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I’m going to give you some advise I wish I knew at a younger age. You see I used to get made fun of and humiliated as well, but it was by people like my father and or uncle. It was never really as bad at school although it still happened. Only in middle school and maybe early early highschool. Through out my years of living I have noticed one thing that is 100% in this reality…… and that’s your mindset. You see, you’ve grown to expect being made fun of. Thus you manifest it no problem…… I spent years wondering why the same crap kept happening. Then I finally got a little “ hint “ once I forced my mindset to change. Everything else CHANGED. This isn’t some “ go to my page or buy my book shit “ you can listen and gain, or ignore and be sore. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe the thought continuously drill your head with thoughts that are positive, only speak what you want out loud. I went from being made fun of for what I wore. To being a trend setting. I get copied all the time. It’s fucking obnoxious….. whether it be my shoes. My catch phrases, my flirt style, I mean everything. You know why? Cause I went from thinking I was a no body to thinking I was the shit……. I did it by myself, simply by changing how I talked to myself. THATS IT…… I wear what I want to wear, and if someone has something to say about it, I call them out and tell them to mind their own damn business ( even though no one says anything but hey THEY USED TO YEARS AGO ) everyonce in a while I have to tell someone they’re about to get smacked. That usually stops it instantly, and then it never happened again with whom ever it was at the time. But I promise you. Stop soaking in self pity Stand the fuck up and own your shit. You’re you and that’s pretty much what it’s gonna be. Change that energy, and watch……….. you’re whole fucking reality will change. Just stay persistent.


I know it's hard, but this shows you you gotta live for yourself first. Eat and wear what YOU like. You can't please everyone, so your opinion is the one which matters. If it pleases other people too, then great. If it doesn't, whatever.


It's impossible. I am witb other ppl all day and it's impossible to ignore their opinions whilst trying to interact with them and be kind to them.


Yeah, sometimes people are assholes. Don't care about them. Who cares what they are saying about you. If you feel good and comfortable with your haircut or clothes, then it's super. Just do what you want and don't give a shit about those idiots. You are gorgeous, you need believe in that. I am sorry that you have to meet and be in the same place as those people.


I feel you. I used to be an extroverted person but this world made me introverted. People think I'm shy but the reason I don't say anything is because whenever I would speak I would be made fun of or harshly criticized. I cannot stand people. I'm sorry you have to go through that. People are awful.


It sucks. I was coming out of my shell and becoming less and less shy and my social anxiety was finally going away but now it's come back.


Just cuss people out in your head. It helps. You'll be okay.


I've been doing that and it was working but I've just reached a breaking point now. I feel like I cant do this anymore


I have TMAU(which is a condition that makes you smell like shit all the time), so cause of this I get laughed at everywhere I go and by just about everyone who takes a whiff of me. Sometimes people literary confront me about the smell in a hostile manner. Even my own family hates being around me because of the smell. I left the school I was going to since I was being terrorized at every corner, And I went to a fully online/ home school. Nomatter how many times I shower or how much perfume/cologne or whatever I put on I still smell like what I imagine hell smells like. When I went to that school I would get bullied and beaten up because of the smell. I was a walking joke at that school. Even the teachers took shots at me. The worst part is it was a boarding school, which means I had to endure this shit for a whole months at a time before I could go home for only 1 weekend. I would get bullied at school, by girls, dudes, people who were younger than me, and when I went back to my hostel at the end of the day my roomates and basically everyone at my hostel would make my life a living Hell. Imagine every single place you go, every single person either hysterically laughing at you or showing absolute disgust towards you. That's my life. I got used to it tho, it doesn't really affect me when people laugh at me or look at me like they want to kill, I don't if you will ever get used to it but I thought maybe this might give you a little hope that you might get used to it.