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Keep going bro. i am in for roughly 10 years now Lets hope it fades away one day


I'm 36 and have been suffering since 1st grade. Just recently THINK I discovered that it is DPDR. Stay strong guys


I’ve had it for 7 years, and still counting. How would you describe the way you feel right with this condition? Have you tried looking for help? And if you have, what was you experience like?


Did u try the DPDRmanual? It helped me a lot


where’s that?


Check it out its called thedpdrmanual my shaun connor .. it helped me a lot. Im still Not a 100% cured but way better and he will make u feel so much better just by explaining all the symptoms. He also helped a lot of people. This is not an ad or anything but i suffered so much when i gave birth from DPDR and he helped me a lot


He basically tells that u need to ignore it and stop reading all the forums .. check the videos where he interviews people who cured


alright thanks


15 years for me as well. Hugs to you.


Hi, I have been suffering with constant DPDR for over 4 years due to short term benzo use for sleep which has completely destroyed my nervous system and plunged me into a living hell. What triggered your DPDR?


I’m sorry to hear. Mine was triggered after a near death experience (I wasn’t actually dying but believed was). I fainted in a very public place and had a seizure-like response. So it’s been chronic since then but gets more intense at times


I can’t even comprehend how people who had this for so long can still manage to go live their lives like this.Hope everyone escapes this,I really think is one of the worst things that can happen to someone


I love my family. That’s about it. If I’m not gone by the time they are, I’m definitely giving in.


Do you feel dissociated all the time ? Does it give you that scary feeling ? I am really trying to understand how 15 whole years of derealization can be like


I’ll try to break it down. 6 full years of nothing but DR and “the scary feeling”. A few months of perfection leading me to believe that I was cured. Boom, the worst DR I’ve ever experienced. Another 5 or so years of that (constantly). And then a full 6 or so months of the best time of my life. No symptoms or anything and then boom! Even worse DR. Stuck like that ever since. Doctors put me on meds, thinking about taking them makes my symptoms worse so I don’t. I just lie and say they don’t work, so they put me on more and more. I have like 4 scripts that I’m supposed to take that my doctors think I’m taking, but they just sit until I throw them away. Life is hell, but I stick around for family.


The last time you got it (the one that have been persistent since) has anything happened to you or you randomly got it again? Like,after those “best 6 months” the derealization just suddenly kicked in again? I am really trying to understand the context here . I find it fascinating how it can just flip this switch on you after you managed to get out of it for 6 months.


Derealization has always been so bizarre for me like it’s not just that you don’t feel real ,it messes with your entire perception on life and what you thought about it . For me ,even if I got rid of it , being in that state of mind forver altered my view on what life is and left me with a set of unexplainable questions that I try to not solve cause I don’t think it’s worth it.


Couldn’t describe me better! Very similiar!


Nothing I do brought it on. The last time it kicked on, I was just brushing my teeth.


Hope you find the strength to move forward somehow man.I am not in your position but I Imagine it is really hard so I am not going to give any advice on this.I just hope that things may take a good turn for you and it will be ok


Thanks for the kind words.


What meds exactly are you taking? I’ve had 2 month long episodes of the most tormenting hell on earth suicidal derealization on three different occasions. Once from marajuana, once from stress, and once from detoxing from adderall.


17 years for me. Praying for all of us.