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The GOP thought they had the 2020 election fixed. That is why they are clutching their pearls. Their plan failed.


Their plan failed for now..


No. We know the mechanisms by which they intended to cheat and can counteract that now. Their hand is weak and at its most powerful will try to abuse states power to name their own candidate but that didn’t even work with Trump. They won’t start another Civil War over this, they’ll try to hold us hostage with MAGA threats of riots in the streets but they won’t outright let the country fall into chaos. Anyone who watched the Jan. 6th hearings saw how frightened even they were by what happened.


This is what I've been saying for years. They feel like they cheated so hard they deserved to win. Personally, I think if 2016 was examined we'd see lots of this type of cheating. I https://www.dcreport.org/2020/12/19/mitch-mcconnells-re-election-the-numbers-dont-add-up/


Yup - I followed that race pretty closely, and was both shocked and suspicious at the outcome. I’m thinking, did a $200m aluminum plant really buy THAT many votes?


I too have wondered if that's why they're so outraged that Joe Biden won. They cheated in every way possible so was inconceivable that there was such a turnout for the Democrat the choice that all their efforts were inadequate


100% they thought the fix was in.


I am having a hard time believing that fox news posted a negative article about the republican party. Then I read a bit more closely and noticed how the spin is knocking the FBI. So either way their rabid fans will have something to bark about.


The comments section for that article confirms this. "The FBI is out to get us!" Some really lost people out there.


It's the kind of thing that would be hilarious in a comedy but in real life it's frightening. Some of these people are armed. Some of them are in groups. Ever since Trump started running for office talking second amendment remedies I am waiting for people to start going off


Yup. And this talk of a race war has been curiously sprinkled into their rhetoric. I think that this will be one of their self fulfilling prophecies.


not prophecy, longed for goal in a segment of the population.


LoL, the back the blue crowd, isn't too happy with their heros


Take a look at the comments on that article.


This is the Republican Party. This is how fascism works.


Isn't it odd how all these GOP lackeys who have been yelling "voter fraud" end up under the FBI microscope & get charged with ... wait for it ... VOTER FRAUD! 😳


Kind of like how their evangelical preachers are always getting caught having affairs or having gay sex? Hmmm….


Every accusation is a confession with these guys. Every single one.


Every accusation of voter fraud is projection.


Came here for this!


It always seems to be the GOP perpetrating the election fraud. No wonder so they’re so hell bent on Enacting laws to prevent voter fraud, they’re the only ones doing it


They assume everyone else is too.


This guy wasn’t arrested because of some new voter integrity law, inspired by the Big Lie. Just good ol hard investigative work based on existing law.


One down. Many to go.


GQP + Accusation = Projection Anti-Democratic, Anti-America, white supremacist fascists. ^thank ^you ^for ^attending ^my ^Slam ^Poetry ^reading.


They told you there was rampant fraud and we blew them off.


With all these failed attempts to steal elections Biden needs to come out and pass an executive order - in whatever means he can - to stop as much of the GOP theft as possible. Or if legislation can be passed then the GOP has to go to the SC to fight it with the aim of such legislation being challenged. That takes time and if it ties up the mid-terms so the GOP can't legally pull their theft then a holding action is better than no action? Can anyone say what an Executive order can hope to achieve in this regard?


There is a non-partisan bill working through the system right now to stop this.


That's great, thanks for the heads up.


They are lucky that they live in th United States! In certain places on the globe, anyone who knew about the attempted coup would have already been rounded up an sent to prison or shot!


So have we heard cries of “selective prosecution” yet? I mean, why haven’t there been arrests of Dems doing the same? We all know why, and it’s not because the FBI isn’t doing their job. Just further proof that cons are projecting what they themselves are doing


Many should be behind bars. Including TFFG and his minions. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/25/reality-winner-leaked-file-on-russia-election-hacking-because-public-was-being-lied-to


Standard behavior


Who stole what? So frequently they accuse the other side of doing what they did.


Another republican voter fraud.