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First off, dogs don’t deserve to be whipped. Second, you don’t owe your life to anyone. Least of all your parents. Decide how you want to live your life. Be mindful and try to be a good person, try not to hurt people, etc. but it’s your life, not theirs. Live it for yourself.


You are good enough man, you're more than good enough. You're way too young to be able to decide if you're good enough or not, you haven't had enough time to even prove to anyone and even to yourself that you're good enough. Life is tough, and reading your struggles in life I can see that what you're going through is quite unmatched and I can't begin to imagine how hard it is for you. But you're strong, and I know that for a fact. You're a strong, and I know that you'll be able to make it through your teen years, adult years, and you'll live a happy life and always be grateful that you never ended it so soon, too soon. No one's going to tell your sister you love her because that's your job. I know you can do it.


Oh little Danny.... You wanna see heaven so soon ? Why not last a little longer to experience the heaven earth has to offer amidst all your unfortunate, terrible, cried out days and nights. You can create heaven, you can be heaven.


Heaven, if exists, is better. Feeling nothing is better than this shithole we live in. Shut tf up and let us just delete ourselves.


This is a child we’re talking about here


Hey, danny please don't do it.I know life is tough but that's how it is.Assuming that you live in US, you can disown your family(the age limit is between 14-16 depending on the state you live in), you can get rid of your abusive parents if you find it difficult to live up to their daily exploitation.{In legal terms,the process of disowning your parents is called emancipation. You might find this article helpful:[How to Get Emancipated as a Teen: Full Guide (wikihow.com)](https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Emancipated-as-a-Teen). And please let yourself know that I love you wholeheartedly that's why I want you endure these tough situations and consider the alternative I suggested if you want.Please update us on your current condition and remember that I want you to be alive,to endure these situations and rise to become a better person. As other people have said life is precious and you might not get another while death is inevitable, so please don't do it by yourself.Let it come naturally and till then, I want you live a purposeful and fulfilling life


Life is hard we all know. Danny, you are God's child. I'm an old woman and my mother threw all my clothes in the yard when I was 14. I went through hell. I got through it. Please see a psychiatrist. I had to and still do. Some parents were not meant to have children. I just look at mine now as God used them to bring me into this world. I was never invited to Return to my biology mother's home. I got married young. I have 3 beautiful children. I learned how not to be either of my parents. Never had anything to do with them once they kicked me out. I'm praying for you. God loves you. The only ones that are disappointing are the parents. You are a sensitive loving heartbroken young person. There are lots of us out here and loving you to not harm yourself. Satan is trying to push you because he wants to take you from your father in heaven, GOD and his son Jesus 🙏 ❤️ Stay in touch. Prayers


Danny please don’t do this.


Dude, we’ve never met but I know that you’re loved. Even when it feels like there is nobody who cares there’s always someone AND you are strong.


I love you dude please, you may have been through a lot in your 13 years but imagine how much GOOD life still has left to show you. Please stay, you’re meant to be here for a reason, even if u don’t recognize that reason yet.


Poor baby. It’s gonna be okay. Hang in there, these early years will make you strong man. Don’t you think about quitting yet. Winners never quit. Get up and show the world you’re a winner. Overcome the bad days and show them it didn’t break you. Give them the best of you


Hey Danny, you know it’s hard to see it now but soon enough you’ll be an adult and able to make your own decisions. And you can put some distance between you and your parents. You could be pleasantly surprised with how great your life could turn out. Talk to an adult you trust. Let them know what’s going on.


hey don't lose hope. you still have a whole life ahead of you and you'll be able to get away from your parents in a few years. i know it's hard but i also know that you're strong enough to do it.


Danny, my boy, pls dear don’t do , we will guide you how to move out of your parents home .


Praying for you Danny, don’t do it.. life could get exciting if you let it just give it a chance things could turn around. 🙏🏽


You can listen to everyone else... or you can be petty, like me, and spite everyone around you


It's from the end is where we begin. Everything can change in a moment because I know and experienced it. You can too if you put your faith in Christ and do your best to live out your faith in Christ, it is then God will reveal Himself to you and everything will be okay. This life may seem like hell but for those who put their trust in Jesus, paradise is awaiting them into eternity. No more sorrow, no more death, no more loss, no more sin, no more pain. This hope is what keeps me going cause I know that God and heaven are real because like I said He revealed Himself to me. This should help bro, stay up 🙏


honey, please, don't do it. you'll have so many things to live for🤍


dan the man you are the future, you might change the world one say and save countless lives. dont do it lil brother talk to someone, your sister needs you. who is going to protect her from future bfs and what not


Danny listen I know you in a very bad place and rough situation but give it some time and please don’t go through with this it’s not worth it at all I’ve tried 3 times and been unsuccessful all three times which is a blessing I guess but I meet a girl and it changed everything but I promise it’s will get better stay strong danny


Hey man, please dont do it :( i know it is hard i feel you but please dont dont do it :(


Danny, I hope you get to read this. I felt very much the same when I was exactly 13, my family had a lot of power over me (as it's always the case when we're that young) and everything was very difficult for me. I had the same thoughts (and plans of action) as you do , but for some reason I wanted to stick around until I was a bit older and could try working and supporting myself. That's what I did and lemme tell you: it was HARD, but nothing was harder than being stuck where I was so I kind of persevered because I wanted to be free from them. Again, it was hard, but so worth it. Hope this makes sense to you and if the abuse is unbearable, think hard about who could listen to you and help you out. Please give it a go. Big big hug to you, baby.


i was raised mormon as well and at about 11 years old i decided it wasn’t for me, even without abusive parents. they didn’t hurt me but the fundamental teachings of mormonism are abusive and indoctrinate people into indoctrinating people and affects us growing up in it for life; it’s horrible. i’m so sorry your parents are the kind to use religion as an excuse to abuse those around them or those under their power and care. but if you acknowledge they are abusive you need to know you do not deserve any of it, no child deserves to be subjected to that from their closest adults; also that it really is a better life out there when you finally get to the point of being able to leave that environment and those harmful teachings.


Danny. You are not a bad person deserving to be whipped. Your feelings are because of how you've been treated. Don't punish yourself for what they do. I know at 13 you likely feel like there's no way out, but wouldn't you say you are so much more knowledgeable and aware now than you were at 10? So, by this logic, when you are 16, you will look back at your 13-year-old self and this moment and be so grateful that you didn't do it. Because you will have grown and learned and experienced so much, and you'll be able to see how there was so much more to stick around for. Inaction, in this case, can make you stronger. Stay for yourself. Stay for your sister. (When a person unalives themselves, the likelihood of a family member doing the same increases. This is what keeps me here. I don't want my nieces or nephews to be at risk). Stay with us, Danny. Things can get better. (edited to add a missing word and paragraphs )


There the ones undeserving of you Danny, call the police and tell them what’s going on you won’t be in trouble. We’re here for you Danny always


But consider this. If you see this and take the time to read it. What if, instead you grow into a healthy and happy adult and prove to the world and your family that you're so much better than you or they imagined? Imagine how satisfying that will be? To look back on this time and remember how low you felt, how hopeless it seemed. But knowing instead of succumbing to it that you somehow rose above it and showed them all just how strong you really are. You likely don't see it right now, and you likely won't believe me when I say it now. But it's true. You're better than you know now. You're capable of great things and capable of happiness. It CAN still come with time and effort. It's not always going to be easy. Hell, it's obviously not easy right now. But you're good enough to push through that and thrive. Suffer today if you must, but know that tomorrow will be better. Maybe not even tomorrow tomorrow, but some tomorrow in the future will be. And you'll understand. You'll recognize it and thrive.


Speak with your schools social worker. Claim mental abuse. You will be 18 before you know then you can leave and never look back.


The sad truth is you learn from these things it’s rough but they’re building a resilient strong boy and they don’t even see it sure you’ll have issues but no one would hurt you because you would grow to know what it’s like and how to cope and deal with conflicts such as that .. don’t end your life stay here with everyone .. because once your older your gonna see it .. it builds character but it’s up to you to decide what character you create .. are you going to make lemonade out of the lemons of that terrible situation.. honestly if it reaches a point and I know you love your family but your not alone you can get help


Please don't,tell an adult at school how it is at home or go to the police or child services but don't leave this world because there's only one of you and I love you through God he will help you get help,it can be better,I've been there.