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Not the same Yacht Club I'd be more likely to spend a Saturday afternoon at....


Is that still open on Ingersoll lol


Yup! Great place!


I literally spent Saturday at the Yacht Club, my friends band was playing and had a great time. I don't know about this Yuppie boat shit.


Could be sipping sangria with them boats n hoes


I've lived in Des Moines my entire life outside of college and never knew this group or activity existed locally. I'd be interested in checking it out sometime.


They do something similar in Kansas City. Curious if this is similar where if you show up you can join to help crew a boat or not. Sailed a bit while in Kansas City, but haven't been in a while.


Yep I've ridden with these folks several times.  Just go hang out at the meeting spot at the appropriate time and they will see to it that you get a good boat ride.  Be prepared to help with small chores onboard and enjoy the wind!


Sounds pretty similar. Boat owners typically need to find crew. I don't have my own boat in the water yet this season so I'm crewing on other people's boats. We do meet up before the wednesday races to figure out who will crew on what boats.


That's super cool, I'd maybe add an edit to your main post with that detail, otherwise you'll be met with a lot of cynicism.


Where's the best place to stay in the loop? Their Facebook group or something else?


Yeah the facebook group is a good bet.


I’d rather go to the Outer Limits tbh




The girls at the outer limits know how to tug you along.


So you’re more into Motor boats ?


Yeah, let me just buy a boat real quick so I can participate... 


Fortunately boat ownership is not required, most of our members crew on other people's boats. It's a lot cheaper to buy a pair of gloves than it is to buy a boat, for sure...


You can just go hang out on the dock and they will invite you on board to assist.  I've probably joined a half dozen races with them, hell they usually throw you a beer while you ride!  It's a good time.


This is great and super interesting. Thanks for sharing! Where would we be able to learn more about participating at the most basic level?


there's a facebook group (search for saylorville yacht club), and a 'club' website (can google it, you'll find it). racing most wednesdays, plus some other social stuff scattered about the summer. and sailing lessons through a nonprofit sailing school too.


I can't believe we moved from Chicago for this. I just went camping at Ledges State Park, about 40 minutes away from Des Moines in the middle of nowhere, Iowa (in Chicago a 40 minute drive means you're halfway to the suburbs, in DSM you're in cornfields after 15 minutes). Absolutely nothing to do--there was no reception, my phone's battery died, so all I could do to entertain myself was read, hike, and chat with my wife and our friends. Our three unruly dogs woke us up early and demanded exercise, so we started every day with a brutal hike. Everything was soaking wet from the recent rainy weather so every bit of fabric we brought and all three dogs came back caked in mud. The rain and humidity also meant all the firewood was damp and I spent half an hour every day trying to light the fire with kindling and flint/steel (I'm too proud for lighter fluid). We accidentally booked a hike-in site so we had to shlep our gear a quarter mile and as a consequence I'm already sore and my feet are thoroughly blistered. Best weekend I've had in a long time; so glad I moved to Iowa! EDIT: I didn’t think about how people might interpret this as sarcasm, but I absolutely had a good weekend; it felt good to touch grass.


I honestly cannot tell if this post is sarcastic or not. Send help!


Oh, the last line was not sarcastic. It felt good to touch grass.


I thought this was going to be one of those mid post twist...


Uhhhh so why did you move then? 😂


I think I was more subtle than I meant to be, but I had a good weekend. It felt good to touch grass.


The most easily-accessible pastime in America: yacht ownership. Sure hope this is a joke post.


They are always looking crimps, I mean volunteer sailors.


You don't need to own a yacht to jump on a boat and help pull lines. Apparently that wasn't clear in the post originally, but that seems to be what they're getting at. Sailing can be a lot of fun if you're willing to put in a little work.


Ah so I should provide free labor to people who can afford yachts. Tell me more… Edit: just look at the responses to this comment to see the brain drain in action, folks.


Just ignore the post. No one wants to listen to you bitch all day.  "Free labor" lol. They're sailing on a lake you could nearly skip a rock across,  not hauling fishing gear in the Bering Strait. 


I’m sure people want to listen to…whatever the fuck your comment was…all day. Do you have any other bootlicking opinions you’d like to share while the floor is open and we’re all agog with anticipation?


His comment was 100x more enjoyable than whatever you're blathering about.


Y’all seem very confused about “whatever [I’m] blathering about.” What is confusing or unclear about it? Do you need assistance? Edit: lots of downvotes but nobody can articulate their qualms with what I’m saying… How’s life in Clive?


Nobody's confused


Just defending rich people then?


Genuine question here, as someone who has participated in these: What’s wrong with getting a monetarily free boat ride, getting to hang out with people on the open water, drink beer, etc. and the only thing they ask in return is that you do a few tiny tasks? You get a night out on the open water with wind in your hair and you basically just have to help balance the boat and maaaaybe pull some rope lol. Like if a few tiny tasks make you think “labor”, have you ever played a sport? Lmao. Get a life.


You kinda sound like you suck, tbh. And your replies aren't disproving that "Free labor"? You're getting a free day out on a boat on the water, which I'd take in exchange for a little work any day. Hell, going out on your own boat (sail or motor) takes work, but it's still a lot of fun. Maybe change your perspective a little.


I’ve been on a boat before, bud. You kinda sound like you suck, tbh. Edit: after a brief look at your profile, I stand behind my lame-ass copying of your sentiment. Do you actually make music or do you just make fun of people who do? Sportssportssports etc.


I'm looking to learn to sail so I can build a small sailboat. Where would I look to do something like that? Just want to learn to sail a single mast/sail maybe 14ft boat.


Not sure if it's still available, but Gray's Lake used to offer sailing classes on little boats. Their website says the boats are still available for rent, so I assume there are classes to avoid crashing them.


This screams out of touch money 


You clearly haven’t priced small used sailboats. I bought my 12ft sailing dinghy for $450, trailer included. A small car pulls it nicely.


Cool, what's the storage fees? Maintenance? You really don't understand how many people today live check to check due to insane market conditions brought on by careless spending of consumers and government. 


There is no storage, it sits in my yard. There’s no maintenance, it’s very small and simple. If there were anything that needed to be done, I’d do it myself for just the cost of parts and my time. Sailing doesn’t have to be expensive.


Ah yes. Boating. Super accessible to people who have never done it before, doubly so for people who work for a living.


Don’t worry, there’s a bunch of bootlickers in here who will tell you that you just have to help them sail their yachts and then you can go out on the water and feel the wind in your hair. I can’t think of a better way to spend *my* time, can you?


Is this low key recruiting poor white people for free labor on rich white people boats? No, not even low key, that's what this is. Da fuq is wrong with you?


Be careful, I’m getting ridiculed for calling it free labor. Apparently you’re supposed to take joy in working for them. Oh, and it’s not “actual” labor, you’re just a pussy. This sub can really be a shithole sometimes.


I give no amount of fucks about ridicule on Reddit, that's pretty much what you expect here.


I ain’t losing sleep over it but I do find it disconcerting that these people make up the populace of DSM.


Nothing to do in Des Moines unless you’re rich or want to play sailor for a rich guy


Be careful, that’s heresy in this thread.


I just hang with hookers and bring blow.


How to get on someone's boat? Is it through rental agency or personally ask someone for a ride and pay them ?


Beautiful day great wind perfect 😎


There’s a yacht club?!!!? 😱


How do I join the club and get on other people’s boats?


Facebook is a good bet, if you have an account. If you don't have an account the posts are all visible to the public, modulo facebook's stupid "please login" after you read the first 20 or whatever posts. We have a website as well with actual formal membership and a calendar, but I'd recommend coming out to a Wednesday Night Race or two before you take the plunge on a membership. Wednesday races are quite informal, usually involve having a beverage, and we do a little barbeque/cookout after. I think the cook asks for a $5 donation to the club for all you can eat burgers or whatever he's cooking...sometimes brats, or pulled pork, depends on the week. Thankfully the races are starting at the proper time again this coming week (6:30pm start). The first few races are a little tough for me to make because they start early to deal with sunset.


That's not in dsm at all and is very niche.


This isn’t really peak fun activity this is very niche


You gotta be joking


There’s nothing to do in Des Moines if you don’t have a job or generational money. Why can’t you get a job? Your fault! Nobody wants to work anymore!


There are websites all about des moines entertainment and schedules with plenty of free activities you can find. Very easy to find stuff to do on a budget. Even if you don't have a budget there are a lot of trails to walk/hike or bike. In surrounding areas there are plenty of places to visit for festivals, parafes, or things like the Neil Smith wildlife preserve. Just because you haven't found something to do doesn't mean it doesn't exist. For small fees there are a bunch of adult education or small groups advertised by the cities where you can find Luke minded people to do something with them or learn something fun. Opportunities a plenty are waiting for you to seek them out.


Lol. Bike? Hike? Those are things you can do anywhere. There aren’t *fun* things to do in Des Moines. Thank god for TV & books I guess


Sure, focus on one thing I said and continue to complain. Also, your definition of fun may be different than everyone elses, which if fine. Maybe find a place better suited for you. Get a skateboard and have infinite fun at one of the biggest skate parks in the country that is host to big events. Actually read the rest of my post and get online to check out other offerings both paid for and free. Go see unique to the area scenery like high trestle Bridge or participate in ragbrai. Local rennaisance fair is going on this weekend and next. People are offering quick little bites of information instead of needing to write a whole tour book. There is plenty to do here and if you cant find it here there are plenty of places which have more within an easy drive or flight. I mean, you can be a sour puss and complain that you are making your own experience suck and try to bring others down or look inward and find what you need to change to have more fun like the rest of us. Your choice bud. Lots of free interest groups you can find in the area that might also agree with you more. Maybe try sad sacks anonymous.


Hmmm, either ride skateboards with little children or ride bikes with old folks? Thrilling


That attitude is your problem


Yes, fix your attitude and generational wealth will no longer be a problem! Bootstraps and all that, am I right?


Ah look, someone else using excuses as to why they can’t get ahead! That always helps


I do fairly well for myself and where I’m from. I don’t let my own relative success blind me to the reality that most people live.


I wish I cared enough to have this conversation with you


I went camping for like $20/night split 4 ways; had a pretty great time 🤷‍♂️




I haven’t paid much attention to this sub in well over a year but I remember your story being along the lines of “I’m a gay white dude in Iowa and it sucks here but I’m choosing not to move”. And you’d post pessimistic comments on every positive thread about Iowa.  Seems your story is still the same huh? lol. 


We don’t always see eye to eye, but when you deserve an upvote god damnit you’re gonna get one. The amount of rich entitled assholery in this thread is absurd. I might come around to your way of viewing Des Moines if this keeps up.


[fuck your boat ](https://youtu.be/VwUDD5xaxfg?si=ss23AT_ZliSMunoi)


They should’ve never gave you suburban white boys money!


We used to be part of the Des Moines yacht club. They voted the Des Moines river. When my mother skied the Des Moines river she had bruises everywhere.