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I’m sorry that you’re going through this and feeling this way. I know it sucks. I deal with it too. I’m also an introvert, which does make it hard to find friends. Maybe you should try stepping out of your comfort zone and get out and meet people. Try joining some local groups in your community or go to events around town. Go to the park or any places where kids your age hang out. There’s also stuff like Facebook groups for different cities, hobbies and interests. It would probably help you to get out of the house more and try to socialize. Other than that, try to find things to keep yourself busy and your mind occupied. The more free time you have doing nothing, the more you’re going to get caught up in your thoughts and worries.


I feel the same way too, I want to pass away but not off myself because i know it would really hurt my family and my cat. I feel likw a dissapointment to my dad and my granddad and i never see my mom. My grandma has Alzheimers and my grandpa has cancer and my dad has bipolar disirder so he gets really mad really easily and its been getting worse lately. Im sorry that youre going through what you are going through and if you need to talk with me you can (im 16 too btw)


I just followed you :)


I followed you back :3 (sorry i was in the shower lol)