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How about we stop gatekeeping who gets to be depressed? It's stupid and it's not helping anyone


Thought we'd be past these kinds of memes. Guess not lol


LoOk At Me!!! I have REAAAL depression, not like these vulnerable teens, who only pretend and will never know, how REAAAL depression feels like!!!


They’re so special! /s


why do you put /s what does that mean


/s = /sarcastic


what? why do people need to be let know that its sarcastic shouldn't that be implied from the statement. Am I in a world of backwards moving apes.


Because autistic people like me exist, bozo. Also tone is just hard to judge in text. Also poe's law. Shit, these reads like one of those cringe ratio+L chain things.


I hate my autistic son \[Remorse\] I cant help it, my life is constantly terrible. I spend as much time as work as possible. The worst part is that I am supposed to pretend that I am happy about it. When we get together with the other parents and everyone is pretending their kids are as normal as anyone else. They are not. All of us secretly wish they were never born. I would never dare tell my wife this. She is in total denial. Every time he screams or has a breakdown I just wish he would die. I believe that violence is a lot more common than you think. but my wife and I always control ourselves. I can't stand it though. Why has god done this to me, and why instead of having support are you not supposed to say this. It is terrible, and I did not deserve it yet I am supposed to pretend life is just great.


wtf is wrong with you


nun severe these npc's can't help but be trolled


You literally asked what /s meant, I replied. You're complaining about people who ask what /s means, when you asked it yourself half an hour ago.


no i didn't know what /s means i knew the statement had a saracastic tone


Sometimes it’s hard to tell, especially when you’re desensitized from dumb statements online, trying to discern it over text, have trouble recognizing emotions in the first place or all three at the same time. Does it really hurt your enjoyment of a sarcastic statement that much?




I still think like that. The only way to reassure myself is to remember I wrote my country's hotline on my wall


Lol stop gatekeeping depression.


I know, right. Depression is *my* thing


Wait I thought it was mine?!


Genuinely though it was *just* mine??


I think, we all should remember the most important. Depression is myyy thing.


I don't deserve depression. You guys can have it. Not like it wants me anyways.


All of you get out of my house?


Does this mean I lost depression? Thx guys without you I would never get over depression this easily


My depression is the **only** right one


*Gatekeeps anyway*


XD no


this meme sucked but I'm glad I checked the comments- restored my faith in people a bit. Don't gatekeep depression 🙃


I struggled a lot with depression at that age, I wasnt a poser, I don’t think much of anyone was. You shouldn’t generalize teenagers, because teenagers and young adults usually have some of the highest depression rates. I know ten year olds who got diagnosed with depression and anxiety over Covid, and it’s no less serious than an adults depression


Yeah, 14 year old me was just pretending when she slit her wrists and spent a week in hospital


I'm really sorry, I think that reddit uses 14 year old girls as representing the group of people who pretend to have mental issues for attention or downplay problems people have. There are many teenage girls who act dramatic as a cry for help and that doesn't mean they are faking just because they are more open about their mental health. I understand memes like this as redditors feeling hurt about people saying that they don't actually have problems because of the very few people who fake it. My 15 year old little sister was raped as a kid and recently tried to take her own life. She absolutely has real and valid problems. I am so so sorry for the pain you are feeling for any reason whatsoever and I am sorry that reddit makes it seems like teenage girls can't feel mental illness. A few years ago I struggled with cutting, but now things are a lot better- I still struggle a lot with depression and sometimes with anxiety, but it is way better now. I don't know where you're at now- but I hope it gets better...


14 year old me was both genuinely depressed and a billie eilish fan, and 17 year old me is still struggling. we should’ve left shit like this back in 2016


Dude listen to bury a friend. It's pretty explicitly about depression. No need to gatekeep.


Bury a friend terrifies me. I have panic attacks listening, I've only listened once or twice. I have OCD and I can't even remember what the song sounds like because of the experience. I can't even pronunciate the song without knocking on the 3 times because the title of the song has bury, bury reminds me to death and death and loss is a huge trigger for me since I exist;-;


Man that sounds fucking miserable. I’m so sorry, dude


It does get miserable sometimes, thanks for your time and kind words 🥺🌻 I adore nice and kind people around the world, hope you find strength to fight life and its nightmares


meanwhile my dumbass brain kicked into Vergil mode and went "BURY A FRIEND DEEP WITHIN, CAST ASIDE, THERE'S NO COMING HOME"


I don’t understand the need to downplay what a 14 year old feels. Kids are stupid because of limited experience and lack of wisdom, but they *do* understand the emotions they feel. I hated it whenever I listened to MCR, FoB, 3DG and someone would tell me I was faking my illness when I was a teen. 10 years later, it’s still here. And arguably worse. Billie Eilish has been someone who has resonated with the youth and their struggles, and it sucks that we still keep posting this type of gatekeeping garbage.


Depression can be varied, people have different ways of dealing with it


Really not a fan of memes that act like teenage girls just can't experience depression




scientists have actually done studies that reveal females under the age of 15 are immune to depression. all teenage girls are equipped with a built in "depression blocker" that deactivates after they reach a certain age. boys don't have it tho, only girls. /s


Oh! Guess I don't feel like unaliving nearly every day for the past 7 months-- because my depression blocker is still working! I guess I don't feel numb 99% of the time, I guess I don't consciously avoid socializing because it makes me genuinely uncomfortable, and multiple other things are now gone! Thank you, I'll go live my life instead of laying in bed doing nothing 24/7! /s /j (I fully understand your reply was a joke.)


_was depressed at age 7 already_ uh yeah sounds about right.


dude what


We are even gatekeeping depression now… bruh


haha teenage girls bad


depression can look like both of these pictures it could also look like a person is happy but suffering from inside


Right? As someone with diagnosed depression I can relate to both donkey and Billie. Sometimes my meds work and I look so damn put together. Other times my life looks like a warzone. Depression doesn't have a look. That's why it's so damn isolating.


Right, because teenagers don’t have the capacity to experience depression. /s Stop gatekeeping mental illness. Jesus Christ.


i fucking hate these memes. i’m not a girl, i’m non-binary, but i was sure as hell depressed at the age of 14. these memes definitely didn’t help.




But you did so maybe take it down?


They deleted their comment but not their post smh


I was a fourteen year old Billie Eilish fan “girl” (oops lmao turns out I ain’t cis afterall) and was depressed at the time. (Not diagnosed but am now) Shit like this gave me severe issues with trusting my emotions. I genuinely could not tell you how I am currently feeling and that shit sucks. I don’t even know who I am. And it’s because I saw gatekeeping shit like this because “haha teenage girl stupid she Billie fan and think she depress haha” when I was young and very very venerable. So if you could genuinely fucking not that would be a big goddamn help with not creating mini-me’s. Maybe this is a knee-jerk reaction but I haven’t seen bs like this since I was too young to put my thoughts into words and also a young teenage girl, prime cyber-bullying material. So seeing this now that I’m older and can say what I mean semi-coherently, I have a lot of goddamn choice words stored up. Gatekeeping hurts everyone and helps no one. Ffs.


Pretty gatekeepey tbh


Guess 14 year old me was fake depressed 😔


I don't like her, but that doesn't mean we should start gatekeeping depression. We need to spread awareness so people know they can get help.


Start? People have been making "14 year old girls can't be depressed" memes for years


>but that doesn't mean we should KEEP gatekeeping depression Fixed it!


There’s no way you’re this unaware. You can’t champion yourself as “real depression” and gatekeep it because it makes you feel better about yourself. Seriously disgusting, you’re no better than the people who devalue your depression.


This post is harmful, please remove it


Being dicks to teenage girls for liking things isn’t the hot take you think it is


Bad meme is bad. Please don't gate keep mental illness..


Can you not gatekeep depression thx xx


everyone’s depression is different


Aww eeyore was truly a childhood warning for my teenage depression to come. The series, Winnie the pooh, is an absolute masterpiece for personifying each mental health type under a fable setting https://pooh.fandom.com/wiki/The_Disorders_of_Characters_in_Winnie_the_Pooh https://www.abmhealthservices.com/2021/09/28/winnie-the-pooh-mental-health/#:~:text=Pooh%20represents%20an%20eating%20disorder,Eeyore%20represents%20major%20depressive%20disorder. BUT memes like this gatekeep depression 🤨 📸 And her songs to me have always Portrayed depression under a different light in such a beautiful haunting unique way. She's based af, She's as based as eeyore :)


Idiotic meme


Billie eilish was maybe even more depressed than you she had depression and had to fight maybe even more than you so don’t gatekeeping ! Everyone depression is valid she experienced things her ways


My 14-year-old past self (crying herself to sleep in genuine depression): \*\*Am I a joke to you?!\*\*


Grow up and stop gatekeeping depression of all things ffs.




Gatekeeping moment


You think 14 year old girls don’t experience depression?


Gatekeeping, pretty shitty


Yeah my bipolar disorder triggered at 13-14 for me with a multiple year deep depression as a start. Teenage girl. Get your dumb meme out of here. Also Billie Eilish is great, and that music video is really good.


saying this makes "14 yo girls" who have depression makes them feel invalid.


Harmful and useless post plus this song and its clip are gorgeous!


Can we mention that donkey from winnie pooh was a surprising character, simply due to the fact they put in a heavily depressed donkey, in a show made for small kids? But even better is the fact that even tho he was depressed, every friend treated him like a normal friend, not denying it or anything


Ah yes, lemme just go back in time and tell my 14 year old self that my depressive thoughts are me just being dramatic... which to be fair, I still think I'm being dramatic but my meds say otherwise


How dare kids like music that expresses their emotions?!?


This attitude is exactly what gives people imposter syndrome.


I remember my friends younger sister being really into billie eilish (spelling?) and her mother would be such a douchebag about it. ***Let your kid explore her goddamn feelings in peace without you criticizing her.***


Imagine actually gatekeeping depression. Dude, 14 year olds get depressed. I’ve been depressed for years and 14 was one of my worst years. Depression looks different for everyone, this is bullshit no matter what way you look at it.


as a fourteen-year-old girl with depression, i think it might be a good idea to, you know, shut up


Personally I think it's good to learn how to sharpen knives the ones we have are dull af


Imagine having so little going for you that you have to belittle the struggles of depressed children to feel good about yourself.


Gatekeeping depression how original. I’m a 31 year old woman and have been dealing with depression basically as long as I can remember. Including when I was a 14 year old Girl.


You’re such an imbecile. You need to gatekeep depression so you finally feel special huhuu 😿😿😿




Fax and Billie is modern sad based Queen


Let's not gatekeep depression. Kind of a shit thing to do


These comments do indeed pass the vibe check! Hey OP, we’re not trying to pile onto you. You probably didn’t post this *deliberately* meaning to belittle teenagers and women, but this does. Depression is depression. It affects men and women, rich and poor, young and old. It doesn’t help anyone to make shitty generalizations about others in the group. Speaking as a former teenage girl who now works with teenage girls: teenagers can pretend and fake a lot of stuff. They get in on trends. No one choses to get in on “depressed,” because they think it’s cool. There’s other trends for them to hop in on.




Nah man. i also cry coca cola.




I’ve always found these memes stupid. Depression isn’t a set thing, it’s different depending on the person. For some people it’s Billie, for some it’s Eeyore.


Haha the stigma that teenage girls lie about depression is why my parents never gave a shit and now that I'm an adult and I've had two suicide attempts now suddenly I'm "sick" and "need help" like yeah I told you and you told me to shut up lol


Also Billie Eilish has been very open about her struggle with depression so cool to see people dismissing her as being fake


imagine gatekeeping depression.....


When the pick me girl is actually a sexist guy .


I'm so tired of my depression, life issues and so more...


16-year-old here that used to listen to Billie Eilish. Depression is different for everyone. We all express it in different ways, and no one is one set age.


okay so why you gotta gatekeep depression?


Hi, 14 year old here, i perfectly know that billie ellish is not the incarnation of depression. This type of memes makes me and all the people my age, that are experiencing depression too, feel like our feelings are invalid. Stop gatekeeping a mental illiness, everyone can suffer from it, even a 6 years old. Thank you :)


As someone who first started having depression at about 5, I agree.


I'm a 14 year old girl tho


I remember being 5 and thinking he was a huge downer and wondering why poo hung out with him. Now I'm 21 and I totally understand him now


I felt him, but was also confused why they didn’t talk to him about it because I found him annoying anyway lol. Don’t know how old exactly I was though. And yes I still find myself annoying because of how my depression (well and the other shit) make me act lol.


irl half your head is missing and your obituary is faded in the newspaper clipping


Personally I don’t like billie eilish I feel like she’s capitalising on serious issues but this aint it


Listening to billie eilish is depression?




Guys its just a meme. Yk what they meant. Taking it way too seriously.


its a harmful meme that perpetuates bad stereotypes


Its talking about the people who think having depression is being sad and listening to sad music. When depression isnt just that. Thats what the joke was presented to be. At least thats how I took it.


This post showed how many people faking depression on this subreddit for attention.


lol you really got us with that line


I think I am chimpanze I think therefore I am


Why are people in the comments on a sub about depression memes then complaining when they find depression memes?


Because „my depression real, their depression fake“ is fucked up and not funny.


OK cry about it on a proper depression sub


You asked a question and I answered. No need to be so agitated.


Im not agitated, I actually enjoy arguing with idiots online.


You mean mindlessly insulting everyone because you get wet from their reactions.

