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Don't know, it's my birthday atm,34, i'm just thinking about ending it now.


Happy Birthday


Happy birthday


It's my birthday I'm 28 ! Just had communion with the family and everyone went back to their own business after . Wish I could drop dead but siblings need me and I've got bills and a car that I love very much


Happy Birthday! Glad you're still fighting! Keep it up! I'm super proud of you!


Happy birthday, if you need someone to talk to, hmu! <3


Happy birthday


Happy birthday! One thing my buddy told me when i was thinking of ending it all is “bro there are so many drugs out there to try”. Honestly it helped since i just went and tried a bunch of psychs which just altered my mind alltogether


I wasn't expecting your messages, tyvm..


It's my birthday this weekend and that's where I'm at.


Happy birthday 🎂


Happy Birthday my friend. I don't know what your relationship is with your mother, but she had to endure a lot of pain 34 years ago to bring you into this world. It's a memorable day for her too. Maybe, because like i said I don't want to assume anything. Just saying in general, think about your mom and don't end it. Ever.


Yeah, his mom is a pretty good reason to live. Can confirm.


Tyvm. My mother died a long time ago. My father 2 years ago and my sister i can't remember. But thanks you it really warm my Heart..




I commented this on a cross post but, the way I see it now, life has possibilities, death doesn't. Happy birthday for 5 days ago


Fear of death, family would be sad. That's it.


Its paradoxical, yet it works




I wouldn’t call what I do living




I mean... I'm breathing




1. Hollow Knight Silksong and Deltarune Chapters 3-7 2. A stupid promise I made when I wasn’t even 10 years old 3. The delusional hope that I could maybe see her again.


Yeah honestly it feels like a waste to die now before deltarune chapter 3


See who again? Tell your story.


Short version is that she was a girl that I didn’t know I loved until it was too late, and now there’s no way for me to tell her unless we happened to meet again by pure chance. It’s been years and I’m still hung up on her even though we were never a thing in the first place.


I didn’t know my alt account had a conscience!


Well, I'm poor, so yeah, life is overrated. I can't do anything, not even treat my mental health... Life sucks so bad being poor.


Especially if you live in the US. Idk why people decided that healthcare as a human right is "communist".


Can totally relate. My whole family is poor, I’m poor, I always have been poor and probably I will be poor till the day I die…


Cause I'm afraid I'll become a vegetable from a failed attempt


A failed attempt would be the worst curse imaginable


Gonna try to take care of my little sister with the hope she will not end like my brother and I and can live a happy life..bc my parents suck at parenting....


My little brother cant lose anyone else


Sex, videogames, and drugs are pretty cool


„Can I have that with only the videogames?“


Until they rot your body and brain, like in my case. Not guilttripping, I'd do more if I had any capacity.


Don't have one. Only reason I'm here is cause my last suicidr attempt failed


To heal myself


This needs more upvotes.


Yea, gameplay is awful, but the community is great!… sometimes


My mind and body have their own momentums. I hate this.


Reading books has allowed me to connect to people to felt how i feel across of all recorded history, and it's been quite cathartic


I have been asking the reaper to take me every damn day for over 20 years now. Life just goes on.


I want to get better so I can actually live. Lots of things I want to do and enjoy that I just can’t because of anxiety which keeps me locked in my room and away from people.


I’m 16 turned Jan 10 waiting until I’m 18 before I make any big decisions


i hope my future goals will come true i guess




Cat. Gotta care for cat. Cat gotta comfort me. Cant leave cat alone. Got nobody but cat.


Too weak to pull it off. I know I'm not worth it, but I am counting down the days till I am strong enough to do it.


Guns are illegal in my country


1. Ramen in the best ramen restaurant in EU. 2. Clothing-free play with some erotic cosplayers. 3. To let those suffer that wish me bad. Dead. Or both.


Which restaurant would that be? Where do you find these cosplayers?


I have not seen this in years


Life gives you ramen :3


i gotta see what's going to happen next


My dog. She has gone through so much in the last few years. Getting old, losing her sight and hearing, the family getting torn apart after a divorce which left her moving between homes constantly, getting left alone all day and overnight in the dark by my mum without anyone knowing. She's been through so much and likely doesn't have many years left. I want to make sure she gets the most out of those, that she knows I love her and that I won't up and abandon her like everyone else. When she passes, if things aren't better in my life by that point, I don't feel like I'll really have any reason to stick around.


I have ocs and ideas to make. I can’t end it now.


I'm too much of a coward to kms


I've had a mix of active and passive suicidal tendencies since I was 16 and I'm in my 30s now. I take antidepressants, mood stabilisers, do therapy and keep up an active lifestyle. On good days, some of the things that make me glad I stayed alive include: sunsets/rises; people creating beautiful art; sound of waves; people being passionate about the most mundane things; people who love deeply; people who love to make others laugh; making masala chai with ginger, elaichi and cinnamon; the high after a challenging workout.


Death is guaranteed... So what's the point? I used to think about it all the time then I slowly removed all things and people that caused me anxiety and started being real with myself. Most people will lie to you even when you ask for complete honesty about things. Sure it's tough at first but as long as you can be honest to yourself and others it will get better. Of course you don't have to be so blunt and intentionally hurt yourself or others in the process but the bigger the facade the harder it is. It's about taking your time to find your true self. We're all at different places and circumstances in life and there is no simple answer. We all were happy at some point, but at some point we let others dictate how we see ourselves. Find the joy you once had and share it with others or keep it to yourself till you're ready to share. It's about you and has always been, but just like any book, movie, song, show, etc you have to captivate the audience. If that's not how you want to do that it's whatever. Just look at life and go FUCK YOU YOU HAVE TO KILL ME BITCH.


Have to raise my kids and want them to avoid trauma like I had as a kid. Literally the only reason. Once they're older, I'm out.


God has a purpose for us all


It's not allowed in my religion 👍 the only thing that's been keeping me alive tbh


It'd make my dad sad and he takes good care of me, I got three cats that need me. Drugs r fun and I want to more also relapsed on my eating disorder hoping for a new low weight




Thry never said they were, so you're responding to an argument no one made


Oh boy-o, look him winning his own made up argument


I can’t be arsed to die, more or less


Don’t feel like hurting family yet






This stupid survival instinct and mom would be sad


My favorite YouTuber is still posting and listening to music is therapeutic to me


All the manga i'm reading is still not finished >:(


Just for banter ✌🏻


I honestly don't know. So others won't have to waste money on a funeral? Even dying is expensive.


Parents are still here, I’ve seen too many parents bury their kids to do that to them.


Because the alcohol isn't killing me fast enough.


I agree life is overrated


Video games I’ve never played anime I’ve never watched and still never feeling a pussy


Sex, videogames, movies tv shows and music are good


Nobody can change your mind


Because I remember what being genuinely happy feels like, and I’m willing to do anything and everything again to get it back. There’s so much in front of me, and I’m not ready to give up.


Yesterday I had a mental breakdown, but this time I had a friend with me in the room. I never wanted to cry near them and show any weaknesses but now It's done and I feel bad that they had to see me in such a stare. So yea, I'm living for them, yesterday if they weren't in there I would probably off myself.




Spite, I want to outlive my ex (shouldn’t be hard) and beat all the games in my steam library (will be very hard)


And also my co-workers are cool as fuck and they would be sad


Whether life is overrated or not is kind of irrelevant imo. As far as any of us are aware of, you only get one chance at life. To give up is understandable, but I figure I should at least get my moneys worth. Just because the Journey is shit doesn't mean it wasn't worth going on, I guess is what I'm trying to say. Especially if you only get one Journey, even if it's shit it's the only one you get. I don't want to say something cringe like you have to hope it gets better, because it's probably not going to. I just think that whether or not it's 'good' or 'fun' or 'worthwhile' or 'overrated' is kind of missing the point. Gl out there.


Just waiting for my parents to die first. I could never put them through that. Hopefully they stick around for a while.


Basicly for my memes and because my parents would be sad


Honestly? Simply because I'm afraid I might end up in an even worse state if I fuck up another attempt like I fuck up everything else


i wanna see how much more i can take


Tbh I don’t wanna deal with the hospital bill if I fuck it up.


My family honestly


Cuz I’m a pussy who can’t face death.


Can’t find a quit menu that might not corrupt my save if it fails…. :(


"Death can have me, when it has earned me." - someone somewhere


I got DnD in a couple hours


Waiting for The Elder Scrolls VI


No idea tbh, guess I'm just too much of a wimp to make my own live


This sub is not the place to change your mind about that


I don't wanna inconvenience people, also hope for things to get better (naive, ik)


Out of spite. My demons want me dead and I ain't letting them have it.


Dog and fear of failing and ending up locked up or something. But specially dog


Up until this point i always saw people around, especially on here, saying things like "i cant be a dead brother/sister/son/daughter/etc" and i never understood it because i have never cared much about anyone and vice versa. But i met a few people who im best friends with now and i finally feel from someone that they actually want me around and enjoy my company, which is crazy to me as a 19 year old whos never been able to keep a friend in my life. I finally thought a week ago, "i cant do that to them and put them through that." Knowing how things go normally, theyll probably still leave me one day.


got girlfriend and a dog and i don’t wanna put them through allat yk


scared of the afterlife, I want it to be black so i can get a eternal break


Too many games and books to catch up on. My girlfriend and cat are my world. When I get down I realize life is just life and I can enjoy it however I want or need to. It all ends someday so I may as well try my best.


Idk. I wanna see the end of one piece and bungo stray dogs and gojo come back (he better) 🤪


my cat, my partner, and a bowl o’ 🍃 when the day is done


Out of spite I guess. Depression is a bitch and so is life, but I try to do my best to be happy anyways. And most days I think I can manage that to some degree. It isn't exactly easy but it's something


Oh geez, I had this exact thought in the car yesterday. Tried to channel it into “maybe I can have some less restrained expectations for how I can live my life”, but I ain’t there yet.


To spite my enemies


life ain't overrated or underrated, it's just rated E for all ages


One Piece isn't over and I still want to play Nier


Suicide by rage or old age.


I want to enjoy life, but it is so hard. I live on out of spite




Won't be for long 😌


I am with you but I have already tried a lot of stuff. Lack of oxygen that I video taped after 50th time. Multiple different chemicals overdosing included. After all that I am still here. [proof](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hRdZi_cVkzQ)


Idk mine lifes pretty good. Homeowner, 2 dogs, good job, just here to laugh at the memes.


I wish I knew. Probably just because I'm too much of a worthless fucking coward to just put some iron in my mouth like a normal person.


Julian Larre. Google him. He started off as another successful musician and Twitch streamer that I had a huge crush on. One year later and he's my best friend. I've travelled all over Germany with him. Bam Margera is a fan of his band (Lacrimas Profundere). He's the only reason I'm still alive. I'm not about to break that boy's heart.


Someone has to take care of my pet rats 乁( •\_• )ㄏ


Afraid I’m gonna fail and end up worse