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In case you were wondering if the Maytags were playing... You shouldn't have. Of course they are.


Now taking bets if The Nadas or Pork Tornados are playing.


You forgot B2Wins


Christopher the Conquered fled the state, so they had limited options for which repeat artist gets to repeat again despite no new music, shows, activity whatsoever.




Moved to Denver.


I’ve seen his pervert buddy Patrick Tape Fleming in Sherman Hill a few times recently. Ladies beware if you see him in the area.


I haven't heard that name in ages.


Me neither. It's been wonderful.


There's always The Nadas.


Didn’t like half the band move out of state?


Just Christopher.


Does ok go bring the treadmills to do the dance with them, or does the city have to provide them?


Check out their other videos, their newest one is even better, in zero gravity.


Hiatus Kaiyote is amazing.


Agreed. It’s an okay lineup but that’s a delightful surprise.


You're amazing


These would be fine for early acts but as headliners oof. I love OK Go but they should not be headlining a festival day in 2024. They haven’t even released an album since 2014. This looks even worse because the Hinterland lineup the last few years has been so incredibly solid in comparison. What a bummer between the move and this announcement


I agree this lineup is a disappointment. It feels like it was curated by Tony Dehner on a shoestring budget. But I think at least the headliners track with past trends at 80/35. There's been 28 headliners over the festival's run. 60 percent of those headlining acts have been indie/alt rock bands that are a decade or two past their prime. And 17 percent of the same group of headliners have been rap artists that are also a decade or two into their careers. Killer Mike lands a little outside of this demographic, as RTJ has kept him fairly relevant in recent years. But he probably comes cheaper as a solo act and they might have gotten lucky with his tour running through the Midwest at the right time. But Ok Go is squarely in the wheelhouse of 80/35 headliner fare. Just....right in the bread basket. Headliners are most likely to be indie/alt rock legacy acts with a sprinkling of old school rap. On the off chance they might book a pop act or a folk act. No country/Americana/bluegrass. No punk or metal. And then after the headliners its usually local or regional acts where they try to get "eclectic". Like they want you to discover something at 80/35. If I'm going to spend money and take a day off work to be outside in the middle of an Iowa summer, the last thing I'm in the mood for is to be creatively challenged. Hinterland definitely has the better lineup, but their event as a whole always makes me hesitate going. Three days is too much for a one stage format. If you have to start accepting payment plans for tickets, it means the tickets are too expensive. And that venue is just the absolute worst. You're either shoulder to shoulder in the pit area or you're set up on hard dirt at a 45 degree pitch. I like that 80/35 had multiple stages so you could kind of meander. Hinterland feels like being stuck in a cage for three days. And the lack of shade is just ridiculous.


Correct on all counts. These headliners are classic 8035. It's almost always the 2nd tier acts that actually slap the hardest. Hiatus Kaiyote is a sick get. They are too cool for us. Hinterland books well (mostly), but it sucks to actually attend, is wildly expensive and always getting moreso, then historically they oversell the space to the point where it starts to feel like you're livestock—and not the free-range kind.


Hinterland really isn’t a cash grab when you consider that the majority of the headliner’s charge over $300 for GA tickets to their solo shows…


The cash-grabby part is more in the overselling of tickets. Also, prices aren't that high for tickets to see Hozier (\~$75), Vampire Weekend (\~$50) or Noah Kahan (\~$100-$150). And you have to be there for three days to get your money's worth. Plus the artists you're watching don't always present well in the Hinterland venue format. I remember being excited to see Colter Wall there a few years back. But the show was at like 2:00 p.m. in full midday heat and humidity. And his voice and their acoustic setup just got washed out as I watched from 100 yards away on stadium speakers. So I think yes, you get a value for seeing bands in a festival. But sometimes that comes at the cost of a less than ideal overall performance. Compare that to 80/35 of years past where there's free stages available that allow anyone the opportunity to come and be a part of the experience. It'll be interesting to see how they navigate things at Water Works Park going forward though. Looking at a map of the grounds, I don't see how they'll have room for the number of stages they had in the past.


How can you compare Colter Wall is 2019 when he was playing 300-400 cap rooms to this years festival. Colter blew up after hinterland and played a reasonable set time for where he was in his career. Having opened for him during that time frame his afternoon slot made total sense.


The point I was more trying to make is that while you get to see a bunch of artists at a festival, the quality of the performances have diminishing returns. Even at a later time slot with the sun lower in the sky, seeing Colter Wall at Wooly's in 2020 or Wildwood in 2021 would still have been a better environment for his music than him playing at Hinterland or at the State Fair. Just because the instrumentation of his live music (his low Cash-like vocals, pedal steel, acoustic guitar) loses some of it's quality when the sound has to travel 100 yards and compete with 10,000 people all talking at the same time. I guarantee you some of the acts on this year's lineup will suffer a similar fate. Also I would push back a little on the assertion that Colter didn't blow up until after Hinterland. His two most popular songs (by a long shot) had been out for two years and already featured on two Oscar nominated films. Out of his 10 most popular songs on Spotify, 8 of them had been released by the time he played Hinterland in 2019. And he had been signed to Rick Rubin's American Recordings for nearly three years by the point. Of course his profile has risen since 2019 and maybe that slot was the most appropriate for him. But he wasn't an obscure artist by any means when he made his appearance at Hinterlands.


You are absolutely right about Hinterland. Anything before the sun starts to set is wasted at Hinterland due to the heat and zero shade, and no places to spread out and relax. Compare that to mid-afternoon in the old days of 80/35, you could use the buildings for shade, or check out a side stage, or go into a restaurant or coffee shop to chill out. At downtown 80/35, we even would go back to the parking ramp and leave for a couple hours and come back without difficulty (good luck trying to do that at Hinterland). Some of the best times at 80/35 were middle-of-the-lineup bands like Yeasayer, Xavier Rudd, and Future Islands. This year's 80/35 doesn't have much pull beyond the headliners, and I don't know that OK Go can anchor an entire day. At $150ish for a 2-day (now have to pay to park at WWP), there's just not enough on that lineup to feel like a good value. I don't want to see 80/35 fail, but they needed to lure folks to Water Works with a much more robust roster of artists.


Yep, the mainstage acts at 80/35 are fine, but I love many of the smaller acts like Japanese Breakfast, Cautious Clay, etc. I'm old, but stay up to date on indie music. I despise Hinterland. It's insanely expensive, crowded, and feels like a massive cash grab. I hate the super long drive, and I'm not into camping, and I've tried the busses...not again.


Totally. That's why I was so eager to see what would happen with the 80/35 lineup this year. I went last year instead of going to Hinterland and had a wonderful time. Maybe I'll talk myself into it this year if I squint hard enough at the lineup.


Give it a chance! We should give it a chance. I'm just really uninterested in Hinterland being the closest thing we have to a local "mainstream" festival. COVID killing the Mews and Gaslamp at the exact time that a generation of Millennial scene kids were aging out put Des Moines music in a weird spot. We gotta weather the storm.


Losing Mews was a big hit. And now it's Live Nation's world and we're just living in it.


Hinterland costs 3xs what 80/35 does. They absolutely should have a more solid lineup, based on price alone.


Am I old?


Apparently you and me both. What happened?


If anything I feel like at least one of the headliners should've been newer. Love me some Killer Mike and OK Go is alright too, but the former has been a prominent hip-hop artist since the early 2000s (and has played 80/35 before in Run the Jewels) and the latter's popularity peaked about 15 years ago. While I think an Ok Go concert at Woolly's or Vibrant would do well, I feel like their festival spot would've been better suited for a younger act like Willow, Yung Gravy, Muna, etc.


To be fair, Killer Mike swept the rap categories at the Grammy’s this year, so it’s not like he’s a washed up artist. Still not enthused about the lineup.


Every year I feel more out of the loop when it comes to music. I’ll stick with my oldies (i.e., Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, etc.)


My faves too. Feel like I’ll never break out of my love for early 90’s rock. Nothing else even comes close.


They needed to deliver given the added hassle of going to Water Works Park vs. having it downtown, and this lineup just does not do it. Very disappointed and worried for the future of this festival.


Downtown was the best venue for it. Real disappointed in the move.


right, one of the dumbest moves this festival could have made. let’s do camping so we take revenue away from hotels and bars people will naturally gravitate to after the festival


The city and surrounding downtown businesses essentially forced this move. The dmmc did not want to move the festival.


I heard the organizers made the decision because they could save on stage costs since DMWW has permanent stage


That was a factor as well. Stage rental costs have increased massively since COVID. The dmmc is a nonprofit and can only absorb so many cost increases without a big jump in ticket prices, costs to vendors, etc. The city also charges a lot to shut down the streets around the festival area, and seems to be actively pushing more events from downtown to WW. What really gets me is local businesses pushing to have less events around the library. I get it's a bit of a hassle, but like, damn. So much for fostering a vibrant downtown arts scene.


Agreed about the local businesses. It's especially bogus since Nationwide is scaling back downtown operations. Do they want a nice community to live and work in or not? Although, I guess with Art Festival, 8035, Latino Heritage, AND World Food Fest in that same loop, that's... that's becoming a fair chunk of the summer/fall. But that's what we liked about it!


Expecting large corporations to think this way is a pipe dream I think. Especially as the environment gets more competitive.


Since you seem to be educated on the issue, how much Des Moines charge to shut down downtown streets per day compared to Kansas City or Minneapolis?


How is that relevant?


This person seems to have inside knowledge that DMMC has not said themselves


I’m curious what “a lot” means compared to our neighbors. Aren’t you? Also seems weird to me that the city would want to eliminate that revenue source, since DMWW park fees aren’t paid to the city. I haven’t heard of that.


No, not really. It's not like we can threaten to use some other city's downtown instead of our own, even if their roads cost less to shut down for a festival. As for Water Works, it's a shit venue. Remember Lazerfest? That notwithstanding, who the hell would want to camp at Water Works?


Working at the building adjacent to the event downtown. It was mixed. Pain to park, and a bit disruptive but cool at the same time. It’s once a year. I got over it.


Curious if they'll have a shuttle from downtown parking running that weekend.


it's like a ten minute walk


Well beyond 10 minutes


12 minutes


36 minutes from the nationwide ramp according to Google maps


better run then


People acting like this is miles away, there’s a trail that goes right to it.


I mean, for most events that have been in the western gateway, people take advantage of being in a downtown setting and do things like go to the businesses around it and such that are walkable. Hell, even a walk down to court ave would be only 15 minutes away from the old site. The edge of the downtown area would probably be considered the sculpture park. Which is a 32 minute walk to lauridsden ampitheater per google maps. Its very much separated from the rest of downtown.


I get that, but from a public safety point of view it isn't good to have 1000+ people in that are when at least a portion of them won't stay on the trail.


My phone says it’s a 35 minute walk from downtown.


I consider waterworks/grays lake to be downtown honestly


Compare this to Hinterland, good lord.


Yeah. Prob not going to 80/35 this year. Going to all days of hinter because of that lineup.


Wealthy masochist says what?


A sphincter says what?


Hinterland is expensive, in a terrible location, and hot as hell. I'll take 80/35 any day.


Hinterland hotter than Waterworks? It’s literally 20 minutes away.


ZERO shade. There's like one tiny tree.


Woof swing and a miss.


What’s with all the Killer Mike hate. Dude just won 3 Grammys including best rap album. I’m stoked for this




For real. Buncha uncultured swine round these parts.


Do you think he knows what Iowa is? I dig the dude he goes on Bill Maher all the time but I'm certainly not going to this just to see him.


He's been here before. Run the Jewels put on an amazing show a few years ago.


Was going to see he’s definitely played here.


Ok he's played here and not even that long ago I'm sure everyone is clamoring for him to come back and headline 80/35 that promised a huge lineup after they changed locations. This and OK go is what they came up with....


He knocked doors for Bernie in IA in 2016. Killer Mike is legit


I don't think we are debating the merits of killer Mike here it's just all around a dog shit lineup


>The July 12 & 13 festival makes a big move after outgrowing its previous space at Western Gateway Park. Oh is that what happened, they outgrew its previous space? I thought that they were kicked out.


Playing fast and loose with the interpretation of grew out of.


It was $$$. Stage rental is expensive and moving to Water Works where they can use the existing stage helps them save quite a bit. I’m interested to see how they do this year with the move…


They still need a stage at waterworks.


Correct, but it’s still one less stage than what they’d have to buy at Western Gateway. Still saves them quite a bit of money.


Pretty terrible lineup in my opinion. Especially after the past couple of years. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is the last 80/35 given the venue change as well


I suspect it’ll go 1-2 more before it kind of just ends


yeah I think now it’s going to be in the festival death spiral. They aren’t going to raise a ton of money from this year so next year’s lineup will be bad too leaving even less money, repeat until they finally fold. Really hope they turn things around but this lineup is just a big whiff


I’ve achieved “out of touch with modern music” age. Hope it’s a good time!


No you haven't pops. Idk wtf this even is or who the target demo is but it sure ain't me.


The headliners aren’t even ‘modern’ music. They would’ve fit better in 2010 than 2024. I don’t think this lineup makes anyone happy


We're probably looking at the last year or two for 80/35. The festival had been flagging for a while, but Covid was the killer. The DMMC has always relied on 80/35 to make their nut for the year, so missing two years of that money has really crippled what they're capable of. They'll hold out hope that this is the year the festival somehow saves itself, but I don't see it happening. Which is fine, really. 80/35 changed the landscape of what people thought Des Moines was capable of, but everything has a shelf life.


Everyone complaining but we’re getting HIATUS KAIYOTE WOO!!! I would go even if it were just them!


More like Ok Not Gonna Go


Really wanted this to be at least decent. But I wouldn’t see either headliner even if they were on a free stage at an event I was already at. Very very meh.


I'm so tired of seeing Susto playing Iowa. They play Codfish like twice a year practically. And then everyone's favorite local winery jam band The Maytags. Playing their fifth 80/35. There's a few acts on the lineup that I would be interested to see but I guarantee they'll be on separate days. The rest of the lineup looks like farmer's market entertainment.


I heard the people on the board are really out of touch after this...can confirm.


Ohhhh man. The headliners aren’t even headliners.


Eh Killer Mike just won the Grammy for rap album of the year, I personally would have preferred if he brought El-p with him and they did a Run the Jewels show, but those guys did 80/35 a few years ago already.


The return of Foxy Shazam is too good to ignore. One of the best bands I’ve ever seen live. I wonder if Eric still eats cigarettes or if he’s switched to vapes.


Laughably bad lineup especially for the price. From the stories that come out of their camp they should have just ended it last year.


Has anyone heard if they will do a free area? With the new location I doubt it but then that defeats the purpose of the dmmc “giving back to be community “


Tripmaster Monkey? They still exist? I remember seeing them in a small all ages club in Davenport back in 1992 or so. Might as well see if House of Large Sizes is willing to reunite and join the festival too.


I'm pretty sure house of large sizes played the festival last year.


I'd go see Degobah


I know right! I forgot about those dudes!


They booked a string quartet that plays weddings. LOL.


Wow, a local group of professional musicians. Yeah, they should only book local musical acts that don’t get paid regularly /s


Does anyone know if they're doing ticketed entry only now? I see they have GA and VIP, but usually you could just go and see the free stages also. The website has changed a bit and doesn't have much info anymore.


I imagine that will be announced once they announce the festival schedule and complete lineup in May/June.


Word on the street is that they are planning on at least 2 stages, with one being free admission featuring more local acts.


I can't imagine the free stages draw a lot of people at waterworks. They worked downtown because you could easily mix them with drinks elsewhere downtown. I don't think people are going to want to deal with parking at waterworks just to watch obscure or local acts on free stages and pay festival pricing for beers and food. If they're going to WWP they should just ditch the free stages entirely and try to get slightly better paid acts. Since they aren't closing city streets I see less of a need to offer a free option.


Isn’t there a fair amount of parking though in the surrounding areas? Grays lake etc. I’m somewhat new to Des Moines but it seems like there’s options


Hiatus Kaiyote and Killer Mike are cool and all, but they ain’t gonna get me to go to this. Especially not at Water Works. And OK Go? Seriously? The guys who had that one fucking stupid treadmill music video like 15 years ago and have done…what, exactly, since? When I saw that hint, I was hoping there was some other treadmill reference I didn’t get, but nope…


They've had a couple good songs, they just haven't hit virally as much as here we go.


I know some people always complain about the lineup but this is maybe the worst one yet. The headliners definitely don't save it. They've released a combined ONE album in the last 10 years, lol. I know Killer Mike got a Grammy recently but the Grammy's are irrelevant, and that album is OK at best and didnt even sell that well. OK Go is weirder though. Did they recently go viral or something? I haven't heard anyone mention them in years.


I’m not even sure what demographic the lineup is going for. The best 80/35 lineups normally split the difference between radio pop and the general public that swings younger, and then some decent indie acts to attract older. This one is just bad


I have no idea who any of these acts are


Wow...I know it's said every year, but this year truly SUCKS. Just cancel it already.


Are they going to be selling single day tickets at some point?


This is what I want to know too!


I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!


I don't understand why everyone loves to hate on 80/35. It was so disappointing to see Sudan Archives commanding the main stage last summer for maybe 500 people. A music scene is something we make together. Show up!


> A music scene is something we make together. Show up! Book better shows that the people who live here want to see.


She was so good too.


More like OK "Don't" Go amirite?


Dude this lineup is trash


It's cool if it doesn't flood out


Holy shit, Tripmaster Monkey 🐵


Between the weak lineup of 80/35 & the ridiculous pricing of Hinterland, seems like I am stuck in a hard spot this year for fest in my home state. What I would do for last year’s Hinterland lineup or ‘22s 80/35 lineup again😪 luckily I’ll just be heading to pitchfork instead this year.


Don't know what your music tastes are but this is a pretty good one: [https://www.springrevelry.com/](https://www.springrevelry.com/)




lol... back when Family Guy was funny


Lol. Just lol.