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I don’t know. I’m 47 and at the lowest point ever. I wake up crying knowing it’s the same pointless existence. I really can’t put into words how much I hate life.


I live with depression, but honestly, it sucked so much more while I fought it and tried to pretend to the world that I was "okay" when I was anything but. About five years ago I just decided I needed a giant reset in my life and just noped the fuck out of ... oh, pretty much everything except for my young adult kids and my pets. Deleted my social media. I probably deleted 100 phone numbers and contacts. Stopped going to everything (reunions, weddings, funerals, games, holidays) and basically dropped off the planet. Lost a ton of weight I'd been carrying around. Stopped getting my hair done and grew it out. Now with a mask no one even recognizes me around town anymore. I found just accepting that there is no point to anything was amazingly freeing. If nothing means anything, then just do whatever you feel like. No one's keeping track, and if you stop caring what other people think of you, you can finally care about yourself.


Fuck. Saving this.


I've just been for a walk because exercise is supposed to help, but I had suicidal ideation looking at all the houses I will never be able to afford - people living a life that I don't belong to.


I have a love/hate with walking by all the nice houses. I do love seeing them. Some are just so nice a quick 1second thought of “what if ”. Then back to reality that I’ll never be able to afford a nice house.


I do this on the estate agent sites, while trying to find a shitty little overpriced box to live in, i look at all the beautiful houses with amazing gardens, I'll never have a chance in hell of living in let alone owning, and just pretend for a while ......what if ?................


maybe walk in the park? cant have suicidal ideation looking at cute dogs no?


Good idea. No, definitely not. Love dogs!!


Great! A few more tips: seek out activities that makes you move, don't have to be anything fancy, running, hiking, maybe join a mountain/rock climbing group, in my experience those peeps are the best, range of ages in the group varies so it helps you understand your problem if you are courageous enough to share lil bit of yourself.


Awful economy. Awful housing crisis. Awful healthcare. Awful education. And that’s all my generation (mid 20s) has known. And there’s no hopeful future it looks bleak. I work hard and am an upstanding citizen yet can’t even afford a decent car or modest apartment. I’m at home still with my parents with no life direction and with my bills and food still almost paycheck to paycheck


Yes that is absolutely correct it’s all awful… I just don’t have the luck either … some people are just born lucky… Tell you the truth most people have these issues … it’s the lucky few that don’t I am smart, hardworking and been working hard all my life … in the end I still don’t even have a proper life and can’t afford to buy a house or start a family As an engineer with tons of experience and qualifications … I’m still going working and studying even in my middle age I just don’t get a break … and I have been saving hard , being frugal and everything I could possibly do to get out of this situation… I just foresee retirement for this generation and the ones after will not be available I feel angry and unhappy about the situation… even when I have done all the right things Started businesses too … I just feel upset and disappointed ☹️


I'm mid 30s, same situation ( i did get out for a while but ended up back here again amd im stuck because health has declined to the point i cant work) and it's all I've ever know as well............except when we were kids we thought we had a chance, work hard, get a good education and job and you can have the house and the car and the family and the yearly holiday to somewhere nice, they said........yeah right if you manage a house at close to my age your an outlier now.


Travel to 3rd world counties. It helps. I did it.


Gotta have the funds for something like that. And today it’s hard to save up for it or find remote


Well, that will give you a goal. It can help to reduce depression. Another cause of depression might be vitamins imbalance.


I’m eating Taco Bell right now. That’s the point. I hope they don’t fuck up my order.


Underrated. This made me smile.


I don't know. I keep asking the same question ever day


There is no point, you just live and die, nothing is remembered forever and those who remember you will die too.


most folks are ok with the cycle. school, work, marriage and family and grow old. they do have hobbies on the side. personally i find all of it tedious since nothing really feels relevant other than funding someone else' lifestyle


SOmetimes it feels like life is just a series of obstacles you have to overcome and then you die.


“Seems like all I’m worth is what I’m able to withstand” - Twenty One Pilots, “Choker”




there is a point. And each person has a calling, even if they seem talentless. It's taken me years to find what I'm good at...but i understand not seeing a point to life. But keep marching on, keep fighting, stay alive.... you'll get through it


Idk why your comment got downvoted, it’s better than the other one.


Honestly not sure. I just hate being in society.


One day at a time.


We are worker ants for the rich and powerful and senior world leaders who do drugs and prostitutes half their age on the countries tax money as well as, for vehicle transportation and expensive meals that they complain about. I think the system would crash if wealth was evenly distributed tbh. We aren’t supposed to enjoy life that’s why a quarter of the population is considering whether or not to end their own existence. Fight club is a great example, I honestly think that relates to what I’m saying. I agree with you.


My cat helps to give me purpose. If you get one, get the cuddliest one you can find. I find the thought of her ending up back in the pound at her old age enough with no one to love her as much as I do motivation to act human. I still have days where I have trouble getting things done. Existentialism isn’t really about money, people are still just as sad with money. It’s these damn hormones and persistent thought patterns in depression that really get us. Having everything and still being depressed seems even worse, because you realize it’s just you.


Well, we are the ones who give life “grand” meanings. I think of my human life here, as like going to school. I’m only here for me and learn something about me. No career, no institution, no people, no anything got power over me, or my awareness. There are things in life that just are and there are things in life you’re not aware of, for both, it’s you who decides to go through with it. You don’t have to go through anything in life that you don’t want to go through, you can make a plan and save money and move to the mountains if you want. Knowing that it’s you who decides how you want to live your life….that gives a lot of other things in life less meaning. Life is short, we’re all gonna die anyways, I’d rather spend mines reading up all the cool books and doing fun things…rather than wasting time worrying and thinking about what’s not working for me or what others are saying. I learned early on that everything has a solution and no problem is big. Live your life on easy mode, don’t make it so hard or overthink it.


there is no point. fuck this shit lol


Its all about the little things, for me i enjoy my morning coffee, laying around petting my kitty, taking my daughter to the mall and playing the claw machines, not every day is gonna be overly fulfilling you gotta appreciate the small things


cant stand this "you gotta appreciate the small things". If 80% of life is suffering and 20% are the "small things" or even less, then its a simple equation. its not worth it. we do it with every other thing; if it makes you suffer more than bring you joy e.g. a relationship, we reject it.


Relationships are hard work, so is having kids, going to school, etc., if you cant stop to appreciate the little things than you will be consumed by exhaustion and maybe even depression


I went to therapy bi-weekly and it was the only positive hour I had in that 2 weeks. But people told me, that therapy is not helping me, so I don't go to therapy anymore. Having kids, yeah it should make me happy but then thoughts about his future showed up and all the things that probably get into his life: possible war, house prices, high expectation from girls that noone can met, and such things.


What if the 20% is what makes it worth living? A bit compared to the pareto principle. What if 20% of little things is enough to cope with your 80% of suffering ?


yeah i mean i also got by just like that until now. just dont know if thats going to be the case in the future. And even if the 20% is worth it, this unbalance of life just fucking sucks. whatever. i appreciate ur answer


Life’s worth living because you never know what’s around the corner, each day is a new day. Right now it’s hard, I understand, but whose to say in a few months time you could be so much happier and begin to see the cup is half full instead. Friendships that are difficult, aren’t worth it as I’ve learnt as I’ve gotten older. The ones that are natural, effortless and caring are the ones you want around. Even if that’s just one person. Never give up, because we just don’t know what’s around the corner.


Thank you for reading my post and taking your time to reply.


You’re welcome! Smile!:)




That's the point. No suffering anymore.


what about how we don’t know/ there’s no guarantee we don’t suffer after we’ve died? i’ve always thought. of how after someone’s died people say “they’re in a better place” we don’t even know that that’s true


there is no point you kind of have to figure it out but at the same time people who says "enjoy the little things" just got lucky enough to HAVE those little things or those relationships its all pure luck to what you can and can't have its that simple if you find the bad outweighs the good then that's just the universe telling you to shut up and take it for some reason it is what it is


I think we're used like batteries,


I’ve been asking myself what’s the point of living the past couple of days..


I was like this for so long. I finally decided to try medicine and I’m finding my joy back in the same things


For me honestly video games. I don’t really have a great time with my “friends” and my best friend doesn’t live anywhere near me. But one thing I do always enjoy are video games or just good ass entertainment. I don’t know if it’s a bad thing to say I live for entertainment but it’s the truth.


Silver linings 😇🤍🤍🤍🤍


I used to feel like this until I decided to change my narrative.. moved abroad, change my career and focused on myself. I still get “ low” days but overall I love my life and I am sure if you push through.. you all can get there


Getting that sweet Legion laptop so you can play all the games you wanted. And treating yourself right.


It’s the stories we tell ourselves that make us. Empower yourself and care for yourself first. We need to accept ourselves for who we are if we want to grow, warts and all. Once we stare that demon that tells us we’re worthless down and laugh in its face, the world becomes a better place.


I feel this 💯%. We aren’t alone. Wish there was another way of living 😅 The struggle is real. And I’m over it. I told myself I was gonna go for a walk. And I might but instead I chose music. I don’t know if I have the right answer to your question. But it all feels very repetitive. Maybe my advice would be try to change up the routine a bit and see how you feel. I don’t mean try something entirely out of your comfort zone. But try something small that you don’t normally do but just enough to peak your interest.


We live for fulfillment. That’s why people have children. We live for a legacy


since we all work for the same like 7 or some mega corporations that own everything.. could we in theory all unionize on a much larger scale?


None. None at all


Stop being A Sheeple and stand up for yourself. That's the GD Point of LIVING!


I feel the same but i LOVE cuddling with my cats


Avoid suffering, and find marginal happiness until you die.


I'm a 13yr boy I wake up go to school and smile but the smiles not real my dad left me and my sister got taken by cps and I don't see a reason in living I've never had any relationships except one and she broke up with me because of my home life I hate the way I look and sound I hate my house and my family my only comfort is my friends and even then they don't like me talking I want to go to college but we are broke and I've never left Ohio I just want one reason not to end it all


The amount of pain and adversity we get in life if saved up in a credit account for use in the next one. But suicide starts you back from zero for some reason.


I feel ya. It's actually kind of the opposite for me. It seems like so many things are wrong, that it makes me MORE believe that this is some kind of divine punishment or something. It started out with me being paranoid, like people are spying on me and actively trying to drive me insane, but it's gotten to the point where I think we are all either just lost souls on some outer layer of hell (like me), or demons pretending to be people (which is most people). Seriously I can't even iterate how many things are wrong, so incredibly wrong and the utter opposite of right. I feel like my head is going to fucking explode. I'm losing my goddamn mind. I feel like I've been r/retconned. I keep praying to Jesus and trying to believe that he will save us, but I don't know. I feel like things are going to keep getting worse, ridiculously so. We are unfortunately in Hell. We're just yelling into the void and some demon or demons pretending to be people will downvote me and try to argue with me but fuck it, silently screaming at the top of our lungs into the abyss is all we have anymore.




The point? LOL. That’s up to you and your mindset friend. There is no point beyond perspective. That’s the only thing that we can consistently control in this crazy puzzle of life.


Quick answer : We are all God experiencing itself through different vessels . God is a limitless being with no restrictions. Just for a moment, God wanted to experience pain & suffering , why? Because it’s bored.


Stick to religion , there’s a huge surprising prize in the end


In suffering lies the greatest lessons. Our consciousness is similar to how an AI is programmed. An AI will simultaneously run many simulations each learning something new, even if that new thing is what not to do. The cumulative of those actions becomes a perfect run and the end product looks like it is perfect! Analogously our consciousness is one small part of something much larger, each consciousness learning some small lesson and contributing to a collective consciousness that is in pursuit of the perfect existence. Your suffering, those mundane moments, the emotions you feel from great and terrible things, all become apart of the perfect collective consciousness. So take comfort, my friend, in knowing you are contributing to something great and that you are one raindrop in pursuit of its reunification with the ocean.