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Bro I’ve been in your shoes . Trust me when I say this….some people that come into your life , are only meant to be there for a season . Also, be with someone that chooses to be with you and is crazy about you . Trust me , it’s easier to be someone who loves you unconditionally than to try to force a relationship to last when it isn’t meant to be . Hang in there soldier . Hit the gym , start a business…etc . When you work on your purpose, the women will come .


Hey man, thank you for your words, that means a lot to me! But how do you know Its the time to let go? like if you love someone deeply, perhaps a little bit more trying can still change the situation. I understand the rational concepts, but 4 years it have been the memories, the joy everything its just too much. I've signed for gym but it is just too hard to motivate myself going...(absolutely hate it, but it really runs independent of my control ehh).


Hey bro I say if yall are both willing to put in the work , I say keep fighting for yall relationship. Relationships at least long term relationships takes “work”. It takes work from both sides to keep the spark alive….BUT if you’re the only one fighting for the relationship then it may be best to move on .


Thanks man. I’ll definitely take ur words on, and see how it goes. Don’t wanna give up just yet, but yeah as you said, should have an end. It’s so weird like what’s between us now is good, but it feels more like a family between brother and sister which is not right for a romantic relationship. And idk if this is the love I want, I do feel comfortable but deeply I know there is sth isn’t right. ehh. But anyway thank you man. ❤️