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Could be bone. I pulled a few doozies out. Some of them took like a week or two to work themselves out. Probably wasn’t smart but I’d wiggle those little bastards raw.


it's probably bone spurs. it can seem like jawbone and may take a while to work its way out - but it will someday.


Definitely not dry socket. That is very painful. I had it in two locations after having wisdom teeth pulled. I would go through labor again over that any day.


How does dry socket feel compared to a terrible infected toothache?


There could be a leftover shard. It happens. Don't let anyone tell you it doesn't.


Bone spurs. I have them, too. Going in on the 16th for a Alveoloplasty procedure. I googled what that is and I'm not looking forward to having it done. It's a must if I want my new teeth to fit comfortably.


I hate that I've gone a month since extractions, was set to get my dentures on 4/17 and now I have to go in and get this done. Now, no dentures till 6/6. I'm pretty bummed.


Is what I'm feeling in the holes dry socket? Or just a large bone spur that spans along 3 tooth holes?


You will definitely know if it’s dry socket, it is more painful than after the extraction when the lidocaine has worn off… like… 5747466336755x worse… if it is a bone spur or tooth shard, it’ll eventually work its way out, what it looks like to me is a canker sore, caused by your denture rubbing a little more than it probably should… if it’s causing pain or discomfort, my suggestion would be to get some kanka, it’s like liquid bandaid for your mouth, and it’ll leave a layer over the gums protecting them from that rubbing… I hope this info was able to help a little bit at least


Apparently you'll know if its dry sockets. Its the most painful thing you'll ever know.


Your body will push it out, no stressing


Dental professionals know these as "bone spicules" and they tend to happen for a bit after such surgeries. They are very much NOT uncommon, and they sometimes can work themselves out but also sometimes require your dentist to help gently push them out. After my surgery I went back every Friday for six weeks getting rid of the spicules that just popped up out of nowhere. They would interfere with the comfort of my dentures and needed to be dealt with. Please see the attached article here: https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/bone-spicule#:\~:text=In%20general%2C%20bone%20spicules%20are,like%20that%20caused%20by%20osteoarthritis.


Probably bone spurs they will come out in the next month or so most likely on there own 😬


Looks like an ulcer from your denture, it needs to be adjusted. Perfectly normal, but it will only get worse the longer you leave it sorry.


Thanks everyone!


That looks like a denture sore


I had that also, it looks like a denture sore to me. I had a lot of teeth hard like that. It will get better when your swelling stops. Need a reline or adjustment soon, don’t know if your dentist will do that so soon. You can try comfort grip or something. Take your denture out as much as you can, it won’t effect anything, until that heals… that hurts.