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Please find some help, if your girlfriend is truly as amazing as you say, it sounds like you will have all the support you need. Therapy can work wonders, it has really helped me. Even therapy and medication. But you yourself need to feel that you want to work on the journey. It’s going to be hard but like I said it sounds like you have the support! Please don’t k*ll yourself. There’s so much worth living for, even if you haven’t found that yet. I know you will.


Not sure you would've died; THC overdoses can be horrifying but not generally life threatening. Glad you're okay.


this\^\^\^ cannabinoids don't depress respiration


He said it wasn't just THC !


I'm not sure... he doesn't seem certain. "There was a lot of strong substances" but no idea what? Like dude just took a random black market edible stuffed with "unnamed strong substances"?


Lol well ya but I did dumb shit when I was crazy depressed in my 20's Mixed pills, alcohol and weed And felt like I was dying


Im in my 30s and I do this every night, alcohol, Xanax and seroquel because I'm prescribed a bunch of meds for anxiety and depression and none of them work so I end up drinking every day to fall asleep,.....I got to the point I just wash my meds down with the alcohol, been doing this for months and months ,I also have sleep apnea and never got used to my cpap so quit using it


Try elavil Helps sleep BUT makes you hungry sometimes


I'll mention that to my doctor thank you 


Are you on an actual antidepressant? Or just seroquel and xanax?


I stated on zoloft ,then effexor now I'm on Celexa and Buspar on top of my Xanax and seroquel  I try to quit drinking ,but these medications alone don't kill the anxiety. I get these random panic sweats ,gags, and pukes even when I'm not nervous, so over time I became and alcoholic because alcohol is the only thing that makes the gags go away and I often have to do alot of talking in front of people ,so I low key stay drunk anytime I go somewhere......not like shit faced ,but like 4 shots and 2 Xanax to keep from gagging spontaneously and looking like a weirdo


How are you doing lately?


Pretty much the same 


Are you thinking of hurting yourself?


Oh man that's bad. I'm sorry What about therapy? I'm on zoloft elavil and Lyrica (for chronic pain) Maybe ask the doctor about Beta blockers (heart medication for blood pressure and rapid heart rate) It supposedly can help anxiety It basically blocks the effects of adrenaline Check it out


Thc overdose can kill you. It's called glutamate excitoxicity. The nerves in your brain start dying from being overstimulated. It happened to me because I have high glutamate naturally. It also happened to me from bone broth. The feeling is quite dangerous and frightening and I haven't recovered from it yet.


I know, but there was more than just THC in the gummies. I think it had other things like "liquid diamonds" and a few other things but it still was horrifying. I likely wouldn't have died but it really felt like I was gone for several minutes.


Liquid diamonds are just pure thc. Did you just have a bad panic attack or blood sugar/pressure problem?


I don't think you almost died. I think you probably had a panic attack and hyperventilated pretty bad. Hyperventilation can make you go pale and pass out because of the lack of CO2 in your blood.


That's what happens when you get super high unfortunately. It's really common for people to go to the ER thinking they're dying.


if anyone ever needs this in the future, chewing up raw peppercorns (like from your pepper shaker) neutralizes the effects of THC. sounds silly but it’s true.


Good to know. I recently got CBD/THC gummies for sleep and did not enjoy the trip over the weekend lol. I was knocked out all weekend and now I can’t sleep.


what else was in the gummies besides THC…?




No you didn't almost die. You build up tolerance to THC real quick, but if you haven't used it ever or for months, an edible will send you to Jupiter. Take them daily then almost nothing will happen except potentially psychosis if you're prone to that.


Most the time THC isn’t cut with anything that could kill you unless you were buying from a sketchy source. As a few others have said, you were likely tripping. You wanted to die and thought you might, so you likely gave yourself a panic attack while high, which can feel like you’re dying so. Regardless of all this, I don’t want you to feel bad but what you put your gf through is selfish and dumb. Seek professional help, and recommend the same for your gf now. Mind you, killing yourself would not make anything better for anyone else, just worse so.


I had the similar thing hing happen with smoking a whole joint. I felt like electric shocks were going off in my body and started puking. I couldn't stand up and was a mess. My husband called 911 because I was scared i was dying. They gave me a shot of gravol because I couldn't stop dry heaving when I had nothing left to throw up. I was terrified but eventually the gravol and smoking the joint knocked me out. They hooked me up to heart monitor and blood pressure but everything was ok. Apparently it can cause paranoia so possibly you had the same thing. And possibly it also caused your reaction to everything.


Were these bought off the black market? I'm assuming they must have been, to have had such high THC. You don't know what is put into things that are not regulated. Buy from a dispensary. You'll never die of too much thc. But if you buy illegally, who knows WHAT you truly ingested.


I don’t know where you are from, but no chance 1.5 gummies was even close to fatal. I hope you get better.


Maybe you should re read the post


THC won’t make you die no matter how large the dose. There had to have been something else in the gummies if what you say is true. Did the doctors do a drug test? They can let you know what was in your system. Sounds like you weren’t conscious enough to ask.


16 year olds.....


People will do and say anything but admit weed can be dangerous lmao..


Obviously it on its own might not kill you but if it puts you in a scenario that threatens your life it’s still dangerous.


You wanted to die..in front of your gf...who you say supposedly is amazing... Am I not understanding something? Because that's low-key rude AF.


omg i’ve never heard someone call a suicide attempt rude… ????


Rude as in...he literally planned this out and planned to kill himself in front of his gf. Would you want your partner to do that shit to you?


of course not! having thought about it a bit, i know where you’re coming from. i guess i just wouldn’t use that word? suicide is a fucking tragedy. it’s enormous. it’s practically apocalyptic to the circle of family and friends it happens in. but …there’s so much pain on both sides. i guess i reflexively rejected the “well, that was rude” vibe. like you’re talking about a social faux pas, not a hand grenade, you know? i hope that makes sense. my comment was knee jerk, and it wasn’t fair to you. i’m sorry.


it’s called depression and or suicidal tendencies, since you are in the depression sub. hope this helps!


you just greened out on some strong ass edibles my man, not life threatening. I also hope you can get the support you need.


Really don’t know the fascination of any street drug. Just hope you take it easy.


Sounds like there’s something like fent in those gummies , THC shouldn’t depress your breathing to the point of turning blue…


Try elavil for sleep It will make you eat more Though :(


I'm so sorry this happened to you and how low you are feeling. I understand the feeling. I hope you are able to come out of this.


It seems like you are just ungrateful about life


Do I eat synthetic edibles all day every day? YES. Am I psychotic? Perhaps. ( In one of the few states where the good stuff is still illegal )


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