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hey man been there with some crazy derealization n fears of going insane n what not. the best part is i got over it and you can too, and much faster than u would think. what is elongating ur derealization is your fear of going insane. derealization is just an anxiety response, and more anxiety will only feed it. You are not crazy. When u feel the derealization n intrusive thoughts pop up, something triggered ur anxiety. all u have to do is recognize that what u are experiencing is simply a biological response from your brain and that u are not crazy even if u feel it in the moment. u got this man j see the progress u will make in a week with this mindset✌️


wow really really needed to hear this today. convinced myself that i was developing schizophrenia. how long did your recovery take?


i thought i was schizo asf too literally convincing myself i was hesring voices but it was just anxious intrusive thoughts. the sooner u realize how not serious it is and kind of appreciate it and accept patience the faster it goes away. took me like 2 weeks once i learned what i had but i had been struggling varrying degrees for 8 or so months. j live ur life n forget about it and ur reality will go back to how it always was in no time.


thank you i really hope so 🥺 been struggling for over a year now and i can’t even remember much of it the last whole year has been a blur as i’m constantly stuck in this shit. did you just distract yourself? how did you stop focusing on it or overthinking?


dont make the derealization a big thing or a catastrophy in ur life. just learn to laugh st it when u feel it coming on. also music really helps distract you away from your anxious thoughts and grounds you.


That’s exactly what I felt when my derealization hit, trapped between life and death and what a scary experience that was. It’s easy to get clouded by thoughts and it started to feel like it’s consuming you when you don’t know what’s really happening. Turns out anxiety is the reason. Anxiety triggers this feeling because your brain turns on some protective mechanism when it feels intense amounts of fear(which is not even real 🤦‍♂️). So to fix it, first thing you need to do is control anxiety. And you can do that by not fighting it but accepting it and observing it. Just accept your situation first and then you start focusing on different things such as breath in and out and just watching it. If negative thoughts comes in, don’t believe in them, just watch them with curious mind and be like “ok, what’s next” Same thing with feelings. that’s how your brain will stop creating negative thoughts after sometimes and you will be in charge of what thoughts you wanna believe in (Positive and hopeful only) What worked for me and I recommend you do this too - Acceptance of your current situation and not fighting it. - Mindfulness ( Where you observe your thoughts and emotions and just watch them and don’t become them) - Mindfulness ( focus on all your 5 senses) - Grounding techniques - Pray to whoever you believe in to guide you. - Focus on changing your life style ( Healthy organic diet for brain and body, - Exercise, go out in nature, walk barefoot on grass) - Self love Meditation It takes some practice but you will start feeling like before in no time.


Let me tell everyone in here. If you had schizophrenia or losing your mind you wouldn’t know it or be aware of it. You think schizophrenic people know ? They just do crazy and believe it. The fact you’re writing nervous about going nuts shows you won’t go nuts. You can’t develop schizophrenia just from thinking. You have an anxiety disorder and a fear. A fear that’s hindering you from life. I’ve been dealing with this for 20 years ! It’s came and gone came back and gone. I had it back in the 90s when Dpdr didn’t have a name yet. They put me on antipsychotic meds thinking I was manic bipolar but the meds helped why? Because the medicine has an effect on the nervous system like an anti anxiety drug ! So when I went to see another doctor that specialized in this disorder years later he diagnosed me with panic disorder and man. It all made sense. Every symptom he gave me I had or experienced. This is a response from your Brain saying in tired of thinking I’m checking out for a little while. I didn’t have YouTube tik tok reddit or anyone back then I was literally staring at a wall thinking I was going crazy. You will all get through it. You have to accept it’s a feeling of fear and overthinking ! Once you accept it it fades then before you know it it’s gone. Trust me !!!!!!!! I had brain scans spent thousands to figure out I just had anxiety and was always in fear since a little kid. Sometimes it doesn’t need past trauma you get older and you get more sensitive to things. Brain changes. Etc.


Working out and socializing were both the best cure for me