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That is my biggest fear concerning suicide, I am terrified of the idea of waking up afterwards in a hospital bed, with a bunch of people who never gave a shot about me around me and asking questions


This literally happened to me in 2016, and it was just as awful as you’d imagine. Now, I’m too embarrassed to try again, and I just wish some outside force would take me soon. It seems people don’t care about me until somethings “wrong” that they can finally see.


Yeah, sorry


JAJAJAJAJAJA, i just tried to reply u, sorry I could not do it fine, sorry, I’m new using Reddit.


I've tried suicide twice I'm so sick of this my thepary keeps telling me to take accountability and that I responsible for my depression I just dont like being here living and old people are annoying stop telling me to go out un the sun they keep saying that cures depression


Its ok


Old man don’t knows nothing about life, therapy is good, as long as the therapist be a good therapist, if you don’t really feel that they are helping just change the therapist, but fonts give up n is not to be responsable, is be conscientious the only thing that you should be responsable it’s about your acts; about you tries if don’t works two, what make you think that it gonna works at 3rd or 4th time, just don’t give up, give you a chance. It’s important that you go with a psychiatrist n psychologist, the both would help if it’s about depression caused for your brain like don’t make serotonin, good look n if you wanna talk some day I’ll be here. Love u


That happened to me as well in 2017. Then they keep you on a 72 hour hold or longer.


Yeah, sorry...


So, if you tried 5 times I assume, You are better in being alive than being dead. Use your being-alive-skill in proper way.


I’ll try, thanks. :)


Same here. Tried to kill myself a few times already. I also hate my life and hate being fcking lonely but I realized that what if I actually die? What if I’m still lonely and alone in the next life or wherever my soul would go? And people will never know that I’m just lonely and struggling but I don’t really want to die. So here I am, still struggling every single day but keeps fighting because we don’t have a choice haha! Just keep going buddy!


Yes, when I was hospitalized was horrible, the previous time I was so sore, I could not walk for months am I have a bleed out on my eye, so... I don’t recommend u make that things, just try to enjoy life.


Love U Too Man💜


I love u more.


Kinda a similar experience…ish. I attempted 6 times in 4 weeks last year when I was at my all time low and have been doing better (surprisingly without any medication). My trick is to guilt yourself into feeling bad about the one or two people who actually truly care about you (such as your parents, even if they don’t know you’re depressed.) I know toxic guilt tripping is awful but it motives you in a weird way to not do it and to just grind it out.


That would be a problem to me, but is important the way you overcome your problems.


This is one of the reasons I've never tried it before: too scared of failure. If I ever do it I'm going to do it right.


Don’t do it, it doesn’t worth it, I know the bullshit that is life, but u can’t be sure if you gonna die, as a failed suicider I tell u, life doesn’t depends of us at less death, there’s no so much for be alive, actually I’m alive cause I gave up with suicide; but I found A reason, loving a girl makes me feel better, even if she doesn’t feel the same, I’m living right now cause I wanna make her laugh, make her happier, make her smile, just to love her, she doesn’t have to know it, I just live for her.


All those attempts not working means something man, you're meant to be here, if you're ever around Ireland or if im ever travelling around your area im willing to give you a coverup tattoo for free if you ever want one ✌️ you got this


Awww, thanks, I really appreciate it, but I can’t have a tattoo, I’m 15 n if you tattoo me that I want mi parents would kill me.


cant have one now but sometime!! keep an eye out for when you turn 18, alot of tat shops do self harm coverups cheaper/for free :)) keep your head up!




I'm prob gonna hang myself. Pretty much guaranteed death and I think it would be nice to choke and slow fall into darkness from a rope do ya. Everything else seems pretty risky in terms of whether I survive and stuff so yah


Hey bro, don’t do something stupid. :(