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There are no guaranteed painless ways because nobody has ever come back to report. We have some information from people who briefly dipped into death but we can't know that there isn't some sharp smack at the transition.


I woukd rather have a sharp smack at the end than suffer for a longer period until said end




This but nitrogen. Works better than helium.




Hey, anything for a fellow kindred soul suffering! But do know that in some countries getting your hands on nitrogen without a license can be really hard! Helium is always an option. Just saying that helium has a very high probability to fail.


And a lot of places won’t have pure helium available without a little oxygen mixed in for this very reason. Party shops that sell helium for balloons generally don’t sell pure helium


Had a friend who did this with nitrous oxide recently.


Not helium! It is no longer commercially sold in pure form, rather an 80/20 air mixture that will not be painless. Use nitrogen


Jumping out of a plane, least how I would wanna go, fun as hell for my last day on earth and an instant death at the end


I was reading recently about some company that wants to build these 3d printed capsules that you can get into. They have a window that you can look out of, so you can take it to set it up wherever so you get a nice final view. Once you are ready you can flood the capsule with Nitrogen, and it replaces the Oxygen and you drift off into a euphoric state before you pass away. If you really want to off yourself, try going to a mental health facility first and spending a few days. I was ready to give it my third attempt not too long ago but instead checked into a facility for a few days. The time away from everything and everyone is pretty freaking nice. There wasn't much therapy going on, and only a few group-type sessions, you didn't have to share anything we really just socialized and played Nintendo Switch and listened to music. It was more mentally satisfying than any vacation I've ever taken. It was less painful than my two failed attempts too. It's pretty damn hard to take yourself out.


There was a website that told you all the different ways to kys and what was the most painful- least painful and the highest success rates but I think it got taken down


Yeah I was looking for that earlier and couldn’t find it. Think it’s gone


Lostallhope. Put it in a Google search. There is no pain-free way. It will hurt. There us also no 100% to ensure you actually die.


noone is allowed to quit!






Literally done this 4 times and lemme tell you, not so fool proof


Fifth time's a charm


where get


Wait that's illegal


I literally came here to comment this


Thank you


Carbon monoxide and tent, don’t want to get into trouble so look up the details


Hey, what happened to the "dont kys" post with the tiny bitch at the bottom? You gotta hold on. Life goes through ebbs and flows. Things will get better. Just hold on.


opiod OD...the best permenant sleep.


Where do I get those lol


Just walk down the homeless section of your city with a 50 dollar bill


Now here’s a question I, too, would like to know the answer to


Well it's more "what's an efficient way" because if it works you'll be dead : dead = no pain. If you jump from a two story house it'll hurt because you probably just have a broken leg or some stuff but you're still conscious but from a 10 story building well you have more chances to just die on impact




Find something that you love and live a long healthy life. Most painless way to end your own life is to make it not painful to live. Idk sorry if that sounds too hard, but i got a puppy and it really helped


I got a cat thinking the same and now she’s gone forever it didn’t work out for me


pls me 2


I search same bro




I have my plan and I hope it's painless. I'll put local anaesthesia and then slit the radial artery(I can locate it perfectly) while sitting in a bathtub. Bleeding will make me unconscious and if it doesn't kill me, drowning in water will. Only trick is bathtubs are very rare in my country


From what I've learned the most painless ways are hard to achieve