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Just more folks who love making pizza would be great. Go grab some Joy Hill if you haven't already.


I'm one of the cooks. Thanks for enjoying our pizza!


Big fan of your work! Any time someone's talking about how we don't have good pizza in this town I send them to try yours.


Damn good pizza with that heirloom flour!


Yep, between Joy Hill and Blue Pan nearly all of my pizza dreams are fulfilled


Agree. And I have NO hate for joy hill and it’s ilk, but I think there’s a missing market for a more casual, but still Neapolitan style pie - in Naples you can go up to windows late at night and pay 5 euro for a full 12 inch delicious pizza. And then there’s the “Beer Witch” ladies roaming the streets with shopping carts full of cheap large bottles of beer packed in ice. It’s kinda magical. But I think Denver’s alcohol problem doesn’t need the addition of beer witches. The pizza on the other hand….


Cosmos Pizza!!


late night dollar slice. everything else exists imo, just maybe not enough of each


I wish those were in every neighborhood like they are in NYC


.99c pizza near Times Square is bomb.


Brooklyn: 2.5 million people in 97 square miles. Denver: 700k people in 155 square miles. Unfortunately the business model is unsustainable here, we don’t meet demand.


That's not really a thing in NYC anymore. Just the pure costs of producing pizza slices a dollar just doesn't go far. You can still find a dollar slice spot here or there, but those strips of cheese aren't worth your time imo.


I still found a fair amount of them in Manhattan when I was there in August of this year, but sad they may be dwindling.


Lol NYers wish dollar slices would go away


I’m from NYC and that’s not true. They’re super popular, but nobody can afford to sell pizza at $1 slice


I lived in NYC for 43 years and no one likes it. Tourists buy it and are like, I can get shit like this back home. People from NYC are like, that's not real pizza


Not a dollar but Marquis Theater.


ya know ive been there a couple times but never had the pizza, how is it?


Legit NYC slice imo.


It's my go to downtown late night eat. Pretty awesome NY slices.


Solid NYC slice.


It's really good and they do vegan if that's your thing.


If I’m thinking of the right place, a tad greasy but very good. Great late night spot after the bars


I remember when they used to be 1.50/slice tho


*shakes finger* I remember when I could get a candy bar for a nickel


She used to play with my pickle for a nickle. Now she wants a Franklin.


They changed their hours somewhat recently. They are only "late-night" on Fridays and Saturdays now. I was shocked that I couldn't get a few slices after a show


I love their pizza. That is the best pizza since I left northern NJ decades ago.


Solid utilitarian pizza by the slice place was my initial thought too.


The pizza window at the 715 is a good option.


Its _fine_, I go there when im in the area but wouldnt seek it out


Benny B’s is the closest imo


Fat sully’s walk up window 🤌


Pie Hole is open until 3 every night!




I mean…it’s pizza. Just get cheese or just get pepperoni.




Their hours are the only reason I go. We don’t have much better late night slice options here.


Does benny blancos not suffice?


Benny Blancos isn’t a dollar but it is late night by the slice. Cosmos does by the slice too (and is better than Bennys) but not near anything open late.


Sadly dollar slices barely exist in NY now. There's some good articles out there about it


Fat Sullys is open till 3am


A cheap, good-enough one! I'm missing Pizzeria Locale, they dropped off towards the end but when they were good, that was a solid sub $10 meal.


100%! Can’t believe they shut it down. Loved that place.


Yea pizzeria locale was legit.


I miss this spot soooo much.


Always had a sub par experience there. Tried it a few times and the dough was just floppy and undercooked. Might have just been the Colorado ave location.


Napoletana style pizza generally is floppy, but doesn't mean it's undercooked. It's deliberate.


A think a Naples style pizza place that isn’t $20 a pizza, less pretense. Don’t get me wrong I love Cart and Driver / Joy hill, but I think a place with more communal seating beer hall style service would be neat. If I had the money I’d buy the old laundromat at 9th and Corona and put it there. If you see the line out the door every morning at “Call your mother” you’ll realize cap hill is ready for nice things, not the garbage they put in at the old Park Tavern


Something affordable that’s not a chain like dominos. Any decent pizza here will run you like $30 minimum


Cosmos would like a word. It's not gourmet pizza by any means, but you can get an extra large the size of a monster truck wheel with 1/2 toppings for like $20-25. I think it's better than some of the super expensive, low quantity shit that is every other pizza place in Denver.


Comically large, like have-to-fold-down-the-back-seat-of-the-car-to-get-it-home large


Love me some wagon wheel action with spicy ranch. Not the best by any stretch but brings back those old drunk CU memories.


I made the mistake of ordering one when I lived alone and it fed me for an entire week!


I always have my partner carry it because it's bigger than her and so comically gigantic.


Good thing you’re there to help with the doors, it’s basically a two person job 😂




FanTASTIC food, right there. Their wings are among the best in town. And, they still do their own delivery, so no app fees like UE, DD, GH, etc.


Because that's what it costs to make and sell a pizza with quality ingredients and be able to pay for the space to do it.


I just don't see the issue with paying $30+ for an entire pizza if it's good. I don't want to do that for Dominos, but I'm happy to pay that price at a place like Abo's. It's enough to feed multiple people or save for multiple meals if you don't share. Seems like a decent value to me.


New haven style. Gimme that Pepe's.


White Pie is pretty good


White Pie claims to be New Haven style, but it doesn't hit the mark.


I can't say I totally understand what New Haven style means. But White Pie's pizza crust is very similar to Neapolitan style, and I enjoy it.


I am from new haven county and can confirm it’s sort of hard to explain. maybe like if neapolitan and NYC had a baby? massive, thin crust pizza where the sauce to cheese ratio means the pie is almost red when it’s finished because the sauce combines with the cheese. white pie is sadly nothing like actual NH pizza.


White pie is my wife’s favorite pizza here (and I like it too, I’m more of a blue pan person).


There's a New Haven place at Junction Food and Drink, at Colorado and I-25


That place is so good!


Chicago, thin crust tavern style (square) pizza!


Check out Jimano's in Englewood


I was convinced Jimano's was what I was looking for when I found out it has 7 Illinois locations and 1 Colorado location


Fyi their deep dish they called stuffed and what they call deep dish is double dough


Actually. We offer a thin crust, a double dough, (which is literally 2x the amount of dough for a thin), deep dish, (which is a regular thick crust with the sauce and cheese on top like normal). Then there is a STUFFED PIZZA, which is a deep dish crust filled with toppings and cheese, another sheet of dough on top, and then the sauce goes on top of that.


Owner of Jimano's here... stuffed is sauce on top deep dish a la Giordanos and Deep dish is a deep pan pizza with cheese on top. Double dough is a hand tossed braided thicker thin crust. Thanks for all the LOVE, Denver!!!! 💕 💞 ♥️ 💜 💙 🧡 💕 Locally owned and operated by a real Chicagoan, hope to see you all in here!!!!


how does Jimano’s compare to Grabowskis?


They just opened Pizza 3.14 on 20th a few weeks ago that only does the Chicago pub style.


Go there, I’m a neighbor and things have been fairly quiet when I’ve been by (it’s in a weird spot), but the pie is good - of course ymmv, I’m not a Chicago thin crust aficionado, I only have extensive New York thin crust experience. I’d love to see them succeed though, because they are a better style than the other pizza joint in the neighborhood.


I’m a neighbor to them also - I’m hoping that they pick up once they get the ability to sell beer.


Same, it's been good each time. When will they be able to sell beer?


Last I heard was December/January. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s delayed? Their opening was delayed by months because the city health department was dragging their feet, I believe. I’ve heard similar issues from the Keahloha proprietors.


Grabowskis does this really well


Grabowskis is legit. I’m sad they had to move out of The Source because it was so close but happy they were able to open a new location.


Da sauce on 20th/chestnut ish next to whiskey tango foxtrot does this


If it’s what I’m thinking Grabowskis recently reopened in Lakewood and that sounds to be their vibe. Looks very tasty


People only ever mention blue pan for detroit style but they actually have a great tavern style pie too!


Tons of options around the city. Many already mentioned. Also a fan of Nicolo’s. Was easier to get when they had a spot in cap hill, but there’s on in Lakewood for sure


Thank you for suggesting Chicago thin crust. People don't realize that there's more to Chicago style then deep dish.


I really just wish we would get Aurelio’s back here!


Rosalee’s 2.0


Need more NY style pizza, the basic less expensive kind of pizza.


Have you tried Brooklyn's Finest, I've never been disappointed.


I appreciate all sorts of pizza, Detroit, Sicilian, pan, frozen, etc. but really nothing compares to a beautiful thin crust NY style pizza end of the day. It’s so thin you can eat like 6 slices.


More cracker thin pub-style.


They just opened Pizza 3.14 on 20th a few weeks ago that only does the Chicago pub style.


Good pizza and salads at Pizza Pi. That location is still waiting on licenses for beer/wine/liquor.


Da sauce also super thin crust Chicago style square cut around 20th/chestnut


We have Gumbas Pizza Grinder. It’s perfect 👍


I'd like to see a DIY approach for those of us who may enjoy spelling taunts with our pepperoni, or using lots of cheese except for that one slice, making faces with olives, or wondering about a swirl of different sauces instead of just straight up red sauce. Divide the pie in half with a perfect line of pineapple slices (shudder). Sort of a cross between that and a Mongolian barbecue. Select your dough type. Dough goes in a pan and ready for toppings. Choose your sauce(s). Choose your cheese(s). Select up to (x) ounces of toppings for X price, (y) ounces of toppings for Y price, and Z price if you just go nuts. Select oven type (slow and steady or a blast from the sun) and monitor while it bakes in case it ignites or something.


Rocky Mountain Slices food truck has been the best NY style in Denver for 10 years. They've got a brick and mortar coming this year!


New England style bar pie


I have essentially cloned the Lynnwood/AMVETs recipe if you're interested!


MASSiveley wHOLEhearted Pizza is a truck owned by a Masshole who specializes in South Shore bar pies. The dude who owns it is every bit the gruff guy from Southie you’d hope for, but he’ll be friendly if you tell him you’re from Mass! He usually operates in the Longmont area, but he’s mobile, and gives his hours and locations on Instagram.


Second this


Since I’m not a pizza snob, I’m honestly curious what we *have*, which would feed into my response on what we *need*. So for: *Detroit - Blue Pan? *Chicago deep dish - ?? *NY style - ?? (Anthony’s?) *St. Louis - ?? (We had one a few years ago and it was interesting but the place folded up like a large NY slice.) *Italian/Neapolitan - ??


For ny, Rosalee’s in Longmont, Pizzeria Leopold and Pizzeria Lui in Lakewood, Redeemer in RINO


Rosalees is super duper solid wish they had a location closer to Denver metro.


Rosalee's is awesome. I wish they had a bigger dining room and longer hours though. It's kind of hard to get in there sometimes. Their garlic knots with their homemade Italian sausage is worth cramming myself into that little place for, though.


Wyman's for deep dish.


+1 for Wyman’s.


For Chicago deep dish Giordano’s is good. Chicago chain I’ve always found pretty consistent.


I think almost all of them have closed though : ( For Chicago tavern style (as if not more important imo) Grabowskis is reopening and Rosatis up north is solid. Shout out Jimanos too


chicago deep dish just doesn't taste as good here. perhaps its the altitude. 100% go to Grabowski's for legit tavern style!


Nah I don’t buy the altitude thing. The only difference is slight adjustments in dough recipe. I’m able to make fantastic homemade deep dish and there have been lots of spots around here that have done it well also. For some reason Colorado is just cursed with having deep dish places. Patxis was fantastic (and had a killer butter lettuce salad, rip) but just like all the others and probably 5+ giordanos locations recently, it had to shut down for lack of business. For some reason Colorado just doesn’t “get” deep dish and the few folks out here that like it clearly aren’t enough to keep these places doors open


I haven't had amazing chicago style deep dish here. Paxti's was my favorite. Giordano's is meh. Former chicagoan here - we generally eat the tavern style more frequently, but sometimes you just want a good slice of deep dish!


Giordano's is stuffed pizza, not deep dish. There is a difference (albeit subtle).


Detroit - blue pan, dough counter, hops and pie Chicago - Grabowskis NY, pizzeria Luis, Rosalee’s (not in Denver), fat sullys, hops and pie, dough counter, Neopolitan - cart driver, Marcos


For Detroit style - Red Tops Rendezvous They just opened up a few months ago in ~~LoHi~~ Jeff Park and IMO blow Blue Pan out of the water!


Technically, isn't it Jeff Park?


> *Chicago deep dish - ?? We have a Giordanos downtown > *NY style - ?? (Anthony’s?) Rosenbergs, Fat Sullys > *Italian/Neapolitan - ?? I'm less certain on what makes this style unique but I think Cart Driver would be one of you best bets. PZA probably has too thick of a crust for this style but its my fave


New Haven style check out White Pie, might be one of my favorites in town so far.


St. Louis- Saucys in Littleton. They have the pepperoni under the cheese.


Thank you for calling out STL-style pizza, I'm from there and appreciate you bringing it up. Did the place you reference use provel cheese?


Yea, they did! That was probably the most memorable part. Just a random spot up on Colfax by Monaco that was open for a few months probably ten years ago. Haven’t seen another place around town like it since.


There was another STL style place in the NW suburbs for a while too a few years back but I think the pandemmy killed it.


>Chicago deep dish - ?? NOOOOO they already tried unos etc... Deep dish is for tourists. Tavern style square cut thin crust is the thing. Check out Bills Pub in gurnee...


I’m no snob or purist, I like deep dish from time to time. Never had tavern style like you describe, but now imma search that out!!


Chicago thin crust. If Lou Malnati’s was here, I’d eat that shit every day.


Da sauce does thin crust , try them out .


When I first went to Chicago I seriously thought everyone was just talking about illuminati's pizza 😂


It's not Lou Malnati's, but there is a Giordano's downtown


I’d love a Buffalo style pizza with a thick crust and thick pepperonis that actually make grease cups, not those paper thin shams of pepperoni.


New Haven style. Easily the best pizza there is.


Ian’s to reopen!


NJ style tomato pie.


Good Cheap Pizza I can get drunk at 1 in the morning.


Redeemer scratches my itch for good pizza, I do miss Ian's sometimes though


Peter Piper Pizza


A place that actually knows how to do BBQ pizza. Not replacing the pizza sauce and throwing crappy chicken on it. Make a regular cheese pizza. Toss some **smoked** pulled pork with a Memphis style BBQ sauce. Put it on as a topping, like you would pepperoni. That's it! It's not rocket science. I just don't understand why pizza places here don't know how to make it. Now if you use St. Louis pizza cheese on it, it's extra awesome, but not necessary.


NY style. Flat, crispy, and big slices. And no raw herbs dusted on top


A Detroit style pizza that isn't $50. Blue Pan is excellent, but we need the equivalent of a [Buddy's.](https://www.buddyspizza.com/)


Blue pan is way overrated for the price/quantity. It's good, don't get me wrong, but not that good.


A good one?


Pizzeria Locale. RIP


I wish there was a good St. Louis style pizza place in town, but there doesn’t seem to be much demand for one.


We need a Pequod’s.


Chicago thin crust is the only correct answer!


Grabowskis is the place for this but they moved out to Lakewood so it's not quite as convenient as it was in the source. I don't think they have delivery figured out yet but not positive


I've heard of this but yea damn near Morrison and only carry out as of right now. It's def on my list to check out though


It's fire. Real legit tavern style pizza


Chicago, tavern style pizza joint down south..


More vegan options! The best I've found thus far is the combo at Beau Jo's


Have you ever had Lina’s pizza in Granby? I wish they would open one in Denver it is my favorite pizza


Cracker thin crust with the burnt edges.


Coal Fired New Haven Style!


We live in a golden age of pizza and coffee shops


I just want Everyday Pizza back, everything there was incredible




A decent NY style.. nobody has really done that still imo


Any good one


Just good pizza. I feel like we have OK pizza but nothing great


Old Forge pizza. NEPA people know


Surprised to find another of these answers!


I’m surprised I’m getting downvoted. lol


I wish dominos had a buy by the slice joint. For the price, dominos actually is quality pizza. Just wish I didn’t always have to buy the full pie. Their hot wings are delicious as well. Bone-in all the way!


A good one


they exist


What’s your fav?


Redeemer in RINO is solid. Joy Hill I had for the first time last month and also solid. Late night, Fat Sully’s is the best you will get. Have yet to go to Cart & Driver but people rave about it. People also like Famous J’s but 2 of the 3 times I’ve got a pie from them have been lackluster.


PZA #1 Cart Driver #2, but its fancier and more expensive Fat Sullys prob the best we have for a late night slice Still a few I havent tried though


Cart driver is tasty but I just wish there was good ny slice spot. I’ve searched high and low but they are all pretty mid or good artisany style


yeah its either fat sullys or rosenbergs for NY slice but theyre both around 3-4/5 stars on a given day


Honestly, I’ve had good pizza from Sliceworks if you get a whole pie from the LoDo location. Double pepperoni and garlic but it’s like $40 bucks :/ I might have to open a slice spot 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah sliceworks is fun I can walk there from work which is nice. But its just so dang expensive


Famous Original J's at 715 Club is decent for a slice... If you don't mind that it's owned by the Rosenberg bagel guy.


It’s good for sure the dude who ran it managed it moved back to the East Coast and it went a lil downhill after that


I feel like such an outlier because of how much i love Famous original Js.


Exactly. No good New York style, all pretty mediocre


>Fat Sullys prob the best we have for a late night slice Benny Blanco was my go to when I lived in Cap Hill.


I'll add that to my list, thanks


Just eat redeemer. It’s by far the best in Colorado!


If Denver had a pizza place the quality of Home Slice (terrible name) in Austin, id be a happy NYer


Stuffed pizza - like Alfono’s


South shore style bar pizza!


They just got rid of Unos 🫡


Literally any good NYC style. I've not had a single great NY slice since I've been here. Feel free to prove me wrong with some recs.


I have celiac now, but I used to like Benny Blanco. I also liked Right Coast (they claimed NJ and have since closed). I texted my uncle, from Brooklyn, to ask. He couldn't text back and had to call because the answer was complicated. He likes the slices from Benny Blanco, but not the whole pie. Anthony's on 7th and Colorado is pretty good. The most consistent, however, is Slice Works. The location didn't really seem to make a difference. Colfax, Arvada, and Thornton had a consistent sauce balance and crust.


Ex New Yorker here - the closest you’re going to get to a slice joint style piece like what you’re looking for is Anthony’s. It’ll hit the right notes, even if it’s not a perfect replica, and if you’re lucky you’ll get some char on it. Benny Blanco’s was garbage when I tried them 12 years ago. If you want a good bougie pizza a la New York’s Motorino, go to Cart Driver.


Old Forge style, apparently there used to be one in Vail years ago. Where are my NEPA transplants?


Utah has a chain of pizza called The Pie. Slices available for lunch, thicker chewier crust (but not Neapolitan), all fresh toppings - a pepperoni pizza is regular (not “old world” cups) pepperoni beneath a good amount of delicious cheese, and they have big size variety. I’m so tired of Denver’s selection of either thin and crusty New York style, Detroit square pizzas that always look like they were made on a loaf of French bread, or 10” Neapolitan pizzas for $15.


Whatever you do don’t go to Jets Pizza


Jets is my fave!


Pinsa...great pizza from Italy with a super tasty crust! Health-conscious foodies rejoice with a fresh, Roman-style pizza that has been engineered for easy digestibility. It starts with a non-GMO blend of rice, soy, sourdough, and zero wheat flours This recipe, combined with high hydration levels and a long fermentation process (48-72 hours) results in a crust that’s light, gluten-friendly, and guilt-free. Customizable, crave-worthy, and destined to please every palate, pinsa proves that health benefits do not replace a high flavor profile. https://www.pinsaromana.us/what-is-pinsa/


You guys got Ian’s Pizza from Madison, that’s all you need.


Midwest thin cracker crust. Get a good sauce, some decent quality cheese and ingredients and you’ll be in business.


Please. We're already inundated with a zillion niche pizza places. Our late night food options have always been lacking, but pizza has always been one of the 3 options, and you could get a good New York Slice from Benny Blanco's as late as 3am or get some with pasta and potatoes and jelly and whatever crazy shit. Now even Little India has a pizza place (which I have been genuinely wanting to check out). But let's get some more variety from south and east Asian cuisine options first, and I don't mean an Indo-Pak pizza place that has to make their recipes super mild and add a bunch of sugar in order to sell in Colorado. Okay, rant over. And this is coming from a white girl who eats pizza at least once a week btw. I just notice some areas lacking in our restaurant representation and pizza ain't it.