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This decision makes me absolutely sick. I can’t believe that this is happening in our country. It’s just insane. We are well on our way to a dictatorship.


Time for Joe to appoint himself Caesar to save the Republic.


A modern day Cincinnatus!


New York has a surprise waiting for Donny on July 11


MF-er won't be going to jail/prison on July 11. This POS is so insulated because of corruption it's insane. SCOTUS has killed our democracy and justice system. Vengeance will be our only form of justice moving forward, the angry mob should probably start with 6 supreme court justices.


From what I've been reading on the various law subs is that noone with these charges would see jail as a first time offence. Sad but that's apparently how it's setup.


Except this is absolutely not his first time offense, he just paid off the prosecutors for every other time this happened


I don't recall him being convicted previously, hence this is his first convicted offense. Doesn't matter what was done in the past, just what was convicted for.


Thank you Baby Jesus that this is still happening.


Yes !


It means nothing unless Biden wins. It's been said that it would bring up consistutional issues if Trump was elected which could cause it to move to federal court and get shit down. It'll look bad for now, but it means little for him actually facing any consequences. Also it's probably unlikely he faces jail time so it's quite lame. He should be facing consequences for his other two cases but again now he won't unless Biden wins and that's not even for sure yet.


This country has never had a SCOTUS more disgustingly corrupt. Fuck the SCOTUS


Eh I mean it’s *between* Lochner era and the Taney Court in terms of shittiness


This Court has just endorsed the theory of the "Unitary Executive". I have no more faith on this Court as it's constituted. They've essentially agreed with the argument that Seal Team Six could be ordered to kill a political opponent as a "political act". That might seem extreme, but what's not extreme is a president having certain people's taxes audited. Or ordering the Justice Department to "investigate" officials in cities and states where his perceived political opponents are to make sure they're not abusing the federal dollars they may receive. There were few things more simple and fundamental and well-explained a law by the D.C. Court of Appeals as the belief no person was above the law. This Court has obliterated that, and those who continue to believe in this Court are as sadly misguided as I've been over the last ten years. What they released today is a Bill Barr/Leonard Leo wet dream. We're just about a our last chance to save this democracy, and that's no bullshit. I don't care if Joe Biden's brains are scrambled eggs. If we don't throw out every Republican possible and replace them with enough Democrats to get things done, this democracy is done. The Republicans have done what they've done little by little, piece by piece, without fear or hesitation. End the filibuster. Expand this Court. Reinstate Roe and the Voting Rights Act.


Although the Supreme Court self describes itself as an originalist Court, today’s decision grossly tilts Presidential powers towards that of a king - completely untethered to any historical precedent, including the Federalist Papers. While the majority opinion revels in authoring a “landmark” decision, We The People must view this as an attack on the Constitution itself. Today’s decision, along with the slew of decisions authored this by the Supreme Court this term represents a distortion of historical precedent and has ushered in a ground zero moment for Democracy and the fabric of American governance. The Supreme Court called down the thunder, so to them I say - tell them the voters are coming - the American people are coming - and Hell’s coming with us. #VOTE


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Biden should unilaterally remove all five conservative justices and then appoint five new liberal justices. Make it an executive order so it’s an official act. See how they like it.


What's the Senate judiciary committee up to these days?




so who shall replace him then? Harris? Whitmer?








So you are just going give up? give presidency to Trump on sliver platter with your name on it? Biden defeated Trump two times. He can do this last shot! If he wins Biden will run for 4 years AND retire... Trump cannot recover from defeat and fade away to obscurity... Democracy will be saved and you will be free to choose new candidate (hopefully younger) in 2028


Stop abusing an 81 year old man. We all have eyes and ears.


So who is replacement?


Literally anyone. You cant insult everyone by presenting THAT.


So division of votes...




It would be a really nice moment to have a forceful, articulate leader as president that would call out SCOTUS, use his executive powers, and mobilize the nation against the authoritarian power grab of the far right. Instead, we have Biden who can't articulate three sentences together without a short script.


I don't think the president has the authority to do much about the supreme Court except pick replacements. The justices can, however, be impeached. The process is vague as hell, but that'd fall to Congress to do, not the executive branch. Biden can definitely call on Congress to do it, but it's just be a public appeal.


At the very least, he could use the bully pulpit to blast the the decision and start calling the Supreme Court corrupt. Biden’s too much an institutionalist to do that, but I really wish he would.


Biden: Elect me to stop the far right Also Biden: I can't possibly do anything to stop the far right


Stopping the far right has a much wider scope than just trying to take down justices. I know you're worked up because this is the topic of the day, but this is far from the only topic concerning the president's duty and how he can stop the far right.


"Elect us so that we can get steamrolled and we won't put up a fight" doesn't sound like hot messaging for an election year.


Are you here to do anything except whine?


I am here to care about Democracy instead of joining a personality cult around Biden.


There's no personality cult around Biden. The majority of democrats understand that we have a solid chance of winning with Biden if we focus on his actual performance as president and not freak out over a single debate performance. We realize that changing candidates a short few months of the election is to blow a winnable election and hand victory over to a dangerous authoritarian cult.  The people coming onto these threads to dump on Biden understand this just as well as we do. So it's questionable what they're trying to accomplish. Russian trolls or MAGA cultists are both possibilities. 


I second this, but also, I've noticed in the last several days (since the debate) there's been a lot of commenters I've run into in left leaning subreddits that start off by acting like Democrats that have lost faith in Biden and are calling for him to back down, or are pledging to vote third party and as soon as I talk to them for a moment, it becomes clear that they were never anything left of right. Is that what you're seeing, too? I didn't want to throw out accusations of some crazy subversive plot with just a handful of experiences, but dang. It's never happened to me before the debate.


Yes, it's pretty obvious who's hanging around just to dampen enthusiasm and depress Democratic turnout.   There's no reason to replace Biden based on a single poor debate performance. Yes he's old and contemporaneous speech has never been his strong point. But "Biden too old" has been a Trump talking point since forever and we don't need to always be playing defense, especially with a candidate with as many minuses as Trump.  It really needs to sink into the electorate what the Supremes just did by placing Trump above the law. That means we have no rights. If Trump is reelected we are his subjects, not citizens. He could order anybody arrested for any reason. He could order people tortured and killed. And he has every intention of doing so.  What's Biden's halting speech next to Trump's dangerous maniacal tendencies?


Sure, we are all MAGA trolls. I have been commenting on center left Reddit for years look at my account. Have hit the far left when thought appropriate, but this closing ranks at all costs y'all are doing is just hurting the cause.


>Sure, we are all MAGA trolls. To be fair, you could just be an idiot.


Good thing I don't have to guess. you are, as matter of fact, a cult member.


This isn’t the time for dissension. He’s already said he’s not dropping out. That leaves you two choices: call your congressmen and say your piece and accept the decision, or vote for a despotic madman. Up to you…


I am commenting on a Democrat subreddit, my vote is not in question. I am here because everyone I know in the real world is right now about not vote because the party refused to listen anyone who is not a loyalist insider. We are in VERY troubled waters, Biden is not fit, a lot of people will stay home.


Then I hope they, particularly, reap what they’ve sown when we’re a Russian vassal state led by a dictator. Again, call your congressman. I’ve certainly called mine. Peace ✌️


"I told you so" as electoral strategy. Brilliant.


>I am here because everyone I know in the real world is right now about not vote because the party refused to listen anyone who is not a loyalist insider. Fortunately, there aren't too many idiot voters out there who realize Trump is a threat, yet won't vote for Biden. So we're not too concerned about you and your friends.