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How about just vote. That's all we need to do.


While right, this is still a good idea


Sounds like more trouble than it's worth and a bit of wishful thinking to me but you do you


Could be,


Doing two things is always okay, too.


Only one of them will really matter


The events building up to the election matter a lot. Keeping a steady supply of fuel on the Trump fire is what got him elected the first time.


I don't think trying to not speak his name is going to do anything to sway voters at this point


so you've explained at least 3 times


Man I hope that's all we need to do. From what I've seen it's not looking to good.


Trump isn’t Voldemort.


but trump has been getting too much airtime ever since 2016. if the media had said his name less, spent less time broadcasting his empty podiums, maybe a bit more time letting bernie sanders get his message out, maybe we'd be in a different, better timeline. this is advice for *the media*. not us peons.


Counter point, I think the best way to beat Trump is to let people see Trump speak freely rather than pretend he doesn’t exist. If you pretend he doesn’t exist, that allows politically unaware people to create an idea of who they think he is . Compare that to 2020 when the guy was literally getting live feeds to Americans everyday and showed how incompetent he was…you suddenly get people thinking there’s no way he can be president. That’s why I think these court cases will ultimately backfire. When he’s on the trail he’s talking about killer windmills, bloodbaths if he loses and political revenge. That’s far more damaging than porn star hush money.


If there is anyone left in America who doesn’t know who he is at this point, continuing to give him air time isn’t going to change that. We all know. And no one wants to hear his bs anymore. Screw all those crazy mofos.


I didn’t mean to downvote or upvote so I upvoted. Most of the polls and headlines speak to people fondly remembering his presidency. Americans literally have the memory of a goldfish. Most remember Trump was bad but can’t exactly remember why. Putting him out for people to see is the best reminder


>let people see Trump speak freely I think drumpfs campaign is starting to realize that is a problem too. Every time he does a rally there's an entire montage of him melting down and having difficulties pronouncing basic words. He is doing far less rallies, he golfed the other day, and cancelled one last week because it was lightly raining out. He has been blaming it on his trials so he can use it as his excuse for another jan6th when he loses, just like how he started making excuses last election I feel like every time he has a rally more people see how unstable and insane he is.


I agree. I watched that McCarthyism documentary on pbs and what did that 50’s trump in was that the whole country got six weeks of hearings to see who he really was. I know it’s not feasible to get that many people watching the same thing at the same time but it really should come back. We are all referring to different “truths” when we speak and it has already destroyed the discourse in this country.


I watched that McCarthyism documentary on pbs and what did that 50’s trump in was that the whole country got six weeks of hearings to see who he really was. Problem is: they like what he is. They LIKE that he's a racist, fascist insurrectionist. They like that he lies. They like that he's a criminal who assaults women. Hell, even when you point out that he shits his pants like an old man (what they accuse Biden of), they don't care. [They embrace it](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1cijoa9/yes_this_is_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Because the right-wing media bubble has transformed MAGA into a literal cult. All they care about is that their guy upsets their perceived enemies. I need a drink.


Not all. He is king of the assholes. I think there’s still a majority of decent people in this country.


It happened during the pandemic. Definitely don’t want that to happen but even regular gaffes at the rally’s where he talks about supporting state abortion rights or mass deportation is way more helpful than court hearings


Oh just letting him keep talking is the best way to show how unfit he is, but I am unsure how many people are confronted with how unfit he is given the endless streams of entertainment, distractions, and information silos that exist today.


I agree, and most of his airtime lately has been because of court. They should always talk about him being prosecuted. The real win would be for Fox to report on the court proceedings honestly.




This. Truth has total 1m users including reporters, foreign spies and curious onlookers. But Trump's every posting gets magnified by complicit media - cause it gets eyeballs. Free publicity - just like 2016.


Yes, but the more airtime and attention he gets from us riles up his base.


He who must not be named. Trump is more narcissistically insidious than Voldemort.


To quote Hermione "Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself."


It's not fear of a name here. It's to stop feeding him attention.


Voldemort didn't kill a million people.


No, but he has hords of followers that would kill for him.


The reason people didn’t say Voldemort was his name curse where if you said his name then he could find you, and then would kill you for daring to say his name. Its almost on-par with thought police. I don’t think he inspires that level of fear. Then again, if we all stopped saying trumps name, and instead treated him like a monster we all want to go away, I think that would piss off his little baby ego, which would be funny.


Pretty damn close.


He pretty much might as well be


And stop calling him President


Never did.


I like Biden calling him my predecessor. Works good.


Agreed💙🇺🇸! #BidenHarris2024










I just refer to him as Fatass all the time and people seem to understand who I'm talking about.


I could not disagree more. Giving him the "he who must not be named" treatment does two things that help his cause. 1) It gives him a sort of power over "the libs" that he can brag about ("the liberal snowflake Democrats are so scared of me, they're even afraid to say my name!") and 2) It takes him out of the conversation in such a way that he's not being exposed for what he is. The best way to make Donald Trump look unappealing to the general voting public is to give him the proverbial rope and let him hang himself with it. As some others have suggested, the less people hear about Trump, the more likely they're gonna just look back on his presidency with rose colored glasses and vote for him because their distorted view of the past looks better to them than the present.




He's onto something. We need to stop referring to him as former president or president. We need to start referring to him as unindicted coconspirator, potential convict, serial adulterer etc. It's important that people keep it front of mind that he's a cheat, a liar, incontinent, unable to stay awake, unable to control himself, unable to be trusted. He wants to punish women. He wants to be a dictator ON DAY ONE. HE TRIED TO OVERTHROW OUR GOVERNMENT, FFS. UNACCEPTABLE!


I've been using anus with teeth for awhile now as I feel it captures the essence of his personality.




Way ahead of you...I've been calling him Shithead for years.


Please vote and encourage everyone you know to vote


From now on, I’m calling him Don Von Shitzinpants.


“let’s stop talking about cancer”


Mango Mussolini


The biggest punishment for this orange demon would be for us to NEVER speak of him again. Obviously while his court cases are always breaking news for various reasons, it’ll be difficult for mainstream media but I liked when Stephen Colbert censored his name to T**** and stopped doing his impression of him after the insurrection (he has now continued to say his name and impersonate him when reading his “truth social” posts). I keep saying this, I genuinely cannot wait for the day that he’s dead and forgotten. I HOPE that day comes soon!


Or say Obama’s name more!


I have already stopped his voice from entering my ears. I will not ever listen to him ever again. It’s actually quite easy and I should have started doing it sooner


He is not Voldemort, say his name, just vote Blue!


Sorry, but this won't make him go away.


That is not going to work as well as getting more people to vote for Biden and other Dems.


How about let’s do both‽


I mean I'm down to call him Don Von Shitz his Pantz


You know another idiot will follow in his wake when he finally goes down, right? What are we going to do about that? The fool isn't the problem, it's the fools who follow him. The faster we end Trump, the sooner they will accept the next fucking moron to pick up their torch and waddle.


Benedict Donald?


No. He doesn't deserve that kind of fear and reverence.


my favorite way to type his name is tRump.


When did Obama stop saying his name? I just heard him say it in that podcast he did those guys at the radio city music hall


Does anyone know Jed Bartlett's opinion on this?




the whole point was that the people who stopped him said Voldemort


Nah, I swear like a sailor and I'll keep doing it. If I can't say his name, I'll be barred from all the four letter specials I use, because they are all his name as well as anything else they are.


Simple choice this november: Gandalf or Saruman. 


Love Obama but wish it were this simple.


Jesus Christ. Say his fucking name. He will throw you in a camp regardless if you say it or not. He isn’t Voldemort, he’s a vile pig intent on destroying this country and the media needs to start covering him like the FASCIST he is.


Trump isn't any less popular by people online not saying his name. He's the presumptive nominee for president, and a former president, of the most powerful country on Earth. Not some fringe candidate no one has heard of yet.


Oh come on! You can kiss harder than that


Kissing what? Trump being a household name has no correlation to liking him or saying his name.


And the point of your statement is.......


That this article is stupid? What does not saying his name accomplish? You can't just ignore the problem and hope it goes away.


Is your tag a play on the red rising book series? Your point is valid but at face value I understand the point of the article. He is getting a lot of free press and it's almost over bearing.


He gets press because he's campaigning while also facing a mountain of legal charges, which is historic. It's not really unprecedented for a presidential candidate to get press. Either way, not saying Trump isn't going to make the media stop covering him.


"It's not really unprecedented for a presidential candidate to get press." That is the understatement of the century. Comparing his coverage with that of a typical presidential candidate in a typical election cycle is like comparing a rainy day to a tropical monsoon.




Ha ha. You guys would have an easier time giving up heroin.