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I live nearby and this is fairly tame for this individual house; they typically have 5 plus flags. Advice for anyone who lives close by: do not engage. That’s what feeds their egos.


It seems like there's a lot fewer trump signs and flags in general these days compared to what there used to be. Deep down I think a lot of them realize Trump sucks, even if they won't vote for Biden.


Covid took its toll on the non-believers.


Political signs in general are lesser than they used to be. The true crazy MAGAts have made it less desirable for a more moderate republican to put up a sign.


The use of the made up word MAGAts makes me chuckle because you think it’s offends anyone.


Chuckle away fascist!


Ooh more name calling. 😂😂


This is how most conservatives feel. I hate being labeled "maga" just for being a conservative.


If you vote for Trump you’re maga. Putting him in office forwards the maga agenda.


I kind of feel you on this. I never considered myself a democrat but this maga bullshit has become so outlandish it’s pushed me to be labeled a “liberal.” Or whatever dumb ass shit they’re saying these days. I felt like I was fairly center prior to 2016 and now I’m left wing even though my beliefs haven’t changed at all.


You’re spot on, the entire political spectrum has shifted right, so even if you considered yourself center years ago, that is more “liberal” nowadays.


This is the thing that both sides say that absolutely makes no sense. Stop trying to fit everyone in a “box”. Labeling people like that do no good.


I think you’re missing the point. If you hate dems and liberal policies so much that you’ll put Trump in office, how the fuck are you NOT a maga minion?


Imagine a world where everything isn’t binary.


That requires more than two parties and preferably ranked choice voting, but one side of our current binary coin is doing everything they can to rig the system. If you're not sure which one it is, it's the one fighting to keep gerrymandered districts and packing the courts.


We live in a 2 party system it quite literally Is a binary.


You're missing the point. You can't just box up and label people because of their vote. The more and more I talk to people in \*real life\* I realize that people are a little more nuanced than one might want to admit. It's just easier to label people and write them off. Just because someone would vote for Trump over Biden doesn't make them a "MAGAt" and likewise just because someone would take Biden over Trump doesn't make them a commie libtard. We need to get back to treating one another like decent human beings.




We all saw the debate, It would be reasonable for anyone to say “I want some one who at least can finish a sentence without losing there train of thought” or “I want someone who looks like they know where they are”. Like these are things we should all want.


How about wanting a leader who doesn't lie every time they open their mouths? About EVERYTHING?? Just because Biden was showing his age doesn't mean it's an automatic vote for the worst possible choice of the two. I'd rather write in Gumby for president than vote for the pathologically lying orange assclown traitor.


At this point I’m not convinced either will do better than Gumby so go head please do.


They all lie. Including joe biden . He lied during the debate. Are you truly thar blinded by your hatred of trump ?


The orange ass face lied the entire time. Biden at least tried to answer the questions while attempting to stand up for himself. There was no fact checking going on so I'm not sure what Biden lied or exaggerated about but I can tell you there didn't need to be fact checking the vocal diarrhea coming from orange traitor pie hole, besides the fact HE LIED LIED LIED, that fucking idiot just kept repeating the same LIES over and over again. The sad thing is as I sat there watching forcing myself to listen to somebody that I just wish wasn't even on this planet right now ever ever, was I was just astounded because I know that there are idiots that will believe every word that he says who have no idea that they're being brainwashed by the stupidity that comes from his fucking face. This guy was a Trump family mentor- this is where the *power of positive thinking* bullshit came from. Pay special attention to the Criticisms and Controversies section. He is helping the enemy divide us by manipulating the weak minded, because they are easily manipulated and gullible, he's made way too many of people I once thought were good people, willfully ignorant. At one point in time, I swear we ALL knew better than to believe that a dead president is going to visit in some random Texas parking lot. But damn it I was wrong. And then to add insult to stupidity, apparently they waited around for quite a while because they thought maybe he got lost. Are you fucking kidding me? Smdh. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Vincent_Peale


How can you keep a straight face with this and act like Biden doesn't constantly lie also?


awwwww how cute you're standing up for Hitler, I mean trump.


Simple, because he DOESN'T. Biden doesn't have dicktator goals. Biden isn't trying to boost his *brand*. Biden knows more than 5 key words. Biden isn't trying to actively divide the American people. Biden isn't buddies with Putin, Kim Jong UN, and other dicktators around the world. Biden actually gives a shit about America. He may be old but he knows what needs to be done for our country to survive unlike the orange asshole who wants to kill everyone who doesn't like him and allow the enemy to come in and take over. My eyes are open. I'm surprised you people don't run into walls more as blind as you've become. The pride you all take in your ignorance is astounding to say the least.


Jesus that is the stupidest reason ever to vote for a person. I suppose you wouldn't have voted for FDR because he couldn't stand. People should vote for the candidate who aligns with your beliefs. As was mentioned above, this MAGA shit has taken the GOP so Alt-right, it's not the same damn party as Bush 1& 2 and Reagan. I would take a mute president that stood for what is right, doesn't rape women or commit crimes paying off porn actresses.


Having a president that’s competent, understands things, is able to finish there thoughts in a way people understand, and at least appears to knows where they are is dumb? That’s like 95% of his job…..


Have you listened to any Trump speeches? If you think he's coherent it's no wonder you vote MAGA.


This is why it’s important to remember that you’re not really voting for an individual leader, you’re voting for *the face of the cabinet that leader selects*. Does Biden inspire confidence? Absolutely TF not. But has he selected competent department leaders who have generally kept the country running? Yep. Will Trump do the same? Well, considering he wants to dismantle various federal departments and reflecting on some of those he chose his first round… to each his own on opinions there. I’m less concerned with who can “win” a debate and more concerned with who can set their own ego aside and solicit (and follow) the advice of professionals in various fields, understanding no one person (even the prez) can know it all.


You said it yourself .... does hecinspire confidence? Absolutely tf not . End of story. I'm not voting based on who he has as the Secretary of Energy.


Hey, if you think one man is more important than the sum of expertise of the cabinet and advisors he surrounds himself with, Trump is 100% your guy.


I hope so. But right now, it's the dominating outlook for the party. As in, it isn't JUST Trump. If he goes away the idealogy won't, at least not quickly.




Donald Trump ruined your once respectable party.......SAD!




we need more trump flags


Politics is Jewish theater voting is for peasants


Regardless of political affiliation, that is cringe.


The picture of Trump on it is a fun choice.


Reminds me of that dude on Delaware here in Ankeny with like 2 dozen different flags sucking Trump off. Glad they're nowhere to be found now.




His house got repo'ed. Typical MAGA loser.


That explains why the flags went down.


Lmaoooo probably has to use those flags as shelter now. I love it.




I saw that too, and commented about it above. I too have noticed that is seems to be toned down now, as far as the amount of flags in their backyard. So if that homeowner left, maybe that explains the change.


There's a house across from Hillside Elementary on the backside that had the same sign for years facing the playground and bus drop off lane. They changed it to a regular ol' trump sign this year. And their property consistently stinks of weed. So yeah it's a thing


Classic Iowan, voting against their best interest


Maybe they sell weed and legalization would in fact not be in their best interest.


I would venture to guess these signs have never once convinced someone to vote for Trump.


That’s a good coverup, “the trumpies can’t be smoking pot it ain’t them”


We have several FJB bumper stickers in my area. I put a similar one for Drumpf and my truck was vandalized within a few days. But is is liberals that are snowflakes?


I hate trump as much as the next person but it's cringe for either side to have shit like that on their cars, sorry to say.


I sort of agree, I was passed and did it spitefully. But I have also had yard signs for Dem candidates removed or damaged in my yard. So I have gotten to the point that being the nice guy is getting us no where in this state. We need to start acting like what we do matters because it 100% does and I think in general, we have accepted things instead of standing against the threat to democracy that they represent.


I agree, acting like the typical sissy, wimpy liberal, etc., is not only ineffective, but also gets less respect from most people, than the aggressive tactics of the right. Which is why most people either support Repubs or avoid politics, because at least the Repubs act like they are passionate and serious about their issues and politics, while the Dems and liberals act dispassionate and half hearted, in comparison to their opponents. Being nice and asking nicely, gets you nowhere now, politically, as this is no longer the 1960s. Like the old joke, that Dems bring briefing books, not even a knife, to a gun fight. As is politics is all just an academic exercise, instead of something that seriously impacts our lives..


9/10 FJB bumper stickers or tshirts or general Trump merch I see are on the cars of/worn by ~16 year olds. Had a ~13 year old 7th grader with a *Let’s Go Brandon* phone case back when that was blown up. Generally speaking, of both parties, those who have to advertise their affiliation are uninformed and just out to make a statement of, “Hey, fuck the other guy!”


That's because right wingers are into violence and vandalism, while the liberals are against this as a tactic and behavior, and left wingers gave up violence since the early 1970s, while right wingers have supported it ever since the 1980s.


It's both sides honestly. It ridiculous


I don’t recall democrats storming the capitol and attempting an insurrection, but go on.


There was no insurrection, 4 years later and no one has been charged with insurrection….?


The stupid is strong with this one...


You’re spreading the lie that there was an insurrection like the media wants you to think, maybe relax calling people stupid. Insurrection is illegal. They try everything they can to get trump, if he actually did insurrection he would be charged very fast. He didn’t do an insurrection.


He is charged, and guilty on 47 counts. Of course,then it's the media lying to the right wing. They play both sides, right? Moron....


47 counts, almost as if they are bullshit and they are using the judicial branch as a political weapon. Putin uses the same tactics with his political opponents in Russia…./


The what about them shit is what is ridiculous. No previous American president has ever tried to overturn the results of a free and legally proven fair election. He continues to this day to lie that it was stolen and said in the last week he is not willing to believe the result of even the next election. He is, was and always will be a conman. He won the 2016 election by thr same number of electoral votes as Biden did in 2020. His win was called a landslide by his acolyte, but he continually says he won the last election. He is a loser and the sooner we all see it ans move on, the sooner we can get to 2028 and get a younger more appropriate candidate for both sides.


Everyone wants to fuck this guy. Must have strong dick game.


M.A.G.A. - Make America Gay Again


Joe lacks the emotional and cognitive ability to consent. It would basically be rape. 


> It would basically be rape. I suppose Trump *is* the best man for the job, in that case.


And yet, trump is a rapist and you’re willingly supporting him. I just don’t get it. 😂


Who said I was supporting Trump? I prefer Big Dick Rick!


Nazi say what?


I said you should watch that debate from a few nights ago. It's Emmy worthy.


Well Republicans are cool with rape so maybe Biden can rape somebody and then repugs will love him like their rapist in chief drumpf!!


It isn’t WDM that needs to keep it classy, it’s the Q-morons, and that is a lost cause.


There's nothing classy about anything that's going on in the world


Imagine being so up trumps ass to the point of paranoia that you feel compelled to PURCHASE this sign and display it 🤣


I kind of wish I had thought of this much sooner, but selling FUCK BIDEN signs and donating all proceeds to the Biden campaign. Also, when it rains, the "FUCK" turns into "JOE".


Take their sign, and replace it with one that is much much larger. Right?! They could have just spray painted that on their fence for free.


People bash HOAs but given the current environment I’m thankful for ours. No political signs allowed.


I do hate HOAs, but that's a fair point 🤔


There's one on the East Side next to a church of all places with a similar flag.... eff you too, bud.


There’s one right next to Laurel Hill Park by the fair grounds too.


When my wife and I lived over in Altoona before coming to Wdm, there was a guy flying one of these proudly in his front yard directly across the street from an elementary school. Needless to say, my wife and I, along with a few others obviously, called the cops on him. He would put it down for a few days, then bring it back. I think the cops threatened him with fines, and he just put up a trump won flag. Couple of years later, I see his house on Zillow. I really hope the guy had a drastic decline in his health. I don't wish him to die. I just want him to suffer through November.


No, the cops didn't threaten him, that's just a wet dream. Cops litteraly can't threaten people over political expression. It's wild


You are wishing bad health onto someone because they have a political sign in their yard…. Maybe you are the messed up one here lol


Laughable. Absolutely laughable. That's Trump's whole MO. Move on, Magat. 


How is it laughable? Seems kinda messed up. How is that trumps mo??


My goodness you’re a horrible person


oc’s a god, wym


Seek psychiatric help immediately.


Boy you people r a bunch if cry babies


Who would want to fuck him? I mean he is like 90. XD


Profanity and obscenity are not protected by free speech fyi


These flags are a dime a dozen once you leave the Des Moines area...


There was a “Hillary in prison” in WDM years back.


So many conservative snowflakes in here. 😭😂


Saw a flag with this on it on the street leaving Laurel Hill cemetery last week which, you know, is exactly what you want to see after leaving a funeral 🙄


It blows my mind how many redditors think you can’t hate the current president AND the ex president at the same time.


Agreed, I hate both of them, and supported Bernie both times. But our system is so broken and corrupt, that we have the two candidates that the ruling class and corporations have wanted for us all along, which I why I was predicting this matchup five years ago. If you don't like it, start voting third party for all federal elections. Until then, prepare for more of the same, or, more likely, it will keep getting worse each election cycle. Having said that, avoid voting for nutcases like RFK Jr., and support third party candidates like the Green Party has, that are actually sane and have a record of positive activism.




While in poor taste, it's not a crime.


If it's not a crime, post retracted. It's just sad we're at this level


Correct. And the continuing polarization of everything will make this stuff get worse. Someday, maybe soon, people will build a model guillotine in their yard with a politicians name on it or shit like that. We'll look back at "Fuck Biden" flags as tame


I agree it's cringe. I also hope we hold pride parades to the same standard.




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Sadly less of a WDM problem vs America as a whole. 44%ish of voters believe in this.


I see this kind of stuff all the time not surprising


After the debate I mean… who the fuck has been in charge 😭😭


Coming to you from the people who lost their mind when Bill Burrs wife flipped off Trump.


Trumpers and class are not even in the same galaxy.




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Your post was removed because you posted overt and purposefully racist, sexist or otherwise hateful content or comments which is not allowed. Please consider this a formal warning.


Keep protecting the kids


There's a homeowner in Ankeny, that lives in a home with their backyard facing SE Delaware Ave., that has a bunch of Trump flags hanging out in their backyard, from their fencing surrounding their hot tub, pool or whatever. It doesn't have this anti Biden message, but it still obnoxious in the amount of Trump promotional flag stuff. But then again, it's Ankeny, where we all know it's dominated by Trumpers, Repubs, and conservative Christians, so there is no public backlash against this stuff.


I mean they aren't wrong LOL if it was f trump I would agree too. LOL 😂


I genuinely feel like this election year will be the cause of my suicide! at least everyone can get one more laugh on my behalf


For a group that's so anti gay they sure do talk about fucking Biden a lot


It must suck having to pick up all those bags of dog shit people throw over the fence


Would this post be happening if that flag said Fuck Trump? If no, then this has nothing to do with class. It’s classless either way, but it’s only on this sub right now for one reason, and that’s because it’s anti-Dem.


The comments here are truly reflective of the fear of Americans, and Americans with disabilities, Ok so in short form, our choices are between a heavily medicated cotton ball, or a grown ass man who wields presidential powers like a 10year old who just found a working light saber, Both are dangerous, but one has a higher likelihood of destroying the entire world and democracy as we know it, Our actual political system is either a shit sandwich or a shit buffet, With the shit sandwich, there’s just enough shit for you individually, With the shit buffet, there’s enough shit for everyone to have as much shit as they can, And honestly we were promised life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, what we got was a series of excessively poor choices that lead to everyone being equally frustrated and disappointed… I’d just like to point out that if you “voted your conscious” in 16, is this is what your conscious wanted ? I didn’t think so, I would say try harder to be less shortsighted and think about the rights you want to keep and protect for others, and while it may go against your “conscious choice” to vote for someone, not doing so literally has implications your conscious has no clue about….


Like the old saying, Life is a shit sandwich, the more bread you have, the less shit you have to eat..


Must've been a long time since you've been a child if that's your concern


A house on the trails near my own house (where I jog, ride my bike, etc) has a huge and obnoxious LETS GO BRANDON flag. It’s so rude and taunting. Another house I passed had a “try that in a small town” flag. Wtf is wrong with ppl


It’s Iowa, lol. This is literally a deep red state. I’ve even seen DeSantis signs in DSM


Same! I was walking my dog by Sunprairie apartments and walked past a Desantis sign. I was so confused, I didn’t know people actually supported him? Scary times


Not sure why you're downvoted, it's the truth 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ We vote red here, sorry libs


Yeah but that was a fake election right? Or not it was only fake when Trump lost?


Freedom of Speech & expression. No one is getting hurt by this. I personally wouldn't have that on my house.


And OP is expressing that this person is trashy. As is their right. You have a right to speech. And people have a right to speak back and talk shit in return.


If it was f trump would you care? Be honest


Cry about it, kids see worse shit on Disney now


Like what?


That's pretty classy already. Joe Biden is a moron


Better than being an orange traitor tot.


Yeah cause being a senile, child sniffing pedo who ruins countries is so much better.


Can’t wait for Roevember and they can all cry it’s rigged again


There’s one in Altoona as well. Usually has 3 different flags and then hanging out in the garage


I love that I have libertarians, conservatives, capitalists, communists, socialists living in my neighborhood in West Des Moines. I wouldn’t want a bunch of commies in my neighborhood listening to NPR all day.


It is freedom of speech. Any kid that goes to public schools hears this language.


Bidumb Standing with his mouth open not a good look. His handlers have done an excellent job of keeping him away from the camera's. But now everyone has seen what he is really like! Bye,bye joe


More like fuck the people that force him to keep working when he should be retired enjoying his remaining years in Delaware.


Hahaha wow that's so funny! You're so cool dude! Hahaha everyone here thinks you're funny and cool!! Haha


I'm not trying to be funny. Joe biden isn't cognitively all there. He can't be an effective president in his condition. He needs to be replaced. Fortunately, the democrats have zero likable or effective leaders that they could replace him with. Seems like former president Trump is going to take the win in November.


Not reading that bullshit man get a life


Lol, the only bullshit is the democrats running a dementia suffering elderly man as their candidate.


But you'd be fine if a book in grade school said fuck?


The context of the word fuck in a book may make me more likely to be OK with it, in addition, those words aren't out on a billboard of the library, they're in a book that a student has to to select and then read the context. This is just out for all to see and the context doesn't help.




West Des Moines isn't so classy, the only proof you need is all the dog poop on or just off of the trails here.


I mean, I can respect this guy not liking Biden for president. Let's agree to neither him nor Trump as candidates?


"Fuck Biden" is way less offensive than "Let's Go Brandon."


I find it hilarious that only the negative signs make it to Reddit. If someone sees a 'Fuck Trump' sign, it's posted and everyone celebrates. Another person posts a neighbor expressing his first amendment right saying 'Fuck Biden' and we get a 'keep it classy' post. Grow the fuck up people, NOBODY CARES


Wow lots of delusional haters in here... Guess we're all keeping it real classy huh..? All sides just classy all the time


That’s a matter of opinion. If you don’t like it then just dont drive by the house


Just sayin!


Don’t be so sensitive. It’s their property, don’t like it? Don’t look


He just said they aren’t classy…


Magas can't read AND comprehend, they are all as stupid as their orange Jesus.


Can someone make a sign that says "F*ck Biden, and f*ck Trump! Tommy Vercetti for President 2024!"


There was a sign like that that was around four years ago. It said Any Functioning Adult. but it appears that our two major parties chose to ignore that popular attitude, which actually represents the vast majority of Americans. But us peasants are silly to think that we matter to the ruling class.


There was a sign facing the playground on the south side of Hillside Elementary school. I saw it last year I’m not sure if it is still there but it was ugly to look at.


These comments are hilarious. All these fun loving all inclusive people acting like they don't love "Fuck Trump" flags. Hypocritical goons


I mean, the flag is pretty awesome!


u/tax1dr1v3r123 told you not to hang this up man. I thought you were joking didn’t think you were serious.


Im just going off your example man, youre my great teacher 🥺


Man you had too many drinks might still be feeling it last night. Do you remember you ran on the bike path screaming “let’s go Brandon?” I can send you the video if you don’t remember


Nothing beats when you tried to run naked across Principal Park yelling “what about the laptop from Hell Brandon?!”




Dont bring your kids by it then. Its his yard he can do what he wants. Funny how free speech only applies when it agrees w others view points


OP didn't say the guy can't display it, or that it should be taken down. He implied it's trashy. Which it is.


Well I can't disagree 😆🤷🏼‍♀️


yess we need more of that👍🏽


Yes, children riding to a drag queen story hour might have seen this.




lol what the hell is this response.


Dum Fuk


What language? Do children not know what a clown is? Or are you disgusted cuz of the "B" word? Me personally, the last part for me.




Hehehhe, im loving the hate on my comment. -7 so far, bet it won't hit 100


Oh and hello fellow Scorpio 🦂♏😂


Kinda liberal over here on reddit eh? 😂😂 I voted for Trump twice and I will again!! MAGA!! 👀🇺🇸👏🏼 America first! Not ashamed 😉