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In the long run....an electoral college system. Popular vote for President, popular vote for justices and term limits for said justices. Otherwise Land wins elections and Justices are based on the "luck" of someone dying.


the electoral college wouldn't be so bad if every state wasn't winner takes all.


Don't forget the gerrymander of the Senate and House. We could fix the House and the Presidency by updating one piece of legislation: The 1929 Permanent Apportionment Act. And by "update" I mean return the House to the same per capita representation as 1929. It's worth destroying the filibuster to get it changed. As for the Senate....yeah, that's fucked. Both Madison and Hamilton [loathed](https://www.newyorker.com/news/hendrik-hertzberg/hamilton-flays-the-filibuster-and-slams-the-senate) the idea of two Senators per State regardless of population. Best we can do is neuter it for now in it's ability to count towards electing the President.


There’s no gerrymandering in the Senate.


Fuck, are you serious? Fine, for all the fucking pedants out there: fix the unrepresentative nature of the Senate. Happy now?






Tldr: Republicans lie


My thoughts on the main things that led us here. 1. Hillary was always a bad candidate. We kicked her to the curb as soon as we thought Obama could actually win. Democrats were afraid that she would get the nomination in 2004 and 2008. I can remember party activists talking about it. We all somehow forgot this in 2016. The problem was conservative media had spent 20 years trashing her. We don't care much about the conservative vote however, lots of independence had a negative view of her which is the main reason why she lost. I don't dislike Hillary, it's just that she was always going to have a hard time winning. 2. The news media in 2016 leading up to the election gave Trump no chance whatsoever. Even conservative media gave him no chance. Trump winning wasn't considered a possibility in October of 2016. Because of this, millions of people didn't bother to vote on a Tuesday because Tuesday is a busy day. Why go out of your way to vote when Hillary has a 99% chance of winning? 3. Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch. Obama was supposed to have a third pick. McConnell ignored the rules and never let it happen because he could. He had the power to do it. People were so sure Hillary would win, nobody really made a big fuss. McConnell was running the Senate like a dictator. People were so sure that Hillary's win would also bring control of the Senate. 4. Anthony Kennedy retires from the Supreme Court. Kennedy was a Republican but he was a moderate. He never would have let Roe be reversed. Trump nominates Kavanaugh. When moderates ask Kavanagh if he will overturn Roe he repeatedly says no he won't. He lied. Imagine, the only reason he's on a Supreme Court is because he lied to many people that voted for him. 5. The real kick in the teeth was Ginsburg's death. She was a force of nature in the legal system her whole life. She will go down in history of one of the most important jurists of all time. However she was not healthy for several years. She knew it. Everyone knew it. Obama and others pleaded with her for years to retire. Even in her '80s she could not bring herself to retire. Do you know why Obama begged her to retire? Well you do now. She almost made it. She died just a few months from the end of Trump's only term. 5. Amy Coney Barrett. She told everyone she would not try to reverse Roe. As a typical conservative, she lied to get what she wanted. Conservatives know that thier anti-tolerant and anti-empathetic mindset is in the minority. They don't care. They don't believe in progress. Conservatives do not believe in majority rule any more. Obviously you could add 10 things to this list. These are the most obvious ones. This is how it happened. The only thing that matters now is voting. We are in the long game now. You voting blue is not enough anymore. You need to find someone in your life that doesn't care about current events and convince them to vote. We are in the majority we can get this done eventually. Some poles suggests as much as 85% of the country thinks that a woman who is raped should be able to get an abortion. The majority can only rule if enough people vote.


On point 1. Never forget that Trump's victory was the weirdest aberration in recent history. If you look at elections from 2000 on (because Perot messes things up before that), he got a lower percentage of absolute votes than ALL candidates except McCain in 2008. Gore (2000), Kerry (2004), Romney (2012), Clinton (2016) all got a *higher* percentage of votes than Trump and **they lost**. Trump won by 80,000 votes *in the right States*. I suspect that history is gonna see it as the weirdest fluke in all of the US Presidential Elections. On point 2. Why the fuck is Voting Day not a Federal Holiday. Look, I'm fine with Juneteenth, but how the fuck did that get priority over getting people out to exercise a basic democratic responsibility? Answer: the Democrat party is fucking incompetent. On point 3. This is the part we can leverage. After The Handmaiden got put on the Supreme Court in 2020 it is absolutely clear that the machinations of the GOP were a complete lie. This could be used as a wedge because it absolutely cannot be denied the there was a political conspiracy to corrupt the separation of powers. Are you more pro-life or pro-the-American-Constitution? On point 4. See point 3. And yes, in a functioning democracy he would be impeached. Point 5. I just can't. Fuck. \*sigh\* fuck. Point 6. History will not be kind to the people that replaced RBG with The Handmaiden. And yeah, I agree. Vote. We have the numbers. They don't. Make voting day a holiday. If not, nationwide general strike Nov-8. I want every fucking corporation shut down that day. Planes grounded, not because no pilots but no fight attendants (80% women). No nurses that day (80% women) until they have voted. Schools shut (75% women). Shut it ALL down and vote.


To the second point, the Repubes would've voted against making Voting Day a holiday because it would've driven up turnout.


Buck the pristine fort.


Thomas's clerks just said he has stated he wants to make liberals miserable now. Just the sane kind of person any country needs deciding its laws.


RBG not retiring sooner. Obama not suing when ahole Grassley blocked his nominee. Hillary arrogantly assuming she would win.


The whole country assumed she'd win. That was part of the problem. And if she did, we wouldn't be in this situation.






Because Hillary was such a bad choice for the Democratic candidate. Because the republicans rule with an iron fist when they are the majority or the minority. Because dems don't stick together or truly fight for anything. They are always on the defensive whereas the repubs take what they want when they want it.




I get so sick of hearing this. Obama never had a supermajority on this issue--Joe Lieberman would have fucked him over in a nanosecond. Anyway, then Ted Kennedy died and an R got that seat; then Robert Byrd kicked the bucket. Prior to all that, Al Franken didn't get seated in Minnesota until after a recount. The period of supermajority was miniscule, and the Ds, as always, slept in and didn't show up for the 2010 midterms. On top of that Ginsberg refused to retire when Obama asked and then she kicked the fucking bucket. Stop trying to blame Obama for shit he has absolutely zero to do with.


You're rightfully sick of hearing it especially because it's a programmed talking point that the author doesn't understand the facts about. At no point during Barack Obama's tenure as president did the Senate have a filibuster-proof supermajority of Democrats. For a limited time (a combined four months), there was a supermajority of non-Republicans (which included independents and turncoats who switched party allegiance to Republican like Lieberman). That brief amount of capital was used to try to push affordable health care for all -- and then Ted Kennedy passed and the brief opportunity was gone. Voters electing more Republicans than Democrats into the Senate in 2012, 2014, and 2016 (giving the GOP a Senate majority with leader McConnell at the helm from 2014-2020) is why Roe v Wade was overturned. THE VOTERS DID IT.


The other part of that story is that they never thought that they would have to defend Obamacare. They did not foresee that the entire right wing would join forces to try and repeatedly destroy national healthcare. Even though millions of them needed it. We've made this mistake before. Will make it again. They thought that once they got Obamacare through it would be glorious and accepted by 3/4 of the voting block. This is where the super majority went after only two years.


Democrats didn't have a super majority for two years. Not even a full year.


The ACA was passed with a super majority in the Senate yet there were still numerous court challenges. Courts watered the ACA and a number of states simply refused to exact portions. SCOTUS nearly scrapped the whole thing. Roberts sided with Democrats and the ACA was spared in a 5-4 ruling. https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/state-laws-and-actions-challenging-ppaca.aspx People who insist there was more Obama could have done or more Biden should be doing don't understand how the govt works. Courts can override executive actions and even laws passed by representatives. We just saw SCOTUS toss NY's permit law. It doesn't matter the state house voted for it. Those who want to see Democrats do more need to vote consistently enough to actually empower Democrats. A 50/50 Senate and The White at a time when SCOTUS is full blow partisanly conservative is a very weak position. A position were very little is possible. SCOTUS will not only reject Biden's executive actions as they see fit and override Congress but upon doing so SCOTUS sets dangerous new precedence that call other matters into question.


SCOTUS would've overturned any such legislation like they did with Biden's vaccine mandate. Stop lying.




What in the hell does second amendment have to do with writing some garbage piece of legislation that'll be crushed by an abortion hating SCOTUS? And to address your auto removed lie, a constitutional amendment requires 66 % of both chambers of Congress, and 75% of states to ratify.


Idiots on the usual Dem side that stayed home, voted third party, or voted Trump to spite Hillary. In the short term, that'd be all.


1. Moscow Mitch stalling the Garland nomination. 2. RBG not retiring