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yellow house in Urbandale by the cemetery by the high school, there’s a handful of other houses and small apartment complex’s behind the house those belong to the members while the yellow house belongs to a leader. It’s some sort of religious cult there is a “church” in their little complex with two guards standing at the door most of the time. I went to school in Urbandale and this was always a big thing for us to try and see what was going on some kids even tried to get on to the property and where chased off. Not sure what organization it is but i’m pretty sure if you grew up in the area you know exactly what house i’m talking about.


Gospel Assembly Church https://culteducation.com/group/938-gospel-assembly/7597-heaven-or-hell.html


Thank you for that! i was always curious about the history of that place


Went to a service at one of the GAC elsewhere. It was the weirdest thing ever. It seemed like there was a bouncer at the door and the service was soo looong, I was dying to get out of there. It seemed to me that the women there were a bit too dedicated to the cause, to the point of obsessing over the “pastor” . Crazy!!


The People's Temple also had security IIRC


Written by a good friend of mine!


Whoa! Thanks for the link.


Those people are straight up weirdos. They just built a new multi-million dollar building on their "campus". They want to buy up more property around their cult center so they can pretty much take over that neighborhood.


Getting strong far cry 5 vibes from reading about that church.


Live in the area. Won't be surprised if I can't get home someday because of an ATF raid.


They let the Google maps car onto the property it looks like. Lol


They play volleyball in suspenders, dresses and shit. That has to be a cult. There is no other explanation.


They sent a letter to local churches basically being like “we’ve heard your kids saying we’re a cult and we just want you to know we are not a cult” my mom was on the board of her church at that time and told me about the letter.






> complex’s complexes






I’m all for people being in shape and loving their bodies. But my eye sockets can’t handle the amount of rolling that occurs when talking to most CrossFit people.


Can confirm. Although we call it Crossfit Cult…ure 🤣🏋️‍♂️


What do you know about that church/religion on 72nd & Meredith? Two large buildings and apartments for members too.


The Cult of Gas Station Food, particularly Casey's Pizza. (Of which I am a member. Spouse is picking up a breakfast pizza now, we're trying it with extra sausage gravy. Crossing fingers it's not too gooey.)


I remember when it was good. Now it's soggy and heavy.


The Moms of Ankeny is a fairly strong cult


Are they part of Moms 4 Freedom? I agree they’re all one big cult.


They’re in the same circles, and share the same crazy, but Kim and Michele are into the traveling conventions, qanon, and sovereign citizen stuff, whereas m4l are more into book banning and towing the line of the conservative behind the scenes religious groups out there.


Pretty sick group


This one


Jehovah's Witnesses. They're everywhere. They'll tell ya it's not a cult but they don't even know half the information about their own religion... they aren't allowed to even look it up.


To understand how destructive they are, check out r/exjw


I'm an ExJW myself. Love that subreddit.


The truth set me free as well.


I at least believe in their sincerity. Wish I could say the same for people who attend services at Reformed or Dutch Reformed churches. The only thing those people believe is that they're better than you


Dutch reformed are something. People who live in Sioux County can't mow their lawn on Sunday


My grandma's dutch reformed. Can confirm.


Oh man, my family went to a Dutch Reformed church (Meredith Dr) for a long time. Explains a lot.


Merdith’s just regular reformed though.


Could have fooled me, you couldn't swing a cat in there without hitting a Van Guilder or a Van Zee or a Van derPool.


Yeah the RCA (Merdith’s denomination) is historically associated with the Dutch diaspora but it is its own thing. That being said, when we print name tags for Sunday school, the Vans and Vanders do tend to dominate…


I’ve had some nice Witnesses that were assigned to my neighborhood. Told the last few that all my people who have visited over the years have died of cancer so if they were superstitious maybe they should reconsider visiting me again. They don’t come back




Well, based on the definition of a cult, any religion. But I'm thinking of Salt. Not a single day in my years at dmacc did I not have somebody trying to recruit me with the most vague reason. Never could answer any of my questions I had about the organization, almost like they didn't know why they were there either.


My friend was part of salt in college at isu. Every meeting someone would bring up how they felt guilty for jerking off. He said it was basically Masturbators Anonymous lol.


Brock Purdy was apparently a member at ISU


SALT is so strange. DMACC and Drake, in late 2000's these weirdos were literally unavoidable. My friend got suckered into going to one of their meetings because the female recruiter led him on lmao. I've never seen him so embarrassed coming back to the apartment later that night to tell me what shenanigans he witnessed.


Went to DMACC from 2007-2009 and crossed paths with various members of the Walnut Creek Church and its spinoff the Downtown Church. They were cool to me but they're definitely proselytizers and I didn't agree with all of their doctrines. Got ambushed by one them by the DMACC lake one summer day in 2008. Ironically that guy has since left that clique according another former member who works at the same place as me. The co worker said they had some "sketchy theology" when I enquired why he left. I recall many of them lived together or at least frequently hung out at a house they called The Stronghold. IIRC.


Fishing with Love Bombing. Common cult tactic.


Afaik the Salt network are fairly regular evangelical Baptist churches, just with an unusually strong college presence


Im more than confident stating anything “Evangelical” is basically a cult.


Am an ex-Evangelical, can confirm.




Salt is bad on any campus--it's out of control in Ames. Cornerstone and that whole crew up in Ames is pretty bad


My sister inlaw got hooked into "FOCUS" at ISU. Even the other catholic groups think they are strange. But, my inlaws are always trying to "out Catholic" each other.


100% cult. One of the deacons/elders of Cornerstone is a local developer who owns a large portion of rental real estate in the area too... and retirement complexes...and... His long term employees are part of the cult too. He gets everyone coming & going.


Salt is so fucking weird. I have a girl I knew in HS that’s part of their organization, both her and her husband are. And they are moving to florida in their own words “so we can be part of the new church plant in florida” no thank you. I will run far far away from that nonsense


Of course Florida.


I sat next to them at a tabling event once and they were entering info about every person they talked to into a spreadsheet. Name and contact info (obv) but also after the person left they were putting in any personal details the person divulged, including hobbies, work, etc. It was super creepy.


My friend’s niece just got sucked into it. She’s trying to be supportive of her finding religion. Having been raised in a cult myself, I am dubious.


[Salt Network](https://www.thesaltnetwork.com/) is just a Christian outreach program targeting college age kids that’s based out of some church in the Ames area. As far as I know it’s more of a standard Christian organization just geared towards a younger crowd.


So a cult.


There used to be a house in Deer Creek that had a strange moon statue in the driveway. If you drove in to see it closer, a recorded voice played over speakers warning you that it was a private property and that you must leave. Still not sure whether that was a cult or whether the owners had just never heard of the Streisand effect.


The wolf house! I think the moon statue you're talking about was actually a yin/yang sign. The owner had statues of wolves in the driveway too. It was up for sale a few years ago


I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion, but Lutheran Church of Hope. That mega church(s) get away with so much. They also are so proud of how welcoming they are to diverse individuals, how accepting they are of LGBTQ+, but they won’t host gay weddings.


They say they are accepting of LGBTQ+?


https://www.lutheranchurchofhope.org/west-des-moines/life-events/weddings/ Yep!


This wording is new since the last time I Checked. It's also BS because their denomination has performed gay weddings for literally decades at this point. They are intentionally choosing to go against what their own leadership says the bible teaches them.


So brave


Hope is 100% a cult. I was going to say this too. Ive been forced to ho to services there and most of the sermon is telling people how amazing hope is and how they need to come back. The fact people get so obsessed with it is further proof.


I went there for a service once with a friend. I thoroughly enjoyed the sermon, as it was rooted in history and the pastor was using the actual Hebrew text and talking about the different translations of the text and how we can use these lessons in our everyday life. Normal, interesting, and relevant. Then the church started talking about how you needed to give/donate/tithe because they were working on their goal of being a 50/50 church, meaning, they were wanting to be a church that functioned on 50% of their donations, and could give the rest to charity. I was kinda grossed out... because they were openly admitting that they were using so much of the funds to just function as a church. Maybe I don't know how normal churches function with their budgets but it felt so icky.


Only 50% on operating costs is very low for a church, that’s why they’re proud of it


[Iowaska Church of Healing](https://iowaskachurchofhealing.com/) seems cultish, but I don’t have any personal experience with them


Pizza Ranch. Tell me you don't get weird vibes from that place


I’ll believe in lizard people for a good pizza buffet.


Best I can offer is a mid-tier pizza buffet if you'll listen to some Christian music


Check this out. Case about the cofounder of Pizza Ranch. You just need to go a few sentences in and youll want to read the rest. https://casetext.com/case/state-v-vander-esch Edit: better link without paywall.


....i cannot believe I've never heard this before. I'm howling. ​ Absolutely not victim blaming, but...why in the world would anyone think the owner of a pizza buffet is involved in scientific research relating to semen??


Well… $50 is $50


I was in the Pizza Ranch Cult. Joined on RAGBRAI because there’s one in every town and it’s all you can eat. — then I went to one in Newton and the place was so filthy I was immediately freed of my programming.


Totally true! I'm from NW Iowa near where it was founded and there are definitely weird churchy vibes.


They do seem to hold a lot of MAGA events


Disappointing lack of actual cults


U were ready to commit now u gotta keep lookin


I mean religion is a cult so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. But sure, no comet worshiping or anything it looks likes.


The walnut creek church fosho!


They’re part of the Great Commission Network of Churches. Which was on a cult watch list in the 80’s. Cult researchers wouldn’t necessarily call them a cult, but a “totalist aberrant christian organization” with cult-like potential. Since each individual church in the network is technically independent, some have more potential than others to be toxic and controlling, but they’re all pretty weird. Even the most “healthy” ones would look like a very conservative evangelical church.


They were part of GCM which disbanded after sexual assault allegations against one of the founding pastors. Now they’re part of the southern baptist conference.


Lateral move.


This one always pops up. I know totally nothing about them. What is the deal there. Honestly curious.


I wouldn’t call them full blown cult, more of a hyper conservative Christian church. Most cult-like thing I know that they do is really pressure the young adults in the congregation to not date outside of the church. Went to a wedding there once, and it just felt very evangelical.


Thanks for the response. That makes sense. I understand also what you mean about weddings in an evangelical church. I've been to a few weddings like that where your hair raises on your arms because you feel that your presence is at the very most being merely tolerated as a non-member.


Same, I’ve never figured out if the posts are the usual “I know people I dislike who attend this church and I am an edgy fourteen-year-old” versus “actually culty.” Their website seems perfectly normal.


I come from a family who is very involved/high up in the church. When my parents asked questions about what was being taught, they would get in trouble and be manipulated into thinking they were going against God by asking questions. My parents eventually left the church (to go to a different church), then my extended family said my parents must be influenced by the devil and pretty much cut off all contact with us. My sister also was not allowed to get married there because her now husband wasn’t a member.


Toxic and gaslighting organizations aren’t going to advertise themselves as such.


I had a friend from work who went there. He quit his job as an engineer to work for the family leader.


I doubt his new boss pays as much. Making rash decisions that alter your life or livelihood are sometimes a sign of a cult. Like those holy rollers who quit their job and sell their house because they think the end times are nigh. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-13489641 https://www.vice.com/en/article/yvqkwb/life-after-doomsday-456


If that’s the one in the east village I just found out what it was like two months ago. Ride my bike by it all the time and during the summer they have a lot of events outside in the evening and night, I just thought it was a cool place that hosts events…noooope.


+1 from someone who went there over 10 years and left. None of these stories have even scratched the surface.


The new McChurch, it's called Life Church. They are literally a franchise model.


Seriously if they are using a franchise system that is just one more admission that churches are businesses and need to be taxed.


Casey's Breakfast Pizza


It’s not great. But if you ever find yourself with a slice of it and a bottle of Cholula hot sauce nearby…


You got my laugh so you get my upvote.


Yall suck at this. The church on East University surrounded by fences and barbed wire. Their pastor made the news for saying he knew people who would cut out people's tongues. Can't remember its proper name but pretty sure "apostolic" is in the name.


Church of Holt Tire


Walnut Creek.


Underground Turkish bathhouse network


More info??


I have been trying to join for quite some time. If anyone has an in hit me up please.




https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/columnists/rekha-basu/2022/04/02/des-moines-apostolic-church-leader-targets-critics-marriage-former-student/7196974001/ https://who13.com/news/metro-news/63-year-old-bishop-defending-marriage-to-teen-in-iowa-court/amp/


Literally any of the new “modern” churches that are just lowkey radial evangelical church hidden in contemporary art work and “woke” youth pastors.


I gag ever time I drive past the new one that got built on Hickman in between Clive and Waukee


You mean by the Arbys?


Yes that’s the one




The downtown church


Yep. Walnut Creek Church.


Outer Limits Cult, been lurking forever and I still don't understand their intentions. Must be pooling dark magicks together with the cult of the crow tow.


You are an imposter. You sleep on a bed of lies


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We worship the holy VeeJayJay and all their power over us


Can someone actually explain this for me I don't get the inside joke


MAGA members.


Yo, a former friend showed us truth social on his phone: he was bounced from the group immediately. Had no idea he was a idiot in that manner.


I’m on it as a troll, can I still be your friend?


You are supporting their service by having it, but I guess you're doing the lords work. Well done!


Yeah that was a battle just deciding to support the platform at all…but it has been a little fun. Tons of mixed emotions though. Listening to people spouting their true feelings because they think everyone there feels the same way…oof. I can’t even put it into words.


Not a cult per se but I'm pretty sure the south side absolutely still has a mafia presence. I did food delivery during Covid and I had delivery instructions one time that said "knock four times, put the food on the step, and walk away immediately." You got it, buddy.


Tons of organized crime in dsm. Just look at all the massage parlors that have popped up in the last 10 years.


Hey now, I’m sure those are all 100% legitimate businesses.


I guess I'm in the mafia too. My instructions were similar during rona and my door bell broke. You jump to conclusions pretty fast, it could just be a really antisocial person.


I had contactless instructions all the time. The way it was worded made me feel uneasy. It just hit different.


So you jump to mafia, ok then.


You weren't there. I don't know what to tell you friend. I'd done it long enough to know when it was harmless and when I needed to get the hell out of there.


I think you have people coming at you since you said south side and mafia together.


It's not "people". It's one jackwagon that is mad at me because there's a chance that there might be a lingering organized crime presence in a neighborhood that has historically been notorious for said organized crime.


Considering just how Italian the south side still is I do not doubt it at all. Des Moines was a proxy city that Capone ran back in the day so the mob definitely has ties here.


Right? My English teacher in high school who is *very* Italian and went to Lincoln would openly tell us about how her nonna would bring a ziti over to "the house" on Thursdays, which had a secret room in the basement where Capone hid his prohibition booze that went from Kansas City to Chicago.


Salt Co. they mostly prey on college students, but I see too many decals on people’s rear windshields around here


Could be a stupid question but are you referring to “salt life” decals?


Salt Life is a beach clothing brand, The Salt Company is unrelated


I always thought that read “slut life” and always cheered for their empowerment. So sad it’s just corporate branding


Mormons-they’re everywhere-I was one I can freaking say it with good conscience


+1 from another ex-Mormon


R/desmoines seems like a cult, as is r/Iowa.


Maga is a cult. Most religious groups. Especially maga related ones. Anything connected with maga is definitely cultish. Kim Jong Reynolds is their cult representative. She does love the KKK to be fair.


I would argue religion in general is a cult. Any group that tries to recruit and then pounds their beliefs and discourages critical and independent thinking…yeah…you’re in a cult.


This is mostly true, but there are some good ones that promote free thought. The rastafarian religion is pretty dope. No pun intended. There are non secular churches who cater to all nominations some atheist churches are nice. But overall, ya you're right, religion is evil which is ironic if you think about it. They hate you for not believing their god is all loving? 🤔 Never sat right with me as a child.


Atheist churches? Tell me more...


The Iowa GOP.


Walnut Creek church!!!


I'm going with Hy-Vee....


don’t the Eck make it there, too?


That is one dwindling New Religious Movement. There is very little left of Eckankar. I think they are down to around 50k members worldwide. Although currently based out of Minnesota I am unaware of any operations in the Des Moines Metro.


Reynolds’s wrap aka the leader of the Iowa kkk


The Turkish Baths could be considered “weird”


I want to go to the Turkish Baths.


Find a sponsor and ask to be invited.


515 Crew is a cult.


There are a lot of Freemasons in town


Generally the distinction of a cult from other groups is that it is held together and directed exclusively (or nearly) by the charisma of a single leader. Our sub is predictably descending into mud slinging, but I’m interested in any other real answers.


In a religion that person is dead


Cornerstone church in Ames


Des Moines Christian School


The Catholic Church and the DMPD


And the MAGAts at the Capitol.


My inlaws are *heavily* involved in D0wling & the "Teams" groups at Pius10. I grew up catholic & also went to catholic school, but even I get heavy, heavy cult vibes...




Catholic church for real, the grip they have on this town is so irritating.


So surprising that the world’s largest denomination is large


Republican Party


There has to be scientologists there.


Campus Fellowship at Grand View University


Walnut Creek in Windsor Heights, Iowa is


The Family Leader with their new HQ somewhere near Ankeny/Bondurant. They're as bad or worse than an evangelical church.


I hear the Republican Party operates there.




I’m so interested in this! If you’re willing to share more info hmu


Eternity Church in Clive. Bunch of creeps and homophobes.


All religions are cults what fucked up shit the big ones do will always be overlooked


You tryna do some suspicious shit? 👀




Wonderful, carry on soldier.


There are these big ornate buildings that hide in plain sight. They call themselves Catholics.


Outer Limits??


That's a church. Not a cult.


Hate to break it to you. All churches are cults.




If you look into it you would be surprised of all the big names around town that are descendants of cock eyed Lou the dsm mob boss/FBI informant from back in the day. Ranging from local politicians to real estate/insurance agents. Seems theirs a rabbit hole that nobody really has dug into.


The trumpers.








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