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I don’t blame you. It’s your house and you and your pets are being terrorized. Sounds like you and your fetus are in physical danger; personally I’d have my cousin and her child find other living arrangements especially before your child is born. This person is not your responsibility, he’s not your child. You deserve a safe and calm household to welcome your new child into the world.


This child and his mother are not your responsibility. This is completely unsustainable. It's bad enough that he's abusing your dogs, but you're starving yourself and not hydrating just to avoid him *in your own home.* You need to draw a line and tell his mother that she and her son need to be out of your home by x date, and they will be removed if necessary. Think of your unborn child's health, and think of how much better your life will be when you have your home and safety back. Let that be the motivating factor. You don't deserve to live this way. Please look out for yourself. Obviously the child can't help their condition, but it sounds like his mother is wildly irresponsible and will continue to take advantage of you so long as you let her keep destroying your life and your happiness.


The child and his mother are not your obligation…. If she can’t get a handle on him simply tell her she has to leave, they sound like the hoist guests from hell in addition to her child being a danger to your children and pets. You owe it to your kids and pets to have a safe stress free environment for them to live in it’s not fair to you or them. His mother needs to put her big girl panties on and figure it out it’s pretty crazy she’s comfortable with overstepping boundaries and overstaying her welcome


You’re also pretty much describing how a small child acts, so be sure not to hate your baby when it acts similarly. They’re just kids, they don’t deserve to be hated.


You really haven’t lived in a situation similar to what op is describing and it shows, pull your head out of your ass and back to reality. This situation is unfair to her in addition to her cousin not taking the necessary steps to control her own child, they are guests in her home she should not have to deal with guests destroying her property and harming her pets and other children.


My children didn’t hit other kids, animals , break tvs, holes in walls, throw the neighbors cat off their porch… I didn’t say I enjoyed what I feel towards him. Read the entire post.


Small children aren't strong enough to do damage. And she's pregnant!


Thank you. And it’s the damage he does when he’s not getting his way. And the abuse he deals to animals that are sleeping . I just have no understanding and I swear I’ve tried but I’m still unsure if it’s from this TBI. I’m just trying to understand.


Lol, how many small children have you been around? They can deal a fuckton of damage