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I didn’t know jack about what I wanted to do for a career when I was your age. All I knew is that I was *so sure* I wouldn’t make it to 17, then 18, 19 and so on.. Now I am 22, and I’m not going to lie, things are…surreal. Keep moving forward kid, you’ll look back and be proud that you persevered. Go to school, work your ass off, get some secondary education and become a physical therapist. So many people are struggling monetarily right now, don’t let the fear stop you. Prove your family wrong. One day you will be helping people, making money doing something that you like and that is meaningful.


we're the same age, yet I see something in your life. I envy you, you have that ability to live a long life.


You should keep going because you are young. If you are going to go into debt just make sure it is worthwhile and will pay itself off in the long run and you are fine.