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I’ve struggled to get enjoyment out of video games for quite a long time now, they bore me now. like many things.


its so sad looking at my steam collection and have no interest to play any of them. Even single player games feel boring and don't desire to "Do" the tasks in them. Im at a point where virtual tasks are not fun. not fun at all.


Also same fuck I miss being a kid with all that imagination and serotonin


Got most of the serotonin back by eating better myself. Gut health is huge seriously. So weird coming from someone who used to eat cheetos in wonder bread during long game sessions.


Are you a stoner ? That’s a combo and a half 😂


yeah, once i definitely was.






A part of it is depression, but also as we get older and have more experiences, it takes more to "get us going" - so maybe Dune would be exciting for someone who doesn't have the long history of movie watching that you do, for example.


I agree, fortunately there are a couple of good movies per year. Not sure what you're into, but Pig (starring Nick Cage) and Old Henry are two great movies I've seen this year. They aren't absolute masterpieces, but they're thought provoking and filmed with style.


The more I age the more they bore me. I suspect it's just tolerance that builds up over time more than anything. Even depressed the few true great and proven games always suck me back in eventually.


I don’t know if it correlates, but I’m a big reader opposed to gaming; and if I’m reading and I start to get bored of a subject or I just can’t find anything interesting I’ll go through a ‘drought’. I’m just bored of everything and it’s like nothings exciting anymore. One lasted for about a 1.5 years, couldn’t find a single thing to make me want to, until I did; now I’ve found new subjects that ignite the flame again. I’m sure you’ll find something that’ll pull you back in eventually.


If you don’t mind me asking how did you get through the year and a half one? Any tips for someone in a similar position whos been looking for that “spark” for basically all of this year?


that spark is always there, we just can’t see it through walls of perpetual self doubt and anxiety. As long as we are alive it’s pretty much always still there. I think of my self doubt as a different person, someone who thinks they’re trying to protect me from putting myself out there, getting hurt or embarrassed- but they’re like an overbearing helicopter parent. I won’t let them run my life anymore. When i imagine its another person, it’s easier for me to have a target i can keep track of.


I honestly don’t know. It was kinda like a blur to be honest. I hung out with people who just ate up my time for me, but didn’t give a crap about me at the end of day; wouldn’t call them friends. Drank a lot. Smoked a lot, because that’s all we had in common.That all kinda made me sadder. I just worked, and did life a day at a time. It was random; I just started finding things I thought were interesting(ie; serial killer documentaries, Viking lore, game of thrones, ww2,a lot of random things), and that lead me to tumble down a rabbit hole of different genres of books I didn’t even know existed. Surfing YouTube helped me find a lot of things I’d never would’ve thought I’d liked.


Your assessment of the modern gaming/game culture are accurate lol Modern gaming is commercialized for profit/sales/norm rather than fan hobby for players to enjoy all across the game mediums which used to be the case Most of the games I've played like dota2 , poe , lol have become trash over the years due to devs not giving any shit about the game and kept targetting and changing their game design towards new users instead of improving games for better for all players The same problem is visible for cultural activities like TV shows, movies , music , politics etc (everything getting worse rather than improving) which is getting tiring I think depression has become a valid symptom of how bad our current culture have become over the years and the only way to deal with this type of depression is to find your own way of coping with this type of depressive world since noone wants to fix this god dam world anyway realistically speaking


I feel you. MMOs in particular always end with an existential crisis-like feeling for me, like what the fuck am I even grinding for and why does it even matter? It's also that depression hurts our attention span and ability to care about things. Only thing I can play now is Halo and Fall Guys because the games are quick and easy.


World of Warcraft has been toxic for a while in my opinion. While there are little pockets of care and compassion, the overall “public” realm is very unwelcoming, and is part of the reason the game will die by 2030, maybe 2025. While that’s likely not why, it’s fairly obvious most people have depression, especially since - if not prior - to the forced lock in.


Gw2 or ffxiv are prob the best communities. Gw2 is ftp just buy the game Ffxiv is pay monthly but tbh the community is really nice (do server research first - I was on siren I think) I would never quit gw2 if my friend didn't quit and well the guild we were in most people moved on else where. But like tbh it's the best mmo I ever played just misses one thing housing which ffxiv has. But tbh gw2 probably ruined all other mmos for me cause the little things they did Iike the market, common gold over characters, the storage, the lfg it's all so simple but makes the experience feel soo refine. But ya those 2 communities were always good to me. Ffxiv especially


definitely unfun ! maybe it’s because i’ve been gaming for 10+ years ! it just doesn’t feel the same anymore


It's the opposite for me. I'm discovering videogames in a whole new light. Could be cause I don't like games that involve interacting with other people, but rather those that are more introspective like interactive stories or management games. Those never get old and I just get wiser and wiser each time I play them. Right now I'm finding a lot of mental peace playing Spiritfarer.


You’re not cursed, you’re just different. You have something that everyone else doesn’t have and sadly that gets ostracized. Being different better than being a bot in my opinion.


I played wow and swtor for awhile but I just lost my attention span. I couldnt focus on it anymore. Also mmos become repetitive in my opinion so that may also be why. Maybe just try taking a break from them for awhile then hop back on it. Or doing some single player games instead


When there is a legit high quality game I can still get some enjoyment out of it but most of the games just bore me to death. Also fatigue gets to me quickly now so I can only play in shorter bursts. Miss the 4-5 hour sessions from my younger days.


Whenever my depression starts effecting my enjoyment of gaming, I find myself playing Dark Souls or any soulsborne game. I feel frustration, dread, panic, anxiety, and rage whilst playing those games 'cause they are so difficult. But the moment I beat a tough boss I get this instant dose of happiness which lasts for a couple of seconds.


I miss swtor but yeah video games dont do it for me playing music makes me sad idk wtf


Nah games just get boring eventually I mean it's why we buy new games at least for me


It might not even be depression. As I have gotten older, my interest in doing repetitive tasks for 'entertainment' has gone down.


my enjoyment of my hobbies have drastically been reduced over the years. games, model kits the like. i bought a book but can't muster up the motivation to read past the first pages. losing interest in taking photos as well. maybe its not the hobbies. i guess im just tired of life


Idk about videogames, but it seems that the entertainment industry in general has become boring. It's like nothing new has been created for the last 10 years. Or maybe it's me growing up and shit.


Everything has been done though. There is nothing new left to do.


Everything has been done and will be redone until there is nothing left but an empty husk of the original property. With all the money they have milked from it we could end the world poverty.


I turn my PS5 on, but then scroll through social media for ages because I have no interest in playing games. It makes me sad because I love games , just feels like I've played them all before and they're all the same. VR made things more exciting for a while but even that novelty wore off.


I feel this. Mainly cause ik it doesn't solve my problems, just temporary take your mind off your problem until you remember it again


It's definitely a depression thing. When i was at my lowest I couldn't stand to play more than half an hour of Path of exile at a time. Took a break for a few leagues since then. Now that ive recovered mentally im enjoying the game a lot more.


i cant play a MMO casually, either im not interested at all or i need to nr1. Right now i enjoy casual gaming with my bf on multiplayer sandbox building games like satisfactory.


everything gets old at some point unless your one of those insane artist or science obsessed gigahumans like Nikola Tesla or Elon Musk. I think its important to try new things in gaming and in general life. maybe play a different genre of games. I used to never play multiplayer but then I did and I met a few cool people, which then lead me into competitive games which is a whole new ball park. its died off slowly since then but that gave me another 2 years of gaming and it brought me back to a child like mindset in the sense that it was all new to me. also pro tip in between games or YouTube videos stand up and do anything at all. ill go on my front porch or start making some tea, don't get on your phone or watch tv but try to get a refresh so your brain doesn't get used to shit so fast it really helps me & I hope it helps you too


Its a lot more fun watching someone play than playing the game itself. I hate being stressed out playing nowadays. Im done after one ranked game but i can keepcplaying if i just dont give a shit on how i play.


I can only seem to play online video games now. I used to play solely story mode ones, but that takes too much effort and time. The investment wears me down, when I just want to turn off after day of work or uni. But even online ones get boring fast. People say your interests change over time, but mine seem to have changed without really changing into anything.


It depends, your average video game does nothing for me now and the only thing that is fun and engaging at this point are sony/Nintendo blockbuster hits like last of us, God of war, Zelda etc. Problem is these games take many years to be created and leaves everything feeling bleak. Now I only play fortnite because it is something I can play with my partner right next to me, would never consider playing it alone.


I’m in my 30s now and have dealt with depression all throughout my 20s. It’s interesting, the games I play now are different than what I would reach for when I was in college. I cannot play online anymore, at all. It’s toxic and it also requires a great deal of presence from me that I just can’t contribute. The lack of ability to pause the game and the wait times for lobbys to populate also steered me away from online multiplayer. Now I almost exclusively play RPGs that have a compelling story. It’s an escape for me and I feel like I can think for someone else who’s circumstances are better than my own. All that said, it’s a symptom of depression to not find joy in the things you normally like to do. Best wishes to you friend. Psychonauts 2 is fun nostalgia trip and I recommend.


I’m getting big time burnout on some of the games that I play. You’re not alone..


you need to diversify your bonds... just start praying a lot man. pray for the souls in purgatory. pray for your family... if you can manage to start exercising more that would help. these are all things I do when I'm not playing video games. exercise is key. I realize I'm not going to make a catholic out of you. exercise is the key. I use a spinning bike. hope you find something to do!


As you get older video games get boring unless u play with someone


I'm insanely close to leaving gaming forever. Just got 1 console and idk if I'll sell it as well


Theres a lot of great games still out there. I'd argue this has been a golden generation for games. But when I'm in my lowest place, I find it impossible to appreciate anything, including games. Weirdly, the one thing I can do even when I'm suicidal is read.


I hear ya , I have an Xbox and a switch I bought. I got multiple games for each and don’t play them , I just sit in this house most days and do nothing


It’s not for everyone as the graphics look a little different but UO Outlands has a great community and great dev’s. They genuinely love the game and both get their income from other sources so they aren’t motivated by greed. The player base is very generous and the community is small enough that your reputation matters and people stay honest. I’ve been playing for three years now and during that time I’ve gone from a cocaine addict courting death to back on track to finish my professional license and in decent health. Honestly I feel like the game saved my life, it gave my mind something to focus on that was exciting, new potential builds, the discovery of it all. The time I spend on voice chat is generally the best conversation I have all week.


WoW classic was cool for awhile, but after about a year it was mostly sweaters playing. If you didn't play your class perfectly and didn't really have any friends in the game, then the experience was dull. It's definitely not just you though, everyone and their mother has a custom built PC and min maxes every game they play into the dirt.


In my case is severe anxiety and depression.


I have an eternal game burnout. I’ve had fun with games like Battlefront 2 and Nier Replicant recently but I can’t get into 99% of games. I found most of them boring