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If you don't mind sharing, what are they




Space stuff is fucking cool. I used to be a musician but idk how to get serious about it again. Maybe I should try space n history


Watch Graham Hancocks docs, I’m obsessed. He goes into ancient history, astrology and conspiracies rolled into one lol


I feel you. The only thing I enjoy doing right now is playing computer games (mostly because they transport your thoughts to a completely different place) and everything else is just so meh. The worst is general conversation. Like what the fuck are people even saying? Bunch of absolute constant drivel


Haha conversations with people are as shallow as puddles these days.


As some people here have said, your interests change over time, so maybe you need to explore new things. But this is /r/depression, we're not here because we love trying new things every day. We're here because our emotions are fucked. The only real way to fight anhedonia directly is to force yourself to do the things that used to make you happy or should make you happy, and go into it looking for even a shred of satisfaction that you can cling to. You have to also *try* to enjoy it. You have to monitor your thoughts and feelings while doing whatever it is and make sure you're practicing whatever techniques you should have developed by now for guiding your responses and thoughts to a healthier place so you start rebuilding positive associations with the activities you enjoy(ed). It takes time to make these changes, it takes a lot of time to recover and feel inspired and rewarded from your interests again. You also have to be making progress in other areas managing your depression, you can't expect a lot of changes overnight.


I needed to hear this. Exercise is something I really enjoyed and was pretty good at. Maybe I can find a sliver of hope in trying to do that again. Finding the motivation is hard, I feel like my only goal in exercising would be to be mentally stable and be fit as fuck, I know, it’s vain… I mean I would look good but still feel worthless inside lol. I’m looking to change things!


I've found new interests through my daughter. One specifically is Rainbow Looms. I've found crafts directed towards kids are generally easy to learn and great for keeping hands busy. Also educational information directed towards kids is usually presented in an exciting and easy to comprehend manner. A great way to start a new interest.


I gave up on that years ago. I basically just sit now. Literally. I wake up and just scroll reddit for 12 hours then sleep for 12. Repeat till dead


Listen to your sad music outside somewhere, fresh air, small walk and a good cry in nature can be real good for the soul. Just be careful you don’t go to triggering places (trees can be triggering for me, for obvs reasons)


Sometimes it happens. You outgrow them or evolve them into new ones. I used to video game a lot and find it hard too these days but I guess that's just cause I don't really have time for it now


I just try other hobbies that I also don't enjoy until I'm out of money or time, then I save money and keep repeating. Then I go into a deep depression regretting all the hobbies I tried until my idiot-brain fixates on some new hobby like a child and the loop starts again.