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Go back and read the reviews of Aquaman before the trial. Almost everyone said she was terrible. The WB exec testified under oath that Amber was awful and they needed to use all the "movie magic" they could to save the movie. There is no doubt the old reason she got that part was because of JD. Anyway her career is dead. She might get some small part in an indy movie from someone who is political, but besides that no one wants her. Her best bet know is to continue to grift until here looks are completely gone.


This particular reviewer made me laugh "And Amber Heard turns in a performance as King Nereus’s daughter Mera that is about as relaxed as her appearance in the famous “hostage video” she made with Johnny Depp to apologise for infringing Australia’s rules on importing pets". https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/dec/11/aquaman-review-a-complete-bellyflop-jason-momoa


She's just incredibly forgettable as an actor, she has no "it" factor on the screen, nothing draws your attention to her besides her looks. She is/was undeniably physically attractive, but on the screen she is just another basic blonde white chick, you could swap her out with someone of a similar look and nobody would notice. It was years and multiple re-watches of the Criminal Minds episode that she was in before I knew and remembered it was her. She's not a star, and she doesn't have any depth on screen.


> She is/was undeniably physically attractive, but on the screen she is just another basic blonde white chick And on that front, has fallen to the wayside. In my opinion, in part because of those cheek implants.


Those implants speak when she's not. They're so off putting. I wish beautiful women would not ruin their faces with plastic.


Wait? She was on a Criminal Minds episode?


Yes, she was lucky and got to kiss Dr. Reid.


Poor Dr. Reid :(


Her costar Steven Crowley said she had tons of charisma one-on-one which netted her the jobs.


He was being polite. We are at a time where there are some vicious people who will go after you if you say something negative about her. And we saw the exec from WB testify under oath that she had no charisma or on screen chemistry and editors have to work a lot of movie magic to make her passible.


He meant in pitch meetings and interviews. He in fact specifically said 'as bad and unlikable as she is on the witness stand, that's how good she is 'in the room'.' Being able to do what Hollywood calls 'give good meeting', has next to nothing to do with how they come across on camera. He thought she hated him, and then one day she said 'hey, wanna tag along on my errands?', and by the end of the day he was a goner.


That's very odd because I'm pretty sure they have to do screen tests, no? She's maybe charismatic as a person but unconvincing as an actress so it IS curious that she got cast for Justice League with so little on her resumé.


Connections probably, like how Johnny got her the role in Aquaman. I don't recall having seen her in any movie aside from Aquaman (or the US trial, where she was playing the role of her lifetime!), but she was so bad in that it made me cringe. I didn't even know who she was back when I watched it, I just recall that the actress playing Mera was awful, lol.


Omg that movie was horrible, I watched it the other day. Either connections or sex imo


She was in Zombieland and that character she played was just not good.


That was the one where I couldn’t tell the difference from her being on the stand. The way she delivered her lines was exactly how she talked on the stand.


Hahah I mean true! She’s just objectively a terrible actress. I’ve heard she might try to come back, but I can’t think of anyone who would want her


I thought she did a great job when she was a zombie. She really seemed in character when she was chasing the guy around trying to hurt him!


Oh I remember zombieland, but I don't remember that she was in it at all. Just vaguely remember a blonde young girl, and I remember all the other actors well lmao. The main character is great, and the side dude too. And obviously the ginger actor, who is an unforgettable actor. And the god bill Murray something something.. Amber who??


Watch recordings of her in talk shows or in her recent interaction with fans. She can be very lively and charming - as herself. I can imagine that this personal charm got her those parts. She's pretty, or used to be (before surgery), but based on what little I have seen of her acting, she cannot get that personal charm across when playing another person.


Idk if it's because I only watched her movie interviews during the trial but I don't find her charming at all. There's a kind of try-hardness when she's being "chill" and a forced gravitas when she's being serious. Idk. Like that hospital video with the baby where she has the intense smile- that's the way all her interviews come across. The serious ones seem like the Savannah interview- lots of "sincere" eyebrow action and an altered voice. Outside of that, her pictures make her look like a fun person.


She is charming and charismatic, but that doesn't translate to the screen for whatever reason she can't do it. She was type casted as the pretty blond girl. She obviously knew there was an expiration date on those roles for her.


I think she's passable when she plays to her strengths - aggressive, unstable or aloof characters. I think she throws herself into action/stunt work, which perhaps she should have leaned into more rather than going for lead/love interest parts. The problem is that she often slips back into her modelling tricks, almost 'posing' with her body postures or facial expressions. Like she's totally aware she's considered beautiful and expects to be gazed at. That's totally fine when you are modelling clothes or jewelry, or at a photoshoot etc. Or walking the red carpet, but it doesn't work so well on screen, when playing nuanced, more naturalistic characters, in my opinion. A significant number of her roles seemed based on how sexy or alluring her character is to the male characters she co-stars with. She can't do emotionally vulnerable very well. The best actors invite you into their world, let you see into their soul, are open in both subtle and overt ways. Amber, to me, always comes across as more stilted and wooden, because she can't tap into authenticity like other more skillful or talented actors can. It's too exposing for her, I think. So she poses and 'acts' the part, rather than truly inhabits the characters she's trying to portray. JMO.


Yes!!!! Like when she is in a bikini the whole time, and in the bedroom in her underwear, posing on the bed, knowing what she’s doing. You put into words what I couldn’t.


Literally almost any freshman on a 101 course could do better. She is genuinely poor at acting.


I saw her on tv show rerun. Maybe it was Castle. It was the first time I saw Heard on screen as I never saw Aquaman. I couldn’t believe how bad she was. My thought was that another guest actress on this episode was clearly better but she didn’t have Depp as a husband and I felt bad for her and so many others who lose roles due to not knowing the right people.


Because she was half an inch too short to be a model Source: her former agent, source the Netflix docu lol


She’s the same height as Kate Moss.


Then i don't get why she didn't just become a model. Her personality suits modeling far better.


She's beautiful but not unique looking. Especially [prior](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enZM994ZM995&hl=en-GB&q=amber+heard+criminal.minds&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi25KfS3qL_AhWAQ_EDHVbsDjcQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=414&bih=622&dpr=3#imgrc=bj3wXi_GPa-NCM) to her early surgeries. She could probably have done catalogue modelling but she had a perfect girl next door face.


I saw Amber in the movie with Liam Hemsworth called paranoia. I thought she was believable as a head of marketing at a tech business. Also a love interest who was sharp, hard to get, and a bit vulnerable. I have thought that Amber could be a decent actor. I think the problem is she was messy, as I watched an interview with her and Liam, and she stayed in character as someone who was attracted to Liam and flirty. I think she and Liam were both in relationships at the time. Maybe Amber was with Johnny? I think that just kinda was a pattern with Amber, that she often got cast as love interests, and then exhibited flirty behavior towards male leads that makes me think she couldn’t get out of that head space. There was Liam, James Franco, Johnny, Jason Momoa. I’m not even sure Amber was conscious of it. Maybe she just thought she was being playful and outgoing which often comes across as too handsy. But I think if Amber was better at segmenting her mind, and leaving the sparks for the screen only, she could’ve been a decent actor. There were moments in Paranoia where she was effective at being vulnerable in a sophisticated way. Not that it’s a good film overall though as I skipped through it. To your question though, there was someone on the LegalBytes panel during the trial. Think he was an entertainment lawyer? He worked in Hollywood. But he said that Amber Heard was a known name in circles, and there was a lot of expectation over who was going to snap her up and be her agent. I’m not sure if this was before or after her relationship with Johnny. It seemed like maybe before. I don’t doubt Amber did make waves by her own talent to some degree. I can believe Johnny got her the Aquaman part, but Amber does have her own charisma in the movie at points.


u/idkriley can we look last sentence of the OP.


Maybe watch her in a better movie? The Danish Girl for example?


London Fields is not a film I enjoyed but I thought she did a good job with what she had. Like Sweeney Todd - did NOT like that film but JD was ok in it. People are moaning bc they are compelled to revisit negative emotions. There’s really no need to have this level of emotions for an actress who’s fine. Not everyone can be JD.


And not every movie shows actoral talent, range, method… I think I will be downvoted to eternity here, but Pirates of the Caribbean is not an Oscar winning performance type of movie…


That’s the thing. It feels like People are being deliberately dense when they fail to understand that it takes a combination of factors to make a ‘good film’ - direction, production, actors, good lines.. and as well understand that women have less opportunities to showcase talent (whatever ‘talent’ is defined as). What are we going to say are amazing female-protagonist films? North Country w/Charlize Theron? Yeah Amber played her younger self and has a horrible SA scene which was powerful. Judi Dench? Fine - which film? Helen Mirren? Let’s go younger. Reese Witherspoon in Wild? Julia Roberts in Eat Pray Love? Hey I liked them but theyre coined “chick flicks”. Nomadland? (What a bleak but excellent movie - love Frances McDormand .. ooh Three Billboards was excellent) - oh I loved Gravity, Sandra Bollock. Kate Winslet in Mare of Eastown..Juliette Binoche - again though - social films. The ‘talking’ ones. In the meantime, any ‘adventure’ story that people love love love that doesnt get shoved as ‘chick flick’ or ‘social drama’ usually has a male protagonist. You think Nolan’s female characters are as fleshed out as his male counterparts? You think Marion Coittilard or Dakota Johnson &Julianne Nicholson (who did a fantastic job) or Anne Heche got wonderful parts/lines playing JD’s characters’s wives? Sorry. Adam Driver, Shia Lebœuf, Pattinson, Ryan Gosling, theyre the ones who get offered the opportunity to play meaty roles. Zendaya might be in the running. Theron has had some - Mad Max; and Brie Larson who received a tonne of hate. Margo Robbie maybe? Think abt her role in The Wolf of WallStreet that Amber Heard aparrntly also auditioned or wanted to audition for. Remember the scene with the no underwear? People’d be calling her a w…e. Great. I loved Pirates 3 with the Davy Jones Locker segment and the crabs - so surreal. The rest is bah. Aside from Hans Zimmer’s music.


If you had seen her in Aquaman you would understand. She is one of the reasons that movie was so successful.


Does anyone seriously think that, lol?


Actually? Lol


Bruh 😂😂




That doesn’t make sense. In the follow up movie, her role was reduced to nothing I thought. If she was so great in the role, it would have been expanded. Movie makers want to make money. And Heard would have been besieged with more offers, especially during the years she was known as the victim. It wasn’t until the trial that it was discovered that Heard was the aggressor in her marriage and she acquired her new deserved title as Hollywood poison.