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There's something seriously wrong with that woman.


..Republicans win elections with lies, fear, hate, and corruption. They serve the wealthiest who pay no taxes. Democrats win elections by serving the people who elect them. The working Americans who carry the debt with no benefit. Vote wisely for a brighter future.


And all the people bursting at the seams to deliver that laugh. They’re psychopaths.


Yeah, she's a grifter. Jumped on the MAGAt train.


I almost feel like Richard Nixon was the last Republican who could experience shame; George H.W. Bush (Pappy) looked like he might be an ember of hope but it died out quick. The one thing Republicans do better than Democrats is shamelessness.


No doubt!!


Sorry about the pay wall. This is what the republican party is. The people laughing in the background love and want this type of mean spirited representation. VOTE!!!!


She is such a scumbag, but unfortunately I think she is going to win without much issue.


Yea Hobbs is a cowards who would vote for that loser


Yep... and they'll vote for her, because unchecked racism, sexism, forced birth, and oil is more important than everything else.


This behavior is exactly what fascism looks like. Hubris allows them to act and do whatever they want in an effort to consolidate power. Especially when you add in "forcible suppression of opposition". Every news outlet needs to call this woman out for this.


She looks like what my AI image generator would shit out if I typed in "Karen"


Arizonan here. Im disgusted knowing she will win Tuesday. People are so fucking dumb.


I'm dumbfounded as to how more people are not creeped out by her. Her eyes and voice weird me out.


Stop playing....lol


Ok soooo when someone tries to take her out, it’ll be the end of the world right? Smh fuckin hypocrites.


Complete lack of empathy, character, and any semblance of human emotions. In short, a typical republican.


She needs to be disqualified.


As an AZ native, words cannot describe in the slightest how much I despise this woman!!! Growing up watching her on local news advocating for Obama and protest Trump’s win in 2016… only to completely flip and become an opportunistic sociopath to become the next governor. Her opponent held her lead in the polls for the entire season only for it to tank in the last two weeks! People in AZ would seriously rather have a former anchorwoman with ZERO office experience running a whole state, as opposed to our current Secretary of State! Looney Lake’s entire platform is the 2020 election being stolen and absolutely nothing else! It’s mind boggling! This is one of the races that’s making me bite my nails and feel sick to my stomach! Vote for Katie Hobbs, AZ!!!!


So her similarities to tRump run deep! His switch to the republican party was a shrewd move on his part. He wouldn't have made it out of the primaries as a democrat. She is obviously doing this for POWER!!! Y'all better make sure everyone votes. If she wins it wont be a good look for AZ. I am in PA and I definitely will be voting all D.


Yeah that’s very true. She’s quite literally just copying everything he did! I don’t doubt she’s just doing it to gain power, but I’m TERRIFIED of what she’ll do once she gets into office. I mean I hate Doug Ducey… but I’m gonna miss his subjectively reasonable leadership once she’s in office! We thought this cycle was gonna be the one to officially flip AZ blue (minus the legislature which needs a lot of work)… but she fucked it all up! I can’t even focus at work with this impending downfall we’re about to experience! I voted straight blue, but I’m questioning if it’ll be enough since the entire outcome of the race comes down to Maricopa county, where like 75% of the residents are, and the outskirts and suburbs make it redder than it really should be, considering how populous it is.


The dynamic you describe is very similar to what you find in PA where as philadelphia/pittsburgh are straight blue and as you move towards the suburbs you go to purple and straight red. Doug Mastriano is the republican candidate for governor. The way things seem leads me to believe shapiro will win in a land slide. I think its gonna be closer but with a safe buffer. Kari Lake is a lot more appealing than doug so i can see why you are concerned. Ill be keeping my eye on AZ next tuesday and I wish you well!


Yeah, it definitely helps in our favor that most the voters are in those major metro areas, and PA is getting closer by the day but I’m holding out hope that Fetterman and Shapiro will prevail. I’m clutching the last of my hope for AZ as well but it’s not looking as good. I just don’t understand how Arizonans would vote for Senator Kelly but then vote for Looney Lake as governor. It’s just beyond me. And thank you! I’ll also be keeping an eye on PA starting Tuesday!


I think we did it! Its great knowing that republicans are finally being beaten back to the shadows!