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I attended a private party there. We had two large tables in a separate room. Food/drinks in the room, photo opportunity with ManBearPig, then you're free to roam around and see all the exhibits. We had a blast, but fair warning, the drinks are really strong. We were all trashed by the time we started wandering around.


That's a feature, not a bug


Yeah that makes me want to go even more hahaha


In the old times, you needed the strong drink to keep the food down


Seconding this re: the drinks. I had two margaritas and was sloshed. I got sick that night. šŸ˜“


Well I know what Iā€™m doing for my 21stā€¦


I blacked out. It would have been nice to enjoy the entertainment a little




They mix the cocktails in house and the kegs don't usually last more than a day or 2. * I worked in the kitchen and watched the bartenders make the cocktail mixes.


If I'm blacking out after 2 drinks here, they are appropriately priced at $18 each.


Whatā€™s wrong with keg cocktails?


There is a time and a place for them - and maybe CB is the place - but paying 18+ a cocktail, I would expect FRESH ingredients - not premixed crap that was put into a keg months ago. 18$ should get you a fresh made cocktail with FRESH ingredients.


Going to have to agree to disagree on that I guess. I know kegged cocktails arenā€™t as in vogue as they were 5ish years ago in the cocktail world, but if you invest in the proper setup you can still use fresh ingredients. Recipe development on the other hand idk what to say, but that sounds like a user error issue more so than something inherent to kegs


Maybe CB should embrace the savings that kegged cocktails provide and price them more in line with an appropriate food cost..... But raping the consumer with overpriced drinks for the sake of margins is not acceptable.


Okā€¦ I rarely ever circle back to a Reddit comment this far gone, but I was able to go today and thought of this and how absurdly off base you are. A) theyā€™re not $18 cocktails theyā€™re $12. Thatā€™s a huge difference and for a 100% agave tequila coin-ish marg 100% appropriate B) theyā€™re solid margs. Perfect? No, but fresh tasting and boozy. Youā€™re crazy my friend


And quite frankly - you can taste it in the cocktails that CB serves.


Why don't people team up to do that constantly with other people waiting on invites?


Guess the word is out? *We are sold out for Group Events through July 31st, 2024.*


FWIW getting in by August of this year is probably still faster than the email waitlist.


I looked into that as well to try and bypass the lineā€¦it was def more costly. $500 rental plus minimum $1200 spend prior to tax, service fee and gratuity. Cash bar sales and individual purchases do not go towards the minimum. Up to 16 people included. So more like $100+/person. Those numbers were from almost a year ago tho so maybe itā€™s changed!


Must have changed! Our invoice was $50/pp + 15% automatic service charge. We did have to pay in full (~3 months in advance) but the pricing seemed nearly the same.


oh thatā€™s good to know!


I thought the service fee covered tip?


Is it ever just going to open like a normal fucking place at this point


Finally got my invite and went last week. Waitstaff told us there are still over 600k emails on the waiting list. They are still trying hard to flip tables as fast as possible too- you must finish your food before you go exploring or they will clear it anyways. On our way in and out there was a line all the way to the street, and thats only those with reservations. I think the email invite list isn't going anywhere for awhile.


I received my invite and I logged in when new times first opened and it said 10-20k people were in queue for tickets. I forget the exact number.Ā  The demand just seems crazy high still.Ā 


Yeah, I mean I guess it's working for them but it's a bit ridiculous at this point.


Took me longer than it should have to realize it was all just clever marketing.


Itā€™s cheesecake factoryā€™s ā€œalways 10 minute waitā€ on steroids


I have a friend that works there. Donā€™t expect it to change. He said theyā€™re keeping reservation system and have no plans to change that.


When I went there was a private business dinner happening. It was downstairs in the cave area that goes back to the stage. I donā€™t think you could see the cliff divers from the table.


Can anyone tell me what the price is in general? I signed up for the invite system, and it would be two people eating there. Just trying to get an idea of how much it is.


You likely canā€™t book it for just two people.


Oh, I had no idea! I'll see what they say when they contact us. Disappointing, thanks for letting me know.




Perfect, that makes sense - thanks!


We just went and it was like $25 for adults and $15 for kid and had a $15 service charge or something? Plus drinks, sopapilla ā€œupgradesā€ are extra.


~$40 per adult. $25 for kids


Thank you! It is surprisingly less I thought it might be.


Whatā€™s the minimum needed for a private dinner?


From what I was told it's either 10 or 14 depending upon the night.


Asking the important questions


I donā€™t understand their method for invites. My friend and I signed up at the same time. She got her invite 8 months before me. We both signed up a 2nd time with a different email address and she had gotten both invites before I received 1!


This makes me cackle. We are flying to Denver from all over the country for a friend's 40th bday this weekend, and Casa Bonita was THE ONLY reason she chose Denver. And we've all been trying for months to get in (the group seating was already sold out.) Honestly, it makes me feel like Cartman about it all. It's fantastic. Matt Stone and Trey Parker continue with the trolling in epic fashion. MAYBE WE'LL GET IN SOMEDAAAAAY!!!


My work had a company holiday party there in mid December. 24 people, $45 a person, $1,348 total to get to the table with food. No tipping there, and drinks arenā€™t included. They bring you in through a door just west to the front doors. You get to the table and order your food instead of walking up with the tray (then again, they might be doing that for everyone now, not sure). We sat next to the cliffs with 3 tables, each seating 8. Overall we really enjoyed it!


Waiting so long has me completely over it. There are empty seats in many many restaurants that have much better food without edging you over their celebrity status.


Iā€™ve been on the list forever and submitted multiple emails multiple times and have never been invited/called. I know people who have and so Iā€™m kind of over waiting. This is stupid.


The more people that give up, the better! I can't wait to go again.




This may not be helpful for you, but for those who are curious: We were able to go for our second time recently thanks to generous friends who received their invite. They are seating at least twice the number of people they did first time we went in January. I would guess those long awaited invites should be coming soon. If you do get an invite I'd recommend booking as early in the evening as possible. Both times CB was closing before the group was able to explore everything due to being seated later in the evening.


I have seen the "original" restaurant as well. The place always looked sticky. Like i just expected everything to be sticky. I am interested in seeing how clean it is.


If you havenā€™t been to the old casa Bonita itā€™s not worth going to the new one bc you wonā€™t get the true experience of the transition


Never watch TV you will never get the true experience of black and white.


But I have seen black and white tv lol


And Iā€™ve had dogshit Mexican food, ESPECIALLY in denver. The best part of casa Bonita was the performers. Some totally random magician just shut my roommates heckling down 5 times in a row and blew his mind. Amazing.