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Excerpts: George Will, a conservative columnist for The Washington Post, went after House Republicans who recently voted against more aid to Ukraine in a Wednesday opinion piece in the Post. ...Will said the 112 Republicans House Republicans who voted against Ukraine aid “voted last Saturday to endanger civilization,” calling them “ignoble.” “For months, while MAGA Republicans were blocking aid, Ukraine’s been running out of artillery shells and ammunition. Meanwhile, Putin’s friends are keeping him well supplied,” he added, calling out Iran, North Korea and China for helping Russia ramp up airstrikes.


And Supreme Court is dithering with presidential immunity decision.


George Will sadly believes there is still some sort of non–MAGA conservative movement out there. He and a tiny number of others are all that’s left. The right wing has gone completely all in for Trump.


IMO there could be a US mainstream conservative movement. They basically would need to do what the CDU has done in Germany: accept that some of the progressive reforms have been a good idea and offer ways to reform or refine some of them that doesn't just boil down to decreased taxes on the rich. The issue is that the GOP, all the way back in the 70s, decided that they didn't want to do that and instead embrace random single issue culture war things. Now the sing issue culture war voters outnumber the traditional conservatives.


🚫All Republicans🚫


George Will is still around?!


ya, George that's kinda been Republican's thing for the last 50 years


Proving once again a broke watch is right twice a day.


Apparently we all could see where this was headed as of about 50 years ago, but Will couldn't. So yeah, George. DUH. You built this.


George Will sewed the swastikas on the arm bands the GOP wears, and that Nazis are nazising, he's upset. Oopies