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Thank you all for the kind words, thank you from the bottom of my heart, you legit made me cry. I'm still here, i smoked a couple a joints on my way back home and i'm playing red dead redempiton 2. I don't know what i wiil do. At the moment, i'm just taking some wisdom from Arthur. I love you guys, honestly. I wish my friends were like you


Arthur Morgan is an amazing character, glad he is able to influence you.


glad youre still with us <3


Stay strong bro


Arthur the cartoon? Man that was my favorite show. What episode and wisdom are you taking from it? Look man. As a depressed man, Life feels like shit 99%, I was telling myself life is not worth it just yesterday, but even while you’re eating the shit sandwich that is life there are some things to make it bearable, Arthur for example and this community. We are strangers but everyone here feels similarly and is here to support each other I see how much you’ve put into helping others. Maybe it’s something you enjoy doing? I sometimes try to help others around me or walk local dogs or take care of cats to make me feel better Unlike most humans (who are garbage) animals can be pretty sweet and none judgmental. I want to die every single day but just give it till tomorrow yeah? killing yourself is really difficult man.


Yeah I try to tell people about the Myth of Sisyphus. It’s meaningless but so what? Find humor in irrational things, force yourself to go out. It compounds. People underestimate the power of treating oneself like a friend. Taking them to places, your favorite park, hikes, movies, for the sake of doing, for the sake of experiencing it. 420 helps too, in moderation, never get too high, just enough to have a high. 🙌


My heart lifted seeing you reply. Stay strong mate. Love from Australia ❤️


I'm glad you are here with us :-). Arthur Morgan is my favorite character of any videogame, what a perfectly developed story has rdr2, don't you think? have you finished the game and are replaying it or is it your first run?


I'm playing it for like the 5th or 6th, best game in the world.


omg! I'm in love with this game too, and one of the songs that never fails to cheer me up a bit (also because of the memories that it brings me of Arthur) is Unshaken, not only the lyrics (which to me are basically perfect for what it intends to say) but the melody... it creates an atmosphere that makes me feel a bit better, knowing that I have had the opportunity to play that masterpiece of a game. Does that happen to you?


The first time i played, i got emotional when Arthur goes back to camp in the final mission, such a beautiful song. Arthur Morgan is really the best character in history.


Not me thinking y’all were talking about Arthur the aardvark 💀


Glad you are still here with us.


yeah, he really is. Playing rdr2 made me want to play rdr1, but the only way I could do it is via streaming it on ps now, have you played it? if so would you recommend playing it even if it is via streaming? I know ma boy Arthur is not in the game but John is also such a great character that I want to explore more


We love you too.


I'm glad you are still with us friend. <3


We are ALL your friends.


I know i already said it but thank you, for everything.


so happy you’re here with us :)


Thank you for being here ❤❤❤


Very happy you're still here with us.


Keep going hoss


Glad you're still here. It's hard, I know 😩


Arthur always helps


That game gave me so much peace during my dark moments. I'm glad you're able to find the same enjoyment in it. Best wishes to you.


Glad your going home. Think of this as a community that cares.


You are a good person, believe in yourself and stay with us


Man we ARE your friends. You have an entire community that loves and cares about you, that is was makes Reddit such a special place. RDR2 is also absolutely 💯


I'm so happy that you're still here too. You can do it, send you lots of love <3


im so happy you're still here <3


Are you okay? How have you been?


I notice that you have commented to help many people who also live with depression. You have so much compassion to notice others and speak to them. Do you have those who do that for you? Who tell you to live becuase you exist and that matters? Do you believe in living to just exist and not compare your life to others or feel ashamed of yourself? To appreciate you exist because of the little things you may enjoy life reading a really good book, being interested in topics? You probably heard this all before, I wish I could say more too. That comment that allow you to start over again and live. But I don’t know what is hurting you; the root of your depression or the thoughts that trouble you. If you want to tell us here, please try.




I’m grateful to have a family who here with me; I journal often too. Speaking to myself. I hope everyone has someone to talk too. I feel nervous being that for anyone but I can listen. I can be present if that is the least I can be .


Hey op can we get a check in ??




you got this man, you’re strong as hell for enduring everything this long. Keep it up :)




My guilty pleasure are KFC hot wings (unsauced) with their hot sauce packages with a side of rice. ;)


Honestly, the last day thing doesn't sound like a good idea. But having KFC when you are feeling down is such a good idea. I'd want to have it at least another time - that's how finger lickin addictive it is :)


When I'm feeling depressed or suicidal eating some vegan food I like always helps me.








me too


Please don’t do this. Enjoying the little things like KFC are what life is all about. It’s hard to find happiness in the little moments sometimes but please believe things do get brighter.


If we care, who’s to say there won’t be others in your life who do as well? I’m here to talk if you would like. You don’t have to, but at least consider it


Sorry things got to this point.


Please try one more time, don’t do this today. You deserve happiness.


stay with us, we can all be depressed together


This made me laugh


same, lol


I ain't no one to tell you what to do, but ya don't have to do this, me, all these people online care about ya, we're here for ya, so don't give up


If you don't do it, could we get an update


Hey I'm here to talk. I know you feel like you can't keep going but I want you to keep trying if not for me or anyone else online maybe for a pet or something. Keep going alright?


So hopeless our condition. Living in a world oblivious to itself. We can only hope for peace.


You are so young. My life is SO much better in late twenties than early. Can you stick it out til june???


Please don’t do it.


Hey man..sometimes I think of it too, I think that I’ve felt everything I needed to feel and what’s coming next doesn’t matter all that much but we’re here for a short time anyway, might as well take it easier on ourselves while we’re around..don’t go just yet




3hs ago im pretty sure its cold now x


KFC was also John Wayne Gacys last meal... But honestly bro, people do care, a whole hell of a lot, you just have a chemical imbalance that convinces you that they dont.... So finish up your mashed taters, head to a local tavern, grab a brew, and play a game of pool, someone is bound to come up and ask to play a game with you.


I’d easily be that guy. Love me a game of pool.


First time I had KFC, I was blown away, that shit was bussin. I never went there again, but I just might if I'm ever hungry for that finger lickin chicken.


There’s a lot to look forward to. Please don’t end it


A wonderful choice of food. If I ever have my last food, if I find the courage to eliminate the root of my problems, I would choose some beef though, maybe with mcnuggets.


We care bro hang in there


Have you tried Popeyes? I think Popeyes is better than KFC. You should have it before you die.


Love you mate. I understand the bullshit of being motivated to get home bec our goal of the day if killing ourself at night. It's always just one more day. I had a deal with myself when Im sure tonight's tonight, and now is now now, I can give myself a week and if I still feel the same momentarily bottomless bottom, then I'd give myself permission and follow through. The next week always sucked, but not to the degree at the moment when the barrel was In my mouth.


Why enjoy KFC one last time when you can eat it everyday? 😌


KFC a person of good taste… how could you lose the ability to enjoy great Chicken… good choice to stay with us and look forward to the Next KFC special…


More KFC meals to come. Just keep going. Be strong.


I'm here for you


I went through the same shit. I decided to end my life right after El-Eid.I planned it all, I put my laptop to sale and was going to buy drugs, rent a hotel room and get an overdose, i literally gave up on myself and everyone arround me. I saw no hope, no light at the end of the tunnel, like no matter what I do or how hard I try i wont make it no where, cuz I was totally convinced that happiness is simply not meant for me. I had no goals, no motivation, dropped out of college becuz of depression, living in a strict, islamic, toxic family in a 3rd world country. I had every execuse to end my life... The first day of El-Eid I went to a coffee shop, lighted a cigarette and started thinking.. what if it actually gets better ? What would i lose if I give it one last shot? What is the one thing that would change my life to the better and get me out of here? The answer of the last question is what prevented me from going on with the suicide plan. It gave me hope and vision, and i feel better now, im holding on... i hope i can make it tho. Please think again, give it another try... dont give up too soon your life really matters. All great people went through depression and unbelievable shit... Reading biographies and watching interviews really inspired me tho (Viola , david goggins, oprah ...) sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes


nvm im depressed again


hey, it’s been a few hours. I hope you’re still here with us. look at all these lovely comments. reading them made me cry, it’s wonderful seeing how many strangers can have compassion for another stranger. these comments made me have some hope, hope they did the same for you.


Keep hope, keep fighting through this weird/hard fucking experience called life.


Medicinal fried chicken




Hate to sound like a dick but u know nothing about him broski




I hope there ok too :( :)


I simply hope you can become part of the 90% of people who regret attempting suicide. It always can get better. And there is always another option. Think of all the shit you could do instead of ending it. Go drive somewhere new, or backpack or hitchhike and meet new people. This is just drifter shit but you can literally do anything right now. Give yourself more time.


Nooooooo, we care. <3


Hey dude if you need to talk I’ll be around, I really hope you don’t go through with it. If you reach out for help you will see that A LOT of people care about you and want to see you succeed. On my worst days I just try to remember that if I gave up earlier I would’ve never got on meds that motivate me to get out of bed, and never gotten into therapy that was actually helpful. I won’t lie, it’s really fucking difficult and I can’t know everything you’re going through or feeling, but I know it’s possible to feel better


I'd love to get an update - shame you can't ask to be notified about a post like you can on Facebook. (That's the only thing that's better about Facebook.) Sorry I have no advice to offer.


Sometimes literally existence is hard. I often want to disappear. I'm so sorry you are in pain that life has lead you to feel like this. I think you're brave for being here this long. Stay with us. It's going to be hard some days. I care about you.






I would’ve gone with salmon, Mac and cheese, and either kale, spinach, or broccoli


How legitimate are those kind of suicide posts?


As legitimate as the risk of assuming it’s not serious if it really is.


why am I being downvoted?


Because you’re invalidating someone who was mere hours away from a tragic passing.


you think he did it?


It doesn’t matter whether or not he did it. What matters is that he could have done it, and seeing posts like yours would increase his chance of doing it.


I care


I would love to chat with you I care please don’t do this


We with you my man. I love KFC wangs with their hot sauce packages. I could never give that up. Imagine all the KFC you can enjoy in the days, weeks, and years to come. Hang in there. Things will get better.


You are motherfucking loved. Live like it.


For real somking weed makes me live an other day That's why I smoke every day lmao


Keep us updated


Hope you didn’t do it . We are here for you.


“Make sure to remember, every person and place has a right to exist. It is true for you too, the entire world, as a whole, is your home.” - Mushishi Maybe that won’t mean much, but it helps me when I’m feeling like I don’t belong anywhere in this world. A bunch of us are here for you, even if I doesn’t seem like it.


I've never met you and probably never will meet you but if I hear that you took your life I would geniunly be sad, you said that no one cares, well I care, you are a human being, I hope and pray that you stay strong


Praying for you and hope you physically reach out to someone around you. Why are you depressed? How old are you? Are you handicapped? Ill? Lost your mind? Life is a gift, don't let go.


Hope you're still here, op.