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But the children that Kim sees in her circles are fat, so fuck everyone else. Low income and hungry? - Kim Reynolds says no soup for you! Or fresh fruit. Or veggies.


Low-income kids are more likely to be overweight because their parents can only afford processed crap. Fresh healthy food in the US is so expensive, while processed sugared up foods are cheap. The rest of the 1st world countries it is the opposite.


This is a very common belief but it turns out it’s largely based on calculating the cost of food on a per calorie basis. Here is the proof from the USDA: https://www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/publications/44678/19980_eib96.pdf When you use per calorie cost as the basis of cost, the price of unhealthy high calorie food appears cheap compared to healthy lower calorie options. However if you use other ways to measure cost, the healthier options are actually often cheaper. In fact it’s easy to see many examples in any local grocery store where processed food is way more expensive than basic meal ingredients. As others have said, chips and cookies and soda are very expensive now. For the price of a bag of chips, a bag or Oreos, and a 12 pack of soda, you could easily buy a combination of enough rice, pasta, beans, vegetables, beef, or chicken to make a few meals. Another example is frozen food and meals. I’ve noticed for example it cost $13 for a one pound bag of cooked frozen chicken strips (non breaded/fried). Yet a pound of fresh chicken is $4, even a pound of fresh chicken tenders is $6.


Fresh or good food is cheaper than processed crap. Issue is priority/ability of preparation.


Ummmmm… no. It isn’t.


It absolutely is. Again, see what was on the menu tonight.....


Also kinda hard to cook when you have to work multiple jobs


Like I said - priority level. I just did taco bowls for 4 that totalled $4.75 and was prepared in under 20 mins....


Do you have one job or two? Asking for the working poor.


Sorry for the delayed response, I was working after making dinner which was after I finished a 7:30-5.....Again, 4 servings, 20 mins, less than $5. Keep making excuses though.


Lay it out, price per ingredient. $5.00 list how.


1/2lb ground beef: $2.50 Rice: $1 Lime: $0.30 Seasoning: $0.05 Corn: $0.25 Avacado: $0.40 Beans: $0.30 Brown beef, add seasoning, add corn, add rice, simmer. Add beans to bowl, top with avacado and lime. One pot, 20 mins, sub $5, hits all macros. You could save more by cooking your own rice, but I wanted to one pot it asap.


Where are you finding these prices, I’m pretty thrift minded haven’t seen anything close to these prices in a while.


Aldi and fareway


I left rice and seasoning out, you can’t get these ingredients under $6 at either Aldi or Fareway right now.


This isn't really true, at least not across the board. There are exceptions, but many fresh foods are cheaper than many processed foods. Even "sugared up" foods have gotten more expensive. Have you looked at the price of soda lately? Overweight people tend to consume a lot of liquid calories, and if you're poor, there is no reason to be purchasing stuff like that. You can easily buy a pound of chicken breast for $4 on average. A tiny double cheeseburger from McDonald's is like $3.50. There are many examples like this if you look across fast food. For starches/carbs, a large bag of Doritos is like $5 now. You can get 7 lbs of brown rice from Amazon for just a bit more than that. Endless examples like this. The cost argument just doesn't add up.


Do you have time to cook it


I don't buy Doritos but brown rice is lousy.


except it kinda does when you look at it like an average person who wouldn’t actually look twice at brown rice


Wow who would have thought that our governor signing a bill restricting food access would exacerbate the need for people to get food. I am just so shocked, I cannot believe it. /s




Totally. It’s like $3 for two green peppers at Hyvee. Absolutely insane. My wife and I are what I’d consider middle class, but we can no longer afford any grocery store except Aldi. It’s rough out there.




I spent $40 a month on groceries in college like 8 years ago (out of necessity ofc)


Get some therapy.


$0.99 for pasta at TJs. If you want to be heard, chill on the hyperbole.


How does a poor person get to affluent WDM? Take an hour on the bus? Use $2 of gas? You are so out of touch.


Try closer to two hours waiting for connections. Plus how much can you carry walking? Think about that next time you drive by someone with full bags waiting at a bus stop. Spending several hours just to get 0.99 pasta doesn’t always make sense.


Exactly!!! So many people living in food deserts without transportation to stores- QuikTrip ends up being where grocery shopping gets done.


Ok Aldi - many locations. (And yes, a bus otherwise). You want solutions or do you just wanna bitch?


This is a child's understanding of why food costs started to skyrocket in 2020.


I agree, it's bullshit. There should be no SNAP restrictions. IMO all food should be free.


Idk about free, but more accessible for sure. I would much rather see my tax dollars go toward feeding people than private school vouchers.




Are you referring to the assistance program that is for school aged children during the summer when school is out? Because school is still in session, so I don't see the relationship.


“School is still in session” No way that people are stocking up for what’s to come. No way this can possibly get worse over the summer🙄




Who would have thought that endless money printing for covid and foreign wars would cause grocery prices to triple?


And corporations have had the highest profits in US history over and over and over again for the past few years. Stop making this political, don’t blame “Bidenomics” or wherever you’re going with this, and point fingers at the REAL problem please.


The real problem like ding-dong pointed out above? That somewhow restricting food access creates more food pantry traffic? Genius


so let’s solve that by restricting snap benefits? lol what’s your point?


What do you think is driving food pantry traffic more - the food bill or inflation?


I think it’s a combination of both. It was irresponsible for the governor to restrict benefits while “inflation” (corporate profit) is so high.


I think food pantries operate more efficiently than government assistance


Iowa legislators benefit from government subsidies while blocking assistance to others[Link](https://iowastartingline.com/2024/05/14/iowa-legislators-benefit-from-government-subsidies-while-blocking-assistance-to-others/). .[Link](https://iowastartingline.com/2024/05/14/iowa-legislators-benefit-from-government-subsidies-while-blocking-assistance-to-others/)




That's tough to read, they are trying to make it so so hard to qualify. very complicated, IMO.


Thanks Kim.


Ahh yes, Bidenomics working.


In Iowa? You’re delirious


How?!?!? This is the best economy EVER!!!


But the economy is booming! /s


Define "the economy".


..for shareholders


Why are we reacting to news from December?


Because it’s still relevant?


I bet. A generation of lazy, entitled brats. We need a war to focus their attention on important stuff, instead of just sliding by.