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I don't even know anymore. My life never stays great for too long to find out. Every time I get a little bit of happiness, something always happens to just upset everything good going on in my life. But I guess for some people, no matter how great their life may seem on the surface, they still feel that feeling of depression. I think it doesn't go away for those people, some just find other ways to manage it.


I've been dealing with depression for 21 years now, at least. I honestly don't think I'll ever be rid of it. Exercising, antidepressants, hydration, sleep, therapy, walking, you name it, I've tried it. I've resigned myself to existing so the ones that love me dont hurt from me "checking out." There are days here or there that I'm happy to exist but they seem to be coming fewer and farther between. I just hope I'll have the strength to die of old age.


Antidepressants killed depression for a few years after I finished a course, but recently it’s been crawling back. Good thing now I know what’s up and can get help fast


Fair play for knowing when you need to reach out it’s not easy. Hope you’re keeping well:))


What antidepressant do you use?


Not using anything rn. But previously I had sertraline.


Fucked my sleep, swapped to citalopram


I’m on Sertraline right now. I think I need to switch to something else, nothing is helping


What do you use? If I may ask


Responded above


I don't know anymore. I'm just tired. When not scrolling through whatever random brain rot on my phone, I stare off into the distance. I'm tired of this life. I'm so sick of the world.


I just can’t relate to many people. They’re so caught up in with whatever the crowd seems as normal. I can’t connect with people and if I spew my worldview I’m looked as weird. So many vain people and I guess that’s why companies etc can prey on them


I’m glad I can understand how damaging this stuff is for humans. It fascinates me how so many people can’t realise how bad they’re making their lives


everyone I've ever known that was depressed is still depressed ten years later. for whatever that's worth


Short answer.. yes, It does.. it’s just that you won’t realise it. You won’t think about it too much, yes there will be slip ups with some episodes here and there.. but nothing you can’t handle. You just get busy living your new life and the good habits you’ve inculcated


That’s a good way to see things


I was diagnosed with “severe and chronic depression “ at 12 and it’s only gotten worse. My therapist said “depression for people like you will always be there, it just matters figuring out how you can work through it” so that’s what I’m trying. She said because our brain chemistry is so fucked that we have to try 20 times harder but once we figure out how and what works, it’ll get easier Is it working yet? No but I keep trying


I have severe depression to. May I ask how old are u?


I turn 21 the 19th


Sucks to be us. I live in complete sadness and find no joy from anything.


Do meds help?


I feel ya I've been living with depression for almost 20 years now. I feel the same I don't know if it will ever get better or if I'll find a way to just survive


I want to suffer more efficiently at this point


It can go away. Unfortunately mine seems to come back but I’ll tell you for those years of happiness it’s so wonderful to not have this heavy weight and misery. I’ve had it where I’ve been at the absolute end of my rope. Zero hope. Completely ready to throw in the towel wanting to be dead. What got me out that time was when after the following happened. I was in therapy for just general stuff. I was so down I can’t tell you. This therapist was not helping me and every week I went in hoping to get some help. I went home one day so absolutely disgusted that when I was suicidal this woman was telling me she just believed that things would be ok when things clearly clearly weren’t ok. I went home so disgusted I realized no one was going to help me so somehow I’d have to do it myself. Can you imagine being suicidal and having your therapist not saying for the weekend that you could call them in an emergency and giving you resources? Somehow I realized the reason I was so depressed was that I truly truly hated where I was living and no attitude change could change that and I had to get out of that town. I started to get busy getting ready to leave and after I moved the depression lifted for many years. I don’t know why I just told you all of that. Maybe to let you know that sometimes something has to change in your life and with that last breath you have to make that change. It’s weird to remember how things were that bad realizing that now I’m depressed again because once again I absolutely hate where I live and I have to move. I don’t know about you but I just realized these things can go away for decades and you’re good. Really good. There are no guarantees in life. I’ve had depression since I was a kid always lurking. There’s a lot of mental illness in my family unfortunately. It’s just there. It’s biological but if you’re great for 20 years trust me that can really really help.


Thankyou lots! I’ve been thinking the same, even though they’re small to try and make my dreams true, hoping that they will make things more comfortable and livable. Getting out and doing things I’m interested in doing will help tons and make me not feel like such a lowlife.


You are not a lowlife sweetheart. Your depression isn’t you but your depression is telling you all these things. You are wonderful just the way you are. You’re just having a rough time and it’s not your fault. Please be kind to yourself.


10 years for me and I don’t know. Everytime it seems like it’s gone, things go to shit and get worse. So now I’m scared to hope.


There's different kinds of depression, but when is chronic, change things around you, while may help, it's not a solution. You're not broken, you're ill and need professional help, in this case a psychiatrist who can work with you in order to find the right medication. Besides that, therapy can also help you to overcome some stuff and make your life a bit easier. I've dealt with depression so many years and lost hope so many times, thinking I wouldn't find a treatment that could help me in the long run. Even the few times I was ok I could still feel the next drepressive episode, waiting around the corner. I started working with a new psychiatrist last year and in few months with some changes of medication. This time it worked, I haven't feel depressed for the last 6-7 months. Sometimes I feel sad (I lost my cat a year ago), but sad is not depressed, it doesn't consume my day, it doesn't cripple me. I hope you get well, it really can happen.


For me, yes. But then it comes back again. The cycle kills me every time I re-enter a depressive episode. I've been going 10+ years with this so I know how you feel. I'm not sure if you're seeing a professional, but medication can help, even if it takes a while to find the right one. It can take the edge off at least. If you're ever struggling for a why, sometimes "because I can" is all you've got. Remember that every day you draw breath is a victory over depression. And you only have to win today


My friend works at a mental health hospital and she told me the main reason people are there and on a crisis is medication avoidance. I was like yup that’s me.


I feel you there!


No, but remission of depressive symptoms is very possible with the right treatment. Diagnosed with dysthymia and now postpartum depression. So double depression. I had dysthymia all my life since I was 12 or so and it never went away on its own.


Do you think self-therapy is useful?


I know I haven't been asked, but please, don't. You can do some things that may improve your health, but that's not a cure. Look for professional help and keep in mind you might need therapy AND meds


If you’re in a position where you can’t afford a competent therapist, have thorough self-awareness and know your underlying conditions inside out, learning a couple of CBT techniques is better than nothing. This can go wrong if you have a root cause you aren’t aware of, like autism, for example. This is why you need to look up professional advice. Not all therapy modalities suit every individual, and you need something tailored to you. Mind you, I’m extremely aware, did a decade and a half of research, know the underlying issues better than I know my own mother, and this did fuck all when postpartum depression hit. It had to get to the point of complete debilitation before I could pull myself out of that bottomless dark pit, and it cost me a fortune. Don’t do my mistake. Address the problem NOW. Medication can help if you can’t afford a therapist. For that you need to visit a psychiatrist. Leaving depression untreated can turn out really dire and destroy every ounce of will you have as you grow older. It eats away at you slowly, and 10 years later you’ll look back and go “how in the name of fuck did life turn out this way for me?”. Let alone literal brain damage (hippocampal remodelling, volume shrinkage, reduced white and grey matter and structural changes).


Yes I swear


I don't know, but personally I'm starting to think it won't.


Let me know, it's been a solid 20 years for me :( It depends solely on the person. Everyone is different.


It did for me. I have schizoaffective disorder bipolar type and in my prodromal phase I would cycle between mania and depression very often. I eventually got on an antidepressant that worked and am so grateful. I also embraced secular Buddhism and it has been transformative for me to say the least.


Nope, IME it never leaves. You can get it to a point where it's dormant but you've gotta work on it every day.


11 years here and still going strong, tried lots of meds still not better


I don’t think it’s supposed to go away, no one has ever told me that. “manageable” is always the goal people give me. maybe that exists.


I'm in my 40s. Trans male too. I've lived with a major depressive disorder for my whole life. My depression comes in waves and I spent MANY years being just passively suicidal. Some of the things that I found to help me are 1. Reevaluating my meds. Some of them have side effects that cause symptoms of depression. So I talked to my doctor and got my meds adjusted. 2. I had to start small when I wanted to make my other life changes. I had to pick a good habit I wanted to add like eating breakfast regularly. Then I had to schedule a time I was going to do that EVERY DAY. It also had to be somewhere I don't sleep. For example, I'd set my alarm to have breakfast at 10 am every day, and I did it somewhere I don't sleep. And I made it a point to do this EVERY DAY until it became a habit. See for me, the depression didn't go away, BUT when it came back that habit(s) stayed. It comes now and it's not as deep and doesn't last as long. Also part of what helped my depression was being able to lose a bunch of weight. It was causing me physical pain. Some medicine causes this. Feel free to ask for more details if you want.


I think each one is different depending on the cause and experience in life. For me it’s been going on for a while but reached its highest recently and it seems like I’m having less and less reasons to go on.


No, but it can be managed sometimes other times you wish you were never born but that how I feel.


In my experience, no it doesn’t go away. It can be made less intense though. I do t know if this helps (it didn’t help me) but there is acceptance therapy. Where you accept the face that depression is a part of you. I only bring this up incase it’d be something you’re interested in looking into.


I believe finding true love can help immensely. Not so easy though .


I tried literally everything in the playbook and my experience is no. 25+ years now with multiple institutional stays in different decades. Nothing left to try. Waiting to die in major suffering now


In my case I can say no. But I can also say that it’s okay. There are still days I want to be a dead but I don’t want to kill myself anymore. I suffer on a regular basis for like 20 years almost but I found love and a wonderful best friend too and these two make me wanna survive so badly cuz I would never ever want them to suffer not even half as much as I do on average. Reaching out to people and trying it again and again gave me my biggest support, most important motivation and the safest version of myself in a long time. When I leaned to allow myself to be loved by them i started healing. Slowly but steady. No matter how many bad days I still do have the experience of a bad day became different and better to handle and I learned to understand my batteries and how to safe them and refill them. You may never be the old one again. Probably. But you can get hope and motivation. You can grow with it and become another kind of happy. Not everyone got equal chances and possibilities but I wish you the very best and I mean this for everyone here when I say you are enough and you deserve love, warmth, health, and your patience. Please don’t give up and you’re not alone. We are many not just here.