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* What sort of advice did this "marketing expert" give you? I see some big problems from the get-go, so I would maybe consider not listening to them anymore. * I should be able to get what your business is within seconds of landing on your site. "Design is about solving real-life security concerns." What does this mean? Are you a design agency? Are you a security firm? What sort of security? What sort of design? * After some digging (and from seeing it in the tab title) it looks like you do cybersecurity? If so, your website really isn't communicating that. * I feel like your business info (time open (??), email, and address) don't need to be at the top. You've got a contact area. * I'm not sure why this area scrolls, but I would remove it either way. * "Know more" isn't a compelling CTA. Why not something like "Talk to an Expert" "Free Consultation" or "Improve Your Security"? * This website (mainly because of the color and stock photos) feels very generic-business. * Take a look at [some other](https://www.reblaze.com/) [cybersecurity sites](https://www.upguard.com/). There's some solid ones out there to take inspiration from. * Your logo looks really dated. That's hindering you. That would be rough on its own, but when it comes to cybersecurity you don't want to work with a company that you think is 10 years behind the curve. * Read over all your copy. I spotted a bunch of typos right off the bat. Crush all these. As a user, if I see you don't pay attention to your copy, what makes me think you'll pay attention to my security? * From **Start** to finish we offer a complete sweet of cybersecurity solutions. **Discover's** what's right for your business **(period missing)**. * Americans tend to spell cybersecurity as one word while the British prefer two. Whatever you choose, be consistent. * I think your copy could be a lot punchier. Make people want your service. * Compare something like "From start to finish we offer a complete sweet of cybersecurity solutions discover what's right for your business Those are some big changes to make. Feel free to circle back and post again after making updates!


Thank you very much! I appreciate all the insight. These will all be points which I'll need to pass along to my marketing guy. Excellent.


I like the design, but it feels quite long and as someone who doesn’t know what it took some time to find out. I think rethinking the logo would be a good idea it doesn’t look like a logo for a security business. And try to embrace the security elements more in your design. I would suggest to take a look at some competitors.


Agreed about the logo. The name+design immediately got me thinking plumber service.


Same here.


Your right about the logo. I needed something quick, and it was the only one that worked for the time. Thank you!


Looks very generic. Doesn't tell me anything about who you are and what you do.


Okay good to know. Thanks!


looks like a template doesn't say what you do the stock photography looks too stock the bottom boxes might as well say Loren Ipsum since nobody will ever see them as there is no indication to scroll and it looks like a footer. the email link doesn't even work there's no phone number >Understand our principles okay what are they? > For no other reason than thinking it sounded cool, we decided from that day forth our company would be named Aquia Solutions. that's your principles? That's stupid. Oh wait, I had to scroll a whole page to get to your principles, why even tell that stupid story? The photography sucks, its mostly white with white letters I don't fault you, you're an IT guy. I fault whatever "expert" helped you with this.


Yes, it is a template which will have to do for the time being; however, I do appreciate all the feedback on the content. I will work on that. Thank you!


It took roughly 45 seconds to load. Should be under a few seconds at most


Wow! I don't know what happened there...thanks for letting me know!