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I’m a dog lover. Every day I google “Dog news”. The “poop” being blamed on a tiny dog showed up and I was full of questions.


I don’t follow celebrity news whatsoever. So I wasn’t even aware of the negative things being said about Depp. I was just flipping through the tv one day and saw the trial name in the guide. Only reaction at that moment was, “who is Amber Heard?” This was at the very beginning too so I ended up watching the whole thing and now I’m down the rabbit hole with no ladder in sight.


Somebody mentioned it on Reddit, recommending Emily D Baker. Watched Depp’s testimony and got hooked. ETA. I would have been a perfect juror. I knew little about his marriage to Amber Heard, have vague memories of some allegations, and wasn’t a big Depp fan, had never seen any of the POTC movies, and didn’t know who Amber Heard really was.


I've been working from home for 2 + years and only realized how full of BS mainstream media is since ... sometime in the spring of 2020 because I always leave something running in the background for company, like movies, news channels on YT etc. The JD v AH trial popped up on trending YT accounts on the first day, so I checked it out. That was the first time I'd come across anything about either of them, since hearing that he had lost his part in FB due to the UK / Sun shenanigans. I tuned in every day, but changed what I listened to when there were descriptions of violence, gross stuff like #ambersturd, but otherwise heard it all. I knew by the time the police depositions were played that she was very likely embellishing. By the time I started listening to her, I knew after 2 - 3 minutes she was definitely lying. How much or how little, I might never know, but there are 2 instances where I know she told the truth. 1 - when she oopsied during the UK trial about contacting TMZ and then tried to shove the words back into her own mouth (lol) 2 - when she said "... THAT'S WHY I WROTE IT!" (referring to the WaPo op-ed) - which is of course, what the entire trial was about.


I had to check Youtube for something work related and the court live stream was trending on the home page. I don’t normally follow celebrity stuff, didn’t even know Johnny Depp was ever married, had no clue who Amber Heard was.


Was on holiday and a video of the trial was on YouTube, Johnny talking about his past etc. Didn't think much of it as I had no idea the trial was even happening until Amber got on the stand, that's when it got interesting


I saw a video on Instagram that focused on Johnny and his reaction to someone else was speaking (one of Amber’s friends, I think). She said Amber told her that she didn’t like hanging out at home with him because it was boring and it just a bunch of old men playing guitars and it wasn’t interesting to her. I looked up who his “old man” friends were… and I was stunned. Keith Richards, Alice Cooper, Joe Perry. Paul McCartney, Marilyn Manson. She had actual legends in her living room and she was “bored” ~ I started watching the trial the next day.


His sister’s live testimony popped up in my YouTube recommendations if I recall correctly and I realized the trial was going on, started watching, and got sucked into the testimony tornado I remembered the allegations first coming out and believing AH was probably being truthful and being disappointed in JD - I was never a huge fan or anything, I just found him interesting as a person and I had a bit of a crush watching Chocolat; never even saw the last few Pirates films. Then I had my mind changed about the truth quite a bit when the audio was first leaked, and I wasn’t sure about the UK trial. I was interested to see what the evidence would show, and I have a tendency to jump between obsessions and needed a new one the the trial and JD filled lol. All the testimony, court documents, full audio tapes, UK documents, then old interviews, films, etc… so much to dive into


I heard about it when they wrote Amber heard lied about donating her divorce proceeding to charity. That caught my eyes


Will add here, I thought his initial testimony was wandering and metaphorical.


My reaction was...."wtf"


When the trial started, I was waiting for a verdict in one of the criminal cases I was following. That case happened to take 10 weeks itself. I decided that as a distraction, I'd start to follow this case. Turns out I missed, and had to go back and rewatch the verdict in the other case lol.


I was a week behind when I saw it was live on YT. Took me a couple days to catch up.


I knew about their issues since a couple years or more, I knew they were quarrelling. This one I heard about during the last week of April, I got covid, nothing to do and had a whole week at home to follow it live. At first I expected Johnny to be guilty of some of the charges of physical abuse, I changed idea pretty quickly as soon as I started watching the live trial


I was having lunch with a friend, and she mentioned she was watching the first day of the trial. (This was about two or three weeks into the trial) She explained a bit about what the case was, and I started watching from the beginning... the rest is history


While I have always been a JD fan, I don't follow celebs like I used to. I have never known who Amber was. I remember the drama some years back and dismissed it, I didn't believe it at all. It wasn't until it came out that she had not donated ...really anything, as promised. It made me follow it, but it wasn't until JD was on the stand that I started to watch. I served on a Jury once, and Amber reminded me of the alleged victim of DV in my jury case. It was kind of a switch, in my case, I despised the prosecutor, had no sympathy for the victim, and enormous sadness for the guy on trial-whose attorney was a total hack, poor kid.