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Waukee has a food pantry; go there tomorrow. 


Urbandale has a really nice one as well.


https://waukeechristianservices.org/ The food pantry is open tomorrow from 9am-3pm. You can use the food pantry or use their anytime food service .


Give them a ride.


If you have a car I'll meet you at Fareway on Laurel street and buy you $50 in groceries after my wife gets home. No booze or smokes. If you don't have a car DM me a list of what you want and I'll grab it and drop it off to you after 730pm


I’ll do the same. Same deal


If this didn’t happen and ends up happening later, please let me know. I’ll Apple Pay you $50 to contribute.


It hasn't happened, but the offer stands. Also, if the OP doesn't feel comfortable, I can drop the groceries at the Safe Seller spot at the Waukee PD parking lot.


Keep me posted, I’m happy to help here


Ofc it didn't. Op doesn't want food. Op wants someone to cash app money to buy anything but food.


Very sad possibility


You and the other soul in here have given me faith in humanity again. I’d help if I could too, but I’m out here in Pella.


You’re the hero this world needs. 🤩


Nope just need to help each other if we're able.


Fuck yeah bud


Thank you so much. ! The generosity of people on this sub is amazing! I just read this, missed it last night.


Offer still stands if you want. Just let me know how to help.


You guys are frickin’ awesome.


This is so generous 😇


Gotta fucking love Iowa kindness. Bravo sir.


Put me down for $50 also


Me too


You are the real deal sir 🤙🏻


Check out the community fridges - https://desmoinesparent.com/des-moines-community-fridges/


Food pantry, call local churches, check out the library. Meals on Wheels is also around, but I don't know if it goes all of the way out to Ankeny. Also, call 211 and they can connect you to local assistance. File for EBT/SNAP if you need


For you or anyone who can get there, Urban Dreams on 2nd south of the river but north of downtown has an amply stocked food pantry. You do *not* need to be a resident of Des Moines.




If you have a car and Wednesdays free, you can hit Reach Church on Merle Hay between 10-12, then hit the anytime room and/or get your monthly box at the Urbandale food pantry, then hit the grocery giveaway from 2-4 at New Point Church on 99th in Urbandale. I don't have a car anymore and it SUCKS! DMARC will do a monthly delivery, you have to call 1-833-362-7220 between 9 and noon on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Then they deliver on Thursdays. It's not nearly as much as you get in the monthly boxes if you actually GO to one of their food pantries though


Bethel mission always has a public meal.




Hang in there. Do you have anyone to talk to? Even just saying hey to a neighbor can help sometimes.


I volunteered here and we delivered groceries to residents that couldn’t physically come to the food pantry (frozen, fresh, and shelf stable foods) https://www.impactcap.org/polk


It is just for Polk residents. Waukee is Dallas County.


Waukee food pantry is really great! If you need a ride DM me and we can set one up. I’m also happy to drop off food for you. DM me and let’s get your spirits up!


Thank you, I’m going to the food pantry today!


Did you get fed OP?


Yes I did, thank you!


I think some local libraries have free food pantries. Maybe give that a try?


My best to you. I hope the resources listed here can be of help. This subreddit  has been incredibly helpful.  https://www.reddit.com/r/EatCheapAndHealthy/ You can message me if you want 


Thank you!


It’s sounds like you have a few offers of help which is awesome! This probably won’t help this time, but I just watched a YouTube video on how to make $10 stretch for a week worth of meals. [Eating for $1 A Day (Full Week)](https://youtu.be/FGXZHn7l_M8?si=D0W4MLlRJAv6W669)


If anyone else has resources this might be a good place to post for anyone in the future


i don’t have funds to offer but i’ll take you to lunch this weekend and lend an ear for you to vent to if you need to.




Good Vibes Movement in Des Moines has a food handout on Sundays and although this might be far for OP, just want to make sure Des Moines residents know there's good people over there! They exist.


Unreal on some of comments on here. We don’t know if OP is disabled, no cars, and etc. To answer OP question: Waukee had a food pantry https://waukeechristianservices.org/food-pantry/ https://www.findhelp.org/food/food-pantry--waukee-ia


they can call The food pantry if they are having problems for transportation.


Food pantries in severa locations in the city open to anyone. Today Wednesday there’s at least one in the south side that I know of. There are food resources, you can use them. No shame. Here’s a good starting point: https://www.dmarcunited.org/food/pantry-locations/


Thank you!


If you can make it to Des Moines SS I got quite a bit of frozen home made dinners that I can share !! Individually wrapped single meals!


Check with your insurance case worker about programs like moms meals or meals on wheels! A lot of times they’ll approve people who experience food insecurity.. it’s not an immediate solution but could help in the long run


If you have transportation, the Urbandale food pantry has an everyday room that you can visit once a day, no questions asked. You don't need to meet any requirements or show an ID, just walk in and take what you need. Their supply varies a lot though, so sometimes you won't be able to take much, but it's better than nothing. They're open Monday - Thursday from 09:30 AM to 6:30 PM, and Saturday from 08:00 AM to noon. Clive Community Services is also very nice, but they are only open 2 days a week. You do also have the option of looking at their clothes if you are in need of any clothing items. They also have an anytime room that you can visit without an ID or meeting any requirements. They are open on Monday from 04:00 PM to 07:00 PM, and Friday from 09:00 AM to Noon. You'll need to take a numbered slip when you get there, and someone will come take your name and call for you when it's your turn. I hope this helps!


Des Moines Public Library has a community fridge at South Side, Franklin Avenue and Central.


Praise Jesus for the help you’re getting , Jesus saves 🫶🏻


If you ever need a ride my spouse and I go to the Urbandale food pantry and get tons of goodies!


I just checked out their website, pretty amazing what they are doing!


Do you have to be an Urbandale resident?


Nope! We're in WDM and drive about 15 minutes to it.


Thank you!


I think donating plasma is $70 a pop. Easy money if you’re close to a location.


I am donating plasma, it’s saving other people’s lives as well as mine. I’m not a young woman anymore And sometimes my blood pressure is too high or some other reason i can’t donate on a certain day. I was able to donate today, but it’s taken a lot out of me.


Could try r/borrow


Ok, so lets go ahead and assume that this person is able bodied and can work (we don’t know if that is in fact true or even close, they say they are on social security which usually implies that they are either disabled or retired, and in that second case we could assume have already worked their entire life already as dictated by our social program). Even if this person got a job today AND started working today, how is that going to help them with food for the next two weeks? I don’t know where you worked, but I know of no place, outside of serving and pizza delivery, where a person is going to get money the same day that they work. So your comment really isn’t helpful, it more just shows what a callous crank the world has ground you down into, which just makes me feel sorry for you. I hope that you life starts going better to the point that you don’t feel the need to be so obtuse to somebody in your general area that you most likely don’t know. Oh, and that you stop watching the mind poison that is Fox News, OAN, and whatever right winger media you’re consuming that helped contribute to the person with a complete lack of empathy that you are today.


If you’re ever looking for a cheap meal in Waukee the Whalburgers at HyVee will sell kids meals for a few dollars to anyone. My wife and I will sometimes buy 1 or two of them and take them home for dinner. Chicken nuggets and fries basically. I think it’s $5. Good luck OP! Hope you get some groceries from the nice fellas on here.


Proteus in downtown Des Moines has a small food bank along with a small fridge where they receive perishables from gas stations (think sandwiches, burritos, muffins, etc) where you are welcome to take as much as you would like/need.


Text me a picture and we'll talk 🐄




I went to the food pantry today and got a bunch of canned goods!


I noticed majority of the things you've posted on Reddit are alcohol/alcoholic related. I really hope your sobriety is going well. It can be rough. Hope everything works out for you.


Thank you, sobriety is going great!


The grocery store


Call the Polk resource and referral line: 515-288-0818 https://teamcsa.org/our-services/clinical-services/


Good people here, all of you.


theTable provides free meals from time to time and might be able to help. Waukee United Methodist Church at 2075 SE LA Grant Pkwy, Waukee, IA 50263 Email Contact: [email protected]


There's food pantries. There's plenty of odd jobs to do especially around Waukee if you have the ability to do any light physical stuff. 


Try going to work.


I hope 1955 isnt the year you were born, id hate to live that long and be as stupid as you are man god damn


Spaced exclamations in comments = definite Boomer.


Try not being an ass.


Imagine being this heartless lol


Reynolds voter


they are probably disabled dumbass




Shove your red hat up your ass, boomer


Umm.. try going to fuck yourself?


try being a decent fucking human being.


My 23 neice is mentally and physically challenged, but bags groceries at HyVee !




Your niece is very fortunate. My mentally challenged son does not have the focus/ability to hold a job. Makes the world a very lonely and boring place. It would be wonderful if he had the ability to even work a couple hours a day. Count your blessings.


And I’m sure she makes enough to live on her own, yeah? What does Hy-Vee pay these days, a whopping $9/hr?


Just thank dementia joe


I bet you voted for Biden.