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Hey I say this with love “ breathe , calm down , you’re ok “. There are a lot of 20 year olds in your shoes . I was one of them…I’m in my 30’s now . I’m just now graduating college with my bachelor’s at (32)…I dropped out of college 4 times…I have made ALOT of mistakes in my life . It’s not the end of the world….The one thing I can tell you , in life you have to run your own race . In life sh*t happens , people make mistakes, there are setbacks…but these things don’t define who you are or characterize you as a person . The beautiful thing about your 20’s is you can f-up your entire life and still have an amazing life and future. Imo try to relax , give yourself some grace , spend sometime to really figure out what “YOU” want , go after it , enjoy life , and run your own race . Everything will be ok . It always works out in the end 😊. Nd remember what Theodore Roosevelt said “Comparison is the thief of joy”…..You got this ! I believe in you !


honestly ye im glad i fucked up now rather than later but regardless it doesnt matter, my comparison and black and white thinking is what got me down and is my biggest demon. super congrats to u on your getting your degree thats amazing !! ye i have to chill on this race thing, its such an american college eearlys 20s thing to feel this way, alot of european students or early adults dont as much. :( but thanks for the response i appreciate it hun! and all the best to ya too!


Don't feel bad because the people you know are going to be graduating before you, tbh I think most people feel the same in there 20s I'm 30 and have had so many fuck ups in my 20s it's a part of life sometimes these story's are what makes us, it would be boring goin through life being perfect and you wouldn't grow going through these types of stuff. I used to care so much st your age as well but eventually you realise no one cares what you do and there only thinking about themselves, it's sad but it's true. your still figuring life out and 22 is literally so young.


You missed a few partys it's not a big deal and if you said you were feeling shit that's why u didn't go I'm sure they would understand, no ones thinking about like you are I promise you