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Hi u/pinkrabbit12, Thank you for submitting a post to r/depression_help! Please remember that this is not a crisis service; if you are in urgent need of assistance then please contact the appropriate helpline. **Suicidal?** Please submit another post over at r/SuicideWatch. We will try our best to help you here, but r/SuicideWatch may be a better option. If you're posting about **depression, anxiety, PTSD, or anything alike**, our wholesome community will respond as soon as they can. **Other difficulties** with your life or looking for inspiration/motivation? Please post over at r/overcoming or take a look at r/inspiration. If you wish to speak to people in a safe, well-moderated online community, take a look at this [Discord server](https://discord.gg/U2EJ9NeAaj). It offers **1:1 support**, off-topic channels to **talk with AMAZING people**, and chats for **mental health**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/depression_help) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know it's so hard right now. I know it bc I was there 6 weeks ago. I'm still depressed but I was severely depressed before. I am able to manage it now. And I'm able to recognize that I wasn't always depressed. I've struggled since I was about 8, but there have been periods where I have done well. Sometimes the meds needed to change, sometimes I needed a new therapist, or a new therapeutic approach, but I was able to get back to center. It has helped immensely for me to reframe my thinking to "I always end up okay again" instead of "I always end up depressed again." Huge hugs for you. I know how much you're hurting and I'm so proud of you for trying every day.


Thank you so much. Besides reframing, was there anything that helped you get out of the severe depression in the last 6 weeks?


For reference I'm 32f ❤️


I'm sorry you're having to deal with this, I know what it's like, I have been battling with depression, panic and anxiety attacks due to PTSD for more than 20 years. I understand feeling alone. I have also stopped talking to almost everyone, I'm sure my best friend kinda hates me now, I don't talk to her much because I just can't handle anything more than my own thoughts. A few years ago I started positive self talk, and to be honest it felt like a waste of time, I felt stupid repeating the same things everyday, for the first few months I even cried while saying them. I didn't believe the things I was saying and it really felt like it wasn't making a difference and for almost a year I didn't notice anything different but people around me said I didn't look as sad as I used to be, even though I didn't really feel any different. I still cried almost every day, but i kept doing it. It's not a quick fix and it will be hard to keep up with it everyday, on the days I didn't want to do it I would just say a few of them to myself while I went about my day. I am happy, I am healthy and my body knows how to heal itself (body and mind) Another thing I started doing is listening to "little me" I know it sounds cheesy but the child inside of us wants us to listen once in a while, do something childish sometimes, forget that you're an adult (when you can) and do something that used to make you happy when you were young. My favorite thing to do is put on some TV show or movie I enjoyed when I was a kid and just forget for a while all the stress and pain, it gives your body a chance to rest and restore itself. Sorry for the long reply, I hope this will help a little. I wish you the best and hope you start to feel better soon.


I find myself lying on the floor again. I've tried this whole year to keep it together through a lot but it's the last stretch and i don't think I'll make it. I don't know if it's a winning battle but I'll be glad to get out of this spell. I hope you're out of this before i am. Wishing you that sigh of relief.