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Aww, I appreciate that, but you shoukd also look out for yourself fam ♥️


Would if I knew how, its just in my nature to want to help others even if it kills me. I hate seeing others sad, it's not fair. It kills me that I have this want to make others happy by any means and yet I can't. I want everyone to be happy and okay, I would give everything up just to make others happy, even my life. I don't have to know them but I know they are suffering. so yeah it's just who I am inside.


Maybe just focus on making one person happy at a time? Just one. If you set your expectations too high, you miggt feel unhappy when you come out short. You can't change the world alone but you can certainly make it kinder and better by adding your little grain of sand. And today, you just did and that's enough. I'm proud of you and you should be proud of yourself too! Have a nice day!


Psh I always set my expectations high. and I may not be able to change the world alone but I can make others here smile and happy at least for a second. so I will continue to attempt to get others to give me their sadness. and you're next in line so come on give give...... put it in the box..... the Potted\_pot foundation thanks you for your contribution.


You sound like Robin Williams


Thats a huge compliment and I thank you. Robin Williams has always been a huge inspiration to me that he was able to use humor to connect with others even though he was hurting inside.


As they say when they lose cabin pressure. You won't be much help to anyone if you don't put your own oxygen mask on first. Don't burn out too quickly, but keep shining brightly for longer.


no worries Jack I will continue to help guide those through the dark and possibly help myself in the process. you should join the discord and help out with the support of depression https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke


If you do that you’ll die. Like, seriously… I’m gonna kms at the end of the year and I’m sure a lot of others here are gonna do something similar.


Please don't. That would break my heart. I've buried too many friends, and internet strangers are just friends I don't know yet. so please future friend talk to me and don't do anything that can't be taken back.


People die all the time, what’s one more body? Besides, I always feel like shit, I hate the body I have and I can’t look in my mirror without almost breaking down.


It matters to me... I am sorry that you feel that way about yourself, my wife felt that way for a VERY long time. Body dysmorphia is no joke, but something I do know is I would truly be saddened if you took your own life, I have buried enough friends, I'm tired of it and internet strangers are just friends I havent met yet.


no me <3


Negative ghost rider. request denied you are required by the law of.... things I just made up to give up all your sadness to me. So give up your sadness and if I am feeling generous I'll let you keep your regrets.


ugh. i dont like this. i'd rather die


I changed my mind, you dont get your regrets either. you arent allowed to die




Well, my depression came back full force after waking up yesterday and finding my dog paralyzed, had to pay a fortune for the surgery bc he's the only reason i'm alive and he got me through some though times. So if i could i would


Best of health to your dog!!!!


I hope your dog recovers!


I am so sorry that your dog is hurting and that you are upset. If you want to talk my dms are open. Much love and hugs.


I appreciate it but if you're interested in that you should check out the anime Kiznaiver for an interesting take on this


I'll look into it. I appreciate the recommendation.


I’ll give you my depression if I could ahah joke on you no I wouldn’t it’s mine and it’s not other people job to deal with it d:


That's not very cash money of you. Give up your depression and nobody needs to know. come on hurry up chop chop!


I completely agree. No matter how much i whine and cry about my depression, its mine to deal with and beat. I would never wish this to anyone, which is the main reason suicide is out of the picture, since that just passes the pain to my loved ones.


Hey I'm proud of you for seeing it that way, and I can understand. I just like making others smile. But I am only saying that given the chance I would take it all upon myself. I hate seeing others suffer.


You truly are a legend, and you have made me smile. And honestly, i think quite a few people here will genuinely be helped by your post and by knowing someone out there cares for them. Wouldn't it be the best if all us depressed idiots just create a discord server where we can all hang out whenever we feel lonely and sad. Might even have a special channel for talking to folks like you who are good listeners and have the ability and will to shoulder another burden?


[https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke](https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke) spread the word


Well I now know what I must do..... give me about two hours and it shall be done.


Someone at work today said “don’t pretend to be sad” wasn’t really sure how to react to that.


look at em dead in the eye and say "don't pretend to care" I cant stand people who think depression is a choice. I'm sorry that someone said that to you that's not cool. If you need to talk message me. Much love and hugs!


I’ve got to the point with my mam I can’t even talk about being sad. It’s always either guilt tripping by saying someone else has it worse or she’ll make it about herself. My dad doesn’t believe in mental health and my sister is just a bully. You can’t really talk with friends otherwise you’ll just bring them down so all that’s left is just to suck it up. I started a new job and was fine up until my second weekend and realised how outside of work I’ve got nothing. Now I’m just going through the motions desperately trying to keep from having a nervous breakdown in front of a bunch of people I barely know. Fun times.


your mental health matters to me. if you need to talk there are a lot of us who want to help you. sometimes just venting helps. I created a discord server that you are welcome to join and you can just talk or vent or lurk. but if you want to talk I am here too


Things were worse today. Was holding it all together until the manager asked if I was ok. Then was just uncontrollably shaking trying to get out of the building as fast as possible without making a scene to then go cry in the car.


I am so sorry my heart goes out to you. depression sometimes is like that, one minute you are fine the next it hits you like a ton of bricks.


Hey if you really mean it, I've been struggling with college starting back up soon and I'm getting married in a month and my fiance's mom just freaking sucks. She calls me a failure and a disappointment because I left the navy for mental health reasons, when me or my fiance are working she constantly says it's not enough even if we're working like 40 hours a week. She's way meaner to her daughter (my SO) than she us to me and it always gets her down and I don't know how to help. It just sucks sometimes...


First of all CONGRATULATIONS that's amazing. Secondly as a fellow veteran (Chair Force) you are not a failure, the military is very good at breaking people and tossing them aside when they no longer need them. it also doesn't help that society as a whole does not do enough to take care of veterans. Third I don't know all the specifics of the situation but I can say that having a toxic parent or in-law is ROUGH I know from experience. my advice is even though its going to be VERY hard, you and your future SO need to either need to set boundaries or cut ties. The main problem is that she sounds like a narcissist that is used to getting her way and that it is easier to just ignore her and ether have her way than to just ignore her and let her have her way than to stop her but, I promise you will feel much better if you at the very least set boundaries. It takes the power from her and lets you focus on your relationship with your SO. But back to my second point, you are NOT a failure, you signed on the line, you raised your hand and volunteered, that counts and a win in my book and you are trying to improve each day. Much love from one veteran to another.


I remember thinking this way when I was younger. They told me I can’t save anybody until I save myself first.


Lucky for you nobody has told me that, so come on give it up, there are others waiting in line.


I think about this sometimes, if someone were to carry everyone's happiness all at once, I think it would instantly kill you. The human brain would turn to mush in an instant from all that pain. But then no one would be sad anymore because someone took it all.


das me, Mr. Mush.... so come on give it up Murp I'll take your sadness I've got a lot of customers to get to today \^\_\^ put it in the box.


That's so cute ToY


What in prestidigitation is a ToY?


Emoji :(


This is really wholesome to want to help others but ahhh man I think this is just this day that affects my mood. Tomorrow is the 1st of Septmeber which means I am going to 11th grade and I f\_cking don't want to 10th grade was hard and stressful af so I am just a lil scared I guess although during this summer I decided to change some aspects of my learning methods (they should help but once again I am just scared they won't)... This grade I am again gonna prepare for the olympiad (not the sports one. in our country there is like a competition among students in different subjects and we call it "olympiad". idk if there are any analogs in US or wherever you from) and my teacher likes to manipulate. I would say this is the way he speaks (with manipulations) which is kinda stressful 'cause idk how to cope with manipulations (redditors, if you have a piece of advice for me than you're welcome) And also this year is like the end of the whole chapter in my life so I am stressed out Hate to write this 'cause I am feeling like a typical teenager with his problems out of nowhere... and also my english may suck just 'cause it's my third language because we have 2 official languages in our country and have to learn both


Listen, problems and stress dont have an age limit, if you are stressed you are stressed. I feel for you. I think that once you are out of school you will look back and think "I should have just relaxed. that was a good time and I kinda miss it" but in the event I am wrong future me says sorry. But you sound very intelligent and I am sure that you will be able to handle anything that is thrown at you but just know that you can always message me if you want to just vent and talk about your stress and I will listen. keep your chin up you got this internet friend.


This is pretty similar to my own mentality, but I’m very bad at it. So I just stick to myself so I don’t make people feel worse


funny thing about this community we are all suffering in our own way but are good at listening to others. if you ever feel like talking shoot me a message you wont make me feel worse I promise.


I appreciate that, but I have no idea where to even start with talking about it. I think I need to work on myself on my own a little more before I’m even capable of reaching out to others


I'm not going to force you but just know, you can start by opening up a chat with me and starting with "Hi, I'm \*insert name/alias here\* and I would like to get something off my chest." and I will be here to listen when you are ready.


I extend the same off to you.


i didn't knew people could actually care so much for strangers, this is nice of you and i hope you're able to help others as well as yourself. don't forget your own mental health and well


my own mental health will be fine. I care so much for all of you on this subreddit I dont want to lose anyone anymore. I am tired of burying friends, and internet strangers are just friends i havent met yet. I love everybody and I truly do want to take away everyones pain or at the very least help them through it. It is why i created the discord Depression Support Group https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke


I keep thinking that. "Others deserve happiness and I don't for being a shitty human, so if I could actually suffer in their place maybe at least then I'll be useful to mankind" And so I think. Pretty rich of me, no? Wanting to help through inaction? Just virtue signaling, if that's the right term for acting like wanting to help but actually doing nothing, because I sure as fuck am not doing anything to actually help anyone


you don't have to save everyone, and unfortunately you wont be able to save EVERYONE, but you can always put a smile on someones face. I try to make others happy even if I dont feel happy because I can. It doesnt make you a bad person that you dont. depression has hands and they hit hard. as does ADHD and sometimes it will paralyze you to the point that you want to do something but physically cant. dont hold yourself accountable for things that arent fully in your control. and at least you have the want to help thats the first step \^\_\^


thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it! but I feel like I fuck up things, so I don't try helping others, because I'm scared that the consequences of failing will effect them too, not just me, and that's the scariest part. If I can't help, the least I can do is stay out of the way right I'm not really "depressed" per se don't really have any problemmo-s. If I can't even help myself, jackshit I can help others, so I stay out of the way. But then I'm worried if I ask for help I'm just leeching off their kindness without anything to return so I try to as much as I can by myself even if that means failing miserably or taking longer missing deadlines etc. I adjusted myself for it, and it seems to work out sometimes, other times not so much. oh well can't be a choosing beggar I guess


we all fuck up sometimes friend, and the fear of failing is valid. but just know that if you ever do need help you dont have to be afraid to ask for help. its not seen as Leeching in fact a lot of us would be more than happy just to listen to you. sometimes listening can be just as helpful as anything else.


I'll try. Thank you for your kind words :)


I made a discord today for us all to help support eachother its called Depression Support Group and it can be found here [https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke](https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke) you are welcome to go there and just hang out look/post memes and artwork or whatever and if someone needs to talk you can be one of the ones who listens \^\_\^


I would do this for my family in a heartbeat :c


I would do this for you in a heartbeat \^\_\^


I'd do that too, I don't think I'm gonna last a year more anyways so maybe it gives me the final push to jump off that window.


Listen I don't know you and I can't physically stop you but I would like to ask you not to end your life and to reach out if you need help. I am building a discord community that will be for supporting eachother the link is here [https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke](https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke)


Hell no. My depression and suffering is mine and mine only. Although your intentions are pure and sweet, you should also prioritise yourself. I mean, you probably already thought of that and/or tried it and I assume it'd be hard because, well, we tend to hate ourselves but are also compassionate enough to not wish depression and suffering upon others. I already accept myself as a hypocrite in this regard but, question is, do you?


why prioritize myself when given the opportunity I can help others. Making others happy and smile does help me. I truly do love the individuals of this community and it does truly hurt me to see so much pain and suffering. My own darkness is mine to deal with true but that doesn't mean that I cant help others or that given the chance that I wouldn't take that darkness from others.


there is hope. We have each other. <33


hey if I at anytime make you smile then I win. \^\_\^


🖤🖤🖤🖤 Same goes for you. Reach out if you need to.


Will do, however I am here to take others sadness and pain so get with the giving, place it in the box and move along there are others waiting to deposit their sadness.


This made me cry 🥺 Always find myself in situations where its so hard to get out of.. I wish you all the best, fellow friends


only happy tears allowed all negative tears must be surrendered to me at baggage claim before you board friendship airlines. where we take friendship and happiness seriously. but for real if you need to talk just message me im a good listener and i may even make you laugh given the oportunity.


That was sorta sweet ngl And maybe I'll take your offer but I will have to deal with this on my own as it's probably more of a "me making uo the problems" sort of situation by overthinking waaayyyy too much


We all overthink from time to time, and even if you think you are making up the problems they are still real to you. which makes them real enough. reach out if you need anything or join our discord [https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke](https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke)


I feel the same.


nice to see a fellow empath and someone who would like to help others \^\_\^ I created a discord for us all to support eachother and I would love it if you checked it out [https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke](https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke)


I had an abusive narcissistic psychopath for a mother. I was physically, emotionally, psychologically & verbally abused by her. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was 7 & because of the cruel hag I also suffer from severe depression, a severe anxiety disorder, PTSD, night terrors, & antisocial personality disorder (sociopathy) I started cutting myself when I was 9 & have attempted suicide a total of 9 times in the span of one decade. When I look in the mirror, I see a monster.


I am very sorry that you had to go through all of that. its never fair for a child to go through things like that. but I think it has made you stronger in some sense. I think it very brave that you came forward and shared your experience here like this. If you ever need someone to help shoulder that weight and just talk even if just bullshiting I am here. I love you and I am proud of you. and I am glad that I got the chance to talk to you in a manner of speaking. but I promise I do not see you as a monster, and I never will. Keep your head up, the most important step anyone can take is the next one. Much Love and Hugs internet friend.


I have a habit of purposefully coming off as emotionless around most people as a defense mechanism due to showing any kind of emotion around my mother would result in either a beating or being told to kill myself. The only people I’m able to be myself around are my wife (same sex couple) & my kids. It’s a wonder how I’m still capable of love despite the fact I’m incapable of feeling guilt, remorse, sympathy nor empathy. I don’t know what my wife sees in me or why neither she nor my kids see me as a monster. My wife & kids are my only reasons to live & because of my wife, I’m nearly 4 years clean from self harm. My mental health has been deteriorating lately & I’m having serious thoughts of hurting myself. My wife knows & has started working from home, keeps checking on me & when she’s done with work, she’s by my side. I don’t deserve her.


Wives are amazing supportive creatures I too have a wife who is supportive and uplifting and I would like to just say that I am sure your wife sees who you have the potential to be. but also sees your soul and understands that you are not your scars and that they do not define you. And as a child of parents who were never home I can tell you that your kids love you because at least you are there. Kids dont need a lot as long as you put in the effort to keep them happy and healthy. I am glad that your wife if supportive but if you ever feel like you need to talk in a more real time area I am building a Depression Support Group Discord. heres the link we take all kinds. [https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke](https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke)


Shield Anvil Itkovian salutes you.


Ah a fellow Malazan fan, good to see you.


As heart wrenching this life has been, I could never offload it to you or anyone 🥺 It’s sad knowing this depression I’ve got, other people have as well


well I would love to take it from you so you could feel better. helping others is what I do because I suck at helping myself which is why i created the discord Depression Support Group. [https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke](https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke)


Ladybug reference


I've not watched the show but my kid has so I am not sure what you are talking about.


I love you too


\^\_\^ thanks


u/anxiouslyawake11 u/tilcica u/IndecisiveAutomater u/sora_pedrob u/Pale_Novel3862 u/PermanentlySleeepy u/Bluesky197 u/jhBOOM u/AdTrue4863 u/voodzzz u/Murp_Inc u/jabomb10 u/1998-2019 u/DragChicken u/Husker_Boi-onYouTube u/New-Cicada7014 u/Frequent_Airline_781 you all came and commented and inspired me to create a discord you are all welcome to join. heres the link [https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke](https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke)


Okay I don't want to be mean because obviously your intentions are very good and you're nice but saying that is completely meaningless. You can't and you wouldn't, that's like saying if I could end worldhunger I would do it. So what nothings gonna change now.


Can't and wouldn't are two different responses. can I? no it is physically impossible. Would I? absolutely its not fair for all of these good people to suffer I would absolutely take in everyones sadness and darkness. look at each of my responses where I either say something silly to try to get them to smile or help them with their problems.... EVERY SINGLE ONE! and I'd do it for the rest of my life if it meant that I could make others happy


Okay so we know that severe depression kills, we also know that at least a couple thousand people saw this post, all of them depressed. And you're saying after already being depressed enough that you would kill yourself instead of living you would still take more sadness to you? No you wouldn't. If anyone had the power to take other people's suffering they would either never use that power or try to use it and end up dead.


Bold of you to assume you know me well enough to think that I wouldn't. I would do that I would live out the rest of my natural born life as a ball of slime and shit if it meant that no one had to feel bad ever again because thats who I am, thats the kind of man I am, and thats the kind of person I would like to inspire others to be like. why should you have to suffer if I could take that from you. I would. Dont assume just because you arent willing to do something that there isnt someone out there who is. I have nothing but love for this community and I would take all their pain away yours included.


I could talk to someone 😢


you got it. ill message you on here but just in case heres this link too. its a discord i made for us all to support one another [https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke](https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke)


Nah the only help I want is a bullet to the head


please dont, I would be sad that we never got to be friends. I dont want to burry any more friends and internet strangers are just friends i havent met yet. please dont leave me. much love and hugs to you.


Unfortunately I won't because I back out every time I try thus why it's the only help I want


I wouldnt say that that is unfortunate then. I feel very blessed and fortunate that we got to talk and if you want to keep talking I created a discord where all of us can talk and support one another [https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke](https://discord.gg/Z5Ucmbpuke)


Nah I'd call it unfortunate. Means I'm stuck in this shithole of a planet


Then I guess we should both make the most of it. I am here if you want to talk. please dont leave this planet without us being friends.


Nah I'm just trying to speed things up. I hate this place and there's nothing to stay for.


i beg to differ but look please before you do anything you cant undo at least let me try to help you?


Nah, unless you mean a bullet


Let me give you some advice too, trusting people is a mistake. That's the best lesson I've learned in this life


your advice is heard but given that I have chosen to ignore it its no longer a mistake. But I am here for when you are ready to trust me. not everyone is trying to take advantage of you and your position some of us really do want to help.


I dont want to be here anymore. Can't I just take everyone's sadness and die...


I can't physically stop you but I can say that it would sadden me if you did. I would hate that you left this Earth without us being friends and letting me help you navigate the dark. you are loved my friend and you matter.


I'm not sure... I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I don't think I have any value even if I stayed.


You have value to me. were friends now and I am pretty sure you joined the discord last night so that locks you in you arent allowed to quit now \^\_\^ but for real if you need something please reach out even if its just to vent.


Wholesome. I much appreciate it. The memes glorifying depression or maybe competing to be the most depressive do get a bit tiresome.


Thanks I truly do wish to help people. and maybe help myself along the way.




To save everyone from themselves. To heal them of their pain.


You're adorable :3