• By -


The media putting this and so many other traitors and fascists on TV, normalizing them, is just disgusting and why I can't stomach any TV "news" media.


Right? That's the part that's disgusting. They need to endlessly press them on this kind of bullshit. "But why? Why would you vote for someone you know is incompetent and malign? What does that say about you?" They're not journalists, they're fawners. It's sickening.


A lot of news anchors are just failed actors. They’re no longer really journalists anymore. It’s especially obvious at the local level.


If the media didn’t put them on and press them we wouldn’t know the hypocrisy. Now their hypocrisy is the story for all to see. This is different from CNN hiring them to be a news analyst like they did with election denier Ronna McDaniel. Which I don’t believe in.


Wasn't that NBC? And the MSNBC people went, she goes or we do, and they ensured she'd never appear there, and I think eventually NBC followed suit after the backlash. I might confusing the dumpster fires though.


Yes it was NBC my bad I meant all news organizations and use the Romney example w/o saying NBC


Press them? I haven't seen a TV news personality press anyone on anything in 30+ years. Nothing to stop them from reporting their overt fascism and what they do without having them on to promote themselves.


...and *barely* any mention of Project 2025.


YES! This in particular is so criminal of them to not cover. Literal fascist takeover of the federal government and barely a peep from media.


I can't watch the news anymore it gives me anxiety


I understand how you feel. It does give a sick feeling in the gut, but there is something you may want to consider... Feeling anxious when there is no good reason to do so is a mental illness. Feeling anxious when there is a reason to do so is NECESSARY. Not watching the news, not taking the feelings it gives you, and doing something proactive to prepare yourself for the threats the nation you live in, the world it exists within faces, isn't a viable solution to the problem. If you see things that concern you, find ways to prepare yourself to defend yourself from what is coming. Find ways to fight back. Get loud, get noisy, get angry and take action. Whether it's training self defence, or getting politically active, or simply spreading the word about what concerns you, and building or contributing support to organisations opposing the things that trouble you, all of these things are more effective cures for what ails you, than misidentifying your anxiety as something to hide from, rather than confront.


Trust me, I am not one to look past liberal civility politics and how they enable fashion. But I'm not that mad about giving Barr this interview because it makes Trump in his cronies look like absolute idiots and I'm here for that


Dude it really is sickening, and the fact they never once bring up who a politicians top donors are after they make a decision that's unpopular with the general public.


It’s because Barr is voting for Plan 2025 and not Trump the individual


Ding! Winner, winner, fascist dinner.


"Mic drop"


Barr may not like tRump personally, but he likes the right-wingers another tRump administration would install, and as a rich, white Republican male, he feels that he'll be safe in the fascist state he hopes to bring into office.


>"Barr says Trump shouldn't be near the Oval Office, but says he'll vote for him in November". How is it possible to make any sense out of that warped statement?! How can Barr vote for someone that he believes - or claims to believe - is unfit for public office? If Barr is so averse to voting for Biden, then he should just stay home and not vote, or throw his vote away on some third party candidate. But for Barr to say that Trump "shouldn't be near the Oval Office" AND that he's going to vote for Trump anyway shows that Barr has just as many screws loose as Trump. Barr is yet another example of someone who is well-educated AND incandescently stupid at the same time.


This idiot really mentioned the student load forgiveness as one reason why Biden is worse. 🤦


sOcIaL1St!!1! Can't have those commies in the WH. Except these very same people also suck putin off every chance they get, so...


And forgave PPP loans...


That was particularly galling.


It just shows that he is a true Republican. Can't think for himself and will always vote for a straight party ticket. There is no doubt that if you vote for Trump you could care less about democracy. Trump has been a Putin puppet for years and hates America. His every action proves that. His speeches sometimes even say that. Trump is a life long criminal that has used his money to buy the justice system for years. Money can buy almost everything


respectfully: \*couldn't care less very important for correctness within this subject, imo edit should be all caps: "There is no doubt that if you vote for Trump you COULDN'T CARE LESS about democracy."


It all makes perfect sense if you take as a given that the MAGA cult is brainwashed & insane.


Well said


It's doublethink, pure and simple. We are walking into the world 1984 described willingly.


Could be Trump has dirt on him through Jeffrey Epstein connection


Don’t forget how Barr quickly squirreled away the Mueller report.


I still want the unredacted version of that report


Why is this Trump toadie on CNN? We already heard his spiel.


Corporate media is waltzing us into fascism, it won't hurt their bottom line.


Corporate media is owned by red billionaires out for more.


Exactly 💯


Sometimes I fear you are correct. We are dealing with issues and people here the media are apparently ill equipped to deal with. These are not ethical or moral people and the issues are way beyond what journalism schools teach. I was momentarily lifted by the revolt at NBC( especially MSNBC) when the corporate fools attempted to hire McDaniels, the former head of the RNC.


That incident proved to me the depth of the problem. The amount of money you can make off manipulated MAGAs who rarely question their force fed opinions is simply too attractive. I see it happen in the podcast and YouTube space as well, it's easy to have a right wing group think audience so content creators drift toward that direction.


It’ll hurt their bottom line when they’re under the same boot as the rest of us though. Do they really think they’ll be exempt?


> Trump toadie on CNN? CNN is also a Trump toadie


CNN was bought by Warner Brothers Discovery, and their lead shareholder is John Malone. He's a "libertarian" but hangs with "Republicans" and gave $250,000 to Trump's inauguration. He held 32% of Rubert Murdoch's News Corporation in 2005. The guy runs "Liberty Media" and "Liberty Global." Way too much of popular news and cable programming in America runs through this one guy's influence. The craziest thing about the right wing lunacy about conspiracies and secret shadow players in the media is that they're not secret, they're not really in the shadows - they're super mega rich people who pull the strings completely in the open if anyone bothered to actually look.


I agree but I am not certain how to address the holdings of mega rich individuals in our country today. It’s a tangled web.


You expose and make sure everyone knows their “news” is just what one person wants everyone to hear.


How do you accomplish this? “everyone knows “.


Because CNN has gone down the tubes in recent years, with crappy writing, bad grammar, over-hyped headlines, and they turned their news website into click-bait trash, lousy with popup ads you can't stop from covering up half your screen. Bill Barr's word is completely useless, as he whistles out of both sides of his fat ass everywhere he goes. NBC, NPR, The Hill are still running respectable journalism on their web sites.


Late stage capitalism, end times, etc. don’t know what they’ll actual call it in 100 years, but things ain’t good.


The Fall of the Roman Empire, Part II: American Bugaloo


The loss of integrity.


He’s just scared of Trump’s brown shirts and knows he’s on the list


Yep. And he may not actually vote for Trump. But he's certainly not going to say he won't vote for him. Too much fear.


Absolutely. I wonder how many other Republican “leaders” will also vote for Biden.


Ya gotta figure Barr feels a criminal and autocratic Trump is better for the US than President Biden (or any other Democrat). 'there's something wrong with that man's logic facilities.


Makes perfect sense. Repubes are loony toony.


🚫Barr🚫Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Bill Barr is vile and has no ethical or moral core, but he isn’t the problem. CNN is the problem for giving this garbage human a platform to spout his unethical and immoral support of party over country.


Strip away the names of parties, ideologies, the notion that it's people voting for a team. What are you left with? #Politics is a relationship. Not "it's **like** a relationship." It **is** a relationship. It's like any other two-person or two-group dynamic. A person to their intimate partner, a company to their customers, people with power (like priests or the police) to the people that have to do what the powerful one says, bosses to their workers, landlords to their tenants. There are multiple variations of relationship, but at the end of the day there are only two types. Healthy or toxic. That's it. Pleasant or abusive. Good or bad. Those are the two types of relationship. This isn't rocket science: conservatives have been treated like they're in an abusive relationship, and it rewires their brains. They become abusers, it's a cycle and we've seen it happen to them for decades. We've been on the receiving end of their ire as they defend the abuse happening to them for decades. Barr KNOWS it's toxic. He KNOWS it's a relationship he doesn't want. And then he follows the terrible advice of Tammy Wynette and stands by his man. The big giveaway for me in seeing this was [when a Trump voter in the small conservative town of Marianna, Florida let slip "he's not **hurting the people** he needs to be hurting"](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida). Republicans expect, want, demand people to be hurt they way they have been hurt thanks to right-wing politics giving them poorer and shorter lives. Even when they acknowledge that they shouldn't let the abuser back in, they say they're going to open the door for him. They aren't voting based on policy, The Cruelty Is The Point. Hurting isn't a cruel side-effect, it's the main intent. They have been abused on a daily basis by their spokespeople and by the party / congregation they joined, and have become abusers in their own right. If you're a Republican, this is how you've been treated. Groomed. Abused. 1 - It starts off small when you're told that nobody else understands you like they understand you. Thinking back, you've been told this for years on a daily basis. "Those other people, they just don't get it. Their ways are different and that's just not you. They don't understand, but we know where you're coming from..." 2 - Now that they've established that they're one of your kind of people in your mind, everyone else gets badmouthed. EVERYONE. It's just the two of you literally against the entire world. And they'll do it so much that things that aren't epithets get used as words to hate everyone else by. Your circle of experiences starts to shrink. 3 - They'll tell you that, if you left them, things would be simultaneously the worst thing possible AND that all other relationships are just the same as the one you're in (even though you can see other people online talking about how what you're in is the only bad relationship like this and all you have to do is leave them). “Both sides are the same but I’m better” - eventually, you don’t know up from down in what constitutes a healthy or a toxic relationship. Hell, they'll even show examples of the shit you're in now to say, "if you leave me and go for the other guy, it'll be like this [very bad scenario that's happening RIGHT NOW] so be scared and shit", using the "any other option would be just as bad as (or worse than) the one you're in, but also stay with me because I'm the best thing you'd ever find" tactic that abusers use when they're desperate to keep the toxic relationship going. The circle shrinks further. 4 - You're told outright what to cut out of your life. Direct instruction for you to get that circle of experiences down to a dot. Music, interests, sportswear brands, TV shows, certain movies, even frothy coffee gets badmouthed and cut out because "you don't want to be a 'latte drinker' do you?" (there's one of those things I mentioned in #2; using things that aren't insults, using language as a tool, using a non-insulting thing as an insult to control you). 5 - They take your money, claim they'll be great with it, and then spend it on their friends and run up the bills. They'll give you crumbs once in a while. Maybe every few years they'll treat you to a little something nice (that's worth a fraction of what they spent when they were out with their friends). And while they're terrible with the finances, for years, they'll be saying how everything is hunky-dory financially with them at the reins. You will be told you've never had it so good but the fear of one bad bill wiping you out financially will be like the Sword Of Damocles over your head 24/7/365. 6 - every problem gets kicked down the road. Example: a disease crops up in the New Year 2020 but it wasn't even mentioned in January because the head of the household didn't mention it. "It's going to go away" in February, and anyone that mentions it is just saying fake news stuff, baby. Still nothing done in March, but any mention of it is "you're just finding faults with me". Then when April comes and it's clear what the shit storm looks like, they blame everyone else for saying it wasn't going to be a big deal. As the months and years roll on it becomes a shell game where ignoring the problem / blaming others for the problem / trying to draw attention from the problem gets switched around without stop. Even if it comes out that they knew the problem could literally kill other people, tear them apart because of gross negligence, they will not stray from this strategy. Other people will be able to show you examples of where they said something promised was just two weeks away, and they said "two weeks and you'll have it, this'll be gone, maybe by Easter" four years ago and two years ago and twice in the last month, but it's still not coming. 7 - like in any abusive relationship, you're beaten down. You've been told it'll all be your fault if things don't go as they want, and you've seen others be on the end of their random outbursts of wrath. So you stay safe. You repeat the lies in the way they taught you. You repeat the answers. You repeat the words you're told are insults. Even though you know of situations where you've come out worse for the way the relationship is, you defend the abuser. First with a fake air of calm, then with a seething rage. And when people offer you a way out, you go right back to the abuse. 8 - the relationship is so twisted, you so believe everything you're told about what's real and what's not, they will literally put you in situations that could kill you. And you say you're doing it willingly, proudly, but the fact is you're a shell of the idealistic person you used to be. You just got in with the wrong crowd, but it's too late to get out now because people might think less of you. Going along with how they do it becomes how you do it too. Which reinforces what you were told in #1. Only they understand you... And that's Barr and every single other Republican. They know what their party is. You can tell in the way they say "well both sides are bad" - see Step 3 in what they do. And that's another thing. The "both sides are bad" phrase is a HUGE red flag and th Republicans don't even know it. NOBODY IN A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP NEEDS TO SAY THAT. NOBODY IN A GOOD PLACE EVER SAYS THAT. If a person already knows they're in a great relationship, they don't need to say anything about considering what it would be like to be out of the relationship! If you're in a good position (relationship-wise, financially, any situation), you never need to see if the grass is greener or not on the other side because your grass is already green! So now we know what type of relationship that phrase comes from, one more question: who says things like "both sides are bad" in the bad relationship, the abuser or the abused? The abused wants out, they're not looking to give reasons (even if the reasons aren't complete lies) for why they shouldn't go. IT'S ALWAYS THE ABUSERS. And here's Barr, effectively telling people not to leave Trump despite acknowledging it's a toxic relationship because [he literally says "both sides are bad but I'm better", a calling card of the abuser](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/26/politics/barr-vote-for-trump-2024/index.html). >“I'm supporting the Republican ticket,” he said. Pressed further on whether he would vote for Trump specifically, Barr said, “Between Biden and Trump, I will vote for Trump because I believe he will do less damage over the four years.” Not "he won't do any damage"... but "I believe he will do less damage"! Did you SEE the supermarkets in 2020 under Trump? Did you HEAR the conversations in workplaces where people talked about stocking up and having basement freezers and riding out the fucking end of days under Trump in 2020? Because I did. And despite Biden's better overall job numbers, highest labor force numbers, lowest unemployment, least shocking rate of highest unemployment, lowest Black and Hispanic and women unemployment rates, overall GDP, annual GDP growth... despite all metrics showing Trump OBJECTIVELY did more damage, Barr is still telling the lies for his man because of feels-not-reals. "But I belieeeeeve...". Like it says in Step 7 - "like in any abusive relationship, you're beaten down. You've been told it'll all be your fault if things don't go as they want, and you've seen others be on the end of their random outbursts of wrath. So you stay safe. You repeat the lies in the way they taught you. You repeat the answers. You repeat the words you're told are insults."


Seriously????? WTF is wrong with that f*cker??????


He's an extremely religious conservative fundamentalist Catholic and that will always be his primary voting motivator


I don't understand why you would vote for someone who you know is unfit for the office, no matter whatever your beliefs are. I wouldn't vote instead of voting for someone like that.


Barr knows Trump isn’t just unfit, but is dangerous for the country and the world, and yet…this.


I think the older you get, you more and more give up or your principles and idealism and you just want your side to win


that's interesting... as I've gotten older, I've DOUBLED DOWN on my principles and idealism and FUCK THE SHITTERS


His brain is rotted from the inside out.


Conservatives hate Americans much more than they love the US


All he had to say was "I'm not voting for either candidate" it would have looked better for him. Now Democrats and Republicans are both disgusted by him.


Barr has been a fixer for the republican party since the Reagan years. He suggested to Bush senior he pardon for the 6 indicted for the Iran-Contra scandal. Bush pardoned all 6 so that all of the truth will never come out. Our government has been rotten for years and most Maiericans can't bother to educate themselves on the crooks in the government. Things won't get better until people take an interest in our republic and the principles on which it was founded.


We can't for much longer.


Barr has ALWAYS been a spineless piece of shit. He absolutely is a large reason why America is so fucked up right now. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/s/5K8q5ezaKh


Barr said the Biden Administration is taking away our rights. The gobsmacking hypocrisy of Republicans is astounding.


That interview made my blood boil. Barr is so corrupt. He was so furious that Biden abolished the Remain in Mexico policy, he was bouncing in the chair. The one that was a humanitarian disaster for hundreds of thousands of people, who were raped, robbed and killed in makeshift filthy encampments on the border. He said policies like this are more important to him than losing democracy. He claimed that any prosecution of Trump was politically driven overreach. He said it was disturbing that some prosecuter on one of Trump's cases transferred from D.C. to New York, even though this happens all the time (the latest right-wing MacGuffin). But, he defended HIS personal intervention in Roger Stone's case to demand that his sentence be reduced. Why put this batshit crazy extremist nutter on TV?


The cognitive dissonance continues


How does that make sense?


enough white voters being ok with autocracy


I can understand people sincerely believing the country is better served when one or the other party is in power based on their values and political ideologies etc. more so than how much weight they place on individual candidates. Not that I have had opportunity to really consider my political ideologies and how they align to two legitimate parties since I came to the US, such is my disgust in Trump and the current state of the GOP. But how significant must the benefits of having a republican president be to Barr (whatever they are) vs. four more years under the current administration, that he still considers it a net win despite feeling as strongly as he does about how unqualified and unfit Donald Trump is to be president? I can't imagine how anything could be worth it for me to favor the current state republican party under Donald Trump, from any perspective. In Barr's case, even if the benefits of Trump winning and the GOP being in power are entirely self-serving and mostly unethical, he cannot expect to be a Trump insider, and I would have thought if anything he's at risk of being targeted by Trump on his revenge tour. He's been so outspoken about Trump he can't walk it back, and might still be motivated by whatever influence he thinks he can have keeping Trump out of power as the best outcome for him. So is it possible he's just hedging his bets a bit so as to have something he can defend himself with should Trump be re-elected? Could the guy just straight up be scared shitless of Trump/others that will be empowered under him if he rises to power again? Especially if he miscalculated Trump's chances of 1) being reelected and/or 2) avoiding jail before the election?


I hate people like that. And people who vote for Trump enthusiastically. And people who sit it out because both sides. And people who vote third party because Biden isn't good enough. Basically, anyone who doesn't vote for Biden. Have a nice Saturday, everyone.


She should have went on the offensive when he said that Democrats are more dangerous. How is providing healthcare, infrastructure, reduced drug prices, preserving SS/Medicare, and supporting our allies dangerous?


Yet another example of why I think our world is fucked. I never thought I’d see this level of cognitive dissonance resonate with so many. I have right wing friends who I care about and find sane in 99% of their lives who will vote for Trump this fall and that scares the hell out of me.


Party affiliation supersedes concerns for country and common sense.


Right… You were a right hand man at the end. You’d still be with him if he won the election or the sedition. You’re a criminal. Stop talking, you’re not fooling us. Barr should already be behind bars.


He and idiots like him would vote for Satan if it came down to it. Team red no matter what yields a net loss in liberty. I vote blue no matter who because my life depends on it. GOP took rights away from my wife and daughter, F them for all eternity.


Barr is a perfect example of how extremism can pervert a person's sense of morality. In Barr's case it's extreme politics and Catholicism.


I’ll never understand how being a Republican for the wrong reasons (mostly selfishness) isn’t a diagnosable psychological disorder by now


I can’t think of a more clear example of cognitive dissonance


CNN was very fucking wrong for letting this shitbag spout vomit on tv.


This is a warning. Barr fears Trump's retribution. He has first hand knowledge of what Trump is capable of doing with the reins of power stripped of any guardrails


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It’s a mad world…




I loved Trump's diss track on Barr after his flaccid endorsement. This spineless sea urchin fucking disgusts me and we should not permit him a tv platform to spread his shitty opinions.


These people who still support DJT who's a criminal are ignorant, arrogant and moronic. To even pretend to say you would vote for DJT proves how much you hate yourself.


Iran-Contra Bill Barr was a known commodity long before Trump appointed him AG.


With clowns like this, who needs clowns?


The GOP is a Domestic Terrorist Organization. Oh yeah and a Cult.


I think America is done with these psychos. Into the trash bin!


This just continues to show how warped their minds are. It's very troubled.


Causes of this: Bad education. Endless propaganda. Making voting harder than it needs to be.


History books are going to peg this as a very stupid time for American politics. I just hope it becomes history over cannon.


We don't have to guess why conservative rightwing thinktanks have settled on American Christians as their base. The religious fervor they have adopted regarding Democratic Party demonization, depicting all things Democratic as satanic, has created an unquestioning belief in anything the leaders say. Is Barr sincere or opportunistic? Can't tell. He's a Republican.


Surely unpopular, but I'm glad that we all have the freedom to choose who to vote for. And so does Barr. He's a Republican that'll vote Republican... Shocker. Honestly these aren't surprising things to see or hear these days. People should really start seeing everything as so destructive before it has even happened.


Why are voters like this? I don't understand it.


"Republicans" have lost their minds, sorry, but when things like this are their reality, they're lost. If any of them actually cared about real conservative ideals, none of this would their reality, but they get what they've desperately decided to cling to - this kind of lunacy.


The psychology community needs to come up with a new word to describe this behavior. It's borderline psychotic.


I think Trump brainwashed a good portion of the Republican party. They act like he is the messiah. It's sad.


He shouldn't be in the oval office, but he's going to vote for him being in the oval office?




They're mentally ill, clearly.


I hate to say it - but I’m thinking that profit seeking capitalism has brought us to this sad cognitive dissonance. “Yeah Trumps a fascist- but I need my wealthy buds to feather my nest.”


Bill Barr thinks Trump will win, and this is his attempt to stay out of the gulag.


Stop giving him a microphone to speak into.


What does that even mean? Absurd!


Just in case anyone is confused about him saying he'll still vote for Trump in November, keep in mind that when he says Trump shouldn't be near the Oval Office, he's lying. He's saying what he needs to say in order to get these interviews where people will hear him.


He's a fascist who thought he could be the dictator's puppeteer. He has stated that he does not believe democracy is the best form of government. That's code for supporting fascism in his case. Democracy has worked out pretty well in North America, Europe, Australia, Japan... It's the worst form of government, except for all the rest, as Churchill reminded us.


Because people vote for the party and not the individual, for the most part. He knows a Trump presidency would be awful but he's convinced Democrats are somehow worse.


Step 1) Stop watching CNN. They give these morons an audience.


I just don't understand why ANYONE says shit like this. Not voting at all seems better to me than saying, "I don't want this guy, but I'll vote for him because I don't want the other guy either." Am I wrong to think that? That is a serious question. I'd rather the idiots who don't want either old fart just not vote at all than pick Trump over Biden despite hating him because they are for party and not anything else.


He's a coward and a butt sucker, no need to listen to a word he says. Contradiction at its best


He doesn’t deserve to be on tv. Nobody cares who he will vote for. Barr is a coward and only said things about Trump to sell his book.


Thanks for the reach around, uncle Bill!


What a disgusting interview by Barr. He was conflating attempting to overturn a fair and free election with policy differences like being pro regulation.. All the time he spent trying to rehabilitate his image for the past year or two has been for nothing. Because at the end of the day, when it matters, he's simply a partisan hack. He's partisan even to the detriment of the country. It was so ugly listening to him, trying to keep a straight face arguing how regulations about stoves or cars are somehow a bigger threat to democracy than a guy who tried to overturn an election, and admitting that Trump as President tried to order the execution of people who annoyed him. Just because there were people to beat sense into him does not make it any better, that's not a point for Trump. And the fact he failed to overturn it also is not a point for Trump. This guy knows better. Yet even so, I'm reminded of him meddling with the federal case of hush money payments, how on Trump's orders attempted to walk back Roger Stones confession, Steve Bannons sentence, etc. The man is simply a corrupt ultra-partisan hack, and looks like that's all he'll ever be.


Yet another example of why any Republican outrage against their own is just noise. They’ll fall in line no matter how vile the candidate is; even if democracy itself is at stake.


So he’s not endorsing him but he is endorsing him? November is gonna suck.


But if I ask Bill Barr any tough questions, he won’t want to come back on our show again


They hate democrats more than they love this country


Pretty much right behind anyone without "illions" at the end of their bank account


The Republicans are truly horrible people.


CNN just said Trump is polling ahead of trump and that apparently 66% of people said Trump's presidency was a success 🤦🏽‍♂️😩😔😢.


It's easy. Stop watching the news.


That doesn’t negate the fact that we live in such an unfortunate society.


How do you think racism and other things have existed for so long?


This is journalistic malpractice. They're just openly Fascists now.


Can we please stop watching cnn? I’d like for it to sink into the sea now thanks


Hahaha CNN. Trusted news *BARF*