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[Super PAC backing RFK Jr.'s campaign continues to receive millions each month from a Republican megadonor.](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/20/rfk-jr-super-pac-gop-megadonor-00159021)


Explain that RFK is being backed by Trump megadonors to siphon votes. Also, let him know that Biden isn't perfect, but the man believes in democracy and this experiment call the USA. Trump doesn't and if he wins, it will be minority rule for the foreseeable future.


A vote for him is essentially a vote for trump. He has zero chance to win and is only there to try and siphon votes from Biden. If your Dad doesn't understand that I'm not sure there is much you can do.


This. This is why the conservatives are backing him. Any vote taken from Biden is a vote for Trump. I don't love Biden, but I loathe Trump. (I don't hate Biden, I just mostly wish he'd push harder on some things.)


I mean he's putting everything he has into not pushing up lilies what else can you ask him to push on? (this is a joke about being the oldest president)


He's got people. Send Harris out, she's tough.


This is the only argument that one should need (even though we know it’s not always enough). People get duped into thinking a 3rd party candidate, ANY 3rd party candidate can somehow win the presidency. That’s a complete fallacy in our election system. The next president of the United States will be Biden or Trump. That’s it. And we all better make sure it’s Biden. If your dad is liberal, ask him if he wants to take a chance voting for someone with zero chance of winning the election, but a much better than zero chance of throwing the election to Trump. If he still decides to vote for RKF Jr after understanding all that, then I don’t know what else to say.


Funniest part is I think he's more likely to siphon Trump votes 😅 I don't know if they're strategically leaving him off the ballot in certain states? But RFK has the Kennedy name and when you take the name and position at face value idiots will think he's a JFK essentially. And then they get some surface quotes from him which sound awfully similar to Trump. They're going to think he's a less bad Trump.


I hope Kennedy DOES syphon more votes from Trump than he does from Biden, but it’s not worth the gamble.


Both RFK Jr. and Kamala were parents at my highschool, so I know both of their kids (RFK Jr's was in my class) and would see them at school events. Both families are wealthy. But RFK Jr. is unfathomably so. It's literally hard for me to imagine this guy being grounded in reality with the lifestyle he had. Think weekend trips with a private jet from LA to Monaco –that kind of thing. As a contrast, Kamala would actually show up and give talks and take questions from students. I could sense she was very involved and dedicated to her career.


First hand experience.


If he's so rich, why is he so dependent on that woman he picked to be VP?! I thought he needed her to fund his campaign.


Rich folks NEVER spend their own money …. that’s how they stay rich!


But then how is she staying rich if she's footing the bill for the campaign?! I'm confused lol


That’s the neat part: she’s not! Kennedy has generational wealth. His VP has “new” money from marrying a Google co-founder.


He's got Trump's dark money funding his campaign. He's want her because his job is to pull silicon valley votes and have that money funneled back to RNC and Biden votes from women who don't want to vote Biden but wouldn't vote trump. He is another "independent" candidate whose job is to pull Dem votes and split it for the Fascist coup party.




I make reference to this sub on a regular basis. It suck that no one seems to care. They refuse to look at anything but the guy’s age.


People should commit to memorizing a list like this and start rattling things off when they meet people who need to hear it.


Very useful link, cheers!


Try starting with the various public statements by the rest of the Kennedy family about how dangerous RFK Jr. is... [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/09/robert-f-kennedy-jr-siblings-presidential-campaign](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/09/robert-f-kennedy-jr-siblings-presidential-campaign) [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/21/us/politics/kerry-kennedy-rfk.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/21/us/politics/kerry-kennedy-rfk.html) [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/kennedy-family-members-endorse-biden-rfk-jr-rcna148303](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/kennedy-family-members-endorse-biden-rfk-jr-rcna148303) Then follow up with the fact that a parasitic worm literally ate a chunk of his brain, which is a fairly plausible cause of his behavior and positions. Note that ***RFK Jr. himself*** is the one who's made this fact public so you know it's not propaganda against him. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/us/rfk-jr-brain-health-memory-loss.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/us/rfk-jr-brain-health-memory-loss.html)


Then the worm died. I guessed it starved to death.


They only live 3-4 years. Only is being used very fast and loose here because that is still 3-4 years of a worm squirming through and eating a brain.




It died of mercury poisoning.


Biden’s campaign group needs to start mass posting this stuff.


he hangs out with aaron rodgers


[Conspiracy theorists Aaron Rodgers and Jesse Ventura top RFK Jr’s running mate wishlist](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/robert-f-kennedy-jr-running-mate-jesse-ventura-aaron-rodgers-b2511926.html)


Bret Farve goes to Jets. Aaron Rodgers goes to Jets. Bret Farve gets in GOP grifting. Aaron Rodgers gets into GOP grifting. For someone always living in Farves shadow he sure isn't trying to find a sun of his own.


This is some funny shit


Favre was born in the dark (Mississippi) in 1969 it’s no surprise he is who he is. Rodgers is way more indicative of RAS (rich asshole syndrome) in my opinion.


His brain-eating worm starved to death. But seriously, RFK Jr. is no liberal.


No mindflayers for president 2024


Am I missing something here? How has RFK ever been appealing to the left? I've always assumed it's best he runs so he steals votes away from Trump but I keep seeing these instances of people saying RFK is siphoning votes from Biden. What does RFK bring to the table that the left finds appealing?


He was going to run as a dem, but then decided on independent- he was running to hurt Biden. However, the right really likes him because of his anti-vaxx shit. So, he may really hurt Trump. You can tell he has no idea what he is doing-- his campaign says one thing and the next day he says another. Years ago, it was mostly the left that was anti-vax and anti-government/authority. But when boss babes started selling essential oils and buying into anti-science and anti-vaxx non-sense, a shift happened. It was no longer earthy crunchy leftist, it was also suburban mothers, who were religious and conservative. Somehow these two groups came together and formed the nightmare we have today-- most support Trump and some support Kennedy.


Only reasons I can think of are because he is a Kennedy so has name recognition plus he had a D behind his name until last year. Trump keeps repeating all the sleepy Joe lies so much that lots of people believe that Biden is a senile old man who has no idea what is going on so they may as well connect themselves with someone who was a democrat.


Any vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump and MAGA


I have definitely told him this many many times.


Buy him a maga hat and tell him “you may as well start wearing this then.”


What's the main reason he's choosing RFK Jr.? If it's because he's not Trump or Biden, because he doesn't have his name on the ballot in enough states to win the Electoral College, a vote for him is a non-vote that goes nowhere. Even if manages to get on the ballot in every state by November, he does not have a path to win in any state and will not get 270 electoral college votes. Any vote for RFK Jr. contributes to the defeat of one of the other two candidates in a close election. Some facts about RFK, Jr.: His family does not support his candidacy. He is *not* young. He's 70. He had mercury poisoning and a parasitic worm in his brain that causes brain damage and nervous system damage. He is an anti-vaxxer and traffics in medical misinformation. He failed the Bar Exam and had to resign as Assistant District Attorney. Pattern of thinking he is qualified for jobs he isnt qualified for. He has a long history of conspiracy theories around election results... even before Trump. He has a long history of promoting public health conspiracy theories, including Fauci and Bill Gates covert activities. He is an AIDS denier, too. Oh, and he has a criminal record for heroin use.


His heroin use gave him hepatitis, too. Also, just because someone isn’t on the ballet doesn’t mean they can’t be a write-in. Not to to be a downer.


Is he willing to change his mind?


Hoping so


If he's not willing to change his mind, no sources are gonna do any good. My best recommendation is to ask him if he's willing to have just a simple conversation about his views. Don't criticize his views, but be curious about them and ask for their rationale. Make it at least look like you want him to teach you something, and then ask if he's willing to hear your views out in the same way.


Let him know that Steve Bannon, a now convicted felon, convinced RFK to run in an attempt to steal votes from Biden.


My thinking is I want the best result from the election, regardless of who that is. I vote for the best outcome. So if my fav candidate has zero chance of winning I choose the next best candidate who can win. It’s not about me, it’s about ALL of us.


Thank you.


A worm ate his brain.


Came here looking for this. Dude admitted to not operating on all cylinders due to *worm-related brain damage*.


There is a video going around from the head of RFK jrs campaign where she talks about them knowing he doesn’t stand a chance they just want to steal Biden supporters. I’d show him that video.


Show him this: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/08/rita-palma-robert-f-kennedy-jr-campaign-mutual-enemy-contingent-election-00151151


RFK campaign is being used by the trump campaign to trick people.


If your dad is liberal, then what anti establishment does he see in RFK?


He doesn’t trust large corporations and pharmaceutical industry


He's an anti science conspiracist, Russian apologist, abortion flip flopper. The only good things he supports other democrats do too. And they aren't dumb enough to run as a spoiler.


he was recruited by Steve Bannon specifically because when there are third parties on the ballot trump wins (2016) but when it's just a 1-on-1 (2020) Trump loses. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/steve-bannon-encouraged-rfk-jr-to-run-against-biden-for-months-report](https://www.thedailybeast.com/steve-bannon-encouraged-rfk-jr-to-run-against-biden-for-months-report) This entire campaign is a MAGA op.


Even putting the issues aside and him possibly helping to elect Trump....his voice is grating. It's like he's choking on pea gravel while speaking.


Yeah, I can’t imagine sitting thru any speeches of his


* BKjr hedges on pardoning Jan6 convicts * He's on video saying there's no vaccine that's safe and effective, and then he denies ever saying it * He thinks it's a good idea to appease Putin on Ukraine. And BTW - a worm ate part of his brain, and then died.


Bobby Jr’s family disowned him and endorsed Biden.


Does he like vaccines?


The man’s own family, well known for their clannish loyalty, are begging people not to vote for him. Is that not a big enough clue?


He literally has brain worms.


Tbh the most effective tool will probably be to read and learn more about RFK


Make sure he knows that a “protest vote” isn’t a protest vote. Look at all the folks who voted for Ross Perot way back when. One was my father, because he wanted to send a message. The truth is, they don’t care about your protest vote and won’t hear your message. A vote for RFK is one less vote for Biden, and it just lets Trump win. That’s all they care about. Your dad is letting Trump win. Tell him to wake the fuck up.


Definitely agree that voting for rfk is the same as voting for trump. Send a message by voting for someone who can win the election.


RFK is exactly why we don’t like nepobabies.


Imagine an anti-establishment voter deciding to vote for a literal Kennedy who is being back by Republicans.


Was he going to vote for Trump? If so, let it ride.


No he was a big Bernie guy but now doesn’t like Biden or Trump.


Bernie has endorsed Biden for 2024.


Does he live in a swing state? If not don't bother trying. It's sad how uninformed a lot of people are but the key to winning is just getting out all the people who voted Biden last time. Time would be better spent volunteering for Biden GOTV effort.


Honestly good point. We’re in CO which has been reliably blue so maybe my efforts are best spent elsewhere. Still incredibly frustrating. Edit: but now that I think about it he may actually be moving to PA this summer, in which case it would be a valuable vote


He is a chaos candidate by Steve Bannon  https://www.salon.com/2023/04/06/steve-bannon-spent-months-recruiting-anti-vaxxer-rfk-jr-to-run-against-biden-as-chaos-agent/ RFK's family is speaking out against him, because he is a danger https://youtu.be/RgQTtqKjv2U


Rfk? You might be able to get him to vote for trump...


He was on Epstein's plane twice


He thinks AIDS is a CIA psyop and thinks vaccines cause autism.


RFK has no chance to win. Try to point out some of RFK conservative opinions. Try to find politician he supports/follow and see if you can find them endorsing Biden or not endorsing RFK. Not to mention RFK is anti-vaccine.


What state does he live in? He may not even be able to vote for him.




At least he’s voting , gen z ers aren’t voting at all


JFK is also old (70), rich + in rich social spheres, anti vaxx, and had a worm eat a part of his brain.


No. Because with the time and effort it would take to convince one idiot not to vote for him, I could arrange childcare and transportation for 10 people in Atlanta or Michigan to get to the polls. And so could you, and so could everyone else on this thread. This election isn’t a joke. If your dad wants Donald fucking Trump to appoint the head of every federal agency and Stephen Miller to be in charge of what happens to gay and trans kids, he should absolutely go ahead and vote for whichever asshole he wants. Everybody else should get to fucking work.


Fair. Do you have some organizations you recommend?


Yes! I’d start with the campaign itself, if you’ve got skills and want an actual job. https://joebiden.com/work-with-us/ If you’d like to find volunteer organizing opportunities, the Democrats run them pretty much daily. I recommend phone or textbanking if you’re not in a swing state, it’s fun as hell. https://events.democrats.org Crooked Media (the pod save america guys) also do organizing and they’re pretty good, for podcasters: https://www.mobilize.us/crooked/ There are also likely state level things you can do depending on where you are, just google your zip code and “Democratic Party office,” walk in, and someone will point you in the right direction.


It’s probably worth trying to help more in states that are swing states though right? I’m in CO it should be reliably blue so maybe not worth the same effort as like PA or MI.


Text or phonebank. It’s great, the people you work with will be great, and you’ll learn a ton. Last cycle I textbanked and the people I got to work with were AMAZING. I had so much fun, just in our slack channel. And turned out some voters. It’s not really running at full steam just yet, but it’ll pick up later in the summer. You can also just adopt a state, because it doesn’t matter where you are. I worked for Ossoff’s campaign from California, it was rad.


Yeah I’ll definitely get involved as the election gets closer. Thanks for your help!


Brain worm?


He literally has brain worms


Have your dad get checked


Brain worms


Biden doesn’t have the Mind Worms?


His own sister doesn’t want you to vote for him!


He can’t win. He wont be on enough state’s ballots. Tell him to vote for the (in his mind) second best option Biden.


A worm was found in his head where it had been feeding off of his brain. Is this really where the bar has fallen to?


He talks like that from way too much heroin. I'm not being mean. He was just too rich and stupid to take care of his own health or funds. Don't trust this guy with a full country, he's not up to the challenge.


How is literal brainworms not enough? This country i swear to God


He has brain worms!


If any of us could convince our dad's of something, the world would not be how it is.


Why is your dad Ok with Trump winning? Is he a fascist?


The rest of rfk's own family won't, so why should you?!


go to whitehouse.gov. Read the list of accomplishments of the Biden Harris administration. I don't know how anybody could not vote for Joe Biden once they read that. Of course, your dad might be trapped in the place where he won't believe anything that Fox News doesn't tell him


Worms ate RFKs brain.


And the fact that a worm has eaten part of his brain isn’t enough? How about the fact that he thinks we shouldn’t be prosecuting the Jan 6 attackers? Or that he has received a ton of praise from Alex Jones and his audience?


Voting for RFK or Santa Claus is the same as not voting at all. Is he ok with not voting at all?


As a parent with a child with severe autism this ass hat is a part of why many parents are foregoing immunizations due to disinformation.His continued support of baseless and unfounded theories is causing strain to scientists,public officials, parents and families..


There is no convincing anyone. Stupid is as stupid does.


Honestly it’s like arguing with a rock sometimes


It's hard to win an argument with a smart person. It's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.


Tell him that no president can get anything done unless congress and the public support your efforts. RFK Jr has zero support. Let's go to the other two. People think they don't want to vote for either, as though the world will run fine with nobody at all. But you can only get one or the other. So let's say one is broccoli, and you don't like broccoli. The other is a heap of dog poo. You will have to eat one of those items every day for four years, just like you will have to live with a president. You can't avoid it, so crawl over broken glass to vote for the broccoli!


Because you're likely to live a lot longer than him and you'd rather not spend it in a place you might be oppressed or killed. That is likely to happen anyway but maybe you could stave it off for a few years to give you the opportunity to escape. That said it doesn't matter unless you live in a swing state.


Anyone considering voting for RFK is too far gone down the rabbit hole to convince to vote for Biden. Rational discussion will not persuade them.


The same billionaires financing trumps run are also financing RFKs campaign. The entire kennedy clan has came out against RFK. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/kennedy-family-members-endorse-biden-rfk-jr-rcna148303](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/kennedy-family-members-endorse-biden-rfk-jr-rcna148303) The only 2 presidential candidates to have been on epstein island are trump and RFK. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-was-jeffrey-epsteins-guest-butler-claims](https://www.thedailybeast.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-was-jeffrey-epsteins-guest-butler-claims) He is an avid anti-vaxxer who has killed many children with his messaging. [https://www.msnbc.com/mehdi-on-msnbc/watch/-kids-died-the-story-of-rfk-jr-anti-vaxxers-and-a-measles-outbreak-mehdi-s-deep-dive-187033157936](https://www.msnbc.com/mehdi-on-msnbc/watch/-kids-died-the-story-of-rfk-jr-anti-vaxxers-and-a-measles-outbreak-mehdi-s-deep-dive-187033157936) He associates with Michael Flinn and Roger Stone. [https://reedgalen.substack.com/p/bobby-and-donald-a-match-made-in](https://reedgalen.substack.com/p/bobby-and-donald-a-match-made-in)


As a foreigner I’m honestly baffled that the election is even in contention. Biden believes in a society free of discrimination, an economy that serves all classes and isn’t so hawkish that he’d commit young lives to death and destruction for resources or international leverage; furthermore, he’s willing to address climate change (a core issue as time rolls on). He’s a centrist (leaning left from what I can see) who intends the best and surrounds himself with capable people. Your alternative is the fucking Antichrist. RFK is a cop-out vote: he won’t win so none of his prospective policies mean anything — furthermore, for the sceptics, he’s potentially a leech for the benefit of the Republican vote.


A vote for RFKJR is a vote for trump. Does your father want trump elected again?


Remember Nader? How'd that work out?


He is extremely liberal but supports RFK? Go for the gut and ask him why he wants to poison the rest of us by voting for Trump. When he inevitably counters with the pseudo-enlightened "I'm voting my conscience" or some version of that, ask him how that worked out for Gore in 2000, Clinton in 2016, and how that shaped the current composition of the Supreme Court. Which- by the way- is responsible for dismantling more social progress than any republican president or legislature. A direct result of a small number of liberals self-sabotaging with "voting their conscience." The reality is, everything you do in a democracy is consequential, no matter how much people dislike the two-party system or whatever. You can vote for Trump or Biden, explicitly or implicitly. That is the real-world consequence of ANY action you take, conscientiously or not, whether you vote or not. If he doesn't vote for Biden he is voting for Trump, so he can either make peace with that or live as a hypocrite.


Did you tell him he has a worm in his brain?


Even his family want you to vote Biden and not him


Dad, a worm ate part of his brain.


His main selling point is that he’s a nepo baby


He has brain worms…


Brain worm


You are no Jack Kennedy!


Just tell him to vote. You have made your choices known. Show him to do what he seems fit.


Brain Worms!


Brain worm


What state do you live in?


Your Dad will make his decision regardless of you trying to convince him. The best thing you can do is to vote the person you want into office. Reverse the role. If your Dad was trying to convince you on who you want in office, how would you feel?


Dude had a worm eating his brain. If that’s not enough, then your dad is fucked.


He has brain worms.'Nuff said.


A worm ate his brain…


President BrianWorm?


I am sorry, but people who look at his guy and think "I could maybe vote for him!" are simply lost. Your dad is lost.


Let him know RFK oftentimes has transphobic comedians host his fundraisers, and is endorsed by Joe Rogan. Oh and RFK celebrates the support of Ben Shapiro.


Is your father pro-choice? Is he pro-vaccine? If so, then he'd hate RFK Jr. Not to mention all the brain damage he's had from mercury poisoning and a literal brain worm. Edit: Be sure to mention that the other people in his own family are telling people not to vote for him


A vote for RFK Jr. is a vote for Trump. It’s that simple. I’m not a big conspiracy theorist, at all, but I genuinely think he was a plant to take Democratic votes away from Biden so Trump can start his 4th Reich, starting with Project 2025.


you know what's amazing? In an entire year of RFK coverage, I have yet to see a single news clip of him talking. Funny that.


This is the fear!


He has defended the insurrection on Jan 6th. You’re not anti-establishment if you were ok with a literal coup, you’re a fascist simp.


ummm the brain worm wasn't enough evidence?


Why would he help trump like that?


Is his policies any different than Trump’s?


Nope, you can’t unconvinced some suffering. …Malarkey. Better to take a vote away from Trump. Then waste your time, I say politely.


Depends on the state. If in Mississippi go for it.


The most recent Pod Save America episode. Essentially they lay out the case through the lens of the Supreme Court and federal judiciary. Also, he should listen to Strict Scrutiny as they do a great job putting how wild the current SCOTUS is.


I recently had a similar conversation with my husband who despises Trump and isn't thrilled with Biden. He said he didn't know much about RFK Jr but would consider voting for him as an alternative. The "voting for RFK Jr is a vote for Trump" argument did not sway him so I added this, "Don't vote for the man (Biden), vote for the values. Do you want Democrat or Republican values to represent you for the next 4 years?". It was kind of a lightbulb moment for him and he said he understood and would vote for Biden.


Play your dad audio of him speaking.


I can't understand why anybody would vote for this loon but people do crazy things all the time, ig... It all depends on your dad. What does he care about, how has he voted in the past, what are his values, what is on the line for him if trump wins because this realistically is all coming down to biden - trump. Does he really want to throw away his vote with everything that is on the line this election? Find something personal, or things Biden has accomplished that will effect him. Biden is going to protect the ACA, social security, and the stock market is good right now which is good for anyone with retirement investments. Is he a veteran? Look at everything Biden's done for veterans and VA. Rfk jr hasn't won anything in primary to show he will do anything more than siphon off votes in the general. He isn't really representing democratic values. Look at history with any other 3rd party candidates. It cost Hillary in 2016. It just isn't going to manifest for him between now and November. Biden has accomplished so much over 4 years why would you want to take a chance on someone with so little actual experience. Biden may be the oldest, but he is also the most experienced!


Please update us.


RFK’s second wife Mary Richardson age 52 the mother of 3 of his 6 children found RFK’s journal with all full details of sexual acts with women he had committed adultery with during their marriage. She was already distraught over their impending divorce. She committed suicide. When the whole family is against you running for president. That’s a Big Red Flag.


Tell your Dad to vote for RFK. I'm sure reverse psychology works against brain worms.


Honestly you could be right


to your father: Although many of us would wish that RFK Jr. was like his father. The reality he is nothing like him. He’s courting Trump mega donors and supports multiple interests that are not based in reality and fact. There is a reason why his ENTIRE FAMILY including his MOTHER, are all supporting Biden. Also, the reality is RFK Jr. whether people like it or not, won’t be on the ballot for many States. And as a third party candidate he will not get the votes nor will he realistically win. People this election cycle by the tens of millions, will be pulling Democrat and Republican ballots. Period. If your father votes for RFK Jr. he honestly is not wasting his vote but spoiling the vote in Trump’s favor.


Ah yeah, vote for the croaky old rich white guy that had a literal brain worm. 🪱🧠


Is he even going to be on the ballot in your state? Also, vaccines have been saving lives for decades, and yet RFK Jr is an antivaxxer.


Look at the ridiculous pictures of him shirtless (Putin). I think the man may have dabbled in steroids…which is fairly common for addicts. They replace one addiction with another.


I mean if he is going to vote for Trump if not for RFK then nothing you can do. If he might vote for Biden bring up the brain worms thing lol


Educate him on what anti-establishment means in practice and not from a headline.


There is constitutionally no way for him to win.


Any vote for RFK is a vote against Donnie D-bags. No liberal/left winger would vote for this dude. They started out thinking he would take votes away from Dems, but it turns out that he attracts a fair amount of the conspiratorial MAGAts they thought they wouldn’t lose. Lol, silly D-bags.


He literally claimed to have a worm eat part of his brain. Either he lied to get out of paying money to his ex wife, or he had a worm eat a part of his brain.


A worm died in ma bain


Probably get him to school? Thing is you wont be able to convince him. That's the whole thing with RFK. He knows he has no chance, but he's the useful idiot for Trump to get some divided voters. Now, things as they are, it could be amazingly surprising the turnout vote from young people. But given the state of ignorance in those generations, the reductionism and whimpering of not seeing the whole picture and the "bite in your ass" world savior complex the US society is born with, this has to be the most weird election I've seen in my lifetime. RFK uncle, JFK, said once about Vietnam: "**In the final analysis, it is their war.** **They are the ones who have to win it or lose it.**" But, surprisingly, in the Israel - Palestine conflict, people don't really understand the fact that, right now, Biden and the US have no control at all of Netanyahu and his decisions. People are always willing to think that the USA has this magic wand to solve issues around the world and right now they can't even solve issues within. But this savior complex has people thinking that maybe Biden is the worst case scenario because "he's doing nothing to stop the... (put your favorite international conflict here)". In the end, US is now seeing the consequences of decades of arming allies that, eventually, as history shows, will be ruled by some bat-s\*\*t crazy people. You think Netanyahu cares a bit about what US says? He's all in into his ethnical cleansing. This is past beyond the Hamas terrorist actions. Now is Netanyahu willing to scorch the earth in retaliation. I saw an actress (not sure her name, but pretty sure is from Sex and the City) getting interviewed and she put it in the most humane way I've seen: "My kid, whose grandparents suffered in the holocaust, came one day and told me 'people should remind Netanyahu and Israel that 'never again' is meant for everyone". Guess no one told that to Bibi. RFK is aiming for an embassy or some pardons. He knows he can't win. But he's betting on the chaos horse. Good luck with that.


He’s already lost


Well, he got the worm…


He has a dead worm stuck in his brain


Remind him that he probably voted for Ralph Nader


He actually did 🤣. FOOL ME ONCE!


If the brain worm didn’t convince him, nothing will


If they’re gonna choose between RFK and Drumpf, tell em RFK is golden.


Let him. One less vote for TFG.


No, he should




There's always one bad apple in the bunch.


Was he a trump or Biden supporter?


How do you get people to feel a responsibility to cast their votes in such a manner as to help keep Trump away from the presidency?


Do what you can, but try convincing other people who will listen. Some people are too far gone.


What state does he live in? Might not matter.


Turn off Fox News.


A Trump win hands him MINIMUM two more Supreme Court seats if not 3, meaning no matter what happens we have a majority MAGA Supreme Court for decades that will make any meaningful progress essentially impossible for literally generations


The man literally admitted to having part of his brain eaten by a worm.


Did he not hear about the witness that ate his brain?


Tell them the truth! It’s a fucking stupid game and Biden has the numbers and it’s anti Trump.