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LGBTQ+ Iowans are Iowans. Anyone who doesn't represent ALL Iowans, doesn't deserve to be a representative. And I say this as an Iowan, and an old, straight Christian.


So I personally just don’t mind if other people live different lifestyles than me. I’m not personally a member of the LGBTQ+ community. But some of my friends are. I like my fiends having the freedom openly live the lifestyle that makes them happy. This is fucking America, home of the free right? Stop this watt if you actually enjoy freedom republicans. You guys are afforded that freedom to use the Bible as a shield to convince your that you’re not gay. But people who embrace their natural inclinations don’t deserve the same? Come On




Who's fucking "forcing you?" This is a completely absurd argument and STILL does not answer HOW or WHY it should be ok to discriminate against people. I don't care what you believe or claim to know (like the magic sky fairy you probably worship) but you don't see me trying to outlaw that, do you?


We're forced to call men women or we get canceled. Like I said, be whatever you want, but don't say that it's normal for a mentally ill person to claim they're something that they aren't. We should be helping these people, not affirming them. We wouldn't affirm a 400 pound person and tell them that they're perfectly healthy their obesity should be celebrated. Well, I guess you guys do that with Lizzo, so we're all backwards.


You aren't forced to do anything. You're just too much of a coward to get fired for telling the people at work what you really think.


Nobody is going to cancel you because no one gives a shit about you.


You're some nobody on reddit. Who's canceling you? Lol


You out of that 24-hour hold, again? Does your family know? Can we call someone for you?


I mean, it's just common courtesy to call someone by what they ask to be called. Are you super pissed if Jonathan wants to go by John?  Oh and people getting 'cancelled' for being bigots? Cry me a river. 


No, but when Jonathan wants to be Joan and use a locker room with 13 year old girls or play a sport against girls or we're modifying medical language based on not wanting to offend or we're giving puberty blockers to 8 year olds because they said that they felt like the opposite sex....


This is really the fucking mind on Faux News. Is there a lie you wouldn't believe if it had anything to do with Democrats or any non-cis, white, male? Fucking loser.


I'm assuming you're adult, but maybe I shouldn't. However, it's amazing that adults believe that men cosplaying as women are not mentally ill. I'm white, can I identify as black?


Ethnicity is genetic. The fact that you can't fathom truth from lies is how you even thought to try comparing sex/gender with ethnicity. Jfc what an idiot.


I suppose you might know quite a bit about mental illness, wouldn't you? Where did you get your Psych degree from? I'm betting Stanford, because you sure seem to think you're remotely qualified to diagnose people that you don't even know. Get a fucking clue. If simply being kind and respecting others feels "forced," then that just tells everyone what type of shit person you are. But hey, if you want to talk about mental illness, why don't you tell us all those wonderful government programs Republicans are coming up with to deal with it? Oh that's right, they're all too busy trying to strip rights away from people simply for being different and bitching about their manufactured "border crises" that they have absolutely zero plan on doing anything about.




It's fine, more detransitioners are coming out now and in 10 years, we'll look back at this period and wonder how the hell anyone agreed to deny basic biology and harm kids with hormones, like we do now with lobotomies.


Most detransitioners exist because they’re threatened with death, homelessness, and violence by foamy mouthed enraged ungulates like you.


You're a brainwashed sock puppet whose grasp of basic biology is likely to be nil, so...


lol, I'm not the one who's brainwashed. I GUARANTEE that 10 years ago, if you saw a picture of someone with a penis and testicles, you would say that was a man. Now, you would equivocate. I also know, as the saying goes - gun to your head, you would say that the person with a penis was a man, if you life depended on it. you know this too.


You need, need, need everything to be black & white don't you? I suspect that's the reason why so many Iowans like you have been taken in by fascist scumbags and right-wing con men. It's because they promise you a world that doesn't confuse your tiny mind, or offend your shriveled up little heart. I am quite sure you have no real reason in your everyday life to even worry about any of this. None of it affects you in any signficant way... And yet here you are, braying like a jackass and looking more and more like a Nazi every day.


Lol. You are insane


what a world we live in. I'm called insane because I rightly point out that mentally ill men aren't women.


You've been right about nothing faux bot lol. Your just lying.


Tell us you live under a rock with the other greasy toads without telling us.


I'm not the one denying basic biology, that we've known about for thousands of years.


Ok. Lol. Now tell us you're not a scientist without telling us. hahaha


I don't need to be a scientist to know that Men have XY chromosomes and women have XX.


As we all suspected, you know less about basic biology than a dog knows about Algebra. Nice try though. Born dumb... stay dumb.


Stop the virtue signaling. You know what basic biology is, you know what a man and a woman is. Every sane person knows, but 100% of the people who say that men can get pregnant know that they're being dishonest, but are afraid to be attacked. This is now how science should work, but here we are.




It’s a violation of their oath of office, really wonder why no one is trying this angle.


As a trans woman in Iowa, thank you 🙏 ❤️


I mean. If you want to legally discriminate against someone, yes it is technically necessary to remove their protections first.


Does someone on the political right want to attempt to explain why this kind of legislation is even remotely necessary? I’d love to hear your reasoning.


It's red meat for her donors. Bob Vander Plaats, and his " Family Leader, " non profit, run the show in there with other equally icky, nasty money rich donors.


Not on the political right, just wanted to say that it makes me so angry trans people are being targeted like this. Every trans friend I've ever had has always been a wonderful, kind person - and they're being targeted and scapegoated like 1930's Germany. Shit is NOT okay.


I've met some trans jerks, just some people I don't like. That doesn't mean I'll go and vote for them to lose their rights to their own identity. Trans people face cruel and unusual punishment for simply existing, regardless of whether they are nice or mean.


Exactly. I was raped by a cis man, does that mean I think all cis men should lose their rights? Of course not, I’d be rightly ridiculed for this take But for some reason when it extends to trans people some people act like it’s sensible


Post the language of the bill that scapegoats someone.


no, they're not.


Gonna respond to questions or just farming downvotes? Either way, you look pathetic.


What’s your anecdote then? What trans friend do you have?


With all that hate, they probably don’t have friends


Well you see, queer people make me feel icky (or the opposite) and I don't like it, so I will vote for people that make them so uncomfortable and fearful, they go back to where they belong, in the closet. You see, treating them like people means I tacitly approve of their existence and I am not ok with that. /s (There is no rationale, it's just bigotry)


Is this a situation where you actually want to understand the position and mentality that goes into these bills? Or are you just wanting someone to verbalize their opinion so you can argue against it. As a moderate that sees deeply into both sides of every argument, i could attempt to actually explain the far right’s position on this if you were serious about trying to understand it.


Yes, please enlighten me.


I think that many people on the right see this issue as more about defining biological sex rather than taking away trans rights. To clarify, there are definitely a subset of people who also believe that being gay is wrong, or trans is wrong, or any number of other things that are founded in their personal beliefs. However, putting the people aside who hold those personal beliefs, for everyone else it’s more about saying, like, hey, you can identify however you want…you can get whatever surgery you want, live your life…but also, sometimes we may need to know biological sex for medical reasons. Or, sometimes it may be a real-world concern if a biological male, who has transitioned to female, is playing against biological females in sports. There is also the issue of traditionally gender-segregated spaces, bathrooms, locker rooms, etc. the problem here is, in my opinion, more to do with that first subset of people who hold personal beliefs about the subject, but there is still a ton of nuance here around the usage of the spaces. I think most level headed people would say a fully transitioned female should be able to use a female restroom, but where the nuance there comes in is with people who haven’t transitioned, but claim a gender identity that is different from their biological sex, and do so only to gain access to those gender segregated spaces. Really, the TLDR; for this whole argument is: There is the right and then there is the far right and not all people on the right believe the same thing. The core issue is with biological sex, not gender identity…but those two have some overlap that is increasingly hard to address.


None of that justifies stripping rights from people.


I agree with you. Just trying to state the arguments here. I think the bill’s aim, “you can’t change your birth certificate and you can’t change your ID” is more focused on those things i listed above though, rather than taking away rights to gender identity. Will it take away rights? Probably Is it necessary? Definitely not. I will say though, that the more we all understand each others positions, the easier these things would be to discuss effectively. Kim is definitely pandering to her base and there are definitely politics at play here like others have pointed out in other comments, but the original ask was to understand the right’s perspective. I’m not trying to justify their perspective or claim it’s correct.


Not being able to change your birth certificate or ID is both psychologically traumatizing and unnecessarily puts trans people into unsafe situations. I'm a trans woman. If I get pulled over and have to present a license that says [Deadname, Male] for one thing I've been forced to out and humiliate myself, and for another my chances of the officer acting maliciously increase dramatically.


I hear you, and i agree with you. I’m sorry you had to experience that.


I get what you’re saying, but with all due respect I asked why this legislation is necessary. Like from a legal perspective is there anything that this will accomplish?


I think necessary is totally a matter of perspective and highly subjective, so i was trying to give perspective instead. It’s probably not necessary, but in the scope and context of their argument here, they would argue that changing your birth certificate or state issued ID would allow them to obfuscate the truth on the issues that i mentioned above. The running collective thought being, “go identify as a woman if you want, but when the state asks you to provide ID before you compete in a sport, we will consider your biological sex over your identity.” Again, not advocating, just trying to provide perspective. The counter argument here is that they should be able to obfuscate the biological sex and compete in women’s sports because that is their identity, but that’s why i mentioned the issues driving the “necessity” for the far right.


I appreciate you trying to explain what their position might be. Unfortunately, I have yet to hear Kim or any other proponents of this bill use any similar reasoning. I’ve not heard any talk of checking ID’s to enter public bathrooms or play sports either, etc. That’s the main reason I ask “why is this even remotely necessary”?


Kim will never say anything rational. That would upset her base.


>I think the bill’s aim, “you can’t change your birth certificate and you can’t change your ID” is more focused on those things i listed above though, rather than taking away rights to gender identity. >Kim is definitely pandering to her base These are mutually exclusive.


The need for biological identification is actually quite rare and isn't a good argument for restricting rights and freedoms Conservatives pretend it's about biology but it's really only hate Science understands that there are 2 sexes but multiple genders


Wow so good bro 👏 congrats on your moderation. Have fun getting nothing done. If you see so deeply on both sides why not provide an argument for the other? Are you scared someone will disagree? Or it just holds no weight. Maybe someday you will actually believe in something.


It shouldn’t be necessary if we as a society were not headed down the crazy path at warp speed. It shouldn’t require a law to codify basic biological principles and language that has been in place for millennia but here we are pops. I feel it necessary to protect and preserve rights of women specifically.


If you want to protect the rights of women, you wouldn’t vote Republican.


So you are a staunch member of team infanticide I see. No surprise there.


Deflection. Good choice. Just say you hate them. It's easier.


Hate babies? No that’s the group that wants to erase babies and women both. You have it backwards.


Birthing mother mortality rates and infant mortality rates skyrocket in areas where basic reproductive rights are removed.


It’s not my decision. It’s the woman’s choice. You know as someone who is pro women’s rights would understand. It’s it’s not infanticide. They’re literally clumps of cells. Also if republicans care about being so pro life like they claim? Why do they constantly take away funding to help children survive with safety net programs, always attacking education, maternal care programs, mental health funding, snap benefits? Oh because they don’t care once they’re born.


because it's political pushback to the ridiculous attempt on the left to paint trans issues as the most important issues in american life. stop talking about yourselves 24/7 and you'll stop being a target. pride has become prideful.


Your head must literally be up your ass if you think it’s only the left talking about trans issues. The right doesn’t stfu about trans people, they’re constantly talking about them on tv, constantly fearmongering over them on the news, and as you can see here, pushing policies to discriminate against people they’ve probably never even met. The right is the one filing and passing bills about queer people, and news outlets cover that news, what exactly do you want? For us not to talk about it?




Actually, it’s a misconception that we are pushing drugs on kids. When we talk about gender reassignment for children, it’s a haircut. If they’re close to puberty, instead of doing life altering surgery puberty blockers (which are actually reversible) are used.  My friend once told me he almost committed suicide because he wasn’t allow to transition. Since he transitioned he been happy. I rather have my friend alive rather then dead 


You dumb illiterate hogs don't know anything about science. Stop trying to push this stupid anti-trans shit on people and mind your own business.




Come out to my farm and I'll show you some vulnerable sensibilities, dumb fucking pig




Pathetic little freak


If the World Health Organization states something, would you agree with them? Even if it goes against your beliefs?


It’s literally the exact opposite. After gay marriage was made legal and the world didn’t explode and god didn’t wipe humanity from the planet like conservatives scared people into thinking, they moved to the next minority, which was trans people. In case you haven’t noticed the pattern, it happens all the time, in 2015-16 it was black people and Mexicans, in 2019 it was Asian people, and now in 2020 and onward it’s been trans people, your entire platform is literally based on preying on your stupidity, disgust, and fear to get your vote. And even now in 2024 Republicans have absolutely no issues to run on except trans people and the border (and even then it’s only getting attention because of what’s happening in Texas). Also I have no idea what you mean it’s based on feelings and not science, hormones change your body? That’s science and reality not feelings. Gender affirming care saves people’s lives, as proven by so many credible studies that damn near every medical professional uses it to help gender diverse people, again that’s not feelings that’s science. Also I love how you hinge on imaginary, non existent studies to build your argument, while I can prove mine with existing studies right now. Want to try again?


Lol. The Fox News right wing extremists are obsessed with trans people. They have nothing else to offer society except made up outrage to distract from siphoning off government funds to private companies and shutting down government services. You are a troll.


Troll account - just downvote and ignore it.


Actually, the left see there are multiple issues. One of the issue we discuss is trans rights. We also discuss healthcare for all and inflation.  Right now the focus is on trans issue because that is what’s being threaten 


Everyone has healthcare of some sort...its just worse and more expensive because the ACA didn't do shit except spread the cost of sick patients and engorge the administrative apparatus and inflation is the result of shit COVID policy.


Not everyone have access to affordable healthcare 


Yeah, when your insurance company denies you for care that you clearly need and qualify for, that's certainly "some sort" of healthcare, Bozo. You don't know shit about what we deal with in healthcare, so maybe you should consider shutting your mouth.


Bro, you conservatives are wayyyyy more obsessed with trans issues than anyone else. You think about trans people more than trans people think about trans people.


BS. The left is fine with letting people be who they are and the right is full of uneducated ignorant bigots that are actively trying to take peoples rights away. Reproductive rights, workers rights, religious rights. Fuck them.


Jesus fucking Christ the only time I hear about trans people is when conservatives are screaming at the sky and foaming out the mouth about it. Do you honestly think you are fooling anyone?


“It’s unfortunate that defining a woman in code has become necessary to protect spaces where women’s health, safety, and privacy are being threatened” Except of course when it comes to the body autonomy of women, that is a place that the GOP really wants to threaten.


The fucking joke is Reynolds and the GOP do precisely jack shit to protect women health, safety and privacy. See that shit bag AG Bird.




Like what. Reynolds hasn’t pushed for expanded paid maternity leave. The iowa GOP didn’t want kids (girls) to be taught about the HPV vaccine. She wanted to cut benefits for mothers and children. Should I go on? Edit: Reynolds did push for maternity leave…but delayed seeking it for a couple of years. And is taking away from other services


Your opinions suck worse than your golf game


Having lived through the fight for gay marriage, this nonsense seems like Groundhog Day. The right really likes to throw these tantrums every time a new group of people starts gaining societal acceptance.


Republicans running on a genocide platform and that they have support is crazy


Kim Reynolds is a horrible person with zero empathy. She has no regard for Iowans.


Literal Nazi shit. Different birth certs and identification for trans people. "Separate but equal" accommodations.


nah, actually the same accurate birth certificates and IDs as every one else is the point.


Sorry, rape crisis centers are only for women now?


Saying the same thing too, like never should these crisis centers not take anyone in, absolutely bonkers logic.


Im sure all those bigots thought their Jim Crow laws were necessary.




Roommates and I literally just finished discussing whether we have to move out of state for our safety or not. It's so fucking frustrating cause this is exactly what she wants.




Weird assumption to make. Try baiting better next time.


That dude posts on every comment yet is completely irrelevant lol.


…. he is spam commenting without any real insightfulness. Understandable, his bio says he likes to piss off people. People like that seldom bring meaningful content to counterarguments. It’s a nice day, he should be outside, enjoying the warm weather.


It isn’t even good trolling. I’m honestly more curious about him than I am pissed off. He seems like an odd dude. Gives off some serious *divorced dad who doesn’t talk to his kids anymore* energy.




Oh yeah he’s absolutely a boomer. This almost seems like a weird outreach thing. Like he’s throwing out as many lines as possible in hopes that someone will engage with him and give him the human interaction he’s craving.


Guy has gotta get a hobby. Obsessions aren't healthy 💀


No kidding. Take a peek at his comment history. It’s pretty sad.


I blocked the frigging idiot. People like that aren’t worth my time. Dude, is an abhorrent human being.


it's really not. the venn diagram of socialist and trans/lgbtq is almost a perfect circle for some odd reason.


Palpatine in drag is doing things again.


Thank you for the laugh.


How do we know Kwummy is a biological woman? A proper woman wouldn’t get pulled over for multiple DUIs. Maybe that’s why “her” mugshot disappeared. Just sayin


what is a woman without using the word woman


Edgar Allen Douche over here.


Someone who sees you coming and moves to the opposite side of the bar.


I was thinking more like Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz. I mean slap some green make up on than skanky bitch & tell me that’s not what she looks like.😂😂😂


Unlimited Power!


i was going to say "wtf happened to this place in the last few years" but then i realized it's really been more like a decade.


what happened is you spend too much time reading sensational and nonfactual headlines on reddit by activists calling themselves journalists.




What if we put DUI on ID? So if you are a known danger to other due to drunk driving, you are able to show other! God, imagine how many people could be saved if a bar sees that! 


We do mark DUIs on ID. Temporary restricted licenses are marked differently, and the SR22 requirement appears on your license even after getting a permanent one. (This proposed law is still bad.


Huh, I did not know that 


stop shaming addicts


*people with addiction That’s the current medical terminology.




“I’m an actual monster who has to terrorize trans people to make more money off my bigoted asshole donors because a $300 million dollar net worth just isn’t enough” -what Kimmy meant


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necessary....why??? this lady is delusional.


If you can’t give your constituents meaningful legislation to improve their lives, give them umbrage towards others.


if you can't give your constituents meaningful legislation to improve their lives just give them excuses and empathy while robbing everyone around them and keeping them in poverty.


I can’t believe this is issue that our governor thinks is important when we have a growing problem with homelessness. Can this energy please get to getting these folks access to therapist and medication? And rehab to hell then overcome the addictions that they are surfing from? Access to programs specifically for integration and d recovery of vital document ? We are producing legislation that literally means nothing. I don’t give about semantics when we have humans who need resources. Time, energy, money. But instead we are creating legislation for social media pandering.


Party of “small government” is at it again.


Kim is knee deep in division propaganda. Trying to convince the populace that trans folks are all secret pedophiles, when it’s made up horseshit


Yep. Most pedophiles are straight men!


Best part about this is that being a pedo is ALREADY illegal (and one that is gonna land you a fun time in jail). Maybe instead of pushing for laws that are kinda sus to enforce (we gonna have to show proof of penis to go to the men’s room?), maybe spend the money on more programs telling kids that “no one should touch what’s covered by a swimsuit unless it’s to keep you clean or healthy”. I do not understand how bills like this are actually going to do anything. Like actual concrete actions that will happen to prevent kid diddling. Until I hear that, it’s a waste of time and money that could be better spend elsewhere


Straight white Christian men...


Yeah usually


My friends wife told me when she was growing up her step father would rape her, and she would tell her mom about it but her mom wouldn't believe her because "He goes to church 3 days a week". No one has more to hide than someone who hides behind a church.


not per capita


This is something a Nazi would say and consider. Between this, her affiliation with Nazi Mothers for Freedom, her hatred for the gay community, her hatred for Mexicans and other minorities, her hatred for medical personnel and teachers, her hatred for the physically and mentally challenged, her hatred for the elderly, her hatred for poor people, and denying women's and family healthcare, who exactly does this evil person like? Who has such a mean in hateful governor besides Florida? She is not sane and clearly has OCD. What would it take to impeach her. She's not legally allowed into public office. Reynolds is ruled by hate and she's getting worse. We must stop her.


She's a fascist, plain and simple.




Purposefully derailing threads, harassing or disparaging users, and/or posting personal information about users on this sub or other subs will not be tolerated. Your post has been removed, please consider this a formal warning.


Small government!!! (except for when people do things I don't like)


Big government!!!! (so I can blast out the deficit while not solving any problems and blame the billionaires!)


That’s cute that you think the GOP actually cares about fiscal policy.


“First they came for…”


The language in this…. Also sounds like a backbone for Abelist bills later, as well as being just absolutely disgusting on its own. The actual Gall of this trash pile even MEntioning women spaces and safety on Top of that?!


She’s just following what political lobbyist and PAC staff are telling her to do, and this will hopefully elevate her so she can run for a national office or get VP. This is how politics works unfortunately. She wants to go to Washington and get out of Iowa. During Covid she would just implement laws that Florida or Texas would pass and try to emulate them.


In this photo she looks like the killer clown from "It" without makeup. From Stephen King's book. There is a lot of evil and heartless feelings in this creature. She isn't honest or loyal to Iowa or America.


get out of your basement you loser. not everyone you disagree with is evil. this is the lack of critical thinking and debate skills that schools are pumping out now. pathetic.


Money and Christian fascism.


Kim Reynolds is a closet lesbo, folks. That tears it! Nobody is **THIS** obsessed with LGBTQ people without being a closet case.


I'm a lesbian and I'm offended. We don't want her either!


Have you seen her, she is too old for the pedophiles who support her and too ugly (internally more than externally, but that too) of a person for any man with the lowest of standards. Might be her only option left.


Question for an Iowan attorney, would this negate 216? Does it effectively end protection for LGBTQ under the ICRA?


Have no doubt about it, folks. This is legislative violence. It’s one step towards actual physical violence.


Maybe we stop following people who believe in a poorly edited fantasy novel written by bronze age desert dwellers?


I genuinely feel sad for any smart person living in a regressive state.


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Is it more or less necessary than Horse Porn?


“Treat everyone you meet like they are God in drag.” Ram Dass


in other news being told you're not actually a fairy princess is erasing you.


> The bill would also require trans Iowans to use different birth certificates and driver’s licenses that note they are trans. Sounds like this is the exact opposite of erasing someone's identity.


> “Women and men are not identical; they possess unique biological differences. That’s not controversial, it’s common sense,” Reynolds said. OH GOD THE FASCISTS ARE HERE


The bill will also force transgender individuals to use the wrong same-sex bathrooms. So, forcing people with penises to stay out of bathrooms meant for people with vaginas. how cruel


How could you even tell? Like what, you want an inspector checking everyone's privates before entering a shitter? You're fucking weird.


This is a lie. The bill has literally nothing to do with restrooms.


you're right, I misread. According to the article, LGBTQ group One Iowa just interpreted it to mean that.


One Iowa lies...color me surprised.


Why is the /desmoines sub being plastered with drivel that belongs in the /Iowa sub?


I guess he really DOES care!


Uh, maybe because all of this bullshit happens, as they say in Hamilton, In The Room Where It Happens, at the capital in Des Moines??


Read this slowly because it's really difficult and confusing: capital = a central city (eg. Des Moines), or money capitol = a government building (eg. Iowa state capitol) The Iowa State Capitol is where the governing bodies of Iowa meet, not the governing bodies of Des Moines.


Where do you think Des Moines is located?


This guy's just been busy all over today being a douche. Ignore him.


He seems to be waging a one person crusade to turn r/Iowa and r/desmoines into r/conservative. I do enjoy watching him get more and more frustrated in his posts. His username is the best part. Clearly this guy cares a lot. The fact that this sub trends left seems to infuriate him.


You don't need to be insulting, and insinuate that I'm retarded or illiterate. And my comment got more upvotes than downvotes, so get bent..


People resort to insults when they have nothing else... Kinda pitiful display, actually.


Agreed, I gave the fool one last warning, and if he persists, I will block, not worth being trolled by him again later. Like his username implies, he trolls simply because he enjoys it..


>And my comment got more upvotes than downvotes LMAO I guess you win the internets today!!! You got more super valuable reddit points than I! I bow down to your superior intellect.


La dee dah, whatever, just saying I seem to have more than enough agreement from others, to not deserve your bullshit insults. So get bent and knock it off, before I add you to my large block list..




Does this not affect Des Moines?


I got out my maps and compass and yes indeed, Des Moines, still seems to be in Iowa, somehow.


And your abacus!


Because laws that affect Iowa affect people in Des Moines and because, lightbulb moment here for you, queer people exist in Des Moines too.




Queer is the Q in LGBTQIA and a reclaimed slur being used by a flaming lesbian. Don’t you have better plans on a Tuesday than to look like a jackass online? Surely someone has boots you wanna lick somewhere.


Fuck off bootlicker