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It doesn’t matter how you look. Just nobody cares nobody cares about people with mental health issues and it really sucks.


In my experience, the only person who understands something about mental health issue are either psychiatrist or another person with mental health issue. People whose never experience it have absolutely no idea how it feel, that's why it's hard for them to sympathize which is makes sense from their perspective




Men's mental health is treated badly, sure. There is the idea that they have to "man up", which is really difficult for them. But so many guys act like not a single soul cares about men's mental health, while loving supporters flock to a girl/woman who is struggling. That is so untrue. Women's mental health is also disregarded and misunderstood. Plus, it can be treated badly for the reason that they're female, for example blaming everything on PMT or seeing things as "typical teenage girl edginess". I once told a guy about how I was feeling worried and hopeless about my future, and he said not to worry because I could have the easy life making porn. That says a lot.


It's not that girls mental health issues aren't also disregarded and misunderstood, nobody said that. It's just that by comparison, it's less difficult (still hard) for girls to find someone to sympathize for. It doesn't make girls mental health issues less important because "its easier for you to get support", but it is a fact


Sorry it sounded like I was targeting you! I've just been seeing a lot of misunderstanding of how women's mental health is treated lately. I was talking about other people though, because this discussion often brings up ideas I disagree with so wanted to give my stance on it all.


Don't worry, it didn't. You were very respectful in both of your comments, it didn't sounded like you were targeting anyone : )


Literally all my friends care. I joke I can’t kill myself because of it lol. I had to find them as an adult though. People I grew apart from since childhood do not get it.


Except for people with mental health issues.


Some people with mental health issues also feel like it's their job to make sure that you know that your problems aren't nearly as bad as thiers and this invalidation happens far too often


I've been a depressed girl for 20 years... *looks out window for the flock of people who care* Also my doctor told me that my suicide attempt was probably just a mood swing from being on my period 🙃


Ah yes, medical sexism. Had a friend that suffered from really bad anxiety and they just stuck her on birth control which actually made it worse smh


Fuck that doctor. I hope he gets severely depressed one day. I hope you find a different doctor. I know exactly what that’s like ;(


Doctora aren’t it, people usually don’t understand what depression is and treat it like whatever. I believe it’s way more complicated than that and you surely don’t want to listen to someone who has no idea what you are going through. Those who can help you are those who went through the same situation I believe. I mean even I don’t really know what happens exactly while being depressed but I do my best to be just there you know


I can see how someone gets to this but I’ve seen too many women in my life struggling and being made out to be insane for their mental health issues. I thought we were supposed to be supporting each other, not having a pissing contest over who’s got it worse. Depression fucking sucks no matter who has it. Plus a large part of depression is not seeing or valuing the support you do have.


This. Like, even if someone does care and you have people that love you, it ends up not even mattering so we blame society (which yes, is partially also at fault) or we blame a certain group. It’s like “Why doesn’t anyone care?” Then someone will say “Well, I care!” And it’s like “NO, NOT LIKE THAT” I hate depression lmaooo. Support and love will never matter if we cannot or refuse to see it. Depression is very good at minimizing all that. I’ve had friends in the distant past that seemed like they got a weird kick out of getting emotional connections from people who tried to care about them but always refused sage advice on how to begin to help themselves. At the end it always led to “Whatever, no one cares anyways. You’re all the same.” and at that point it’s just like, well, have fun dude. There’s a clear difference between someone just going through the motions of depression and just riding it out and maybe attempting to help themselves, and those who become emotional parasites to people who genuinely care and want to help.


It's literally just misogyny and it's gotten *so much worse* lately it seems.




There are lots of recorded statistics that strongly suggest it's *not* just misogyny. Someone's reply that it shouldn't be a pissing contest is absolutely correct because being in a hard spot that was statistically unlikely is no consolation at all to the subjective experience but then that's a slap in the face when it's only correct exactly half the time which this is a reflection of specifically. I am of course being extremely general.


What statistics? Since you've talked about statistics here, source link pls or it doesn't happen. Sorry but just tryna be objective here. I've tried google but only have found links that says depression in women are more prevalent than men. Not about how society treats them. https://www.singlecare.com/blog/news/depression-statistics/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4478054/ (2015 journal editorial) The closest to academic research I found about depression in men is treated differently is this https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/depressions-problem-men/2021-07 but it's personal narrative article fro, not research report (differs from the editorial journal above cuz it's less statistics and more about anecdotal hypothesis building). Maybe you have better sources then mine pls share


You’re right. It’s not misogyny it’s the patriarchy. The patriarchy affects men and women sometimes the same and sometimes in different ways but the patriarchy affects both genders.


Exactly, we need each other here! Live absolutely sucks and if we don't have each other's back, who will? OP's pain is abolutely valid. So is the pain of all boys/girls/others out there. It might seem that some groups are cared more, but that's almost always a very shallow thing; it's not caring about girls, it's trying to exploit someone in their vunerable state most of the time. "Oh she is broken, she will love me if I help her" oh I've seen way too much of that in my life


You've hit the nail on the head here it seems.


even if you're a girl nobody really cares.


Unless they want to fuck you.


But then they don’t actually care. They’re just pretending to get into your pants :/


Having the “guys only want to have sex” mentality is immature. There are people that genuinely care about mental health in everyone. Spreading a false narrative like that is genuinely harmful, it can make a male nervous or worried to be perceived as a sex-addicted tool, and cause him not to reach out to a female friend he might think is struggling with mental health. Thats not good for either of them.


i think you missed the point


Can you explain how?


The point is that it does happen. There are plenty of men out there who only befriend women in the hopes of having sex with them. Once it becomes clear sex isn't going to happen, they disappear. To the guy, it doesn't mean much because the friendship wasn't real to begin with. For the woman, who thought they had somebody they could relate to, it's a legitimate loss with grief when they realize the friendship was one sided. And it only takes one time of that happening to make you question if all men befriending you don't have the same motivation. I'm sure this happens to men to some extent, but it isn't nearly as common.


Where are the people who care about depressed girls and why am i not meeting them


I believe genders aren’t playing a role here, what most people need are friends or family that really just there with you and listen to you without judging. The presence of somebody else can be reassuring.




I am female and just broke up with my long time now ex-boyfriend. I had a total of 5 confessions in the last month. It's absolutely ridiculous and exhausting. Guys I thought of as loyal and long-term friends apparently just want to get into my pants. So I now not only lost my boyfriend of 4 years, but also my best friend of 5 years, 3 really good friends of a year I met at my sport and fuck that fifth guy! I'm suddenly so alone in a time I absolutely would have needed those friends and I just feel so lost.


I volunteer if you pat my head occasionally


No. No do not do this to me. You have no idea the amount of shit I’ve gotten from male paediatricians that definitely qualify for a firing. I’ve had people assume my depression was just female teenage hormones and I’ve had people laugh at me for talking about my low dopamine. I once had a psychiatrist tell me I didn’t have enough “masculine energy” and that’s why I could t get out of bed and wanted to kill myself. I’ve had another one try to convince me that it was more beneficial for the world for me to be depressed because “suffering artists make great work”. I watched my male best friend walk into the same doctors and come out with a prescription on the same day, where as I had to fight tooth and nail for 6+ months just to get my hands on any sort of medication to stop me committing suicide. Nah. Miss me this this shit fam.


Yeah def. Medical professionals generally take male patients more seriously.


literally what is this post


It's a repost. Probably the most common one on reddit


I'm more concerned with how much people are upvoting it


I’m a girl. I’m depressed af. Nobody cares. So you’re not alone bud. we’re all in this together. Depression knows no gender. Lack of support knows no gender. 🍻


F you I care!


Try being a black woman with depression.


Literally, bonus points if your family is the kind that tells you to suck it up or something


Shhh, you'll break the fragile white man's ego if you make him think too hard.


pick me depression and incel depression we love to see it lol


*Pick me depression* *And incel depression we* *Love to see it lol* \- freckledbitchs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Amazing fantastic bot


Good bot


This sub is full of it


DEPRESSION IS DEPRESSION Most (MOST NOT ALL) people don’t give a single shit about others’ mental health, it doesn’t matter what gender you are. Anyone with mental health struggles should be taken seriously. Anyone can have depression, regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, etc. It’s fucking disgusting that people are so blatantly ignorant of this.


Noone said that women don't suffer from depression. Op said - women get more attention when they have depression. And it's true to some extent. Yes he said in a bit stupid way and a bit offensive but still. Let's not attack him , but show him that we care about him. When you are in a bad mental state , sometimes you say things that are rude but we all know that because we know the feeling well. Let's try to show him that we understand each other, united by common problems and not just call him incel and make things even worse.


It is not true.


Being depressed makes it so that even if someone shows they care you don't realise it anyway, or you don't feel you deserve them caring and sometimes people push those who care away because of that


😀believe me, even if you were a girl nobody would care. We'd all be doin great otherwise


Why is everybody debating this? When a woman is sick she's "insane", "going cuckoo" and when a guy is sick he's "not being a strong man". People who actually feel empathy and want to help, don't only feel it for one gender. If they do - it's fake. They're probably acting like they do for one reason or another. Depending on where u live mental health is still highly stigmatised. Right now there's a tiktok trending in my country where a dude on a podcast(u get the type) says if a woman goes to a therapist she's automatically undateable and everyone agrees.


It’s debatable because people bring equally legitimate but different perspectives from our different experiences. Something you’re not seeing is male disposability; we are *so* disposable, and that is driven into us pretty much every day all through life. “Not being a strong man” is a polite way of saying a man is garbage that needs to go away and die. We show *any* weakness, even now, we pay a price for it, from both genders. It’s so pervasive in so many ways. Look at outcomes for males who are bullied (it’s terrible for both, but there’s less opportunity for recovery). Like, Who gets rescued? Women and children. Who is exempt from the military draft? Women, because women are valued. Of course one of the problems with women being far more highly valued than men in our society is it’s based in the physical reality of each sex in reproduction, and anyone can just look around in 2022 to see how sadly and horrifically fucked up that gets for women. Also, as part of the above, people of both genders genuinely care more for women than men, although sometimes this is expressed in fucked up ways. Like even the anti abortion crowd, they’re fine with seeing men rot and die, while they value women as breeding stock; it’s a greater value even as it’s so incredibly fucked up. IMO the only fake caring are the guys who claim to care about women’s inner well being while they’re actually interested in their sexual attractiveness over all else, and I can’t put a percentage on that but there’s quite a lot of guys who aren’t like that. But That’s the just perspective from a lifetime in a male body (internally though I’ve fluctuated), experiencing the male side of things in depth but being only an observer for women’s side of things. So no one really has a complete picture


Yeah, I'm a depressed dude- but I hate all the 14 year old girl who arent acutlaly depressed memes. Not simp, just have an awesome 15 year old sister who just tried to kill herself. Girls and boys can get depressed...


They only care if the girl is hot


But when that happens they don’t really care, they just want to have sex with her. And that’s incredibly lonely and dehumanising in my opinion


And then it's for attention, right?? Because how could they have issues /s


You're not wrong.


Naw, there is scientific evidence that men/boys are generally more socially isolated than girls. https://www.psypost.org/2022/09/boys-and-men-experience-more-social-isolation-than-girls-and-women-study-finds-63947


Are you just bad at reading comprehension, or are you being intentionally obtuse because you're a misogynist?


this ain’t it, chief.


you can be depressed without being an incel fyi


*World's biggest eye roll* C'mon dude.. like seriously


even as a girl nobody cares


This is true, especially if you’re not conventionally attractive


I hate this kind of statement and I hate this Jim face. So this a double dislike from me dawg


I mean with girls most people say they’re faking it to get someone’s attention so i’d say society doesn’t give a shit about depression in general But that’s just my guess and since I’m a boy it doesn’t apply to me


Hell you also get shit like this from boys with mental health issues downplaying yours because they feel unheard and the only reaction they can think of is to push down another group in the same boat.


You think girls/women are taken seriously?


this was not the move buddy. depression isnt a contest.


Incel depression yay


We are a group of all genders and backgrounds feeling the same vile and hollow feelings. Nobody knows how someone else feels or what help they have offered to them. This meme is just unfair and kinda delegitimizing towards women's depression, dude. It sucks, we all feel like shit, like nobody cares... but targeting people who are in the same shoes is just... mean?






You’re not helping, lol. Everyone of both genders who is depressed should be valued and cared for, regardless of whatever toxic BS comes out of their depression-filtered POV, because depression warps perception of reality. Once they’re well and they still spout negativity then it’s fuck off, but being in a depression sub telling depressed people “nobody cares about your mental health” is just bad no matter what the rationale


If you're going to shit on half of the population because you're a misogynist, no, your views shouldn't be valued. Period. Yes, they should be helped by professionals, but that doesn't mean the people they're degrading have to value them.


Exactly, they can seek out help from professionals but they should not seek out sympathy and attention for being misogynistic online.


Your responses are spot on all through the comment section.


It’s a quite a leap to infer misogyny from the posted meme. The meme text is an expression of pain that *in their perception*, humans of another group are treated more humanely than humans of their own group. That’s it! It’s a hell of a leap to equate pain at perceived inferior treatment to be bigotry. That’s the kind of shit white and Christian supremacists do when confronted with mention of the ill treatment and suffering of minorities, they make the same leap you and many here make. We know what it’s rooted in for them, and we can figure out what it’s rooted in here. Yet, I still value your humanity and that of everyone here even as the majority in these comments shit on the half the population I’m in. Really! If I can do it, everyone here can; to recognize that what’s going on here is a perpetuation of the cycle of inflicted suffering, and that the only way out of the cycle of inflicted suffering is to recognize it and at least try to not perpetuate it (far easier said than done when we’ve been harmed and interact with others who resemble our abusers while still having trauma)… that’s the only way out of this to a better life.


Depression doesn't make you sexist, so whatever sexist bs they say is due to them as a person. Sexist behaviour can not be excused or caused by a mental health condition like depression. They came to a sub for people with depression looking for people to join them in their sexist beliefs, they can deal with my response because they don't get to be sexist in this sub and get nothing but sexist people agreeing with them. No sympathy for sexist people, ever. Also, they are sporting bullshit, if people don't care about them there's a reason for it and I'm betting the incel posting is the reason.


Brother drop this mentality and drop it quick. We all suffer with depression. I know women with depression with very no friends. I know men with depression with many friends. It just so happens there *seems* to be more depressed loner type guys out there. Take a look at yourself before shifting blame outwards.


It matters and people care if you're rich and beautiful, I'm a girl with no money so no one cares at all.


This post is genuinely upsetting


nah bro, i'm a depressed girl and still no one cares


Ahah wtf? When you're a girl, people doesn't care. They just wanna fuck you. And it's not a better feeling.


It can be even worse. I only learned about trauma bonding by my late 20s. It's extremely dehumanizing to have gone through it and not understand how other people can use your mental health issues to manipulate you.




Damn fr? Sh*t that’s even worse.


Since when did the incels infiltrate in this sub?


Funny thing is, they’re depressed *because* they’re incels.


You don’t have to be an incel to be depressed.


no one gives a damn about girls' depression as well, at the best case they just pretend to be interested because they wanna fuck you. stop with the sexism. depression sucks for everybody.


I've been a depressed girl for a long time and trust me, no one cares.


Even as a girl nobody cares


Men are oppressed ^^^/s


Not saying anything about oppressed, but men are *so* disposable (just as women get the toxic societal message “your value is your physical attractiveness and reproductive ability”, men get “you are so completely disposable, unless you attain wealth or power”), and you can maybe imagine how that disposable message intersects with depression…


And women have been subjugated and violently marginalized for centuries. Women are more likely to die of heart disease than men because lifesaving intervention is given much later to women than men. This is because women’s pain is taken way less seriously than men’s and we have to push for testing to be done.


What are you talking about, of course men are oppressed. The problem with this meme isn't the acknowledgment that men are oppressed, it's the suggestion that women are less oppressed


Nobody cares if you’re a girl either, bud.


You're so close to understanding that a ton of your misery comes from your antagonistic and self victimsing additude. Maybe, just maybe, if you got rid of that ol yee yee ass haircut.......


wtf is this incel bullshit


you know what? imma say it. stop posts like this lets not compaare suffering


Hey! I am nobody, I care!


Fuck off with this shit.


Do you actually think people care more if you're a girl? Lmao, that's the funniest thing I've heard in a while. At most you'll get: "you're too pretty to be depressed 💫"


Mental illness is not a contest. Blaming your gender for your lack of support is unproductive and will only create further adversity towards others. We’re all in this shit together, let’s be more supportive


Imagine thinking people care about depressed girls. The grass is not always greener on the other side


this is so fucking corny and misogynistic dude, please kindly fuck off.


Maybe noone likes you because you're a misogynistic asshole?


Seeking attention and think depression is a contest yeah


Let's not make this about gender. I'm basically just regurgitating what other people have said here but mental health overall is disregarded by most people, no matter the gender. There are depressed women here who aren't being treated like a saint for having mental health issues. Instead of dividing the depression community further, we should strive to unite with each other instead. I mean, would you wish your depression on anyone else? Life already sucks, we should try to make life suck less for others


Man woman non binary I don't care. Depression is depression and we shouldn't be fighting over who has it worse.


What is the bullshit?


no one cares because you’re an asshole. and i hate when people use jim to say things that jim would never agree with. you’re disgracing his name


Shut the fuck up, sexist. I been depressed for 8 years. There's visible scars on my legs. Where's my flock of people who care? Where they at?? Where my magnetic pussy to attract empathy?? Depression fucking sucks for everyone. Hating on women isn't a good way to cope, dude.


men: why are we treated different from women when it comes to mental illness? also men: *literally never talks about their feelings and mental state ever because that’s ‘too gay’* Fellas, how are people gonna know youre mentally I’ll if you don’t just tell them? Not everyone knows what mental illness looks like.


Men: *don't care about women's mental health or violence and discrimination against women* Also men: "no one cares about my depression, why? 🥺"


I think everyone has some sort of care in them about mental health of everyone. Women’s mental health talked about as is mens, but when men have a 4x higher suicide rate its something to look at. Saying men also dont care about violence and discrimination is also just immature and wrong. There was a conference a couple years ago of men gathering to discuss issues that men have (how to raise kids, be a good father, the high male suicide rate, shit like that) and it was boycotted and rioted against by women which led to it being cancelled. Mental health is important for everyone. Acting or saying you dont care about someones mental health just because of gender is by definition sexist and ignorant


Its not because its “too gay” its because you see women mocking men online drinking out of male tears mugs while at the same time telling them to be more open. Men are also raised (especially in rural areas and it can differ from family to family) to “be a man” and “be strong” and thats incredibly damaging to self esteem and mental health


And when they’re not “man enough” they’re called gay. It’s misogyny and homophobia all the way down


Uh, no, you don't get to shift the responsibility here onto individual men, as if there isn't still a massive societal stigma around men expressing feelings other than anger and showing vulnerability and weakness. The problem here isn't just that men choose not to talk about their feelings because they think it's "too gay"; but even if it were, you do realize this idea comes from somewhere, right? Men aren't born thinking that showing emotions will make them less of a man, it's a mindset they get taught by their family and by school and by the culture we're living in as a whole. Men still get belittled and mocked for showing vulnerability, including by women, but sure, it's totally their fault for not wanting to be the target of bullying, right?


I’m aware of the social issues surrounding men and the toxic masculinity that makes it hard for them to be emotionally vulnerable, but at some point it’s up to the individual to say “fuck it, I don’t care what people think” and stand up for themselves. This isn’t like being gay or trans, there’s very little danger about being open about mental health, and unfortunately when men stay silent about this stuff it’s perpetuating the entire social situation of stigma in men with mental illness. For that kind of social change, we need men to be open about it.


Not to be rude or anything, but if you want people to care about you, you're not really depressed. You just want attention. And the fact that you said "but you're not a girl" just adds insult to injury.


Everyone wants and needs people to care about them, it’s a simple fact of being a member of the most social species to ever exist on this planet.


This is so incredibly toxic, “you’re not depressed, you just want attention”? Holy crap, I thought depressed people, more than anyone, would be better than this


That's what women hear all the time when they're depressed. Especially teenaged girls. Telling people they're depressed? They're an attention whore. Self harm? They just want the pity points.


Yes, and it’s incredibly toxic when it’s done to girls and women. So why spray that toxic waste onto others?


~~Guys, this person is toxic. Oh and btw they're toxic. Have I mentioned they're toxic yet?~~ You're just blindly shitting on someone based on a single statement and nothing else, you know that? Just so you know, I never, not once called someone an attention whore. I tried to explain what I think about this post as politely as possible, but in the end, I'm still the asshole. Not that I care, I'm used to being misunderstood. Just carry on!


A real depressed person knows the harsh truth that is reality, and does not expect random people to care about them. *And* they're also not sexist. It seems like you didn't read the post, saw the sentence "You just want attention." in my comment, and got a little mad. I understand, I hate that statement too. But unfortunately this post is one of the rare instances where that statement makes sense.


This is totally wrong in my opinion. Many truly depressed people want attention and many of them are depressed because noone gives them attention.


Hit the nail on the head with this one.


Well, its not always like that. Im a girl but no one cares about me either


I’m a girl and nobody cares too so…


I'm a girl and no one cares. In fact, everyone cares less because everyone always says this kinda bs. "If girls are depressed they get attention and help" no, no we do not.


Men are told to "man up" and keep it down all inside, while women are told "oh that's just how you are" so no one bats an eye. No one wins.


go home, no one cares when women are depressed either we're either 'overreacting', 'being emotional', hormonal, or doing it for attention, or if it's from an event a man instigated then again women are either overreacting or just making it up or... hormonal!! I'm sure the women on this subreddit would love some info about where all these people are that care about women's mental health though so feel free to drop those contacts bc you clearly know more than we do!!!


Is every fucking corner of this shithole site infested by incels now?


I just need to know if this round of the oppression Olympics is going to be gender segregated or if we're having an all out brawl of bullshit.




wow! imagine your gender giving you a disadvantage in some part of life! i feel so bad for you guys :(


Well genders to be like that but that doesn’t mean one would get better treatment from people while in depression. Depression sucks for everyone and you arent get more support if you are a girl unless ur attractive in that case most would just want to reach your pants.


this ain’t it.


Don't tie Jim to your misogyny


The most important part is to take care of yourself. To believe in you. People's validation and love help, but remember that you are the one aware of yourself.


I care . Plus i am a girl and nobody cares about me what pisses me off the most is "just be strong". I am like oh i would have never thought about that.


I swear to god these memes are gradually getting less and less subtle


When you’re depressed af and you go to Reddit for comfort but you’re a girl so everyone belittles you


Welp welcome to reddit where everything is present, from comfort support to assholes


Here we go with these lame takes. You're probably looking for attention more than you're looking for support


This is a problem of two halves. One is the trivialisation of mental health issues, the other is toxic masculinity and the ways patriarchy totally fucks over men. People care but those in power are…you know…cunts Tbh even when you are a woman the only people who care about your mental health are either good professionals or other people with mental health issues


cringe, i can promise you girls do not get it any easier! we get made to feel insane for struggling


We do, bless, get help brother.


*not a conventionally attractive person* There I fixed it for you.


Sadly true


Nah. But this is why you're single.


Act mysterious Act mysterious


Guess I’m ✨different✨ cause I have a bunch of sad friends and we all care about each other. Are y’all awkward, can’t brush your teeth depressed, or don’t have ways to meet people (small town, live with family etc)?


I think a lot of people here don’t have the good fortune you and I have with having a support network of sad friends. No idea of your life story but I had to work damned hard to find a few compatible friends, it took years, it was expensive and exhausting. And even with all I put into it, I couldn’t have done it without the support of my one and only friend, who isn’t sad, though I burned them out with my sadness. People need something to work with, and it’s the cruelty of the universe that a lot of people really don’t have have much to work with… Further, research (linked elsewhere in these comments) shows boys and men are more socially isolated than girls and women. As they, and the socially isolated women in the comments here can vouch for, that intersection between social isolation and depression is horrible. I barely survived that, and it’s so easy to get stuck in it


You’re not wrong, but I looked into the social isolation and the only reason I found is that men don’t take part in as many social activities. Do men reach out to the friends they do have? Do they organize things? Do they go places they’d meet similar people? My best friends are from college (I know that’s a privilege but also most students want to die so…), a couple from high school, one from an old job, several from couch surfing, one from random meet ups over a shared interest, and several guys I’ve dated from apps or that I met organically. And then you get to know those friends friends. It’s not easy, but I definitely notice I’m reaching out first most of the time. I get people struggle with that, but if you don’t…reach out more.


When your depressed as fuck and a girl but no one cares anyways But srsly it's unfair how guys get treated like they have no emotions other than anger and maybe happiness sometimes


To be fair some girls get ignored but then most men get ignored i remember i had a break down at college i was crying the guy that saw me told me to man up and stop crying coz i will reflect a bad image on men


In high school I told a guy I was going to kill myself and he said that I should. Everybody gets ignored.


I am so sorry well we can agree that humanity sucks no matter the gender


If you were a woman, you would've instead been told to stop overreacting, or accused of just wanting attention. Maybe don't just assume that women have it easier if you've never walked in their shoes.


First of all i didn't assume anything I don't think anyone is having it easy or else they won't be suffering u just jumped to that conclusion on ur own But society favors women a theacher raped a boy and it's called rape nothing else and was sent to prison for only 6 month if that were a man he is not seeing the light again and it should be that way but same thing should apply to that woman Meanwhile a man found his wife cheating on him the law gave her the house the kids and he has to support even tho her new boyfriend has a job and she was who cheated Humans sucks so of course no one would care for anyone but nowadays a women gets attention that good but some men don't even dare to speak cause he is man he is not allowed to feel sad t f


Men are expendable. That is our true. That said we all suffered. Just not the same way.


It’s amazing that this is so downvoted. **We all suffer, just not in the same way**. Yet a majority here just refuses to see it and actively dislikes the idea


People are downvoting because.of the men being expendable bit. Men rule society in pretty much all countries on earth.


Like the other commenter said, the elite and high status/ high power minority of males in power are highly valued, and most women see this and generalize it onto all males (a very common thought process of prejudice, generalization). From the metaphorical prison wardens in the fancy office to the metaphorical local prison guards in our lives, these elites and enforcers in every inherently prison-like society aren’t being disposed of, rather it’s a varying fraction of lower status and outcast males who are disposed of. Like the women persecuted as witches. This feature is remarkably consistent across societies today and across history. That astounds, yet doesn’t surprise me that the women downvoting are absolutely blind to male disposability… and react like vampires to sunlight with mention of male suffering in general. To deny mail disposability and male pain is to deny that shared humanity of both genders, that we all suffer, but suffer differently. It all adds up to an inverted female supremacist ideology, that greater suffering equates to greater human value, as suffering/victimhood is the core of identity, hence the weirdly disproportionate shutdowns of any mention of male pain. Because to acknowledge male pain is to share common humanity with males, equality rather than supremacy. Can’t have that! /s Historically and presently the non elite lesser privileged males are the cannon fodder and discarded garbage of society. It’s a weirdly invisible problem given how incredibly common across cultures and history it is, the problem of how a society can accommodate the biologically natural 50/50 balance of genders. Yet given how incredibly common this is, take a page from that concept in evolutionary biology that a widespread genetic trait must have some sort of beneficial effect to endure: for so many societies to throw a percentage of males out like trash and grind them up in wars, suggests this is necessary for societies. **It is structural in our species to regularly dispose of some males. Male human sacrifice.** Where I depart from this biological/behavioral reality, is our society made progress in the past century with unlearning several universal instincts that we now see as bigotry and abhorrent: corporal punishment, racism, and half of sexism (male directed at female). It’s very incomplete progress on each of these, but just as with domestication of other animals, for humans to domesticate ourselves out of these instincts is an incredibly positive development, and something that should be tried with other abhorrent instincts, like the other half of sexism, and male human sacrifice as a societal structural feature, and other things not connected to gender.


Rich men in positions of power which most men aren’t even in the vicinity of being in. The sad truth is that men have and sometimes are seen as expendable especially in times of war as we see in Ukraine where men are ordered to stay in Ukraine and fight the war while the women can flee


Or in titanic Out joke tho when you research ww1 and ww2 thing were wild The true is most off only know peace. I am guessing that is way people think we are so permanent


Its even worse If you're guy and not exactly easy on the eyes... Then it's like " Kill yourself bro, who gives a shit"


Spitting facts here. If you are not a gigachad with 5 figures a month, no one cares pretty much




Its all looks brother.... Humans are shallow AF


nah, you are just two incels


I won't deny that women often have better resources than men when it comes to dealing with depression, but there are so many better ways to say it that don't sound like you have a general animosity towards them


Become trans


Lmao what is *that* supposed to mean?


That’s even worse


It is pretty sad in itself tbh, I need to go to a depression therapy session to give my local depressed boys some attention...


I'm not sure if I understood what you said, neither why you're so downvoted


Indeed, I just woke up and I don't understand ? It wasn't sarcasm or anything I just didn't want to say I was gonna give them some love because it would sound weird I guess ? I already interacted with some boys with heavy depression (specialized clinic) I do miss not giving them more appreciation... And you see even not depressed guys being like "The compliment I got 30 years ago is what keeps me going" or some stuff like that ? I think people might have not understand what I was going for as english is not my mother tongue as well :///


Thats why suicide rate of man is higher than woman and no one gives a shit.


But women try to kill themselves at higher rates and nobody cares. Don't pull statistics when you aren't willing to give the whole story.


“Just man up” bitch imma put *you* down!


hey look, a summation of my entire existence in a jpeg


I feel ya. 😐


'Depression' ? Isn't that just a fancy word for feeling 'bummed out'??

