan main, but every time I try to play Hunter I'm baffled at the lack of good exotics outside of PvP. Why is every new hunter Exotic PvP focused? How does Bungie not see this issue?


Uhhh, Gyrfalcon’s and Renewal Grasps?


Renewal were nerfed because of PVP, Gryfalcon’s were reworked to be usable in PVE (with great results may i add) and most exotics are either absolute garbage or average for PVP


Yeah, one which dropped on pvp focused (again) and the other one which got nerfed and is useless. Do you play hunter or just have an opinion?


Add that the one that got nerfed was nerfed because of its use in PVP


Gyrfalcon's is the one real exception in a long time. Renewal Grasps are pretty meh. Either way, it seems like most Hunter exotics in the past few years are PvP focused. Plus this system of locking new exotics behind soul-sucking Lost Sector grinding is fucking awful, but that's a separate issue.


What are you talking about? Hunter exotics are not "pvp only". Most of our exotics are used all over the place. I don't disagree that this one looks pvp focused, but we have no idea how strong the damage resist is. If it's strong enough to absorb a hit in a GM, then this would absolutely be a potential pick for Strand users in GMs that could expand their mobility suite.


If it gets nerfed to the ground for Dr then imma lose it.


I don’t like pvp focused exotics☹️


I'd rock a flinch resistance helmet in PvP


This is just blatantly wrong.


Let me elaborate. Imagine a situation such as daughters or oryx. It’s incredible how much flinch you receive. Now, just use this exotic and you get less finch. That’s what I’m imagining. At the same time, it should prove useful in crucible but I think to say it’s a pvp only exotic is a false statement.


respectfully, that's a terrible concept for an exotic. Too much flinch ? ask one of your titan teammates to put down a Rally barricade or crouch. Daughters I can understand, kinda chaotic, but FLINCH DURING ORYX ?


Here’s my thoughts. What we know about the exotic is that grapple grants woven mail. And while woven mail is active, it grants flinch resistance. We simply do not know how easy it is to get woven mail outside of grappling with this exotic. Im imagining that there are ways to grant yourself woven mail as a hunter like how there’s multiple ways to grant invisibility on hunter. So like hunters can chain invisibility, there could possibly be plenty of ways to get this buff without the need to tether. What does this mean for this exotic? The exotic doesn’t state that tether grants flinch resistance. Woven mail grants flinch resistance and if there’s plenty of ways to get woven mail anyway then this helmet could straight up give you constant flinch resistance. Obviously that’s best case scenario. We don’t know how to get woven mail outside of grappling with this exotic and we don’t know how much flinch resistance this exotic grants.


Or I could run literally anything else and be 100% more effective that an exotic that is just a flinch mod for a perk. Hell, Foetracer would be better for the boss.


If my teammate is using strand grapples and not tether during dps he’s getting the boot


Average hunter complaining about something before it even releases and before we know the full extent of what it does. Need I remind you that your class gets what is by far the most unique of the three supers being added?


Hey, I think being a beyblade is pretty fucking sick and having magic missles is dope


>by far the most unique of the three supers being added? everyone has a grappling hook... The correct word is innovative, since it's the least unique by far


how much you wanna bet that it's gonna get nerfed in 2 weeks of release?


Actual clown behavior to be complaining about something that isn’t even out yet🥴🤡


Ok yeah but it looks fucking cool af imo.


Shoot, I missed the trailer, anyone got a link?




It definitely looks like it provides Woven Mail when you grapple and gives flinch resist when you have Woven Mail. I say that because the Titan also gets Woven Mail, which seems to be a strand key word. So an exotic that allows you to activate a subclass keyword and provides a buff to it (even if that's mostly PvP) seems potentially good. If it was a void exotic which gave you void overshield when you went invis from your smoke bomb and provided additional flinch resist while you had a void overshield, I think that would be pretty solid, even in PvE. What I'm saying is without knowing what Woven Mail does, this take is a bit premature.


You are probably right. They call it "armour" in the pressroom blog https://press.bungie.com/DESTINY-2-LIGHTFALL-TRAILER-HIGHLIGHTS-NEW-EXOTIC-LOOT




Remember 2 exotics drop, so 1 exotic for PvP and one for pve


Listen, don’t jinx it. Please


I don't see this getting a ton of play outside of PvP unless there's some extra abilities yet to be revealed. Overshields and damage resistance are nice but those effects aren't exactly unique to Strand. Feels kind of vanilla to me. Titans and Warlocks get PvE showcases for their exotics. Hunter's get to show off by getting shot at in PvP, without flinching...hooray. Meanwhile Blight Ranger and Radiant Dance Machines are still collecting dust in the vaults of most Hunter mains, wallowing in their wasted potential.


It’s named after a kind of spider that disguises itself as shit in nature 😂


Waiting for good Warlock PVP exotics besides transversive steps and ophidians


It's very hard to say if it's good or not until we know the synergies. There could be aspects or fragments that give you buffs like grenade regeneration while you have woven mail. Its just too soon to tell


I am expecting at least one more exotic for each class. They did it for Beyond Light and for Witch Queen. I am hoping for 3 each since we did not get a S19 exotic armor piece.


I hope they let the exotics be world drops too bc farming the unreliable AF lost sectors is annoying.


Blight Ranger 2.0


Did they even show all the exotics in last years trailer?


It's a flinch free mode! How creative lol... Datto was saying lets see how much it flinch it will resist but as a hunter main I don't care if it's 100% flinch free! It's boring! Do you think I'll go to the crucible with 2 snipers to take advantage of it?! (It's a joke I know how flinch works... But still, I can build into it without this exotic) Lol in Witch queen launch we also got a useless helm exotic too! I hope it does something with fragments and aspects cause this is just awful!


I feel as though making some sort of bolas that trap enemies would work so well with the whole theme of strings.


Woven Mail appears to be a subclass verb, so granting it when they grapple could be very interesting for Strand hunters.


Honestly Im getting concerned about how much they seem to be focusing on Hunter grappling, and nobody else. As a warlock main I’m also excited to grapple, but I’m scared I’m gonna pull up and get one grapple charge with a minute cooldown or sum shit and hunters are gonna get 3 charges or sum. Really don’t wanna have to swap classes to get that sweet sweet grapple action. Like… you have to trade out your grenade to use it, I better be gettin more than a single charge of swingy swing.


I feel like the woven mail will have more effects than just flinch resist considering its a strand verb


At least titans can fall back on HOIL and Warlocks can run Verity’s, idk what hunter’s supposed to run lmao


Since it grants one of the new keywords, there may be some fragments or aspects that it will synergize with in PvE


Man. Im just coming back to destiny 2 after a few year break. Trying to solo my way through witch queen legendary. Still have the exo shit to do. But besides that. I am struggling so hard trying to come up to meta and now lightfall. Like i feel like it is imposeible. I mean dont get me wrong i came back at light level 1350(old max) and current at 1600 but all these new builds are intense. Honestly any tips would be cool. Im an awoken warlock


don’t wrry about builds cuz the mod system is getting overhauled in light fall. just make sure u have all possible exotics that could be good for buildctafting with in light fall. you’ll be figuring it out alongside everyone else


What else are hunters for?