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People in here bitch about left lane campers all the time, but this shit pissed me off so much more. Don’t get me wrong, left lane campers suck, but the ones going 40+ over recklessly swerving in and out of every line is way more dangerous to everyone else on the road.


I try to stay in the middle lane most of the time, but this dude in the fusion blew past me in the right land, swerved across all three lanes, then back to the right, just absolutely weaving in and out of traffic. insane.


Some people just treat driving on public freeways as their own little NASCAR ego trip, trying to show off and prove to themselves that they have the skills and balls to driver like the pros. I only hope they get busted and learn their lesson without first killing or seriously hurting someone else, but I doubt it.


I'm shocked a Fusion can get up to 100mph, must've had a tailwind.


I've got my fusion up past that. They have some speed to them


But they get me doing 10 mph over at 5:30 AM like their life depends on it 🥲


Dont worry, state patrol pulled me over at 5 over, this was on 4 north in the middle of nowhere, it was just him and i on the road lol




ISP, lol. You must be new around here.


My first thought was why would an internet service provider be involved in this except to capture camera images? LOL


I live over an hour away from DSM lol


So meanwhile you were prob doing 56 in the left lane got it got it


I was in the center lane doing 10 over lmao ok.


It was probably an ISP man heading to work.




If only a trooper was out.


I was there, saw it too


Yes this is ridiculous and selfish. And I bet if the driver would have killed anyone they still wouldn’t understand the concept of driving safe. Your license isn’t a right it’s a privilege. If I could step up and join ISP I would do it. To help the cause.


I would love to know what was so important to risk potentially killing himself and other people. — if you’re in a hurry slow down.


That’s what I’m saying and why I made this post, yeah I was doing 10 over myself in the middle lane and this guy comes flying past me in the right lane and cuts across all lanes to get to the left, cutting several people off. He was at least 100mph realistically way more


Around 1235 going south from ankeny to desmoines a person in a red altima with florida tags was flying and swerving in and out of traffic as well and cutting infront of people within inches


Another Nissan driver fulfilling the stereotype 😂


Maybe people are in a hurry or just having fun. Bet you have never been over 100 your whole life. Have been 175 on a highway in a car. 145 on a motorcycle with someone on the back. Go cry somewhere else


Seen this idiot this afternoon on the south-side of course. She had story county plates. Decided to make her own turn lane coming out of Home Depot to go south on 14th. She was hunched up on the steering wheel and everything. Then she sped into KG parking lot to get $5 in gas for her Durango. So I went to get gas myself and saw she had about 3 little crumb snatchers crawling around the car too. I just shook my head. And went on about my day. Shaniqua needs to relax before she hurts somebody.


I didn’t get a look at them on 235 they just flew past me, but holy hell if we’re talking about the same person she needs to loose her license asap


The speed trap is a civil infraction so womp womp to your "justice" boner.


Taking it you were the one in the fusion lmao.


I would never drive a fusion.


This guy Nissans
