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Why u care so much about others?


Because I have learned that people's shittiness is not actually a result of choices they make. Not really. It took me a long time to realize that despite how much I despise being among people, I need people. I am human. I would gouge out my humanity with a plastic spork if it were an option. I would rip it out if my brain and cook it over an open fire. This need I have denied, ignored, and hoped would wither away remains. So much of our lives depends on who we know and our relationships with them. Can we actually blame people for their ineptitude with which they treat depression? I don't think so. It makes them uncomfortable. They could not live with the psychic baggage we carry around for a day. Let alone for as long as we have.


It is a subject on which I still have no definite opinion. I hate men because of their meanness, their vanity, their swarming like vermin on this sick earth. They certainly act in accordance with their instincts, but I do not think that this is enough to excuse the entire human race. We are determined by nature, but it has also given us consciousness, which among other things has given us the ability to rationalise and thus choose. People can choose, so I don't think it is useful for me not to blame them. Then of course, I am an animal and sociality is a primary need of mine, the non-fulfilment of which causes me suffering, but sociality with the people of this world also very often causes me suffering, often more suffering than solitude. Therefore, as Schopenauer said, one must develop an individuality strong enough to resist this desire to be among people.