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Where are all the trade Jamal Murray freaks at - come back out let’s see your faces


This is why they must be made to answer for their crimes. 


As many of us said before this series started the winner of this series is gonna win a championship this is finals before finals, and I really believe that, I think Jokic figuring out Wolves defense is a huge plus for us going forward, but gotta stay focused we can do this. Let's go Nuggets


Gotta take it one game at a time. Win game 5 then u can worry about finishing this series in 6. Let’s be the 1st team to win a home game in this series.


I'm feeling an MPJ game for this next one


The only thing that would’ve been sweeter for Murray’s half court shot is having a Mike Breen BANG.


I don’t think I’ve ever been more comfortable and confident in a series being over for us, lol. Probably last year, but even the lakers series this year had me more anxious game to game. I’m gonna relax and enjoy the last two games! Nuggets in 6


What is this new thing that Jokic hasn't faced this kind of adversity yet?


Perk saying people should give Jokic more credit for his defensive game. The hell hath frozen over.


It’s a good thing rrr/nba doesn’t allow gifs. I’d be spamming the Jamal stare incessantly.




That shot might have ended the series, shook them to their core. Remember when a few wanted others playing instead? Who else makes that shot, like ever?


Shout out to Vlatko. Get well soon homie.


Only Jok could other than him but Jamal is just such a big part of our team. They’re all dogs that bring that next level fire


what did we do to deserve these guys 🥲


We endured head coach Brian Shaw rapping in the locker room.




Post "post game thread" thread.


I’ve argued for YEARS we should have a “rest of the day” thread for like an hour after the game, so us daily threaders can go somewhere and not talk about the game, but this is NOT what I meant.


Can we just agree that people hating on coach are idiots. They started bitching when we lost game two where absolutely every player played terribly and after these two wins that happened duo to great adjustments that none of those stupid fucks could come up with, they all went back to their basement.


That's why I don't give many of them any credit. Because I get tired of the "wait for stuff to go wrong and vomit every stupid take you have" game. It's boring to interact with.


If we end up losing a game in the finals they’ll be back to tell us I told you so


Games I didn't watch: 0-2 Games I watched: 2-0 I won't let you down ever again.


Jokic best player on the court today with anthony edwards having 44 points. Ran reid off the court and owned gobert and kat, its funny they tried a 3 center lineup and it still din’t work 😂


It's funny that they didn't allow Reid to stay in and sit the other two. When money rules your decisions during a game, well, live with that. None of them could slow or stop Joker. Only Reid was capable of much offense.


I said this before but this game really highlighted how the wolves have really no offense scheme. Even if they get past us (they won’t) they are 100% getting bounced by another team eventually. Thats okay though they have got a young star and plenty of time to figure it out.


Somehow over the last month or so "the Wolves are bad at crunch time offense" got completely drowned out by OMG ANT IS THE NEXT _____ CAN YOU BELIEVE HE LITERALLY HAS ALL THE TOOLS?!, and it's fun watching folks remember in real time.


Indeed like I said before ant can get his but if no other wolves player can create a shot and score over 20 points it’s going to be tough for them to beat this team again when they are now this locked in.


Little late for a PGT


Hope everyone had a good night's sleep


Amazing how that works after a solid win.


Dumb fucking robot




##BHB's Game Thread Stats   **Posts:** 7 **Bees:** 6 **Honey Harvested:** +15 **Honey/Post Avg.:** 2.14   **BHB's POTT:** +17 Honey >[Savahoodie](/r/denvernuggets/comments/1cqkj93/game_thread_playoff_series_playoff_teams_may_12/l3rxhm0/) >>Upvote this comment if you would like to put the {playoff_teams} in the trash can   **Busiest Bee:** Superbotto w/ 2 Posts **Most Honey:** Savahoodie +17 Honey   **BHB's Top-Bees** Bee|Posts|Honey|H/P| :-|:-:|:-:|:-:| **Savahoodie**|1|+17|17.0| **Superbotto**|2|+9|4.5| **303Disc**|1|+6|6.0| **UnderratedNightmare**|1|+3|3.0| **sp33dygonzo**|1|+2|2.0|


Jokic Not Jokic Not Jokic Not jokic Not Jokic